21 research outputs found

    Cross Z-Complementary Pairs for Optimal Training in Spatial Modulation Over Frequency Selective Channels

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    The contributions of this article are twofold: Firstly, we introduce a novel class of sequence pairs, called “cross Z-complementary pairs (CZCPs),” each displaying zero-correlation zone (ZCZ) properties for both their aperiodic autocorrelation sums and crosscorrelation sums. Systematic constructions of perfect CZCPs based on selected Golay complementary pairs (GCPs) are presented. Secondly, we point out that CZCPs can be utilized as a key component in designing training sequences for broadband spatial modulation (SM) systems. We show that our proposed SM training sequences derived from CZCPs lead to optimal channel estimation performance over frequency-selective channels

    Asymptotically Locally Optimal Weight Vector Design for a Tighter Correlation Lower Bound of Quasi-Complementary Sequence Sets

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    A quasi-complementary sequence set (QCSS) refers to a set of two-dimensional matrices with low nontrivial aperiodic auto- and cross-correlation sums. For multicarrier code-division multiple-access applications, the availability of large QCSSs with low correlation sums is desirable. The generalized Levenshtein bound (GLB) is a lower bound on the maximum aperiodic correlation sum of QCSSs. The bounding expression of GLB is a fractional quadratic function of a weight vector w and is expressed in terms of three additional parameters associated with QCSS: the set size K, the number of channels M, and the sequence length N. It is known that a tighter GLB (compared to the Welch bound) is possible only if the condition M ≥ 2 and K ≥ K̅ + 1, where K̅ is a certain function of M and N, is satisfied. A challenging research problem is to determine if there exists a weight vector that gives rise to a tighter GLB for all (not just some) K ≥ K̅ + 1 and M ≥ 2, especially for large N, i.e., the condition is asymptotically both necessary and sufficient. To achieve this, we analytically optimize the GLB which is (in general) nonconvex as the numerator term is an indefinite quadratic function of the weight vector. Our key idea is to apply the frequency domain decomposition of the circulant matrix (in the numerator term) to convert the nonconvex problem into a convex one. Following this optimization approach, we derive a new weight vector meeting the aforementioned objective and prove that it is a local minimizer of the GLB under certain conditions

    Efficient complementary sequences-based architectures and their application to ranging measurements

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    Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado de la UAH en 2015En las últimas décadas, los sistemas de medición de distancias se han beneficiado de los avances en el área de las comunicaciones inalámbricas. En los sistemas basados en CDMA (Code-Division Multiple-Access), las propiedades de correlación de las secuencias empleadas juegan un papel fundamental en el desarrollo de dispositivos de medición de altas prestaciones. Debido a las sumas ideales de correlaciones aperiódicas, los conjuntos de secuencias complementarias, CSS (Complementary Sets of Sequences), son ampliamente utilizados en sistemas CDMA. En ellos, es deseable el uso de arquitecturas eficientes que permitan generar y correlar CSS del mayor número de secuencias y longitudes posibles. Por el término eficiente se hace referencia a aquellas arquitecturas que requieren menos operaciones por muestra de entrada que con una arquitectura directa. Esta tesis contribuye al desarrollo de arquitecturas eficientes de generación/correlación de CSS y derivadas, como son las secuencias LS (Loosely Synchronized) y GPC (Generalized Pairwise Complementary), que permitan aumentar el número de longitudes y/o de secuencias disponibles. Las contribuciones de la tesis pueden dividirse en dos bloques: En primer lugar, las arquitecturas eficientes de generación/correlación para CSS binarios, derivadas en trabajos previos, son generalizadas al alfabeto multinivel (secuencias con valores reales) mediante el uso de matrices de Hadamard multinivel. Este planteamiento tiene dos ventajas: por un lado el aumento del número de longitudes que pueden generarse/correlarse y la eliminación de las limitaciones de las arquitecturas previas en el número de secuencias en el conjunto. Por otro lado, bajo ciertas condiciones, los parámetros de las arquitecturas generalizadas pueden ajustarse para generar/correlar eficientemente CSS binarios de mayor número de longitudes que con las arquitecturas eficientes previas. En segundo lugar, las arquitecturas propuestas son usadas para el desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos de generación/correlación de secuencias derivadas de CSS que reducen el número de operaciones por muestra de entrada. Finalmente, se presenta la aplicación de las secuencias estudiadas en un nuevo sistema de posicionamiento local basado en Ultra-Wideband y en un sistema de posicionamiento local basado en ultrasonidos

    Usean gigabitin langaton tiedonsiirto 60 GHz:lla: keilanmuodostus ja mittauksia

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    Usage of wireless communication systems has been growing steadily during the past decades as more and more services and users are starting to utilize various cloud based systems. Need for higher data rates and the exponential increase of users are becoming significant difficulties for the current wireless communication systems. To tackle this problem, frequency bands of several gigahertz have been suggested for the next generation of local and personal communication systems (WLAN/WPAN). The extremely large unlicensed band at 60 GHz is an attractive option to provide multi-gigabit data rates over short distances. However, even at short distances systems have to compensate the poor link budget which is due to increased frequency and bandwidth. To mitigate these losses, highly directional communication with antenna arrays and beamforming is proposed. IEEE 802.11ad standard is one of the most promising millimeter wave standards to offer multi-gigabit data rates for WLAN/WPAN use. In comparison to the legacy IEEE 802.11 standards, the IEEE 802.11ad introduces completely new medium access control (MAC) and physical (PHY) layers due to highly directional communication. This thesis studies the IEEE 802.11ad standard, focusing on the renewed MAC and PHY layers, beamforming mechanisms, and overall performance in a home environment. While previous academic work has included measurements at 60 GHz, these measurements have been limited to laboratory and office areas which do not realistically model an actual end-user environment. Additionally, the measurement equipment in these research papers has not explicitly implemented the IEEE 802.11ad standard. Hence, measurements in this thesis are conducted with a prototype implementing the mandatory parts of the standard resulting in a more thorough realization of the performance. The results indicate that the prototype performs well in a home environment. Overall, theoretical PHY data rates of above 2 Gbps are to be expected in most cases if operated in similar environment

    Modulation, Coding, and Receiver Design for Gigabit mmWave Communication

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    While wireless communication has become an ubiquitous part of our daily life and the world around us, it has not been able yet to deliver the multi-gigabit throughput required for applications like high-definition video transmission or cellular backhaul communication. The throughput limitation of current wireless systems is mainly the result of a shortage of spectrum and the problem of congestion. Recent advancements in circuit design allow the realization of analog frontends for mmWave frequencies between 30GHz and 300GHz, making abundant unused spectrum accessible. However, the transition to mmWave carrier frequencies and GHz bandwidths comes with new challenges for wireless receiver design. Large variations of the channel conditions and high symbol rates require flexible but power-efficient receiver designs. This thesis investigates receiver algorithms and architectures that enable multi-gigabit mmWave communication. Using a system-level approach, the design options between low-power time-domain and power-hungry frequency-domain signal processing are explored. The system discussion is started with an analysis of the problem of parameter synchronization in mmWave systems and its impact on system design. The proposed synchronization architecture extends known synchronization techniques to provide greater flexibility regarding the operating environments and for system efficiency optimization. For frequency-selective environments, versatile single-carrier frequency domain equalization (SC-FDE) offers not only excellent channel equalization, but also the possibility to integrate additional baseband tasks without overhead. Hence, the high initial complexity of SC-FDE needs to be put in perspective to the complexity savings in the other parts of the baseband. Furthermore, an extension to the SC-FDE architecture is proposed that allows an adaptation of the equalization complexity by switching between a cyclic-prefix mode and a reduced block length overlap-save mode based on the delay spread. Approaching the problem of complexity adaptation from time-domain, a high-speed hardware architecture for the delayed decision feedback sequence estimation (DDFSE) algorithm is presented. DDFSE uses decision feedback to reduce the complexity of the sequence estimation and allows to set the system performance between the performance of full maximum-likelihood detection and pure decision feedback equalization. An implementation of the DDFSE architecture is demonstrated as part of an all-digital IEEE802.11ad baseband ASIC manufactured in 40nm CMOS. A flexible architecture for wideband mmWave receivers based on complex sub-sampling is presented. Complex sub-sampling combines the design advantages of sub-sampling receivers with the flexibility of direct-conversion receivers using a single passive component and a digital compensation scheme. Feasibility of the architecture is proven with a 16Gb/s hardware demonstrator. The demonstrator is used to explore the potential gain of non-equidistant constellations for high-throughput mmWave links. Specifically crafted amplitude phase-shift keying (APSK) modulation achieve 1dB average mutual information (AMI) advantage over quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) in simulation and on the testbed hardware. The AMI advantage of APSK can be leveraged for a practical transmission using Polar codes which are trained specifically for the constellation

    Peak to average power ratio reduction and error control in MIMO-OFDM HARQ System

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    Currently, multiple-input multiple-output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMOOFDM) systems underlie crucial wireless communication systems such as commercial 4G and 5G networks, tactical communication, and interoperable Public Safety communications. However, one drawback arising from OFDM modulation is its resulting high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). This problem increases with an increase in the number of transmit antennas. In this work, a new hybrid PAPR reduction technique is proposed for space-time block coding (STBC) MIMO-OFDM systems that combine the coding capabilities to PAPR reduction methods, while leveraging the new degree of freedom provided by the presence of multiple transmit chairs (MIMO). In the first part, we presented an extensive literature review of PAPR reduction techniques for OFDM and MIMO-OFDM systems. The work developed a PAPR reduction technique taxonomy, and analyzed the motivations for reducing the PAPR in current communication systems, emphasizing two important motivations such as power savings and coverage gain. In the tax onomy presented here, we include a new category, namely, hybrid techniques. Additionally, we drew a conclusion regarding the importance of hybrid PAPR reduction techniques. In the second part, we studied the effect of forward error correction (FEC) codes on the PAPR for the coded OFDM (COFDM) system. We simulated and compared the CCDF of the PAPR and its relationship with the autocorrelation of the COFDM signal before the inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) block. This allows to conclude on the main characteristics of the codes that generate high peaks in the COFDM signal, and therefore, the optimal parameters in order to reduce PAPR. We emphasize our study in FEC codes as linear block codes, and convolutional codes. Finally, we proposed a new hybrid PAPR reduction technique for an STBC MIMO-OFDM system, in which the convolutional code is optimized to avoid PAPR degradation, which also combines successive suboptimal cross-antenna rotation and inversion (SS-CARI) and iterative modified companding and filtering schemes. The new method permits to obtain a significant net gain for the system, i.e., considerable PAPR reduction, bit error rate (BER) gain as compared to the basic MIMO-OFDM system, low complexity, and reduced spectral splatter. The new hybrid technique was extensively evaluated by simulation, and the complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF), the BER, and the power spectral density (PSD) were compared to the original STBC MIMO-OFDM signal

    Digital Communication System with Multi-carrier Modulation (OFDM) for Power Lin

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    Projecte realitzat en col.laboració amb el centre Instituto Superior Técnico (UTL)Se propone el un diseño para un receptor OFDM. El esquema de sincronismo esta dividido en cuatro partes para estimar el sincronismo de los simboles, el offset frecuencial y el canal de transmision. Se implementa un esquema conjunto de ecualizacion y decodificacion basados en un algoritmo MMSE con informacion a priori y codigos LDPC, respectivamente. La asignacion de la carga de los subcanales sigue el criterio Water-filling

    Physical Layer Securities in Wireless Communication Systems

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    Due to the tremendous advancement in the semiconductor and microelectronics technologies, wireless technologies have blossomed in the recent decades. The large scale deployment of wireless networks have revolutionized the way people live. They bring a great deal of convenience and enjoyment to us. Undoubtedly, we have become more and more dependent on these wireless technologies. These include cellular and radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies. However, with great technologies also come great risks and threats. Unlike wired transmissions, the nature of wireless transmissions result in the transmitted signals over the channel can be easily intercepted and eavesdropped by malicious adversaries. Therefore, security and privacy of the employed wireless communication system are easily compromised compared to the wired communication system. Consequently, securing wireless network has attracted a lot of attention in the recent years and it has huge practical implications. Securing wireless networks can be and indeed are performed at all layers of a network protocol stack. These include application, network, data link and physical (PHY) layers. The primary focus of our research is on the PHY layer approaches for securing and attacking wireless networks. In this thesis, we identify three research topics and present our results. They are: 1) PHY layer phase encryption (P-Enc) vs XOR encryption (XOR-Enc); 2) PHY layer signaling scheme to ensure the confidentiality of the transmitted messages from the tag to the reader in RFID systems. 3) Active eavesdropping attack framework under frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) RFID systems. In the first work, we introduce a new OFDM encryption scheme which we call OFDM-Enc, different from convectional XOR-Enc, OFDM-Enc encrypts data by multiplying each of in-phase and quadrature component of the time domain OFDM symbol by a keystream bit. We then perform an initial investigation on the security of OFDM-Enc. We show it is secure against all attacks that are considered in this work. Moreover, depending on the modulation type, OFDM would potentially reduce the keystream size required for encryption, while still achieving the required security level. We also conduct simulations to compare OFDM-Enc with conventional XOR-Enc. We show indeed OFDM-Enc is viable and can achieve good performances. Then we extend OFDM-Enc to general communication systems. Since the encryption is essentially done by changing the phase of the data constellations, we just adopt the term P-Enc. In addition, we form mathematical formulations in order to compare between P-Enc and XOR-Enc in terms of efficiency, security and hardware complexity. Furthermore, we show P-Enc at the PHY layer can prevent traffic analysis attack, which cannot be prevented with the upper layer encryptions. Finally, simulations are conducted again to compare the performance of P-Enc and XOR-Enc. In the second work, we are interested in protecting tag's data from leaking or being compromised to malicious adversaries. As discussed earlier, due to the nature of wireless channels, communications between the tag and the reader is susceptible to eavesdropping. The conventional method uses encryption for confidentiality protection of transmitted messages. However, this requires to pre-share keys between the reader and the tag. As a result, a key management and distribution system needs to be put in place. This introduces heavy system overhead. In this work, we first propose a new PHY layer RFID privacy protection method which requires no pre-shared keys and would achieve the same goal. We also perform theoretical analysis to first validate of our proposed scheme. Finally, we conduct experiments to further verify the feasibility our proposed scheme under the passive eavesdropping attack model. In the third work, we present a new attack on the FHSS RFID system called active eavesdropping attack. In most semi-passive and passive RFID systems, tag to reader communications are accomplished via backscattering modulation. This implies the tag is not required to identify the frequency of the legitimate reader's transmitted signal, it simply responds to a reader's query by setting its impedance in the circuitry to low and high to represent bit 1 and 0. The attacker exploits this design weakness of the tag and broadcasts his own continuous wave (CW) at a different frequency. Consequently, the eavesdropper receives two copies of responses: one from his own broadcasted CW and one from reader's CW. We perform theoretical analysis to show the optimal strategy for the attacker in terms of the decoding error probability. Finally, we conduct simulations and experiments to verify with our theoretical results