673 research outputs found

    A review of associative classification mining

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    Associative classification mining is a promising approach in data mining that utilizes the association rule discovery techniques to construct classification systems, also known as associative classifiers. In the last few years, a number of associative classification algorithms have been proposed, i.e. CPAR, CMAR, MCAR, MMAC and others. These algorithms employ several different rule discovery, rule ranking, rule pruning, rule prediction and rule evaluation methods. This paper focuses on surveying and comparing the state-of-the-art associative classification techniques with regards to the above criteria. Finally, future directions in associative classification, such as incremental learning and mining low-quality data sets, are also highlighted in this paper

    Fast pixelated detectors in scanning transmission electron microscopy. Part II: post acquisition data processing, visualisation, and structural characterisation

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    Fast pixelated detectors incorporating direct electron detection (DED) technology are increasingly being regarded as universal detectors for scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), capable of imaging under multiple modes of operation. However, several issues remain around the post acquisition processing and visualisation of the often very large multidimensional STEM datasets produced by them. We discuss these issues and present open source software libraries to enable efficient processing and visualisation of such datasets. Throughout, we provide examples of the analysis methodologies presented, utilising data from a 256×256 pixel Medipix3 hybrid DED detector, with a particular focus on the STEM characterisation of the structural properties of materials. These include the techniques of virtual detector imaging; higher order Laue zone analysis; nanobeam electron diffraction; and scanning precession electron diffraction. In the latter, we demonstrate nanoscale lattice parameter mapping with a fractional precision ≤6×10−4 (0.06%)

    Automated Segmentation of Large 3D Images of Nervous Systems Using a Higher-order Graphical Model

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    This thesis presents a new mathematical model for segmenting volume images. The model is an energy function defined on the state space of all possibilities to remove or preserve splitting faces from an initial over-segmentation of the 3D image into supervoxels. It decomposes into potential functions that are learned automatically from a small amount of empirical training data. The learning is based on features of the distribution of gray values in the volume image and on features of the geometry and topology of the supervoxel segmentation. To be able to extract these features from large 3D images that consist of several billion voxels, a new algorithm is presented that constructs a suitable representation of the geometry and topology of volume segmentations in a block-wise fashion, in log-linear runtime (in the number of voxels) and in parallel, using only a prescribed amount of memory. At the core of this thesis is the optimization problem of finding, for a learned energy function, a segmentation with minimal energy. This optimization problem is difficult because the energy function consists of 3rd and 4th order potential functions that are not submodular. For sufficiently small problems with 10,000 degrees of freedom, it can be solved to global optimality using Mixed Integer Linear Programming. For larger models with 10,000,000 degrees of freedom, an approximate optimizer is proposed and compared to state-of-the-art alternatives. Using these new techniques and a unified data structure for multi-variate data and functions, a complete processing chain for segmenting large volume images, from the restoration of the raw volume image to the visualization of the final segmentation, has been implemented in C++. Results are shown for an application in neuroscience, namely the segmentation of a part of the inner plexiform layer of rabbit retina in a volume image of 2048 x 1792 x 2048 voxels that was acquired by means of Serial Block Face Scanning Electron Microscopy (Denk and Horstmann, 2004) with a resolution of 22nm x 22nm x 30nm. The quality of the automated segmentation as well as the improvement over a simpler model that does not take geometric context into account, are confirmed by a quantitative comparison with the gold standard

    The 2nd Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

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    Proportion frequency occurrence count with bat algorithm (FOCBA) for rule optimization and mining of proportion equivalence fuzzy constraint class association rules (PEFCARs)

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    Fuzzy Class Association Rules (FCARs) play an important role in decision support systems and have thus been extensively studied. Mining the important rules in FCARs becomes very difficult task, so Enhanced Equivalence Fuzzy Class Rule tree (EEFCR-tree) algorithm is proposed in this work. However, a major weakness of FCARs Miner is that when the number of constrained rules in a given class dominates the total constrained rules; its performance becomes slower than the normal method. To solve this problem this paper proposes a Proportion of Constraint Class Estimation (PPCE) algorithm for mining Enhanced Proportion Equivalence Fuzzy Constraint Class Association Rules (EPEFCARs) in order to save memory usage, run time and accuracy. Then, Proportion Frequency Occurrence count with Bat Algorithm (PFOCBA) is proposed for pruning rules which much satisfying the class constraints. Finally, an efficient algorithm is proposed for mining PEFCARs rules. Experimental results show that the proposed EPEFCR-tree algorithm is more efficient than Enhanced Equivalence Fuzzy Class Rule tree (EEFCR-tree), Novel Equivalence Fuzzy Class Rule tree (NECR-tree) Miner results are measured in terms of run time, accuracy and memory usage. Experiments show that the proposed method is faster than existing methods

    A modified multi-class association rule for text mining

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    Classification and association rule mining are significant tasks in data mining. Integrating association rule discovery and classification in data mining brings us an approach known as the associative classification. One common shortcoming of existing Association Classifiers is the huge number of rules produced in order to obtain high classification accuracy. This study proposes s a Modified Multi-class Association Rule Mining (mMCAR) that consists of three procedures; rule discovery, rule pruning and group-based class assignment. The rule discovery and rule pruning procedures are designed to reduce the number of classification rules. On the other hand, the group-based class assignment procedure contributes in improving the classification accuracy. Experiments on the structured and unstructured text datasets obtained from the UCI and Reuters repositories are performed in order to evaluate the proposed Association Classifier. The proposed mMCAR classifier is benchmarked against the traditional classifiers and existing Association Classifiers. Experimental results indicate that the proposed Association Classifier, mMCAR, produced high accuracy with a smaller number of classification rules. For the structured dataset, the mMCAR produces an average of 84.24% accuracy as compared to MCAR that obtains 84.23%. Even though the classification accuracy difference is small, the proposed mMCAR uses only 50 rules for the classification while its benchmark method involves 60 rules. On the other hand, mMCAR is at par with MCAR when unstructured dataset is utilized. Both classifiers produce 89% accuracy but mMCAR uses less number of rules for the classification. This study contributes to the text mining domain as automatic classification of huge and widely distributed textual data could facilitate the text representation and retrieval processes

    Towards flexible goal-oriented logic programming

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