7 research outputs found

    Laboratory Intercomparison of Radiometers Used for Satellite Validation in the 400–900 nm Range

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    An intercomparison of radiance and irradiance ocean color radiometers (The Second Laboratory Comparison Exercise—LCE-2) was organized within the frame of the European Space Agency funded project Fiducial Reference Measurements for Satellite Ocean Color (FRM4SOC) May 8–13, 2017 at Tartu Observatory, Estonia. LCE-2 consisted of three sub-tasks: 1) SI-traceable radiometric calibration of all the participating radiance and irradiance radiometers at the Tartu Observatory just before the comparisons; 2) Indoor intercomparison using stable radiance and irradiance sources in controlled environment; and 3) Outdoor intercomparison of natural radiation sources over terrestrial water surface. The aim of the experiment was to provide one link in the chain of traceability from field measurements of water reflectance to the uniform SI-traceable calibration, and after calibration to verify whether different instruments measuring the same object provide results consistent within the expected uncertainty limits. This paper describes the activities and results of the first two phases of LCE-2: the SI-traceable radiometric calibration and indoor intercomparison, the results of outdoor experiment are presented in a related paper of the same journal issue. The indoor experiment of the LCE-2 has proven that uniform calibration just before the use of radiometers is highly effective. Distinct radiometers from different manufacturers operated by different scientists can yield quite close radiance and irradiance results (standard deviation s < 1%) under defined conditions. This holds when measuring stable lamp-based targets under stationary laboratory conditions with all the radiometers uniformly calibrated against the same standards just prior to the experiment. In addition, some unification of measurement and data processing must be settled. Uncertainty of radiance and irradiance measurement under these conditions largely consists of the sensor’s calibration uncertainty and of the spread of results obtained by individual sensors measuring the same object

    Comparison of Above-Water Seabird and TriOS Radiometers along an Atlantic Meridional Transect

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    The Fiducial Reference Measurements for Satellite Ocean Color (FRM4SOC) project has carried out a range of activities to evaluate and improve the state-of-the-art in ocean color radiometry. This paper described the results from a ship-based intercomparison conducted on the Atlantic Meridional Transect 27 from 23rd September to 5th November 2017. Two different radiometric systems, TriOS-Radiation Measurement Sensor with Enhanced Spectral resolution (RAMSES) and Seabird-Hyperspectral Surface Acquisition System (HyperSAS), were compared and operated side-by-side over a wide range of Atlantic provinces and environmental conditions. Both systems were calibrated for traceability to SI (SystĂšme international) units at the same optical laboratory under uniform conditions before and after the field campaign. The in situ results and their accompanying uncertainties were evaluated using the same data handling protocols. The field data revealed variability in the responsivity between TRiOS and Seabird sensors, which is dependent on the ambient environmental and illumination conditions. The straylight effects for individual sensors were mostly within ±3%. A near infra-red (NIR) similarity correction changed the water-leaving reflectance (ρw) and water-leaving radiance (Lw) spectra significantly, bringing also a convergence in outliers. For improving the estimates of in situ uncertainty, it is recommended that additional characterization of radiometers and environmental ancillary measurements are undertaken. In general, the comparison of radiometric systems showed agreement within the evaluated uncertainty limits. Consistency of in situ results with the available Sentinel-3A Ocean and Land Color Instrument (OLCI) data in the range from (400
560) nm was also satisfactory (-8% < Mean Percentage Difference (MPD) < 15%) and showed good agreement in terms of the shape of the spectra and absolute values

    Derivation of uncertainty budgets for continuous above-water radiometric measurements along an Atlantic Meridional Transect

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    This is the final version. Available from Optica via the DOI in this record. Data Availability: Data underlying the results presented in this paper are not publicly available at this time but may be obtained from the authors upon reasonable request.Fiducial reference measurements are in-situ data traceable to metrology standards, with associated uncertainties. This paper presents the methodology used to derive the uncertainty budget for underway, above-water measurements from the Seabird Hyperspectral Surface Acquisition System deployed on an Atlantic Meridional Transect in 2018. The average uncertainty of remote sensing reflectance for clear sky days was ∌ 6% at wavelengths < 490 nm and ∌ 12% at wavelengths > 550 nm. The environmental variability such as sun position, wind speed and skylight distribution caused the greatest uncertainty. The different components of the uncertainty budget are critically assessed to indicate how the measurement procedure could be improved through reducing the principal uncertainty sources.Natural Environment Research CouncilUK Research and InnovationEuropean CommissionEuropean Space AgencyEuropean Space AgencyEuropean Space AgencyEuropean Space AgencyNational Centre for Earth Observatio

    Fiducial Reference Measurements for Satellite Ocean Colour (FRM4SOC)

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    Earth observation data can help us understand and address some of the grand challenges and threats facing us today as a species and as a planet, for example climate change and its impacts and sustainable use of the Earth’s resources. However, in order to have confidence in earth observation data, measurements made at the surface of the Earth, with the intention of providing verification or validation of satellite-mounted sensor measurements, should be trustworthy and at least of the same high quality as those taken with the satellite sensors themselves. Metrology tells us that in order to be trustworthy, measurements should include an unbroken chain of SI-traceable calibrations and comparisons and full uncertainty budgets for each of the in situ sensors. Until now, this has not been the case for most satellite validation measurements. Therefore, within this context, the European Space Agency (ESA) funded a series of Fiducial Reference Measurements (FRM) projects targeting the validation of satellite data products of the atmosphere, land, and ocean, and setting the framework, standards, and protocols for future satellite validation efforts. The FRM4SOC project was structured to provide this support for evaluating and improving the state of the art in ocean colour radiometry (OCR) and satellite ocean colour validation through a series of comparisons under the auspices of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS). This followed the recommendations from the International Ocean Colour Coordinating Group’s white paper and supports the CEOS ocean colour virtual constellation. The main objective was to establish and maintain SI traceable ground-based FRM for satellite ocean colour and thus make a fundamental contribution to the European system for monitoring the Earth (Copernicus). This paper outlines the FRM4SOC project structure, objectives and methodology and highlights the main results and achievements of the project: (1) An international SI-traceable comparison of irradiance and radiance sources used for OCR calibration that set measurement, calibration and uncertainty estimation protocols and indicated good agreement between the participating calibration laboratories from around the world; (2) An international SI-traceable laboratory and outdoor comparison of radiometers used for satellite ocean colour validation that set OCR calibration and comparison protocols; (3) A major review and update to the protocols for taking irradiance and radiance field measurements for satellite ocean colour validation, with particular focus on aspects of data acquisition and processing that must be considered in the estimation of measurement uncertainty and guidelines for good practice; (4) A technical comparison of the main radiometers used globally for satellite ocean colour validation bringing radiometer manufacturers together around the same table for the first time to discuss instrument characterisation and its documentation, as needed for measurement uncertainty estimation; (5) Two major international side-by-side field intercomparisons of multiple ocean colour radiometers, one on the Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) oceanographic cruise, and the other on the Acqua Alta oceanographic tower in the Gulf of Venice; (6) Impact and promotion of FRM within the ocean colour community, including a scientific road map for the FRM-based future of satellite ocean colour validation and vicarious calibration (based on the findings of the FRM4SOC project, the consensus from two major international FRM4SOC workshops and previous literature, including the IOCCG white paper on in situ ocean colour radiometry)

    Optiliste veetĂŒĂŒpide pĂ”hine lĂ€henemine sise- ja rannikuvee veekvaliteedi hindamiseks

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneInimestele on meeldinud ajast aega elada seal, kus maa ja vesi kohtuvad. MistĂ”ttu on jĂ€rvede, jĂ”gede ja rannikualade lĂ€hedal inimtegevuse mĂ”ju suurenenud, mis omakorda pĂ”hjustab veekogude seisundi muutumist ning loob vajaduse veekogude operatiivseks seireks. Enamasti pĂ”hinevad veekogude seireprogrammid veekogudes teostatud punktmÔÔtmistel. See meetod aga ei suuda kajastada kogu veekogu kiiresti muutuvaid omadusi ja reaalset seisundit. SeetĂ”ttu on oluline lisaks punktmÔÔtmistele rakendada veekeskkonna operatiivse jĂ€lgimise meetodeid, millest kaugseire on ĂŒks vĂ”imsamaid. Kaugseire pakub tĂ”husaid viise veekvaliteedi ruumiliste ja ajaliste erinevuste jĂ€lgimiseks. Euroopa Liidu ja Euroopa Kosmoseagentuuri Copernicus programmi raames loodud Sentinel-2 ja Sentinel-3 seeria satelliitide hea ruumilise, ajalise ja spektraalse lahutusega andmete tasuta kĂ€ttesaadavus on loonud reaalse vĂ”imaluse sise- ja rannikuvete seires operatiivselt kasutada tĂ€iendavalt satelliitandmeid. Need andmed vĂ”imaldavad jĂ€lgida kogu veekogu ajalist ja ruumilist muutlikkust ning seirata ka raskesti ligipÀÀsetavaid veekogusid. Sise- ja rannikuveed on optiliselt keerukad, sest vee optilised omadused on mĂ”jutatud sĂ”ltumatult erinevate optiliselt aktiivsete ainete poolt. SeetĂ”ttu standardsed kaugseire algoritmid veekvaliteedi hindamiseks neis veekogudes tihti ei tööta. Doktoritöö tulemusena tutvustati optiliste veetĂŒĂŒpide pĂ”hist lĂ€henemist sise- ja rannikuvete veekvaliteedi parameetrite hindamiseks kaugseireandmete pĂ”hjal. Eelnimetatud meetod vĂ”tab arvesse vee optilisi omadusi ega piiritle ennast konkreetse veekoguga, seetĂ”ttu on tulemused rakendatavad kĂ”igil sarnaste optiliste omadustega veekogudel ĂŒle maailma.Humans have long enjoyed living where land and water meet. At the same time, the impact of human activities close to lakes, rivers, and coastal areas has increased, which has caused the deterioration of water bodies. Therefore, the state of a water body requires constant monitoring to assess the magnitude of the impact of human activity and to respond when needed. Traditional water monitoring programs are mainly based on in situ measurements; however, considering that water bodies are dynamic in nature, this method may not reflect the status of the whole water body. Therefore, in addition to traditional monitoring, it is important to implement methods that allow more operative monitoring of the aquatic environment. Remote sensing offers effective ways to observe spatial and temporal variations in water quality. The free availability of data with high spatial, temporal and spectral resolution from the Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 family satellites launched under the European Union and the European Space Agency Copernicus programme has created a real opportunity for satellite data being used operationally for additional water quality monitoring for inland and coastal waters. Such waters are optically complex, as they are independently influenced by different optically significant constituents. Therefore, standard remote sensing algorithms to estimate water quality often fail in these waters. As a result of the thesis, an optical water type guided approach to estimate water quality in inland and coastal waters using remote sensing data was presented. The method considers the optical properties of water but does not limit itself to a particular water body. So, results are applicable to all the water bodies with similar optical properties of water.https://www.ester.ee/record=b534022

    Field Intercomparison of Radiometer Measurements for Ocean Colour Validation

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    A field intercomparison was conducted at the Acqua Alta Oceanographic Tower (AAOT) in the northern Adriatic Sea, from 9 to 19 July 2018 to assess differences in the accuracy of in- and above-water radiometer measurements used for the validation of ocean colour products. Ten measurement systems were compared. Prior to the intercomparison, the absolute radiometric calibration of all sensors was carried out using the same standards and methods at the same reference laboratory. Measurements were performed under clear sky conditions, relatively low sun zenith angles, moderately low sea state and on the same deployment platform and frame (except in-water systems). The weighted average of five above-water measurements was used as baseline reference for comparisons. For downwelling irradiance (), there was generally good agreement between sensors with differences of <6% for most of the sensors over the spectral range 400 nm–665 nm. One sensor exhibited a systematic bias, of up to 11%, due to poor cosine response. For sky radiance () the spectrally averaged difference between optical systems was <2.5% with a root mean square error (RMS) <0.01 mWm−2 nm−1 sr−1. For total above-water upwelling radiance (), the difference was <3.5% with an RMS <0.009 mWm−2 nm−1 sr−1. For remote-sensing reflectance (), the differences between above-water TriOS RAMSES were <3.5% and <2.5% at 443 and 560 nm, respectively, and were <7.5% for some systems at 665 nm. Seabird HyperSAS sensors were on average within 3.5% at 443 nm, 1% at 560 nm, and 3% at 665 nm. The differences between the weighted mean of the above-water and in-water systems was <15.8% across visible bands. A sensitivity analysis showed that accounted for the largest fraction of the variance in , which suggests that minimizing the errors arising from this measurement is the most important variable in reducing the inter-group differences in . The differences may also be due, in part, to using five of the above-water systems as a reference. To avoid this, in situ normalized water-leaving radiance () was therefore compared to AERONET-OC SeaPRiSM as an alternative reference measurement. For the TriOS-RAMSES and Seabird-Hyperspectral Surface Acquisition System (HyperSAS) sensors the differences were similar across the visible spectra with 4.7% and 4.9%, respectively. The difference between SeaPRiSM and two in-water systems at blue, green and red bands was 11.8%. This was partly due to temporal and spatial differences in sampling between the in-water and above-water systems and possibly due to uncertainties in instrument self-shading for one of the in-water measurements