1,279 research outputs found

    Queensland University of Technology at TREC 2005

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    The Information Retrieval and Web Intelligence (IR-WI) research group is a research team at the Faculty of Information Technology, QUT, Brisbane, Australia. The IR-WI group participated in the Terabyte and Robust track at TREC 2005, both for the first time. For the Robust track we applied our existing information retrieval system that was originally designed for use with structured (XML) retrieval to the domain of document retrieval. For the Terabyte track we experimented with an open source IR system, Zettair and performed two types of experiments. First, we compared Zettair’s performance on both a high-powered supercomputer and a distributed system across seven midrange personal computers. Second, we compared Zettair’s performance when a standard TREC title is used, compared with a natural language query, and a query expanded with synonyms. We compare the systems both in terms of efficiency and retrieval performance. Our results indicate that the distributed system is faster than the supercomputer, while slightly decreasing retrieval performance, and that natural language queries also slightly decrease retrieval performance, while our query expansion technique significantly decreased performance

    Parallel Graph Partitioning for Complex Networks

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    Processing large complex networks like social networks or web graphs has recently attracted considerable interest. In order to do this in parallel, we need to partition them into pieces of about equal size. Unfortunately, previous parallel graph partitioners originally developed for more regular mesh-like networks do not work well for these networks. This paper addresses this problem by parallelizing and adapting the label propagation technique originally developed for graph clustering. By introducing size constraints, label propagation becomes applicable for both the coarsening and the refinement phase of multilevel graph partitioning. We obtain very high quality by applying a highly parallel evolutionary algorithm to the coarsened graph. The resulting system is both more scalable and achieves higher quality than state-of-the-art systems like ParMetis or PT-Scotch. For large complex networks the performance differences are very big. For example, our algorithm can partition a web graph with 3.3 billion edges in less than sixteen seconds using 512 cores of a high performance cluster while producing a high quality partition -- none of the competing systems can handle this graph on our system.Comment: Review article. Parallelization of our previous approach arXiv:1402.328

    Reflectance Hashing for Material Recognition

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    We introduce a novel method for using reflectance to identify materials. Reflectance offers a unique signature of the material but is challenging to measure and use for recognizing materials due to its high-dimensionality. In this work, one-shot reflectance is captured using a unique optical camera measuring {\it reflectance disks} where the pixel coordinates correspond to surface viewing angles. The reflectance has class-specific stucture and angular gradients computed in this reflectance space reveal the material class. These reflectance disks encode discriminative information for efficient and accurate material recognition. We introduce a framework called reflectance hashing that models the reflectance disks with dictionary learning and binary hashing. We demonstrate the effectiveness of reflectance hashing for material recognition with a number of real-world materials

    A Programmable SoC-Based Accelerator for Privacy-Enhancing Technologies and Functional Encryption

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    A multitude of privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) has been presented recently to solve the privacy problems of contemporary services utilizing cloud computing. Many of them are based on additively homomorphic encryption (AHE) that allows the computation of additions on encrypted data. The main technical obstacles for adaptation of PETs in practical systems are related to performance overheads compared with current privacy-violating alternatives. In this article, we present a hardware/software (HW/SW) codesign for programmable systems-on-chip (SoCs) that is designed for accelerating applications based on the Paillier encryption. Our implementation is a microcode-based multicore architecture that is suitable for accelerating various PETs using AHE with large integer modular arithmetic. We instantiate the implementation in a Xilinx Zynq-7000 programmable SoC and provide performance evaluations in real hardware. We also investigate its efficiency in a high-end Xilinx UltraScale+ programmable SoC. We evaluate the implementation with two target use cases that have relevance in PETs: privacy-preserving computation of squared Euclidean distances over encrypted data and multi-input functional encryption (FE) for inner products. Both of them represent the first hardware acceleration results for such operations, and in particular, the latter one is among the very first published implementation results of FE on any platform.Peer reviewe

    Microdata protection through approximate microaggregation

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    Microdata protection is a hot topic in the field of Statistical Disclosure Control, which has gained special interest after the disclosure of 658000 queries by the America Online (AOL) search engine in August 2006. Many algorithms, methods and properties have been proposed to deal with microdata disclosure. One of the emerging concepts in microdata protection is k-anonymity, introduced by Samarati and Sweeney. k-anonymity provides a simple and efficient approach to protect private individual information and is gaining increasing popularity. k-anonymity requires that every record in the microdata table released be indistinguishably related to no fewer than k respondents. In this paper, we apply the concept of entropy to propose a distance metric to evaluate the amount of mutual information among records in microdata, and propose a method of constructing dependency tree to find the key attributes, which we then use to process approximate microaggregation. Further, we adopt this new microaggregation technique to study kk-anonymity problem, and an efficient algorithm is developed. Experimental results show that the proposed microaggregation technique is efficient and effective in the terms of running time and information loss

    Dynamic decision-making based on NFR for managing software variability and configuration selection

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    Due to dynamic variability, identifying the specific conditions under which non-functional requirements (NFRs) are satisfied may be only possible at runtime. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the dynamic treatment of relevant information during the requirements specifications. The associated data can be gathered by monitoring the execution of the application and its underlying environment to support reasoning about how the current application configuration is fulfilling the established requirements. This paper presents a dynamic decision-making infrastructure to support both NFRs representation and monitoring, and to reason about the degree of satisfaction of NFRs during runtime. The infrastructure is composed of: (i) an extended feature model aligned with a domain-specific language for representing NFRs to be monitored at runtime; (ii) a monitoring infrastructure to continuously assess NFRs at runtime; and (iii) a exible decision-making process to select the best available configuration based on the satisfaction degree of the NRFs. The evaluation of the approach has shown that it is able to choose application configurations that well fit user NFRs based on runtime information. The evaluation also revealed that the proposed infrastructure provided consistent indicators regarding the best application configurations that fit user NFRs. Finally, a benefit of our approach is that it allows us to quantify the level of satisfaction with respect to NFRs specification

    Differential Evolution Approach to Detect Recent Admixture

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    The genetic structure of human populations is extraordinarily complex and of fundamental importance to studies of anthropology, evolution, and medicine. As increasingly many individuals are of mixed origin, there is an unmet need for tools that can infer multiple origins. Misclassification of such individuals can lead to incorrect and costly misinterpretations of genomic data, primarily in disease studies and drug trials. We present an advanced tool to infer ancestry that can identify the biogeographic origins of highly mixed individuals. reAdmix is an online tool available at http://chcb.saban-chla.usc.edu/reAdmix/.Comment: presented at ISMB 2014, VariSI