67,026 research outputs found

    Implementing a collaborative writing workshop using Google Docs in a bilingual high school

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    La escritura colaborativa ha sido ampliamente investigada debido a sus efectos en el desarrollo de las habilidades de escritura de los estudiantes. Sin embargo, existen pocos estudios en Colombia sobre su implementación utilizando aplicaciones de procesamiento de texto en línea como Google Docs. Esta plataforma en particular contiene características que pueden ser utilizadas para facilitar la escritura colaborativa en las aulas de idiomas. El presente proyecto de aula tuvo como objetivo la enseñanza utilizando Google Docs para mejorar el rendimiento de escritura en inglés de los estudiantes de una institución pública bilingüe en Pereira, Colombia. Así, se utilizó la escritura colaborativa como metodología de enseñanza con estudiantes de undécimo grado para implementar un taller de diez lecciones para la composición de textos descriptivos. Los datos se recolectaron a través de instrumentos como los diarios de los docentes, las observaciones de clase, la composición de texto de los estudiantes y una encuesta de percepción. Los resultados mostraron el desarrollo de la competencia de escritura en inglés de los estudiantes y también proporcionaron información sobre el uso de este enfoque para enseñar habilidades de composición. Además, los docentes-practicantes que llevaron a cabo el proceso de ejecución de este proyecto de aula mejoraron sus habilidades docentes a la hora de promover la escritura. Adicionalmente, los estudiantes percibieron Google Docs como una herramienta manejable para utilizar en su proceso de aprendizaje. Por último, los resultados obtenidos mostraron mejoras en la escritura y las habilidades interpersonales de los alumnos, lo que ilustra la pertinencia y eficacia del uso de tecnologías y métodos de enseñanza innovadores en la escritura.Collaborative writing has been extensively researched due to its effects on the development of students’ writing skills. Nonetheless, there are few studies in Colombia on its implementation using online word-processing applications such as Google Docs. This platform in particular contains features that can be used to facilitate collaborative writing in language classrooms. The present classroom project aimed at using Google Docs to improve students’ writing performance in English at a bilingual public institution in Pereira, Colombia. Thus, collaborative writing was used as the teaching methodology with eleventh-grade students to implement a ten-lesson workshop for the composition of descriptive texts. Data was collected through instruments such as teacher journals, class observations, students’ artifacts, and a student perception survey. The findings showed the development of learners’ writing proficiency in English and also provided insights into the usage of this approach to teaching compositional skills. Furthermore, the teacher-practitioners who conducted the execution process of this classroom project enhanced their teaching skills when it came to promoting writing abilities. In addition, students perceived Google Docs as a manageable tool to use in their learning process. Finally, the results obtained displayed improvements in students' writing and interpersonal skills, illustrating the relevance and effectiveness of using innovative technologies and teaching methods in writing.PregradoLicenciado(a) en Bilingüismo con Énfasis en InglésTable of contents Justification................................................................................................................................... 10 Objectives ..................................................................................................................................... 14 Teaching Objectives................................................................................................................. 14 General Objective................................................................................................................ 14 Specific Teaching Objectives.............................................................................................. 15 Learning Objectives................................................................................................................. 15 General Learning Objective ................................................................................................ 15 Specific Learning Objectives .............................................................................................. 15 Theoretical Framework................................................................................................................. 15 Literature Review..................................................................................................................... 16 Conceptual Framework ............................................................................................................ 19 Writing................................................................................................................................. 19 Elements of Writing........................................................................................................ 20 Writing Fluency. ............................................................................................................. 20 Academic Writing ............................................................................................................... 21 Descriptive Writing ............................................................................................................. 22 Writing in EFL .................................................................................................................... 22 Teaching Writing................................................................................................................. 23 Teaching Writing Stages................................................................................................. 23 Approaches to Teaching Writing to English Language Learners................................... 24 Assessment in Writing......................................................................................................... 25 Collaborative Learning........................................................................................................ 26 Collaborative Writing.......................................................................................................... 26 Implementing Collaborative Writing.............................................................................. 27 Stages for Implementing Collaborative Writing............................................................. 27 Interaction in Collaborative Writing............................................................................... 28 The Use of Online Learning Tools...................................................................................... 29 Google Docs........................................................................................................................ 29 Implementing Collaborative Writing Using Google Docs.................................................. 30 Methodology................................................................................................................................. 31 Context ..................................................................................................................................... 31 Setting ...................................................................................................................................... 32 Participants............................................................................................................................... 32 Students’ Profile .................................................................................................................. 32 Practitioners......................................................................................................................... 33 Instructional Design ................................................................................................................. 33 Methodological Approach................................................................................................... 33 Implementation.................................................................................................................... 34 Assessment and Reflection.................................................................................................. 36 Data Collection Instruments..................................................................................................... 37 Teachers’ Journals............................................................................................................... 37 Class Observations .............................................................................................................. 37 Students’ Artifacts............................................................................................................... 38 Student Perception Survey .................................................................................................. 38 Results........................................................................................................................................... 39 Linguistic Outcomes ................................................................................................................ 39 Enhanced Writing Competence through Collaborative Writing ......................................... 39 Work Division and Interaction ............................................................................................ 44 Peer Feedback and Metalinguistic Awareness Enhancement ............................................. 45 Students' Responses ................................................................................................................. 48 Interpersonal Skills and Teamwork..................................................................................... 48 Students' Attitudes Toward Collaboration .......................................................................... 49 Students’ Attitudes Towards the Use of Google Docs for Collaborative Writing .............. 52 Professional Growth................................................................................................................. 54 Lesson Planning and Execution........................................................................................... 54 Assessment .......................................................................................................................... 55 Use of Translators and Bilingual Dictionaries .................................................................... 57 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 58 Limitations.................................................................................................................................... 59 Pedagogical Implications.............................................................................................................. 60 References..................................................................................................................................... 61 Appendices.................................................................................................................................... 72 Appendix A .............................................................................................................................. 72 Appendix B .............................................................................................................................. 74 Appendix C .............................................................................................................................. 75 Appendix D .............................................................................................................................. 78 Appendix E............................................................................................................................... 7

    Enhancing Information Language Learning with Mobile Technology - Does it Work?

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    There are many theories that attempt to explain second language acquisition processes and factors determining success or failure. Despite a lack of general agreement between proponents of these theories, research has convincingly shown that the amount of exposure to target language input is one important predictor of ultimate achievement levels. ‘Time on task’ is as important in language learning as it is in many other domains (cf. Reber, 1993) and it is therefore important to identify ways in which this can be increased. An obvious possibility is to encourage learners to engage with (and in) the language outside the classroom. Informal learning, in the sense of learning outside of formal education, has been shown to be a major aspect of adult learning (Cross, 2007) and, given appropriate preparation and support, learners can greatly increase opportunities for learning if they can do so independently. Mobile technologies have obvious potential in this regard. However, is it possible to improve language skills in this way? In this article we report on an exploratory study into the use of cellphones for extensive listening practice. We used input enhancement to draw learners’ attention to not only the meaning of the materials but also the formal (grammatical) aspects of the input. We found that the use of mobile technology presented a number of challenges and in this study did not result in learners acquiring the target structures. We conclude with a number of recommendations for the use and future study of mobile technologies for (language) learning

    Students as change agents: new ways of engaging with learning and teaching in higher education

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    This is a set of practitioner resources for those wanting to set up student-based research projects in their institutions

    Technology Enhanced Learning Guide

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    Technology is changing how students learn and how we research. Perhaps you want to use technology to enhance communication or improve student support. You may want create a distance learning activity, a flexibly delivered module or indeed a whole course. You may simply want to find out where to find authoritative information, or to see what support exists for this type of work. The University is committed to delivering high quality learning and teaching, using technology where appropriate, in order to offer a distinctive Southampton educational experience. Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), also known as e‑learning, is becoming increasingly important to students, teaching staff and the institution. This guide highlights some of the most important matters to consider. It is intended to help you to tackle the key issues that determine the success of TEL projects and to work on those projects in a considered way. Written with the input of colleagues from around the University, it prompts you to ask important questions and points you to sources of up-to-date knowledge and advice. Technology changes rapidly. This guide is about managing the work in a practical way. The University supports the use of a variety of TEL approaches for teaching and learning and colleagues are ready to offer their experience and advice. Each person has distinctive skills and specific experiences. No single person will have all the answers you are looking for. Be ready to investigate alternative approaches that suit you and your students’ needs in different ways. - Madeline Paterson, University of Southampto

    Communication technologies and education: Lessons in the potential of innovation

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    The evaluation of initiatives in using new forms of technology to enhance teaching and learning will raise awareness of the need for a structured and principled approach to the introduction of innovative methods. This paper addresses the pedagogical potential of communication technology for curricular development in schools, initial teacher education and continuing professional development. It establishes principles of practice based on activities undertaken within a national project involving schools and higher‐education institutions

    Student Access and Success: Issues and Interventions in South African Universities

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    Low rates of access and success in post-secondary education are arguably the single biggest challenge facing South Africa's public education system. The sustem is failing to meet the educational needs of young people, a growing economy, and a rapidly changing society. Black students, particularly those from poor backgrounds are deeply affected. Senior managers, 30 in all, at 18 of the country's 23 public universities were interviewed to understand issues such as primary academic interventions designed to support and improve student success. The authors conclude that no single intervention is likely to shift student performance and success. The answer, however, will require "understanding the holistic needs of students." The authors also feel it is crucial that the imporatnce of teaching and learning - as well as research- be understood

    Literacy practices: using the literacies for learning in further education framework to analyse literacy practices on a post-compulsory education and training teacher education programme

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    The Literacies for learning in further education framework describes nine aspects of a literacy practice that elaborate the basic questions of what?, why?, who?, and how? that are needed to understand and describe literacy practices. The framework was used to analyse two literacy practices encountered on initial teacher education courses in the post-compulsory education and training (PCET) phase of the Teacher Education Department in order to understand those literacy practices and improve them. The framework was found to be a useful tool in articulating competing and contradictory purposes in literacy practices in order to clarify them particularly in the context of the complex partnership and stakeholder relationships within teacher education. It was also useful as a planning tool to support collaborative work between the PCET phase of the Teacher Education Department and faculty-based and central support services in supporting the academic literacy of trainees. The use of the framework by other University departments should be considered in supporting academic literacy