322 research outputs found


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    Mario Davidovsky is an American composer who was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on March 4, 1934. Beginning in 1958, he was a student of Aaron Copland at the Berkshire Music Center (currently the Tanglewood Music Center) in Lenox, Massachusetts. At Berkshire, he also met American composer, Milton Babbitt, who persuaded him to work at the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center (currently the Computer Music Center at Columbia University) in New York City. Davidovsky was appointed Associate Director of the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center in 1960 where he inevitably began experimenting with the relationships between live instruments and electronic sounds. Synchronisms No. 10 for guitar and tape (1992) is a piece for solo classical guitar and pre-recorded synthesized sounds. The piece was dedicated to David Starobin, the current Professor of Guitar at the Manhattan School of Music, who also edited the guitar part. This particular piece in the Synchronisms series shows that Davidovsky is aware of the limitations of the guitar in regard to dynamic range and decay of sound. Knowing these limitations, Davidovsky utilizes the various abilities of the instrument including its wide timbral range and use as a percussive medium. Although Davidovsky himself has been quoted as not using pitch-class sets of any kind, a post-tonal analysis can be applied to this piece in order to further understand individual sections and interaction between guitar and recording. Also, a review of the performance techniques necessary to approach this piece, and how said techniques are implemented, will help the musician perform at a higher level

    Abordagens multimodais com utilização de deep learning e unimodais com aprendizado de máquina no reconhecimento de emoções em músicas

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    Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Denise Fukumi TsunodaCoorientadora: Profa. Dra. Marília Nunes SilvaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão da Informação. Defesa : Curitiba, 30/08/2023Inclui referênciasResumo: Esta pesquisa foi realizada com base na compreensão da relevância da relação entre música e emoção na vida humana, abrangendo desde o lazer até estudos científicos. Embora a organização emocional da música seja intrínseca à natureza humana, o reconhecimento automático de emoções musicais enfrenta desafios, configurando-se como um tema complexo na recuperação de informações musicais. Nesse contexto, o propósito central desta tese foi investigar se a adoção de abordagens multimodais, envolvendo informações de diferentes fontes e arquiteturas de deep learning, pode superar o desempenho das abordagens unimodais baseadas em algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina. Essa indagação emergiu da carência de estratégias multimodais na área e da perspectiva de melhoria nos resultados de classificação reportados em pesquisas correlatas. Com cinco objetivos específicos, esta pesquisa abordou a identificação de um modelo cognitivo de emoções, definição de modalidades, construção de bases de dados multimodais, comparação de arquiteturas de deep learning e avaliação comparativa das abordagens multimodais com abordagens unimodais utilizando algoritmos tradicionais de aprendizado de máquina. A análise dos resultados demonstrou que as abordagens multimodais alcançaram desempenho superior em diversos cenários de classificação, comparadas às estratégias unimodais. Tais resultados contribuem positivamente para a compreensão da eficácia das abordagens multimodais e das arquiteturas de deep learning no reconhecimento de emoções em músicas. Adicionalmente, a pesquisa ressalta a necessidade de atenção aos modelos emocionais e metadados em plataformas online, visando evitar vieses e ruídos. Esta tese oferece contribuições relevantes na área de reconhecimento de emoções em músicas, particularmente no desenvolvimento de bases de dados multimodais, avaliação de arquiteturas de deep learning para problemas tabulares, protocolos de experimentos e abordagens voltadas à cognição musical. A comparação sistemática entre abordagens multimodais e unimodais evidencia as vantagens das primeiras, incentivando novas pesquisas nesse campoAbstract: This research was conducted based on the understanding of the significance of the relationship between music and emotion in human life, spanning from leisure to scientific studies. Although the emotional organization of music is intrinsic to human nature, the automatic recognition of musical emotions faces challenges, manifesting as a complex theme in the retrieval of musical information. Within this context, the central purpose of this thesis was to investigate whether the adoption of multimodal approaches, involving information from different sources and deep learning architectures, can outperform unimodal approaches based on machine learning algorithms. This inquiry arose from the lack of multimodal strategies in the field and the prospect of improvement in classification results reported in related research. With five specific objectives, this research addressed the identification of a cognitive model of emotions, definition of modalities, construction of multimodal databases, comparison of deep learning architectures, and comparative evaluation of multimodal approaches with unimodal approaches using traditional machine learning algorithms. The analysis of results demonstrated that multimodal approaches achieved superior performance in various classification scenarios, compared to unimodal strategies. These findings positively contribute to the understanding of the effectiveness of multimodal approaches and deep learning architectures in the recognition of emotions in music. Additionally, the research emphasizes the need for attention to emotional models and metadata in online platforms, aiming to avoid biases and noise. This thesis offers relevant contributions to the field of music emotion recognition, particularly in the development of multimodal databases, evaluation of deep learning architectures for tabular problems, experimental protocols, and approaches focused on musical cognition. The systematic comparison between multimodal and unimodal approaches highlights the advantages of the former, encouraging new research in this fiel

    Volume 6, 2019

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    The subject of Brazilian music commonly brings to mind the genres of samba and Bossa nova; however, in the realm of concert music Heitor Villa-Lobos is most commonly identified as the main representative of Brazil. While the Fantasia for Soprano Saxophone and Orchestra by Villa-Lobos is a keystone of the saxophone repertoire, this project serves to explore the breadth of works available by Brazilian composers for the concert saxophone. The thirty-three composers featured in this work represent compositions spanning the period from 1850 to 2007, written in a variety of styles related to movements in Brazilian music history such as nationalism, Música Viva, Música Nova, and post-modernism. Concerts works have been written for the entire family of saxophones, but the discussion in this study will be limited to compositions for the solo saxophone (soprano, alto, tenor or baritone saxophones) with piano or orchestra as well as small chamber ensembles, duos or trios. Part I of this dissertation offers an overview of the history and the role of the saxophone in Brazilian music, including the instrument's arrival in the country and prominent performers who are key in promoting the concert saxophone within Brazil, while Part II opens with a description of the folk elements that are often drawn upon by Brazilian composers and elements that inherently represent the Brazilian musical language. Biographical information is presented on each composer, in addition to excerpts of the compositions discussed. Information about acquiring the performance materials is also included

    Creativity and innovation in education. Case-study

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    Treball Final de Grau en Administració d'Empreses. Codi: AE1049. Curs 2018-201

    Modelos de negocio en eSports: El rol de ESL en el desarrollo de CS:GO

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    Sports has become a potential industry for doing business, to attract players, teams and fans. But how Business Models in eSports are? And, what is the role of ESL in the development of CS:GO? This thesis analyzes the Business Model Canvas (BMC) of the tournament organizer ESL. Emphasis is on four important building blocks value proposition (VP), customer segments (CS), key partners (KP) and revenue streams (R).TheauthorexploreseSportsstakeholdersaswellasdescribessecondarysourcesfromacademicliterature,andspecificeSportsfiguresorientedtothegrowthanddevelopmentoftheindustry.TheresultsindicatethatESLhasaroleasamediatorintheindustry,aswellasmakestrategicallianceswitheSportsstakeholders.ESLismovingtowardsthelong−termstabilityofthebusinessmodelofCS:GO.Thankstotheleaguesandtournaments,CS:GOhasanactivepresencethroughouttheworld.Overall,theeSportindustryisconstantlyexpandingandgrowingwhichshowsabigopportunitytodevelopnewbusinessmodels.Losdeporteselectroˊnicossehanconvertidoenunaindustriapotencialparahacernegocios,paraatraerjugadores,equiposyaficionados.Sinembargo,¿coˊmosonlosmodelosdenegocioeneSports?¿YcuaˊleselroldeESLeneldesarrollodeCS:GO?EstatesisanalizaelmodelodenegociodelorganizadordetorneosESLmediantelaherramientaBusinessModelCanvas(BMC).Eleˊnfasisestaˊencuatroimportantesbuildingblocks:propuestadevalor(valueproposition,VP),segmentosdeclientes(customersegments,CS),sociosclave(keypartners,KP)yflujosdeingresos(revenuestreams,R). The author explores eSports stakeholders as well as describes secondary sources from academic literature, and specific eSports figures oriented to the growth and development of the industry. The results indicate that ESL has a role as a mediator in the industry, as well as make strategic alliances with eSports stakeholders. ESL is moving towards the long-term stability of the business model of CS:GO. Thanks to the leagues and tournaments, CS:GO has an active presence throughout the world. Overall, the eSport industry is constantly expanding and growing which shows a big opportunity to develop new business models.Los deportes electrónicos se han convertido en una industria potencial para hacer negocios, para atraer jugadores, equipos y aficionados. Sin embargo, ¿cómo son los modelos de negocio en eSports? ¿Y cuál es el rol de ESL en el desarrollo de CS:GO? Esta tesis analiza el modelo de negocio del organizador de torneos ESL mediante la herramienta Business Model Canvas (BMC). El énfasis está en cuatro importantes building blocks: propuesta de valor (value proposition, VP), segmentos de clientes (customer segments, CS), socios clave (key partners, KP) y flujos de ingresos (revenue streams, R). La autora explora los stakeholders de los eSports, y describe fuentes secundarias, literatura académica y cifras específicas de eSports orientadas al crecimiento y desarrollo de la industria. Los resultados indican que ESL tiene un papel como mediador en la industria, y además se encarga de hacer alianzas estratégicas con stakeholders de los eSports. Además se evidencia que ESL está trabajando por la estabilidad a largo plazo del modelo de negocio of CS:GO. Gracias a las ligas y torneos, CS:GO tiene una presencia activa en todo el mundo. En general, la industria del deporte electrónico está en constante expansión y crecimiento lo cual evidencia una gran oportunidad para el desarrollo de nuevos modelos de negocios.A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for award of Master of Business Administration (M. Sc.) Double Degree To the European University Viadrina And Universidad Nacional de Colombia. -- Supervisors EUV Germany: Prof. Dr. Georg Stadtmann and Philipp Barth. -- Supervisors Universidad Nacional de Colombia: Sebastian Robledo and Eduardo Villegas.Maestrí

    The Villancio in New Spain 1650-1750: morphology, significance and development

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    For almost three centuries, the sacred villancico was the primary vernacular musical form of Spain and its New World colonies. Consisting of a through-composed estribillo, or refrain, and a set of strophic coplas, or verses, these ‘devout and honest songs’ (as they were styled by the Third Mexican Provincial Council of 1585) featured in the Matins services of the cathedrals and convents of Mexico throughout the colonial period. This thesis traces the morphology, development and significance of the villancico in New Spain during the one hundred year period from 1650 to 1750, examining the musical development of the genre within the institutional contexts of cathedral, convent and girls’ school. The biographies and villancico oeuvres of the composers Juan Gutiérrez de Padilla, Antonio de Salazar, Manuel de Sumaya, and others who moved in their orbits are reconsidered in light of new music and documentation, while the supposed New World phenomenon of the villancico de negros, or African dialect villancico, receives fresh attention. In separate chapters, the feminine side of genre is examined. The musical aspects of the life of the Hieronymite nun Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz are considered from the viewpoint of the music historian, while the practice of the villancico in the feminine institutions of New Spain is explored. Focussing on period documents as a means of enriching the historical narrative, the thesis is intended as an interpretation of the villancico genre for the English-speaking reader

    COVID-19 Outbreak and Beyond

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    The COVID-19 pandemic drastically changed our lifestyle when, on 30 January 2020, the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus disease outbreak a public health emergency of international concern. Since then, many governments have introduced unprecedented containment measures, hoping to slow the spread of the virus. International research suggests that both the pandemic and the related protective measures, such as lockdown, curfews, and social distancing, are having a profound impact on the mental health of the population. Among the most commonly observed psychological effects, there are high levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic symptoms, along with boredom and frustration. At the same time, the behavioral response of the population is of paramount importance to successfully contain the outbreak, creating a vicious circle in which the psychological distress impacts the willingness to comply with the protective measures, which, in turn, if prolonged, could exacerbate the population’s distress. This book includes: i) original studies on the worldwide psychological and behavioral impact of COVID-19 on targeted individuals (e.g., parents, social workers, patients affected by physical and mental disorders); ii) studies exploring the effect of COVID-19 using advanced statistical and methodological techniques (e.g., machine learning technologies); iii) research on practical applications that could help identify persons at risk, mitigate the negative effects of this situation, and offer insights to policymakers to manage the pandemic are also highly welcomed

    Argentine Cinema and National Identity

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    Argentine Cinema and National Identity covers the development of Argentine cinema since the late 1950s to the mid-1970s, a period that has been understudied. This essential cultural history delves on the dialect tradition versus modernity that was in place during those years and also comprises an examination of the political economy of film production as well as the different laws, including that implementing censorship that regulated this cultural industry. It also pays particular attention to two historical film genres: the historical film genre per se and the gauchesque, a genre based on outlaw gauchos that was crucial for nation-building in the nineteenth century. This volume investigates the way Argentine cinema positioned itself when facing the competition of glossy American films and resorted to the historical and gauchesque to bridge the stark divisions between the Argentine left and right in the late 1960s
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