958 research outputs found

    Self-Driving Car A Deep-Learning Approach

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    Nowadays self-directed learning and automation are not restricted to human beings only. If you stare out at the automotive horizon, you can see a new exciting era coming into limelight: the age of self-driving cars. An age when humans will no longer need to keep their eyes on the road. No more concerns about distraction while driving or those stressful rush hour commutes, vehicles will whisk us where we want to go, blazingly fast and efficiently. This paper aims at demonstrating a system, which is able to drive a car on road without any human input. Both software and hardware parts are discussed here. The vehicle would contain certain sensors such as GPS, Ultrasonic Sensor, Camera and would contain an on-board computer for decision making. Waypoint data would be obtained from a nav provider like Google Maps. All of it would be simulated in CARLA, an open-source simulator

    Application of Image Processing Techniques for Autonomous Cars

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    This paper aims to implement different image processing techniques that will help to control an autonomous car. A multistage pre-processing technique is used to detect the lanes, street signs, and obstacles accurately. The images captured from the autonomous car are processed by the proposed system which is used to control the autonomous vehicle. Canny edge detection was applied to the captured image for detecting the edges, Also, Hough transform was used to detect and mark the lanes immediately to the left and right of the car. This work attempts to highlight the importance of autonomous cars which drastically increase road safety and improve the efficiency of driving compared to human drivers. The performance of the proposed system is observed by the implementation of the autonomous car that is able to detect and classify the stop signs and other vehicles

    An advanced deep learning model for maneuver prediction in real-time systems using alarming-based hunting optimization

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    The increasing trend of autonomous driving vehicles in smart cities emphasizes the need for safe travel. However, the presence of obstacles, potholes, and complex road environments, such as poor illumination and occlusion, can cause blurred road images that may impact the accuracy of maneuver prediction in visual perception systems. To address these challenges, a novel ensemble model named ABHO-based deep CNN-BiLSTM has been proposed for traffic sign detection. This model combines a hybrid convolutional neural network (CNN) and bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) with the alarming-based hunting optimization (ABHO) algorithm to improve maneuver prediction accuracy. Additionally, a modified hough-enabled lane generative adversarial network (ABHO based HoughGAN) has been proposed, which is designed to be robust to blurred images. The ABHO algorithm, inspired by the defending and social characteristics of starling birds and Canis kojot, allows the model to efficiently search for the optimal solution from the available solutions in the search space. The proposed ensemble model has shown significantly improved accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity in maneuver prediction compared to previously utilized methods, with minimal error during lane detection. Overall, the proposed ensemble model addresses the challenges faced by autonomous driving vehicles in complex and obstructed road environments, offering a promising solution for enhancing safety and reliability in smart cities

    Chartopolis - A Self Driving Car Test Bed

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    abstract: This thesis presents an autonomous vehicle test bed which can be used to conduct studies on the interaction between human-driven vehicles and autonomous vehicles on the road. The test bed will make use of a fleet of robots which is a microcosm of an autonomous vehicle performing all the vital tasks like lane following, traffic signal obeying and collision avoidance with other vehicles on the road. The robots use real-time image processing and closed-loop control techniques to achieve automation. The testbed also features a manual control mode where a user can choose to control the car with a joystick by viewing a video relayed to the control station. Stochastic rogue vehicle processes will be introduced into the system which will emulate random behaviors in an autonomous vehicle. The test bed was experimented to perform a comparative study of driving capabilities of the miniature self-driving car and a human driver.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Electrical Engineering 201

    Lane Detection For Automatic Cars

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    The first stage in developing an autonomous car is the lane detection system. To help us identify lanes, we've borrowed a pair of ready-made models. As a rule, these two models are very time-consuming and expensive to compute. To lessen the burden on the computer, we developed a technique called the "row anchor based" approach. The computational burden is reduced, and the no-visual-clue issue is addressed by using this technique. It is exceedingly challenging to identify lanes when we are unable to see them clearly, as occurs in inclement weather, when water is on the lanes, or when the lanes are not designated. No-visual-clue is the term for this kind of issue. ResNet-18, which is used for pretrained models, has been utilized. Because of this, velocity will rise. ResNet-34 is another option, but it is too resource-intensive for this particular project. Road detection from one image is used to locate the road in a picture so it can be used as a district in the automation of the driving system within the vehicles for moving the vehicle on the correct road given a picture captured from a camera attached to a vehicle moving on a road, which road may or may not be level, have clearly described edges, or have some previous acknowledged patterns thereon. Here, we apply techniques for vanishing point identification, Hough Transformation Space, area of interest detection, edge detection, and canny edge detection for road recognition to locate the road inside the picture acquired by the vehicle. To train our model to recognize the road in the fresh image processed by the car, we typically use hundreds of images of roads from different locations