163,723 research outputs found

    Optical communication with semiconductor laser diodes

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    A 25 megabit/sec direct detection optical communication system that used Q=4 PPM signalling was constructed and its performance measured under laboratory conditions. The system used a single-mode AlGaAs laser diode transmitter and low noise silicon avalanche photodiode (APD) photodetector. Comparison of measured performance with the theoretical revealed that modeling the APD output as a Gaussian process under conditions of negligible background radiation and low (less than 10 to the -12 power A) APD bulk leakage currents leads to substantial underestimates of optimal APD gain to use and overestimates of system bit error probability. A procedure is given to numerically compute system performance which uses the more accurate Webb's Approximation of the exact Conradi distribution for the APD ouput signal that does not require excessive amounts of computer time (a few minutes of VAX 8600 CPU time per system operating point). Examples are given which illustrate the breakdown of the Gaussian approximation in assessing system performance. This system achieved a bit error probability of 10 to the -6 power at a received signal energy corresponding to an average of 60 absorbed photons/bit and optimal APD gain of 700

    MIMO Underwater Visible Light Communications: Comprehensive Channel Study, Performance Analysis, and Multiple-Symbol Detection

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    In this paper, we analytically study the bit error rate (BER) performance of underwater visible light communication (UVLC) systems with binary pulse position modulation (BPPM). We simulate the channel fading-free impulse response (FFIR) based on Monte Carlo numerical method to take into account the absorption and scattering effects. Additionally, to characterize turbulence effects, we multiply the aforementioned FFIR by a fading coefficient which for weak oceanic turbulence can be modeled as a lognormal random variable (RV). Moreover, to mitigate turbulence effects, we employ multiple transmitters and/or receivers, i.e., spatial diversity technique over UVLC links. Closed-form expressions for the system BER are provided, when equal gain combiner (EGC) is employed at the receiver side, thanks to Gauss-Hermite quadrature formula and approximation to the sum of lognormal RVs. We further apply saddle-point approximation, an accurate photon-counting-based method, to evaluate the system BER in the presence of shot noise. Both laser-based collimated and light emitting diode (LED)-based diffusive links are investigated. Since multiple-scattering effect of UVLC channels on the propagating photons causes considerable inter-symbol interference (ISI), especially for diffusive channels, we also obtain the optimum multiple-symbol detection (MSD) algorithm to significantly alleviate ISI effects and improve the system performance. Our numerical analysis indicates good matches between the analytical and photon-counting results implying the negligibility of signal-dependent shot noise, and also between analytical results and numerical simulations confirming the accuracy of our derived closed-form expressions for the system BER. Besides, our results show that spatial diversity significantly mitigates fading impairments while MSD considerably alleviates ISI deteriorations

    The Fringe Detection Laser Metrology for the GRAVITY Interferometer at the VLTI

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    Interferometric measurements of optical path length differences of stars over large baselines can deliver extremely accurate astrometric data. The interferometer GRAVITY will simultaneously measure two objects in the field of view of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and determine their angular separation to a precision of 10 micro arcseconds in only 5 minutes. To perform the astrometric measurement with such a high accuracy, the differential path length through the VLTI and the instrument has to be measured (and tracked since Earth's rotation will permanently change it) by a laser metrology to an even higher level of accuracy (corresponding to 1 nm in 3 minutes). Usually, heterodyne differential path techniques are used for nanometer precision measurements, but with these methods it is difficult to track the full beam size and to follow the light path up to the primary mirror of the telescope. Here, we present the preliminary design of a differential path metrology system, developed within the GRAVITY project. It measures the instrumental differential path over the full pupil size and up to the entrance pupil location. The differential phase is measured by detecting the laser fringe pattern both on the telescopes' secondary mirrors as well as after reflection at the primary mirror. Based on our proposed design we evaluate the phase measurement accuracy based on a full budget of possible statistical and systematic errors. We show that this metrology design fulfills the high precision requirement of GRAVITY.Comment: Proc. SPIE in pres

    Development of a strontium optical lattice clock for the SOC mission on the ISS

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    The ESA mission "Space Optical Clock" project aims at operating an optical lattice clock on the ISS in approximately 2023. The scientific goals of the mission are to perform tests of fundamental physics, to enable space-assisted relativistic geodesy and to intercompare optical clocks on the ground using microwave and optical links. The performance goal of the space clock is less than 1×10171 \times 10^{-17} uncertainty and 1×1015τ1/21 \times 10^{-15} {\tau}^{-1/2} instability. Within an EU-FP7-funded project, a strontium optical lattice clock demonstrator has been developed. Goal performances are instability below 1×1015τ1/21 \times 10^{-15} {\tau}^{-1/2} and fractional inaccuracy 5×10175 \times 10^{-17}. For the design of the clock, techniques and approaches suitable for later space application are used, such as modular design, diode lasers, low power consumption subunits, and compact dimensions. The Sr clock apparatus is fully operational, and the clock transition in 88^{88}Sr was observed with linewidth as small as 9 Hz.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, SPIE Photonics Europe 201