75 research outputs found

    Leaders and Followers Algorithm for Balanced Transportation Problem

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    Leaders and Followers algorithm is a metaheuristic algorithm which uses two sets of solutions and avoid comparison between random exploratory sample solutions and the best solutions. In this paper, it is used to solve the balanced transportation problem. There are some modifications in the proposed algorithm in order to fit the algorithm to the problem. The proposed algorithm is evaluated using 138 problems. The results are better than the results obtained by other algorithm from previous studies. Overall, Leaders and Followers algorithm has no difficulty in finding optimal solution, even in problems that have large dimension, number of supply and number of demands

    Invited paper: A Review of Thresheld Convergence

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    A multi-modal search space can be defined as having multiple attraction basins – each basin has a single local optimum which is reached from all points in that basin when greedy local search is used. Optimization in multi-modal search spaces can then be viewed as a two-phase process. The first phase is exploration in which the most promising attraction basin is identified. The second phase is exploitation in which the best solution (i.e. the local optimum) within the previously identified attraction basin is attained. The goal of thresheld convergence is to improve the performance of search techniques during the first phase of exploration. The effectiveness of thresheld convergence has been demonstrated through applications to existing metaheuristics such as particle swarm optimization and differential evolution, and through the development of novel metaheuristics such as minimum population search and leaders and followers

    Comprehensive Taxonomies of Nature- and Bio-inspired Optimization: Inspiration versus Algorithmic Behavior, Critical Analysis and Recommendations

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    In recent years, a great variety of nature- and bio-inspired algorithms has been reported in the literature. This algorithmic family simulates different biological processes observed in Nature in order to efficiently address complex optimization problems. In the last years the number of bio-inspired optimization approaches in literature has grown considerably, reaching unprecedented levels that dark the future prospects of this field of research. This paper addresses this problem by proposing two comprehensive, principle-based taxonomies that allow researchers to organize existing and future algorithmic developments into well-defined categories, considering two different criteria: the source of inspiration and the behavior of each algorithm. Using these taxonomies we review more than three hundred publications dealing with nature-inspired and bio-inspired algorithms, and proposals falling within each of these categories are examined, leading to a critical summary of design trends and similarities between them, and the identification of the most similar classical algorithm for each reviewed paper. From our analysis we conclude that a poor relationship is often found between the natural inspiration of an algorithm and its behavior. Furthermore, similarities in terms of behavior between different algorithms are greater than what is claimed in their public disclosure: specifically, we show that more than one-third of the reviewed bio-inspired solvers are versions of classical algorithms. Grounded on the conclusions of our critical analysis, we give several recommendations and points of improvement for better methodological practices in this active and growing research field.Comment: 76 pages, 6 figure

    Experimental analysis on the operation of Particle Swarm Optimization

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    In Particle Swarm Optimization, it has been observed that swarms often stall as opposed to converge. A stall occurs when all of the forward progress that could occur is instead rejected as Failed Exploration. Since the swarms particles are in good regions of the search space with the potential to make more progress, the introduction of perturbations to the pbest positions can lead to significant improvements in the performance of standard Particle Swarm Optimization. The pbest perturbation has been supported by a line search technique that can identify unimodal, globally convex, and non-globally convex search spaces, as well as the approximate size of attraction basin. A deeper analysis of the stall condition reveals that it involves clusters of particles that are performing exploitation, and these clusters are separated by individual particles that are performing exploration. This stall pattern can be identified by a newly developed method that is efficient, accurate, real-time, and search space independent. A more targeted (heterogenous) modification for stall is presented for globally convex search spaces

    Dynamics of Organisational Wisdom

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    This paper introduces the notion of organisational wisdom. While wisdom has been largely neglected in the management literature, there appears to be an increasing interest in wisdom and its practical application across a wide range of disciplines. A small, but growing number of writings drawing on the ancient wisdom traditions such as Zen Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism, and discussions of spirituality and soul in the workplace indicate that that the hard edge of management is softening to holistic and philosophical considerations. Facets of wise thought and action are central to burgeoning disciplines such as business ethics, sustainability, transformational leadership, corporate citizenship and social responsibility, and workplace democratisation. Built on the principles and practices of organisational learning and knowledge management, but surpassing them in their ability to foster learning, understanding, commitment, and “doing the right thing,” organisational wisdom provides an aim worth striving for. This paper identifies and explains important elements of organisational wisdom, and describes their interaction as a dynamic, complex system. Understanding this system illuminates causes of organisational learning problems, permits targeting key sticking points and levers for change, and suggests strategies for more effective learning and the achievement of important performance outcomes

    Evolving machine learning and deep learning models using evolutionary algorithms

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    Despite the great success in data mining, machine learning and deep learning models are yet subject to material obstacles when tackling real-life challenges, such as feature selection, initialization sensitivity, as well as hyperparameter optimization. The prevalence of these obstacles has severely constrained conventional machine learning and deep learning methods from fulfilling their potentials. In this research, three evolving machine learning and one evolving deep learning models are proposed to eliminate above bottlenecks, i.e. improving model initialization, enhancing feature representation, as well as optimizing model configuration, respectively, through hybridization between the advanced evolutionary algorithms and the conventional ML and DL methods. Specifically, two Firefly Algorithm based evolutionary clustering models are proposed to optimize cluster centroids in K-means and overcome initialization sensitivity as well as local stagnation. Secondly, a Particle Swarm Optimization based evolving feature selection model is developed for automatic identification of the most effective feature subset and reduction of feature dimensionality for tackling classification problems. Lastly, a Grey Wolf Optimizer based evolving Convolutional Neural Network-Long Short-Term Memory method is devised for automatic generation of the optimal topological and learning configurations for Convolutional Neural Network-Long Short-Term Memory networks to undertake multivariate time series prediction problems. Moreover, a variety of tailored search strategies are proposed to eliminate the intrinsic limitations embedded in the search mechanisms of the three employed evolutionary algorithms, i.e. the dictation of the global best signal in Particle Swarm Optimization, the constraint of the diagonal movement in Firefly Algorithm, as well as the acute contraction of search territory in Grey Wolf Optimizer, respectively. The remedy strategies include the diversification of guiding signals, the adaptive nonlinear search parameters, the hybrid position updating mechanisms, as well as the enhancement of population leaders. As such, the enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization, Firefly Algorithm, and Grey Wolf Optimizer variants are more likely to attain global optimality on complex search landscapes embedded in data mining problems, owing to the elevated search diversity as well as the achievement of advanced trade-offs between exploration and exploitation

    Modelo y desarrollo de un sistema de gestión óptima para una microrred empleando algoritmos bio-inspirados

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Las fuentes de energía renovable (ER) permiten una alta disgregación, por lo que hacen posible generar la energía que se utilizará en el mismo sitio de su aprovechamiento. Esto favorece un cambio en la estructura de las redes eléctricas, permitiendo pasar de un esquema de generación centralizado a un esquema distribuido. Sin embargo, las fuentes de ER son altamente dependientes de las condiciones medioambientales como la radiación solar, la nubosidad, el viento, entre otros, por lo que lograr un sistema de generación basado en energías renovables es un reto en la actualidad. Los sistemas de generación que integran fuentes renovables tienen que ser capaces de establecer estrategias de control y gestión de la energía que para hacer un uso eficiente de ella e intentar cubrir la demanda de energía de forma óptima al combinar más de un tipo de fuente y sistema de almacenamiento, siendo posible operar de manera aislada o conectada a la red eléctrica. En la actualidad es de interés el estudio, desarrollo e implementación de sistemas gestores de la energía (SGE) para microrredes eléctricas híbridas, que permitan aumentar su eficiencia, fiabilidad, y disminuir los costes de instalación, operación y mantenimiento. Diversos estudios de investigación han probado múltiples estrategias, desde SGE basados en reglas, algoritmos comparativos, controladores clásicos, y en años recientes, la integración de algoritmos de optimización bio-inspirados e inteligencia artificial. Estos algoritmos han mostrado ser una alternativa interesante a las técnicas clásicas para la solución de problemas de optimización y control en diversos problemas de ingeniería, su aplicación en el ámbito de las microrredes sigue en estudio y en ello se basa este trabajo de investigación. Los algoritmos bio-inspirados se fundamentan en imitar matemáticamente los mecanismos y estrategias que la naturaleza ha implementado a lo largo de millones de años para lograr un equilibrio en su funcionamiento, por ejemplo, imitando el cómo las aves vuelan en parvada buscando alimento, o como las hormigas y los lobos siguen patrones para la búsqueda de su alimento, o como las especies llevan a cabo mecanismos de cruce con el objetivo de mejorar su raza haciéndolas una especie optimizada y mejorando su supervivencia. Por tanto, se puede hacer una analogía con los sistemas artificiales para la mejora de controladores y diseño de sistemas en microrredes eléctricas. En este trabajo de investigación se muestra el modelo y desarrollo de un sistema de gestión óptima para una microrred empleando algoritmos bio-inspirados con el objetivo de mejorar su desempeño, partiendo desde el control primario, con la mejora de los convertidores de potencia, hasta el control terciario con las transacciones energéticas de la microrred. Se exploran diversos algoritmos, evaluando su desempeño. Los resultados para las diferentes etapas de esta investigación se encuentran plasmados en cuatro diferentes publicaciones científicas que se detallan en el Capítulo 2 del presente documento, donde se explica la metodología y los principales resultados y hallazgos para cada una de ellas.[CA] Les fonts d'energia renovables (ER) permeten una alta desagregació, pel que fan possible generar l'energia que s'utilitzarà en el mateix lloc del seu aprofitament. Això afavoreix un canvi en l'estructura de les xarxes elèctriques, permetent passar d'un esquema de generació centralitzat a un esquema distribuït. No obstant, les fonts d'ER són altament dependents de les condicions mediambientals com la radiació solar, la nuvolositat, el vent, entre altres; pel que aconseguir un sistema de generació basat en energies renovables és un repte. Els sistemes de generació que integren energies renovables han de ser capaços de: establir estratègies de control i gestió de l'energia que es genera per fer un ús eficient d'ella i intentar cobrir la demanda d'energia de la millor manera possible al combinar més d'un tipus de font d'energia, i sistemes d'emmagatzemament. Aquest esquema es coneix com a microxarxa elèctrica, la qual és capaç d'operar de manera aïllada de la xarxa elèctrica principal, o de manera interconnectada. Actualment s'està interessant en l'estudi, desenvolupament i implementació de sistemes gestors de l'energia (SGE) per a microxarxes elèctriques híbrides, que permeten augmentar la seua eficiència, fiabilitat i reduir els costos de la seua instal·lació i d'operació i manteniment. S'han provat múltiples estratègies, des de SGE basats en regles, algorismes comparatius, controladors clàssics i, en anys recents, la integració d'algorismes d'optimització bio-inspirats i intel·ligència artificial. Aquests algorismes han demostrat ser una alternativa interessant a les tècniques clàssiques per a la solució de problemes d'optimització i control en diversos problemes d'enginyeria, la seua aplicació en l'àmbit de les microxarxes continua en estudi. Els algorismes bio-inspirats es basen en imitar matemàticament els mecanismes i estratègies que la Natura ha implementat al llarg de milions d'anys per aconseguir equilibri en el seu funcionament, per exemple, imitant com les aus volen en ramat buscant menjar, o com les formigues i els llops segueixen patrons per a la recerca del seu menjar, o com les espècies porten a terme mecanismes de creuament amb mira a millorar la seua raça fent-les una espècie més apta per a la supervivència;, el qual es pot fer una analogia a sistemes artificials per a la millora de controladors i disseny de sistemes en microxarxes elèctriques. En aquest treball de recerca es mostra el model i desenvolupament d'un sistema de gestió òptima per a una microxarxa emprant algorismes bio-inspirats amb l'objectiu de millorar el seu rendiment, partint des del control primari, amb la millora dels convertidors de potència, fins al control terciari amb les transaccions energètiques de la microxarxa. S'exploren diversos algorismes, avaluant el seu rendiment. Els resultats per a les diferents etapes d'aquesta recerca es troben plasmats en quatre diferents publicacions científiques que es detallen al Capítol 2 del present document, on s'explica la metodologia i els principals resultats i troballes per a cada una d'elles.[EN] Renewable energy sources (RES) allow for high disaggregation, making it possible to generate energy at the site of its use. This favors a change in the structure of electrical grids, allowing for a transition from a centralized generation scheme to a distributed scheme. However, RES are highly dependent on environmental conditions such as solar radiation, cloudiness, wind, among others, making the creation of a renewable energy generation system a challenge. Generation systems that integrate renewable energies must be able to establish control and energy management strategies to make efficient use of the energy generated and try to meet the energy demand in the best possible way by combining more than one type of energy source and storage systems. This scheme is known as a microgrid, which is capable of operating independently from the main electrical grid or interconnecting with it. Currently, the study, development, and implementation of energy management systems (EMS) for hybrid microgrids are of interest in order to increase their efficiency, reliability, and reduce installation, operation, and maintenance costs. Multiple strategies have been tested, including rule-based EMS, comparative algorithms, classical controllers, and in recent years, the integration of bio-inspired optimization algorithms and artificial intelligence. These algorithms have shown to be an interesting alternative to classical techniques for solving optimization and control problems in various engineering problems, although their application in the field of microgrids is still under study. Bio-inspired algorithms are based on mathematically imitating the mechanisms and strategies that Nature has implemented over millions of years to achieve balance in its operation, for example, by imitating how birds fly in flocks in search of food, or how ants and wolves follow patterns to search for food, or how species carry out crossing mechanisms in order to improve their breed and make them more suitable for survival; in other words, they are based on how Nature optimizes its resources to prosper. Therefore, an analogy can be made with artificial systems for improving controllers and designing systems in microgrids. In this research work, the model and development of an optimal management system for a microgrid using bio-inspired algorithms is presented with the aim of improving its performance, starting from primary control, with the improvement of power converters, to tertiary control with the energy transactions of the microgrid. Various algorithms are explored, evaluating their performance. The results for the different stages of this research are reflected in four different scientific publications that are detailed in Chapter 2 of this document, where the methodology and main results and findings for each of them are explained.The authors wish to acknowledge the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico (CONACYT) for funding this work through the Ph.D. scholarship number 486670. The authors would also thank the Institute of Energy Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, and the Department of Water and Energy Studies of the University of Guadalajara, Mexico, for all their support and collaboration. This study has also been supported by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations through the project “Design of a Hybrid Renewable Microgrid System”.Águila León, J. (2023). Modelo y desarrollo de un sistema de gestión óptima para una microrred empleando algoritmos bio-inspirados [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/196747Compendi

    Applied Metaheuristic Computing

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    For decades, Applied Metaheuristic Computing (AMC) has been a prevailing optimization technique for tackling perplexing engineering and business problems, such as scheduling, routing, ordering, bin packing, assignment, facility layout planning, among others. This is partly because the classic exact methods are constrained with prior assumptions, and partly due to the heuristics being problem-dependent and lacking generalization. AMC, on the contrary, guides the course of low-level heuristics to search beyond the local optimality, which impairs the capability of traditional computation methods. This topic series has collected quality papers proposing cutting-edge methodology and innovative applications which drive the advances of AMC

    Leading Deeply: A Heroic Journey Toward Wisdom and Transformation

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    This dissertation will explore leadership as a mytho-poetic transformational journey toward self-knowledge, authenticity, and ultimately wisdom; the power to make meaning and give something back to the world in which we live; and the necessity of transformation. I view leadership as a transformative process and a transformational responsibility. As leaders we must undergo our own transformation in order to lead change on a larger scale. The dissertation will be both philosophical and theoretical, exploring how the threads of the hero’s journey, transformation, wisdom, and leadership intertwine. It will also examine the role of education in this process. Education does not necessarily mean institutional learning as it is so often taken to mean. A broader understanding of what education is and how it needs to serve us individually and as a society, particularly with the intention of developing wisdom and leadership (or wisdom in leadership) will be explored. The hero’s journey, the mytho-poetic journey toward authenticity and self-knowledge, is the golden thread that weaves itself throughout this dissertation. It is both the idea of developing leadership and wisdom as a journey (as opposed to a destination) and the idea that meaning and authenticity is ultimately what drives wisdom and leadership. These concepts manifest themselves in different ways throughout the chapters. In many ways this is a very unorthodox and unusual way to approach leadership. It asks for full engagement, participation, excellence, and mastery—a lifelong dedication. None of these concepts are new, but most of them are often unheeded or not practiced. It also focuses on the common good, an element that research in both wisdom and higher stages of consciousness share. The intent is to explore the transformational process inherent in becoming a leader and consequently leading transformation that ultimately makes the world a better place on a number of different levels—leading deeply. Leading deeply makes a difference through tapping into meaning and purpose. When our lives are about contribution and giving back, growth and wisdom, evolution and making the world in which we live and in which our children will live a better place, the experience of life becomes deeper, richer. Leading deeply connects us back to life, creates meaning, and helps us understand that what we are doing does matter. A leader is one who has gone through his or her own heroic and transformative journey, returning with a gift, and enabling others to do the same. The goal is development. It is directed toward growth, flourishing, higher levels of consciousness, and understanding. It is paradoxically rooted in tradition yet always embracing the change in which we live. Leading deeply takes us deeper to what is ultimately important for all of us. This electronic version of dissertation is at OhioLink ETD Center, www.ohiolink.edu/etd