1,829 research outputs found

    Languages ordered by the subword order

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    We consider a language together with the subword relation, the cover relation, and regular predicates. For such structures, we consider the extension of first-order logic by threshold- and modulo-counting quantifiers. Depending on the language, the used predicates, and the fragment of the logic, we determine four new combinations that yield decidable theories. These results extend earlier ones where only the language of all words without the cover relation and fragments of first-order logic were considered

    Inflations of geometric grid classes of permutations

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    All three authors were partially supported by EPSRC via the grant EP/J006440/1.Geometric grid classes and the substitution decomposition have both been shown to be fundamental in the understanding of the structure of permutation classes. In particular, these are the two main tools in the recent classification of permutation classes of growth rate less than Îș ≈ 2.20557 (a specific algebraic integer at which infinite antichains first appear). Using language- and order-theoretic methods, we prove that the substitution closures of geometric grid classes are well partially ordered, finitely based, and that all their subclasses have algebraic generating functions. We go on to show that the inflation of a geometric grid class by a strongly rational class is well partially ordered, and that all its subclasses have rational generating functions. This latter fact allows us to conclude that every permutation class with growth rate less than Îș has a rational generating function. This bound is tight as there are permutation classes with growth rate Îș which have nonrational generating functions.PostprintPeer reviewe

    The omega-inequality problem for concatenation hierarchies of star-free languages

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    The problem considered in this paper is whether an inequality of omega-terms is valid in a given level of a concatenation hierarchy of star-free languages. The main result shows that this problem is decidable for all (integer and half) levels of the Straubing-Th\'erien hierarchy

    On shuffle products, acyclic automata and piecewise-testable languages

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    We show that the shuffle L \unicode{x29E2} F of a piecewise-testable language LL and a finite language FF is piecewise-testable. The proof relies on a classic but little-used automata-theoretic characterization of piecewise-testable languages. We also discuss some mild generalizations of the main result, and provide bounds on the piecewise complexity of L \unicode{x29E2} F

    Partially-commutative context-free languages

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    The paper is about a class of languages that extends context-free languages (CFL) and is stable under shuffle. Specifically, we investigate the class of partially-commutative context-free languages (PCCFL), where non-terminal symbols are commutative according to a binary independence relation, very much like in trace theory. The class has been recently proposed as a robust class subsuming CFL and commutative CFL. This paper surveys properties of PCCFL. We identify a natural corresponding automaton model: stateless multi-pushdown automata. We show stability of the class under natural operations, including homomorphic images and shuffle. Finally, we relate expressiveness of PCCFL to two other relevant classes: CFL extended with shuffle and trace-closures of CFL. Among technical contributions of the paper are pumping lemmas, as an elegant completion of known pumping properties of regular languages, CFL and commutative CFL.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2012, arXiv:1208.244

    On insertion-deletion systems over relational words

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    We introduce a new notion of a relational word as a finite totally ordered set of positions endowed with three binary relations that describe which positions are labeled by equal data, by unequal data and those having an undefined relation between their labels. We define the operations of insertion and deletion on relational words generalizing corresponding operations on strings. We prove that the transitive and reflexive closure of these operations has a decidable membership problem for the case of short insertion-deletion rules (of size two/three and three/two). At the same time, we show that in the general case such systems can produce a coding of any recursively enumerable language leading to undecidabilty of reachability questions.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure
