7 research outputs found


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    The limited forest resources with a higher deforestation rate per annum, Pakistan ranks the second highest in Asia. FAO reported that the annual forest cover change rate during 1990–2000 was −1.8% and increased to −2.2 % between 2000–2010. Most of Pakistan's total forest resources, dominantly natural forest, are situated in the Northern regions. Stepping into the corridor of the 21st century, the Spatio-temporal analysis has been evolved using Satellite Remote Sensing data aided with Geographic Information System) GIS) platforms. The study is carried out over the mountainous vegetation land of Malam Jabba, district Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Due to varying topography and the region being part of the agro-forestry zone, drastic changes were observed in vegetation and built-up areas. The vegetation cover has been identified and classified based on elevation throughout the area. This study has provided essential insights into vegetation cover change over a period of four decades. Vegetation cover is classified into high to very high, medium, and low to very low. The Landsat and the SRTM DEM satellite imageries were exported to the ERDAS software for pre-and post-processing, and for further analysis ArcGIS 10.5 was used, where the vegetation density change for each period was computed from the pixels by using vegetation indices like VCI, NDVI, and SAVI. The results show a significant decline from 1980 to 2010 in vegetation density in the Northwestern direction; however, an increasing trend can be seen in 2020 due to awareness and the Government’s Billion Tree Tsunami initiative. Such studies can significantly benefit researchers and decision-makers interested in satellite remote sensing for forest and other vegetation cover monitoring and management at a regional scale

    Mapping Heat Vulnerability Index Based on Different Urbanization Levels in Nebraska, USA

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    Heatwaves cause excess mortality and physiological impacts on humans throughout the world, and climate change will intensify and increase the frequency of heat events. Many adaptation and mitigation studies use spatial distribution of highly vulnerable local populations to inform heat reduction and response plans. However, most available heat vulnerability studies focus on urban areas with high heat intensification by Urban Heat Islands (UHIs). Rural areas encompass different environmental and socioeconomic issues that require alternate analyses of vulnerability. We categorized Nebraska census tracts into four urbanization levels, then conducted factor analyses on each group and captured different patterns of socioeconomic vulnerabilities among resultant Heat Vulnerability Indices (HVIs). While disability is the major component of HVI in two urbanized classes, lower education, and races other than white have higher contributions in HVI for the two rural classes. To account for environmental vulnerability of HVI, we considered different land type combinations for each urban class based on their percentage areas and their differences in heat intensifications. Our results demonstrate different combinations of initial variables in heat vulnerability among urban classes of Nebraska and clustering of high and low heat vulnerable areas within the highest urbanized sections. Less urbanized areas show no spatial clustering of HVI. More studies with separation on urbanization level of residence can give insights into different socioeconomic vulnerability patterns in rural and urban areas, while also identifying changes in environmental variables that better capture heat intensification in rural settings

    Augmenting Land Cover/Land Use Classification by Incorporating Information from Land Surface Phenology: An Application to Quantify Recent Cropland Expansion in South Dakota

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    Understanding rapid land change in the U.S. NGP region is not only critical for management and conservation of prairie habitats and ecosystem services, but also for projecting production of crops and biofuels and the impacts of land conversion on water quality and rural transportation infrastructure. Hence, it raises the need for an LCLU dataset with good spatiotemporal coverage as well as consistent accuracy through time to enable change analysis. This dissertation aims (1) to develop a novel classification method, which utilizes time series images from comparable sensors, from the perspective of land surface phenology, and (2) to apply the land cover/land use dataset generated from the phenometrically-based classification approach to quantify crop expansion in South Dakota. A novel classification approach from the perspective of land surface phenology (LSP) uses rich time series datasets. First, surface reflectance products at 30 m spatial resolution from Landsat Collection-1, its newer structure—Landsat Analysis Ready Data, and the Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (HLS) data are used to construct vegetation index time series, including the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), and the 2-band EVI (EVI2), and various spectral variables (spectral band and normalized ratio composites). MODIS Level-3 Land Surface Temperature & Emissivity 8-day composite products at 1 km spatial resolution from both the Aqua and Terra satellites are used to compute accumulated growing degree-days (AGDD) time series. The EVI/EVI2 and AGDD time series are then fitted by two different land surface phenology models: the Convex Quadratic model and the Hybrid Piecewise Logistic Model. Suites of phenometrics are derived from the two LSP models and spectral variables and input to Random Forest Classifiers (RFC) to map land cover of sample areas in South Dakota. The results indicate that classifications using only phenometrics can accurately map major crops in the study area but show limited accuracy for non-vegetated land covers. RFC models using the combined spectralphenological variables can achieve higher accuracies than those using either spectral variables or phenometrics alone, especially for the barren/developed class. Among all sampling designs, the “same distribution” models—proportional distribution of the sample is like proportional distribution of the population—tends to yield best land cover prediction. A “same distribution” random sample dataset covering approximately 0.25% or more of the study area appears to achieve an accurate land cover map. To characterize crop expansion in South Dakota, a trajectory-based analysis, which considers the entire land cover dataset generated from the LSP-based classifications, is proposed to improve change detection. An estimated cropland expansion of 5,447 km2 (equivalent to 14% of the existing cropland area) occurred between 2007 and 2015, which matches more closely the reports from the National Agriculture Statistics Service—NASS (5,921 km2) and the National Resources Inventory—NRI (5,034 km2) than an estimation from a bi-temporal change approach (8,018 km2). Cropland gains were mostly concentrated in 10 counties in northern and central South Dakota. An evaluation of land suitability for crops using the Soil Survey Geographic Database—SSURGO indicates a scarcity in high-quality arable land available for cropland expansion

    Land Cover Classification Based on Fused Data from GF-1 and MODIS NDVI Time Series

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    Accurate regional and global information on land cover and its changes over time is crucial for environmental monitoring, land management, and planning. In this study, we selected Fengning County, in China’s Hebei Province, as a case study area. Using satellite data, we generated fused normalized-difference vegetation index (NDVI) data with high spatial and temporal resolution by utilizing the STARFM algorithm to produce a fused GF-1 and MODIS NDVI dataset. We extracted seven phenological parameters (including the start, end, and length of the growing season, base value, mid-season date, maximum NDVI, seasonal NDVI amplitude) from a fused NDVI time-series after reconstruction using the TIMESAT software. We developed four classification scenarios based on different combinations of GF-1 spectral features, the fused NDVI time-series, and the phenological parameters. We then classified the land cover using a support vector machine and analyzed the classification accuracies. We found that the proposed method achieved satisfactory classification results, and that the combination of the fused NDVI data with the extracted phenological parameters significantly improved classification accuracy. The classification accuracy based on the composited GF-1 multi-spectral bands combined with the phenological parameters was the highest among the four scenarios, with an overall classification accuracy of 88.8% and a Kappa coefficient of 0.8714, which represent increases of 9.3 percentage points and 0.1073, respectively, compared with GF-1 spectral data alone. The producer’s and user’s accuracy for different land cover types improved, with a few exceptions, and cropland and broadleaf forest had the largest increase

    Land Cover Classification Based on Fused Data from GF-1 and MODIS NDVI Time Series

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    Accurate regional and global information on land cover and its changes over time is crucial for environmental monitoring, land management, and planning. In this study, we selected Fengning County, in China’s Hebei Province, as a case study area. Using satellite data, we generated fused normalized-difference vegetation index (NDVI) data with high spatial and temporal resolution by utilizing the STARFM algorithm to produce a fused GF-1 and MODIS NDVI dataset. We extracted seven phenological parameters (including the start, end, and length of the growing season, base value, mid-season date, maximum NDVI, seasonal NDVI amplitude) from a fused NDVI time-series after reconstruction using the TIMESAT software. We developed four classification scenarios based on different combinations of GF-1 spectral features, the fused NDVI time-series, and the phenological parameters. We then classified the land cover using a support vector machine and analyzed the classification accuracies. We found that the proposed method achieved satisfactory classification results, and that the combination of the fused NDVI data with the extracted phenological parameters significantly improved classification accuracy. The classification accuracy based on the composited GF-1 multi-spectral bands combined with the phenological parameters was the highest among the four scenarios, with an overall classification accuracy of 88.8% and a Kappa coefficient of 0.8714, which represent increases of 9.3 percentage points and 0.1073, respectively, compared with GF-1 spectral data alone. The producer’s and user’s accuracy for different land cover types improved, with a few exceptions, and cropland and broadleaf forest had the largest increase

    Earth Observations for Addressing Global Challenges

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    "Earth Observations for Addressing Global Challenges" presents the results of cutting-edge research related to innovative techniques and approaches based on satellite remote sensing data, the acquisition of earth observations, and their applications in the contemporary practice of sustainable development. Addressing the urgent tasks of adaptation to climate change is one of the biggest global challenges for humanity. As His Excellency António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, said, "Climate change is the defining issue of our time—and we are at a defining moment. We face a direct existential threat." For many years, scientists from around the world have been conducting research on earth observations collecting vital data about the state of the earth environment. Evidence of the rapidly changing climate is alarming: according to the World Meteorological Organization, the past two decades included 18 of the warmest years since 1850, when records began. Thus, Group on Earth Observations (GEO) has launched initiatives across multiple societal benefit areas (agriculture, biodiversity, climate, disasters, ecosystems, energy, health, water, and weather), such as the Global Forest Observations Initiative, the GEO Carbon and GHG Initiative, the GEO Biodiversity Observation Network, and the GEO Blue Planet, among others. The results of research that addressed strategic priorities of these important initiatives are presented in the monograph