309 research outputs found

    Landmark Optimization Using Local Curvature for Point-Based Nonlinear Rodent Brain Image Registration

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    Purpose. To develop a technique to automate landmark selection for point-based interpolating transformations for nonlinear medical image registration. Materials and Methods. Interpolating transformations were calculated from homologous point landmarks on the source (image to be transformed) and target (reference image). Point landmarks are placed at regular intervals on contours of anatomical features, and their positions are optimized along the contour surface by a function composed of curvature similarity and displacements of the homologous landmarks. The method was evaluated in two cases (n = 5 each). In one, MRI was registered to histological sections; in the second, geometric distortions in EPI MRI were corrected. Normalized mutual information and target registration error were calculated to compare the registration accuracy of the automatically and manually generated landmarks. Results. Statistical analyses demonstrated significant improvement (P < 0.05) in registration accuracy by landmark optimization in most data sets and trends towards improvement (P < 0.1) in others as compared to manual landmark selection

    3D Reconstruction and Standardization of the Rat Vibrissal Cortex for Precise Registration of Single Neuron Morphology

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    Author Summary For studying the neural basis of perception and behavior, it would be ideal to directly monitor sensory-evoked excitation streams within neural circuits, at sub-cellular and millisecond resolution. To do so, reverse engineering approaches of reconstructing circuit anatomy and synaptic wiring have been suggested. The resulting anatomically realistic models may then allow for computer simulations (in silico experiments) of circuit function. A natural starting point for reconstructing neural circuits is a cortical column, which is thought to be an elementary functional unit of sensory cortices. In the vibrissal area of rodent somatosensory cortex, a cytoarchitectonic equivalent, designated as a ‘barrel column’, has been described. By reconstructing the 3D geometry of almost 1,000 barrel columns, we show that the somatotopic layout of the vibrissal cortex is highly preserved across animals. This allows generating a standard cortex and registering neuron morphologies, obtained from different experiments, to their ‘true’ location. Marking a crucial step towards reverse engineering of cortical circuits, the present study will allow estimating synaptic connectivity within an entire cortical area by structural overlap of registered axons and dendrites

    Visual analytics methods for shape analysis of biomedical images exemplified on rodent skull morphology

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    In morphometrics and its application fields like medicine and biology experts are interested in causal relations of variation in organismic shape to phylogenetic, ecological, geographical, epidemiological or disease factors - or put more succinctly by Fred L. Bookstein, morphometrics is "the study of covariances of biological form". In order to reveal causes for shape variability, targeted statistical analysis correlating shape features against external and internal factors is necessary but due to the complexity of the problem often not feasible in an automated way. Therefore, a visual analytics approach is proposed in this thesis that couples interactive visualizations with automated statistical analyses in order to stimulate generation and qualitative assessment of hypotheses on relevant shape features and their potentially affecting factors. To this end long established morphometric techniques are combined with recent shape modeling approaches from geometry processing and medical imaging, leading to novel visual analytics methods for shape analysis. When used in concert these methods facilitate targeted analysis of characteristic shape differences between groups, co-variation between different structures on the same anatomy and correlation of shape to extrinsic attributes. Here a special focus is put on accurate modeling and interactive rendering of image deformations at high spatial resolution, because that allows for faithful representation and communication of diminutive shape features, large shape differences and volumetric structures. The utility of the presented methods is demonstrated in case studies conducted together with a collaborating morphometrics expert. As exemplary model structure serves the rodent skull and its mandible that are assessed via computed tomography scans

    Registration and Analysis of Developmental Image Sequences

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    Mapping images into the same anatomical coordinate system via image registration is a fundamental step when studying physiological processes, such as brain development. Standard registration methods are applicable when biological structures are mapped to the same anatomy and their appearance remains constant across the images or changes spatially uniformly. However, image sequences of animal or human development often do not follow these assumptions, and thus standard registration methods are unsuited for their analysis. In response, this dissertation tackles the problems of i) registering developmental image sequences with spatially non-uniform appearance change and ii) reconstructing a coherent 3D volume from serially sectioned images with non-matching anatomies between the sections. There are three major contributions presented in this dissertation. First, I develop a similarity metric that incorporates a time-dependent appearance model into the registration framework. The proposed metric allows for longitudinal image registration in the presence of spatially non-uniform appearance change over time—a common medical imaging problem for longitudinal magnetic resonance images of the neonatal brain. Next, a method is introduced for registering longitudinal developmental datasets with missing time points using an appearance atlas built from a population. The proposed method is applied to a longitudinal study of young macaque monkeys with incomplete image sequences. The final contribution is a template-free registration method to reconstruct images of serially sectioned biological samples into a coherent 3D volume. The method is applied to confocal fluorescence microscopy images of serially sectioned embryonic mouse brains.Doctor of Philosoph

    Radiological Pathological Correlations in Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

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    Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that has been increasingly linked to traumatic brain injury. The neuropathology that distinguishes CTE from other tauopathies includes hyperphosphorylated tau (pTau) tangles and tau positive astrocytes irregularly distributed in cortical sulcal depths and clustered around perivascular foci. These features are clearly identified using immunohistochemistry, but are undetectable to current clinical imaging methods. Diffusion imaging has been proposed as a noninvasive method to detect the pathognomonic lesion of CTE in vivo because of its high sensitivity to microstructural alterations in tissue structure. While several diffusion imaging approaches, ranging from diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to more advanced schemes such as generalized q-sampling imaging (GQI) and diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) may prove useful, the relationship between changes in diffusion-derived metrics and the underlying pathology remains unknown. We have developed and implemented a method of perform radiological-pathological correlations in tissues with diagnoses of CTE, aimed to determine whether high spatial resolution diffusion imaging is capable of sensitively detecting pTau pathology. Human ex vivo cortical tissues diagnoses with Stage III/IV CTE, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) or frontotemporal lobar dementia (FTLD) were scanned in an 11.74T Agilent MRI scanner using DTI, GQI and DKI acquisition schemes with isotropic in-plane spatial resolution of 250µm and 500µm slice thickness. Following image acquisition, tissues were sectioned and stained for histopathological markers including AT8 (pTau), GFAP (astrocytes) and Myelin Black Gold II (myelinated white matter). A custom script was used to co-register histological to MRI images, allowing for the ability to perform high spatial resolution correlations of histological with diffusion metrics. Using this approach, we found no relationship between pTau in sulcal depths and any of our DTI, GQI and DKI based measures. Interestingly, we found that white matter underlying sulcal depths in CTE tissues showed signs of disruption, a finding that we did not observe in AD or FTLD tissues. Furthermore, white matter integrity in these regions was correlated with fractional anisotropy. These findings demonstrate that high spatial resolution diffusion imaging is capable of detecting white matter disorganization closely related to pTau pathology in CTE, and may provide a more sensitive and specific means of diagnosing CTE

    Deformable image registration between pathological images and MR image via an optical macro image

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    Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging have been widely used for visualizing the inside of the human body. However, in many cases, pathological diagnosis is conducted through a biopsy or resection of an organ to evaluate the condition of tissues as definitive diagnosis. To provide more advanced information onto CT or MR image, it is necessary to reveal the relationship between tissue information and image signals. We propose a registration scheme for a set of PT images of divided specimens and a 3D-MR image by reference to an optical macro image (OM image) captured by an optical camera. We conducted a fundamental study using a resected human brain after the death of a brain cancer patient. We constructed two kinds of registration processes using the OM image as the base for both registrations to make conversion parameters between the PT and MR images. The aligned PT images had shapes similar to the OM image. On the other hand, the extracted cross-sectional MR image was similar to the OM image. From these resultant conversion parameters, the corresponding region on the PT image could be searched and displayed when an arbitrary pixel on the MR image was selected. The relationship between the PT and MR images of the whole brain can be analyzed using the proposed method. We confirmed that same regions between the PT and MR images could be searched and displayed using resultant information obtained by the proposed method. In terms of the accuracy of proposed method, the TREs were 0.56 ± 0.39 mm and 0.87 ± 0.42 mm. We can analyze the relationship between tissue information and MR signals using the proposed method

    Computational Anatomy for Multi-Organ Analysis in Medical Imaging: A Review

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    The medical image analysis field has traditionally been focused on the development of organ-, and disease-specific methods. Recently, the interest in the development of more 20 comprehensive computational anatomical models has grown, leading to the creation of multi-organ models. Multi-organ approaches, unlike traditional organ-specific strategies, incorporate inter-organ relations into the model, thus leading to a more accurate representation of the complex human anatomy. Inter-organ relations are not only spatial, but also functional and physiological. Over the years, the strategies 25 proposed to efficiently model multi-organ structures have evolved from the simple global modeling, to more sophisticated approaches such as sequential, hierarchical, or machine learning-based models. In this paper, we present a review of the state of the art on multi-organ analysis and associated computation anatomy methodology. The manuscript follows a methodology-based classification of the different techniques 30 available for the analysis of multi-organs and multi-anatomical structures, from techniques using point distribution models to the most recent deep learning-based approaches. With more than 300 papers included in this review, we reflect on the trends and challenges of the field of computational anatomy, the particularities of each anatomical region, and the potential of multi-organ analysis to increase the impact of 35 medical imaging applications on the future of healthcare.Comment: Paper under revie

    Cortical Surface Registration and Shape Analysis

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    A population analysis of human cortical morphometry is critical for insights into brain development or degeneration. Such an analysis allows for investigating sulcal and gyral folding patterns. In general, such a population analysis requires both a well-established cortical correspondence and a well-defined quantification of the cortical morphometry. The highly folded and convoluted structures render a reliable and consistent population analysis challenging. Three key challenges have been identified for such an analysis: 1) consistent sulcal landmark extraction from the cortical surface to guide better cortical correspondence, 2) a correspondence establishment for a reliable and stable population analysis, and 3) quantification of the cortical folding in a more reliable and biologically meaningful fashion. The main focus of this dissertation is to develop a fully automatic pipeline that supports a population analysis of local cortical folding changes. My proposed pipeline consists of three novel components I developed to overcome the challenges in the population analysis: 1) automatic sulcal curve extraction for stable/reliable anatomical landmark selection, 2) group-wise registration for establishing cortical shape correspondence across a population with no template selection bias, and 3) quantification of local cortical folding using a novel cortical-shape-adaptive kernel. To evaluate my methodological contributions, I applied all of them in an application to early postnatal brain development. I studied the human cortical morphological development using the proposed quantification of local cortical folding from neonate age to 1 year and 2 years of age, with quantitative developmental assessments. This study revealed a novel pattern of associations between the cortical gyrification and cognitive development.Doctor of Philosoph

    Shape analysis of the human brain.

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    Autism is a complex developmental disability that has dramatically increased in prevalence, having a decisive impact on the health and behavior of children. Methods used to detect and recommend therapies have been much debated in the medical community because of the subjective nature of diagnosing autism. In order to provide an alternative method for understanding autism, the current work has developed a 3-dimensional state-of-the-art shape based analysis of the human brain to aid in creating more accurate diagnostic assessments and guided risk analyses for individuals with neurological conditions, such as autism. Methods: The aim of this work was to assess whether the shape of the human brain can be used as a reliable source of information for determining whether an individual will be diagnosed with autism. The study was conducted using multi-center databases of magnetic resonance images of the human brain. The subjects in the databases were analyzed using a series of algorithms consisting of bias correction, skull stripping, multi-label brain segmentation, 3-dimensional mesh construction, spherical harmonic decomposition, registration, and classification. The software algorithms were developed as an original contribution of this dissertation in collaboration with the BioImaging Laboratory at the University of Louisville Speed School of Engineering. The classification of each subject was used to construct diagnoses and therapeutic risk assessments for each patient. Results: A reliable metric for making neurological diagnoses and constructing therapeutic risk assessment for individuals has been identified. The metric was explored in populations of individuals having autism spectrum disorders, dyslexia, Alzheimers disease, and lung cancer. Conclusion: Currently, the clinical applicability and benefits of the proposed software approach are being discussed by the broader community of doctors, therapists, and parents for use in improving current methods by which autism spectrum disorders are diagnosed and understood