10 research outputs found

    English as the International Language of Research

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    The annual world output of research papers and scholarly ar ticles is large and increasing, and there is little doubt that English is the medium of publication for the majority of such papers. However, closer analyses of the available data reveal rather few papers from non- native speakers, especially from the Third World. This imbalance sug gests that English is only the International Language of Research in a receptive sense. It needs to become so in a productive sense as well if Third World investment in doctoral scholarship etc. is to remain justified. Unfortunately, the ESP profession has concentrated on undergraduate teaching programmes and rather neglected the teaching of Research English. However, there are now welcome signs of change, which may therefore aid a process of making English a truly international language rather than one over-restricted in terms of publication sources to the Northern Hemisphere.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68423/2/10.1177_003368828501600101.pd

    Análisis de la producción investigativa, redes de colaboración e impacto científico del Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras, Cuba (2000-2015)

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    Objective. It was examined the investigative productivity, collaboration networks and scientific impact of the Center of Fisheries Research (CFR), located in Cuba. Design/Methodology/Approach. It is a research of a bibliometric character where production, collaboration and impact indicators were examined over the 2000-2015 period. Results/Discussion. The research productivity was irregular according to the yearly evolution. Papers written in Spanish and published by Latin American journals are highlighted. By other hand multiple authorships prevailed, being aquiculture the most addressed topic. Collaboration between the CFR members with researchers of external affiliation was very low and the inter-institutional relationships were mostly given with Cuban, Mexican, Venezuelan, and Chilean institutions. Lastly, citation indicators displayed a growing trend towards receiving citations by Cuban and Latin American journal papers. Conclusions. The Cuban economic interests and the characteristics of its own ecosystem affect and define the behavior of research produced by the CFR. Originality/Value. There are revealed the trends regarding scientific production, collaboration and impact of a center devoted to fisheries research; something that lacks of precedents for this sector and also for this field of science in Cuba

    Multilingualism research in Anglophone contexts as a discursive construction of multilingual practice

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    This article investigates the presence of multilingualism as an academic practice within the field of research in multilingualism by examining the citation practices of research publishing in key English-language journals in the field. It investigates how researchers make use of material published in other languages as a component of their research writing and thus of their conceptualisation of the field of research to determine to what extent multilingualism itself is actually present in multilingual research communicated in English. This article argues that, although some research published in languages other than English may be cited in multilingualism research, multilingualism as a visible research practice is largely absent from the study of multilingualism. This means that research into multilingualism largely constructs multilingualism as a subject to be studied from a perspective that lies outside the phenomenon of multilingualism itself and normalises monolingualism as the standard form of academic practice within the English-speaking world. It can therefore be argued that multilingualism research is a site in which a monolingual habitus predominates and that this represents an epistemological dilemma for the field

    Utilizing the Literatures in Teaching the Research Paper

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/90276/1/3586354.pd


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    Purpose: This study analyzes and highlights the research productivity and the trend in the top fields of “Life sciences and Biomedicine”. Methods: The data were collected from Clarivate Analytic’s “Web of Science” for a period of 10 years (2006-2016). The search was further refined to the top 10 fields in the field of “Life Sciences and Biomedicine”. The data were downloaded on the following parameters: “author productivity”, “country contribution”, “organisational involvement”, “funding agencies”, “publication year”, “most preferred document type” and “language”. Findings: No consistent growth is observed in the research activities pertinent to the fields of “Life sciences and Biomedicine”. Among the studied fields, “Neurosciences and Neurology” is in lead with “2016” as the most productive year. Research in “Life sciences and Biomedicine” is quantitatively dominated by the “USA”, followed by the “England” and “Japan”. Authors have mostly reported their findings in the form of “Research articles” and “English” as a language of publication has remained a dominant medium of communication. Furthermore, it is also observed that “National Institute of Health (NIH)” and “National Natural Science Foundation of China” are the top funders across all the fields with “Harvard University”, “Chinese Academy of Science” and “University Texas MD Anderson Cancer Centre” as the leading organizations in terms of contribution. Limitations: However, more research would have been published across other indexing and abstracting services, but the results of the study are confined to the data indexed by “Web of Science”. Research implications: The study may serve as a summary of global history on “Life sciences and Biomedicine” research and a potential basis for future research

    Análisis de la producción investigativa, redes de colaboración e impacto científico del Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras, Cuba (2000-2015)

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    Objective. It was examined the investigative productivity, collaboration networks and scientific impact of the Center of Fisheries Research (CFR), located in Cuba.Design/Methodology/Approach. It is a research of a bibliometric character where production, collaboration and impact indicators were examined over the 2000-2015 period.Results/Discussion. The research productivity was irregular according to the yearly evolution. Papers written in Spanish and published by Latin American journals are highlighted. By other hand multiple authorships prevailed, being aquiculture the most addressed topic. Collaboration between the CFR members with researchers of external affiliation was very low and the inter-institutional relationships were mostly given with Cuban, Mexican, Venezuelan, and Chilean institutions. Lastly, citation indicators displayed a growing trend towards receiving citations by Cuban and Latin American journal papers.Conclusions. The Cuban economic interests and the characteristics of its own ecosystem affect and define the behavior of research produced by the CFR.Originality/Value. There are revealed the trends regarding scientific production, collaboration and impact of a center devoted to fisheries research; something that lacks of precedents for this sector and also for this field of science in Cuba.Objetivo. Se examinó el comportamiento de la producción investigativa, las redes de colaboración y el impacto científico del Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras, Cuba.Diseño/Metodología/Enfoque. Es una investigación de carácter bibliométrica, donde se examinaron indicadores de producción, colaboración e impacto durante el período 2000-2015.Resultados/Discusión. La producción de investigaciones fue irregular de acuerdo a su evolución por años. Se destacaron los artículos de revistas, los cuales se han escrito mayormente en español y publicados en revistas latinoamericanas.Por otro lado predominó la autoría múltiple, poniéndose gran énfasis en la acuicultura como temática más abordada. La colaboración con investigadores de otras instituciones ha sido baja y los vínculos interinstitucionales se dieron con centros de Cuba, México, Venezuela y Chile. Por último, los indicadores de citación mostraron una tendencia creciente a recibir citas por parte de artículos de revistas cubanas y latinoamericanas en general.Conclusiones. Los intereses económicos de Cuba y las características de su ecosistema inciden y definen el comportamiento de la investigación producida por el CIP.Originalidad/Valor. Son reveladas las tendencias respecto a la producción, colaboración e impacto científico de un centro dedicado a la investigación pesquera; lo cual carece de precedentes para este sector y también para esta área de la ciencia en Cuba

    Análisis de la producción investigativa, redes de colaboración e impacto científico del Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras, Cuba (2000-2015)

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    Objective. It was examined the investigative productivity, collaboration networks and scientific impact of the Center of Fisheries Research (CFR), located in Cuba. Design/Methodology/Approach. It is a research of a bibliometric character where production, collaboration and impact indicators were examined over the 2000-2015 period. Results/Discussion. The research productivity was irregular according to the yearly evolution. Papers written in Spanish and published by Latin American journals are highlighted. By other hand multiple authorships prevailed, being aquiculture the most addressed topic. Collaboration between the CFR members with researchers of external affiliation was very low and the inter-institutional relationships were mostly given with Cuban, Mexican, Venezuelan, and Chilean institutions. Lastly, citation indicators displayed a growing trend towards receiving citations by Cuban and Latin American journal papers. Conclusions. The Cuban economic interests and the characteristics of its own ecosystem affect and define the behavior of research produced by the CFR. Originality/Value. There are revealed the trends regarding scientific production, collaboration and impact of a center devoted to fisheries research; something that lacks of precedents for this sector and also for this field of science in Cuba


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    Operators and policy makers are concerned about Italian fisheries sector\u2019s economic trend. This research is focused on the market of a broad group of fish species called \u201cblue fish\u201d. The term identifies little pelagic fishes traditionally captured in Mediterranean Sea dorsally blue and ventrally silver coloured. Indeed, data show that anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus), sardines (Sardina pilchardus) and mackerels (Scomber scombrus), which are the most important species of the group, result relevant in volumes captured, but sold at low price. The analysis shows the strengths of blue fish, perceived as tasty, traditional, natural, inexpensive and healthy. However, some of these attributes show a weak counterface. The taste may represents a constraint for consumption, low cost is often related to the idea of a "poor" food and, finally, we should consider that fish is generally a health food, so that analysis highlights that some species are perceived healthier than blue fish itself. Furthermore, blue fish is difficult to be innovated in term of service or sale channels and denomination resulted little known. Considering the first problem as a weakness of the product, operators should take advantage form the second one. \u201cBlue fish\u201d definition is still unofficial, but culturally widespread, which could be the basis for a new quality labeling strategy. Indeed analysis revealed a positive correlation between knowledge and level of consumption of blue fish and the presence of a wide range of consumers which loves seafood, but is unfamiliar with the name, highlights a potentially lucrative market segment

    The Socialization of Indian Scientific Writers Into Western Scientific Discourse Communities.

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    This research studies the socialization of Indian science writers into western discourse communities. More specifically, it seeks to identify the writing problems that beginner Indian science writers face and the strategies that they adopt in overcoming them while writing dissertations or research articles. Primary information was gathered by interviewing 11 Indian graduate students and 17 faculty members from India (West Bengal) and the USA on the basis of a five-page questionnaire. Respondents were classified into three groups according to their places of training and writing skills. Three to five sets of rough drafts from each group were studied to note textual revisions and review comments as a supplementary source of information. A fourth group consisting of five native-speaking faculty members was also interviewed on the basis of a separate questionnaire. This research demonstrates that while beginner Indian respondents share many problems with other nonnative and native speakers alike, their problems have roots in Indian culture and education. These factors merit consideration for future pedagogical instruction. Variable language policies and schooling systems produce students with varying writing proficiencies. Initial training in the text-based reproductive and authoritarian mode combined with a heavy literary emphasis is viewed as an obstacle towards writing an effective argument or a critical synthesis. Problems such as validating claims and inferences arise from weak rhetorical skills and a lack of awareness for the rhetorical organization of the traditional Introduction-Method-Results-Discussion format in scientific writing, including the role of citations as a rhetorical tool. Cultural traits such as providing contextual information combined with a lack of scientific writing instruction produce digressive writing. While unlike other nonnative writers, beginner respondents write drafts in English, their minor but recurrent problems include ineffective sentence construction, repetition, flowery language, weak cohesion and incorrect article use. Planning extensively, using mathematical language, extending vocabulary, and writing shorter sentences are identified as successful strategies that are adopted to overcome writing obstacles. Reading and using advisorial feedback are other beneficial strategies that facilitate the socialization process. Writing instruction on developing critical, argumentative and rhetorical skills is recommended as a corrective pedagogy

    Sviluppo di un metodo rapido ed economico per l'estrazione del DNA da tessuto muscolare di pesce mediante l?utilizzo di biglie metalliche.

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    RIASSUNTO Nel settore ittico, dove le frodi per sostituzione, sia involontarie che intenzionali, hanno raggiunto livelli allarmanti, le analisi molecolari sono sempre più utilizzate, sia da parte delle Agenzie Ufficiali che da parte dell’industria, al fine di verificare la tracciabilità e la qualità dei prodotti. L’estrazione del DNA rappresenta una fase necessaria e cruciale nella processazione del campione destinato alle analisi molecolari. Tra gli inconvenienti associate a questa procedura ricordiamo ad esmpio: l'uso di materiali tossici, la bassa resa e la scarsa produttività, dovuta alle procedure manuali molto laboriose. In questo lavoro, al fine di superare i problemi sopraelencati, abbiamo sviluppato un metodo alternativo basato su una procedura di frantumazione del tessuto con l’utilizzo di sfere metalliche (bead-milling) omettendo la fase di digestione mediante proteinasi K. Il nuovo metodo è stato confrontato sia con un protocollo salting out sviluppato in un lavoro precedente, sia con un kit commerciale. Sono stati valutati la resa, la purità spettrofotometrica, il livello di degradazione con utilizzo dell'elettroforesi e l'amplificabilità del DNA estratto. In particolare, l'amplificabilità del DNA è stata stimata mediante la comparazione dell'intensità delle bande, visualizzate in elettroforesi su gel, dopo l'amplificazione dei geni 16s rRNA e COI con la PCR convenzionale e i valori di take-off dopo l'amplificazione del gene 16s rRNA con la real-time PCR. I risultati hanno dimostrato che il metodo basato sul bead-milling permette di ottenere quantità accettabili di DNA con buona purità e buone caratteristiche di amplificabilità. Sebbene il metodo salting out rimanga un protocollo più efficiente in termini di purità, la procedura basata sul bead-milling può essere considerata una valida alternativa anche in relazione alla ridotte esigenze in termini di costi e manodopera. Keywords: estrazione del DNA, bead milling, muscolo del pesce ABSTRACT In the fish food sector, where frauds have reached alarming levels, the molecular analysis is increasingly applied to to verify the quality of goods. DNA extraction represents a necessary and critical step for all types of DNA analysis. Among the drawbacks associated with this procedure, there are handling of toxic materials, low DNA yield and low throughput due to time-consuming manual procedures. In this work, to overcome some of these problems, we developed an alternative method based on a bead milling procedure without proteinase K digestion. The new method was then compared with both a salting out protocol developed in a previous work and a commercial kit. Yield, spectrophotometric purity, electrophoretic degradation pattern, and amplificability of the extracted DNA were assessed, In particular, DNA amplificability was evaluated by comparing the band intensity on the gel after amplification of the 16S rRNA and COI genes with a conventional PCR and the take-off cycles after amplification of the 16S rRNA gene with a real-time PCR. The results showed that the bead-based method allowed to obtain acceptable amounts of DNA, with good purity and good characteristics of amplificability. Although the salting out method remains the most effective protocol in terms of pure performances, the bead-milling procedure can be considered a valid alternative, in the light of its lower demand in terms of labor and costs. Keywords: DNA extraction, bead milling, fish muscle