18,538 research outputs found


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    Forests are the lungs of our planet. Conserving the plants may require the development of an automated system that will identify plants using leaf features such as shape, color, and texture. In this paper, a leaf shape descriptor based on sinuosity coefficients is proposed. The sinuosity coefficients are defined using the sinuosity measure, which is a measure expressing the degree of meandering of a curve. The initial empirical experiments performed on the LeafSnap dataset on the usage of four sinuosity coefficients to characterize the leaf images using the Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBF) and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) classifiers achieved accurate classification rates of 88% and 65%, respectively. The proposed feature extraction technique is further enhanced through the addition of leaf geometrical features, and the accurate classification rates of 93% and 82% were achieved using RBF and MLP, respectively. The overall results achieved showed that the proposed feature extraction technique based on the sinuosity coefficients of leaves, complemented with geometrical features improve the accuracy rate of plant classification using leaf recognition

    Feature decision-making ant colony optimization system for an automated recognition of plant species

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    In the present paper, an expert system for automatic recognition of different plant species through their leaf images is investigated by employing the ant colony optimization (ACO) as a feature decision-making algorithm. The ACO algorithm is employed to investigate inside the feature search space in order to obtain the best discriminant features for the recognition of individual species. In order to establish a feature search space, a set of feasible characteristics such as shape, morphology, texture and color are extracted from the leaf images. The selected features are used by support vector machine (SVM) to classify the species. The efficiency of the system was tested on around 2050 leaf images collected from two different plant databases, FCA and Flavia. The results of the study achieved an average accuracy of 95.53% from the ACO-based approach, confirming the potentials of using the proposed system for an automatic classification of various plant species

    Banana Leaf Disease Identification Technique

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    There is no machine learning techniques have been used in an attempt to detect diseases in the banana plant such as banana bacterial wilt (BBW) and banana black sigatoka (BBS) that have caused a huge loss to many banana growers. The study investigated various computer vision techniques which led to the development of an approach that consists of four main phases. In phase one, images of Banana leaves were acquired using a standard digital camera. Phase two is the preprocessing phase where resizing and morphological operations occur. Next phase is the segmentation phase which translates RGB(Red Green Blue) image to YCbCr (Luminance Chrominance) color space which is then converted to a gray scale image and finally to a binarized image using Adaptive Contrast Map method. Next is the feature extraction phase where extraction of leaf features like color, texture and, shape occurs. Then comes the prominent phase were classification done Using Support Vector Machine classifier as classifier. Lastly, the performance of the classifier is evaluated to determine whether a leaf is diseased or not

    An effective feature extraction method for rice leaf disease classification

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    Our society is getting more and more technology dependent day by day. Nevertheless, agriculture is imperative for our survival. Rice is one of the primary food grains. It provides sustenance to almost fifty percent of the world population and promotes huge amount of employments. Hence, proper mitigation of rice plant diseases is of paramount importance. A model to detect three rice leaf diseases, namely bacterial leaf blight, brown spot, and leaf smut is proposed in this paper. Backgrounds of the images are removed by saturation threshold while disease affected areas are segmented using hue threshold. Distinctive features from color, shape, and texture domain are extracted from affected areas. These features can robustly describe local and global statistics of such images. Trying a couple of classification algorithms, extreme gradient boosting decision tree ensemble is incorporated in this model for its superior performance. Our model achieves 86.58% accuracy on rice leaf diseases dataset from UCI, which is higher than previous works on the same dataset. Class-wise accuracy of the model is also consistent among the classes

    A Model of Plant Identification System Using GLCM, Lacunarity And Shen Features

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    Recently, many approaches have been introduced by several researchers to identify plants. Now, applications of texture, shape, color and vein features are common practices. However, there are many possibilities of methods can be developed to improve the performance of such identification systems. Therefore, several experiments had been conducted in this research. As a result, a new novel approach by using combination of Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix, lacunarity and Shen features and a Bayesian classifier gives a better result compared to other plant identification systems. For comparison, this research used two kinds of several datasets that were usually used for testing the performance of each plant identification system. The results show that the system gives an accuracy rate of 97.19% when using the Flavia dataset and 95.00% when using the Foliage dataset and outperforms other approaches.Comment: 10 page

    Sabanci-Okan system at ImageClef 2011: plant identication task

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    We describe our participation in the plant identication task of ImageClef 2011. Our approach employs a variety of texture, shape as well as color descriptors. Due to the morphometric properties of plants, mathematical morphology has been advocated as the main methodology for texture characterization, supported by a multitude of contour-based shape and color features. We submitted a single run, where the focus has been almost exclusively on scan and scan-like images, due primarily to lack of time. Moreover, special care has been taken to obtain a fully automatic system, operating only on image data. While our photo results are low, we consider our submission successful, since besides being our rst attempt, our accuracy is the highest when considering the average of the scan and scan-like results, upon which we had concentrated our eorts

    Plant image retrieval using color, shape and texture features

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    We present a content-based image retrieval system for plant image retrieval, intended especially for the house plant identification problem. A plant image consists of a collection of overlapping leaves and possibly flowers, which makes the problem challenging.We studied the suitability of various well-known color, shape and texture features for this problem, as well as introducing some new texture matching techniques and shape features. Feature extraction is applied after segmenting the plant region from the background using the max-flow min-cut technique. Results on a database of 380 plant images belonging to 78 different types of plants show promise of the proposed new techniques and the overall system: in 55% of the queries, the correct plant image is retrieved among the top-15 results. Furthermore, the accuracy goes up to 73% when a 132-image subset of well-segmented plant images are considered

    Automatic Paddy Leaf Disease Detection Based on GLCM Using Multiclass Support Vector Machine

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    The paddy leaf diseases have increased rapidly in the recent years because of globalization, environmental pollution and climate changes which reduce the production of rice and economy of the country. For healthy growth of rice plants there is a need of automatic system which can detect the paddy diseases automatically on time to give the proper treatment for the affected plants. In this paper, we proposed a methodology to develop an automatic system for detect the paddy disease which are Paddy Blast Disease, Brown Spot Disease, Narrow Brown Spot Disease using MATLAB. This paper concentrate on the image processing techniques used to enhance the quality of the image and Multiclass Support Vector Machine to classify the paddy diseases. The methodology involves image acquisition, pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction and classification of the paddy diseases. Image segmentation technique is used to detect infected parts of leaf by using canny edge detection, multilevel thresholding and region growing techniques. We extract texture features using GLCM (grey level co- occurrence matrix) techniques, additionally we extract color and shape features to improve the accuracy of the framework   and use Multiclass Support Vector Machine for classification. We achieved 87.5% accuracy for the test dataset.&nbsp