3,549 research outputs found

    A baseband wireless spectrum hypervisor for multiplexing concurrent OFDM signals

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    The next generation of wireless and mobile networks will have to handle a significant increase in traffic load compared to the current ones. This situation calls for novel ways to increase the spectral efficiency. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a wireless spectrum hypervisor architecture that abstracts a radio frequency (RF) front-end into a configurable number of virtual RF front ends. The proposed architecture has the ability to enable flexible spectrum access in existing wireless and mobile networks, which is a challenging task due to the limited spectrum programmability, i.e., the capability a system has to change the spectral properties of a given signal to fit an arbitrary frequency allocation. The proposed architecture is a non-intrusive and highly optimized wireless hypervisor that multiplexes the signals of several different and concurrent multi-carrier-based radio access technologies with numerologies that are multiple integers of one another, which are also referred in our work as radio access technologies with correlated numerology. For example, the proposed architecture can multiplex the signals of several Wi-Fi access points, several LTE base stations, several WiMAX base stations, etc. As it able to multiplex the signals of radio access technologies with correlated numerology, it can, for instance, multiplex the signals of LTE, 5G-NR and NB-IoT base stations. It abstracts a radio frequency front-end into a configurable number of virtual RF front ends, making it possible for such different technologies to share the same RF front-end and consequently reduce the costs and increasing the spectral efficiency by employing densification, once several networks share the same infrastructure or by dynamically accessing free chunks of spectrum. Therefore, the main goal of the proposed approach is to improve spectral efficiency by efficiently using vacant gaps in congested spectrum bandwidths or adopting network densification through infrastructure sharing. We demonstrate mathematically how our proposed approach works and present several simulation results proving its functionality and efficiency. Additionally, we designed and implemented an open-source and free proof of concept prototype of the proposed architecture, which can be used by researchers and developers to run experiments or extend the concept to other applications. We present several experimental results used to validate the proposed prototype. We demonstrate that the prototype can easily handle up to 12 concurrent physical layers

    A Survey of Techniques for Architecting TLBs

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    “Translation lookaside buffer” (TLB) caches virtual to physical address translation information and is used in systems ranging from embedded devices to high-end servers. Since TLB is accessed very frequently and a TLB miss is extremely costly, prudent management of TLB is important for improving performance and energy efficiency of processors. In this paper, we present a survey of techniques for architecting and managing TLBs. We characterize the techniques across several dimensions to highlight their similarities and distinctions. We believe that this paper will be useful for chip designers, computer architects and system engineers

    SEDEA: A sensible approach to account DRAM energy in multicore systems

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    As the energy cost in todays computing systems keeps increasing, measuring the energy becomes crucial in many scenarios. For instance, due to the fact that the operational cost of datacenters largely depends on the energy consumed by the applications executed, end users should be charged for the energy consumed, which requires a fair and consistent energy measuring approach. However, the use of multicore system complicates per-task energy measurement as the increased Thread Level Parallelism (TLP) allows several tasks to run simultaneously sharing resources. Therefore, the energy usage of each task is hard to determine due to interleaved activities and mutual interferences. To this end, Per-Task Energy Metering (PTEM) has been proposed to measure the actual energy of each task based on their resource utilization in a workload. However, the measured energy depends on the interferences from co-running tasks sharing the resources, and thus fails to provide the consistency across executions. Therefore, Sensible Energy Accounting (SEA) has been proposed to deliver an abstraction of the energy consumption based on a particular allocation of resources to a task.In this work we provide a realization of SEA for the DRAM memory system, SEDEA, where we account a task for the DRAM energy it would have consumed when running in isolation with a fraction of the on-chip shared cache. SEDEA is a mechanism to sensibly account for the DRAM energy of a task based on predicting its memory behavior. Our results show that SEDEA provides accurate estimates, yet with low-cost, beating existing per-task energy models, which do not target accounting energy in multicore system. We also provide a use case showing that SEDEA can be used to guide shared cache and memory bank partition schemes to save energy.This work has been supported by the RoMoL ERC Advanced Grant (GA 321253) and National Key R&D Program of China under No.2016YFB1000204, by the European HiPEAC Network of Excellence, by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (contracts TIN2015-65316-P), by Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272) and by the IBM-BSC Deep Learning Center initiative. Also by the major scientific and technological project of Guangdong province (2014B010115003), and NSFC under grant no 61702495, 61672511. M. Moret´o has been partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship number JCI- 2012-15047. J. Abella has been partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship number RYC-2013-14717Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Modeling and scheduling heterogeneous multi-core architectures

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    Om de prestatie van toekomstige processors en processorarchitecturen te evalueren wordt vaak gebruik gemaakt van een simulator die het gedrag en de prestatie van de processor modelleert. De prestatie bepalen van de uitvoering van een computerprogramma op een gegeven processorarchitectuur m.b.v. een simulator duurt echter vele grootteordes langer dan de werkelijke uitvoeringstijd. Dit beperkt in belangrijke mate de hoeveelheid experimenten die gedaan kunnen worden. In dit doctoraatswerk werd het Multi-Program Performance Model (MPPM) ontwikkeld, een innovatief alternatief voor traditionele simulatie, dat het mogelijk maakt om tot 100.000x sneller een processorconfiguratie te evalueren. MPPM laat ons toe om nooit geziene exploraties te doen. Gebruik makend van dit raamwerk hebben we aangetoond dat de taakplanning cruciaal is om heterogene meerkernige processors optimaal te benutten. Vervolgens werd een nieuwe manier voorgesteld om op een schaalbare manier de taakplanning uit te voeren, namelijk Performance Impact Estimation (PIE). Tijdens de uitvoering van een draad op een gegeven processorkern schatten we de prestatie op een ander type kern op basis van eenvoudig op te meten prestatiemetrieken. Zo beschikken we op elk moment over alle nodige informatie om een efficiënte taakplanning te doen. Dit laat ons bovendien toe te optimaliseren voor verschillende criteria zoals uitvoeringstijd, doorvoersnelheid of fairness

    Implementation and evaluation of the sensornet protocol for Contiki

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    Sensornet Protocol (SP) is a link abstraction layer between the network layer and the link layer for sensor networks. SP was proposed as the core of a future-oriented sensor node architecture that allows flexible and optimized combination between multiple coexisting protocols. This thesis implements the SP sensornet protocol on the Contiki operating system in order to: evaluate the effectiveness of the original SP services; explore further requirements and implementation trade-offs uncovered by the original proposal. We analyze the original SP design and the TinyOS implementation of SP to design the Contiki port. We implement the data sending and receiving part of SP using Contiki processes, and the neighbor management part as a group of global routines. The evaluation consists of a single-hop traffic throughput test and a multihop convergecast test. Both tests are conducted using both simulation and experimentation. We conclude from the evaluation results that SP's link-level abstraction effectively improves modularity in protocol construction without sacrificing performance, and our SP implementation on Contiki lays a good foundation for future protocol innovations in wireless sensor networks