32,843 research outputs found

    Explicit Learning Curves for Transduction and Application to Clustering and Compression Algorithms

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    Inductive learning is based on inferring a general rule from a finite data set and using it to label new data. In transduction one attempts to solve the problem of using a labeled training set to label a set of unlabeled points, which are given to the learner prior to learning. Although transduction seems at the outset to be an easier task than induction, there have not been many provably useful algorithms for transduction. Moreover, the precise relation between induction and transduction has not yet been determined. The main theoretical developments related to transduction were presented by Vapnik more than twenty years ago. One of Vapnik's basic results is a rather tight error bound for transductive classification based on an exact computation of the hypergeometric tail. While tight, this bound is given implicitly via a computational routine. Our first contribution is a somewhat looser but explicit characterization of a slightly extended PAC-Bayesian version of Vapnik's transductive bound. This characterization is obtained using concentration inequalities for the tail of sums of random variables obtained by sampling without replacement. We then derive error bounds for compression schemes such as (transductive) support vector machines and for transduction algorithms based on clustering. The main observation used for deriving these new error bounds and algorithms is that the unlabeled test points, which in the transductive setting are known in advance, can be used in order to construct useful data dependent prior distributions over the hypothesis space

    Concentration inequalities for sampling without replacement

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    Concentration inequalities quantify the deviation of a random variable from a fixed value. In spite of numerous applications, such as opinion surveys or ecological counting procedures, few concentration results are known for the setting of sampling without replacement from a finite population. Until now, the best general concentration inequality has been a Hoeffding inequality due to Serfling [Ann. Statist. 2 (1974) 39-48]. In this paper, we first improve on the fundamental result of Serfling [Ann. Statist. 2 (1974) 39-48], and further extend it to obtain a Bernstein concentration bound for sampling without replacement. We then derive an empirical version of our bound that does not require the variance to be known to the user.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/14-BEJ605 in the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Bounding Optimality Gap in Stochastic Optimization via Bagging: Statistical Efficiency and Stability

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    We study a statistical method to estimate the optimal value, and the optimality gap of a given solution for stochastic optimization as an assessment of the solution quality. Our approach is based on bootstrap aggregating, or bagging, resampled sample average approximation (SAA). We show how this approach leads to valid statistical confidence bounds for non-smooth optimization. We also demonstrate its statistical efficiency and stability that are especially desirable in limited-data situations, and compare these properties with some existing methods. We present our theory that views SAA as a kernel in an infinite-order symmetric statistic, which can be approximated via bagging. We substantiate our theoretical findings with numerical results

    Preconditioned Data Sparsification for Big Data with Applications to PCA and K-means

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    We analyze a compression scheme for large data sets that randomly keeps a small percentage of the components of each data sample. The benefit is that the output is a sparse matrix and therefore subsequent processing, such as PCA or K-means, is significantly faster, especially in a distributed-data setting. Furthermore, the sampling is single-pass and applicable to streaming data. The sampling mechanism is a variant of previous methods proposed in the literature combined with a randomized preconditioning to smooth the data. We provide guarantees for PCA in terms of the covariance matrix, and guarantees for K-means in terms of the error in the center estimators at a given step. We present numerical evidence to show both that our bounds are nearly tight and that our algorithms provide a real benefit when applied to standard test data sets, as well as providing certain benefits over related sampling approaches.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figure

    Scaling-up Empirical Risk Minimization: Optimization of Incomplete U-statistics

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    In a wide range of statistical learning problems such as ranking, clustering or metric learning among others, the risk is accurately estimated by UU-statistics of degree d≥1d\geq 1, i.e. functionals of the training data with low variance that take the form of averages over kk-tuples. From a computational perspective, the calculation of such statistics is highly expensive even for a moderate sample size nn, as it requires averaging O(nd)O(n^d) terms. This makes learning procedures relying on the optimization of such data functionals hardly feasible in practice. It is the major goal of this paper to show that, strikingly, such empirical risks can be replaced by drastically computationally simpler Monte-Carlo estimates based on O(n)O(n) terms only, usually referred to as incomplete UU-statistics, without damaging the OP(1/n)O_{\mathbb{P}}(1/\sqrt{n}) learning rate of Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM) procedures. For this purpose, we establish uniform deviation results describing the error made when approximating a UU-process by its incomplete version under appropriate complexity assumptions. Extensions to model selection, fast rate situations and various sampling techniques are also considered, as well as an application to stochastic gradient descent for ERM. Finally, numerical examples are displayed in order to provide strong empirical evidence that the approach we promote largely surpasses more naive subsampling techniques.Comment: To appear in Journal of Machine Learning Research. 34 pages. v2: minor correction to Theorem 4 and its proof, added 1 reference. v3: typo corrected in Proposition 3. v4: improved presentation, added experiments on model selection for clustering, fixed minor typo

    Improved analysis of the subsampled randomized Hadamard transform

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    This paper presents an improved analysis of a structured dimension-reduction map called the subsampled randomized Hadamard transform. This argument demonstrates that the map preserves the Euclidean geometry of an entire subspace of vectors. The new proof is much simpler than previous approaches, and it offers---for the first time---optimal constants in the estimate on the number of dimensions required for the embedding.Comment: 8 pages. To appear, Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis, special issue "Sparse Representation of Data and Images." v2--v4 include minor correction

    A Max-Norm Constrained Minimization Approach to 1-Bit Matrix Completion

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    We consider in this paper the problem of noisy 1-bit matrix completion under a general non-uniform sampling distribution using the max-norm as a convex relaxation for the rank. A max-norm constrained maximum likelihood estimate is introduced and studied. The rate of convergence for the estimate is obtained. Information-theoretical methods are used to establish a minimax lower bound under the general sampling model. The minimax upper and lower bounds together yield the optimal rate of convergence for the Frobenius norm loss. Computational algorithms and numerical performance are also discussed.Comment: 33 pages, 3 figure

    Cram\'{e}r-type large deviations for samples from a finite population

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    Cram\'{e}r-type large deviations for means of samples from a finite population are established under weak conditions. The results are comparable to results for the so-called self-normalized large deviation for independent random variables. Cram\'{e}r-type large deviations for the finite population Student tt-statistic are also investigated.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053606000001343 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
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