15 research outputs found

    Behaviour-based Virus Analysis and Detection

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    Every day, the growing number of viruses causes major damage to computer systems, which many antivirus products have been developed to protect. Regrettably, existing antivirus products do not provide a full solution to the problems associated with viruses. One of the main reasons for this is that these products typically use signature-based detection, so that the rapid growth in the number of viruses means that many signatures have to be added to their signature databases each day. These signatures then have to be stored in the computer system, where they consume increasing memory space. Moreover, the large database will also affect the speed of searching for signatures, and, hence, affect the performance of the system. As the number of viruses continues to grow, ever more space will be needed in the future. There is thus an urgent need for a novel and robust detection technique. One of the most encouraging recent developments in virus research is the use of formulae, which provides alternatives to classic virus detection methods. The proposed research uses temporal logic and behaviour-based detection to detect viruses. Interval Temporal Logic (ITL) will be used to generate virus specifications, properties and formulae based on the analysis of the behaviour of computer viruses, in order to detect them. Tempura, which is the executable subset of ITL, will be used to check whether a good or bad behaviour occurs with the help of ITL description and system traces. The process will also use AnaTempura, an integrated workbench tool for ITL that supports our system specifications. AnaTempura will offer validation and verification of the ITL specifications and provide runtime testing of these specifications

    Application Adaptive Bandwidth Management Using Real-Time Network Monitoring.

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    Application adaptive bandwidth management is a strategy for ensuring secure and reliable network operation in the presence of undesirable applications competing for a network’s crucial bandwidth, covert channels of communication via non-standard traffic on well-known ports, and coordinated Denial of Service attacks. The study undertaken here explored the classification, analysis and management of the network traffic on the basis of ports and protocols used, type of applications, traffic direction and flow rates on the East Tennessee State University’s campus-wide network. Bandwidth measurements over a nine-month period indicated bandwidth abuse of less than 0.0001% of total network bandwidth. The conclusion suggests the use of the defense-in-depth approach in conjunction with the KHYATI (Knowledge, Host hardening, Yauld monitoring, Analysis, Tools and Implementation) paradigm to ensure effective information assurance

    Studies on the maintenance and growth of insect tissue and cells in vitro

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    Ropendamine Kaur Kenderi „Iseseisvuspäevas“

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    Bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on analüüsida ropendamist ja sõimamist Kaur Kenderi romaanis „Iseseisvuspäev“. Analüüsile eelneb ajalooline ülevaade vandumise algtähenduse kujunemisest ropendamiseks


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media e-learning berbasis CMS Joomla untuk materi fisika SMA kelas XII Semester 1 khususnya materi rangkaian arus searah yang layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran fisika. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development) dengan model yang digunakan adalah model penelitian pengembangan Dick and Carey. E-Learning yang dihasilkan terdiri dari beberapa komponen yaitu homepage, halaman petunjuk, materi (dilengkapi dengan gambar, video, contoh soal, serta materi dalam bentuk pdf), latihan, evaluasi, hasil tes, forum diskusi, serta halaman log out. Hasil uji kelayakan e-learning oleh ahli materi adalah 88,89%, oleh ahli media 86,30%, dan oleh ahli pembelajaran 92,30%. Hasil uji lapangan oleh guru fisika adalah 92,93% dan uji lapangan oleh siswa kelas XII SMA Negeri 30 Jakarta adalah 87,09%. Dari hasil uji kelayakan dan uji lapangan tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa media e-learning yang dikembangkan dinyatakan layak sehingga dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran fisika. This research aims to produce e-learning media based on CMS Joomla for physics subject in XII class semester 1 senior high school, especially the direct current circuit subject that is feasible for use in physics learning. The method used is a method of research and development with the model used is Dick and Carey research development model. E-learning produced consists of several components: homepage, instruction page, subject matters (with pictures, videos, sample questions, and subject matters in pdf form), exercises, evaluation, test results, discussion forums, and log out page.The result of e-learning validation by subject matter expert is 88,89%, by media expert is 86,30%, and instructional expert is 92,30%. The result of field test by physics teacher is 92,93% and field test by class XII students of SMA Negeri 30 Jakarta is 87,09%. From the results of validation and field tests, it can be concluded that the developed elearning media declared feasible so that it can be used in physics learning

    Predicting Global Internet Instability Caused by Worms using Neural Networks

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    Student Number : 9607275H - MSc dissertation - School of Electrical and Information Engineering - Faculty of Engineering and the Built EnvironmentInternet worms are capable of quickly propagating by exploiting vulnerabilities of hosts that have access to the Internet. Once a computer has been infected, the worms have access to sensitive information on the computer, and are able to corrupt or retransmit this information. This dissertation describes a method of predicting Internet instability due to the presence of a worm on the Internet, using data currently available from global Internet routers. The work is based on previous research which has indicated a link between the increase in the number of Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing messages and global Internet instability. The type of system used to provide the prediction is known as an autoencoder. This is a specialised type of neural network, which is able to provide a degree of novelty for inputs. The autoencoder is trained to recognise “normal” data, and therefore provides a high novelty output for inputs dissimilar to the normal data. The BGP Update routing messages sent between routers were used as the only inputs to the autoencoder. These intra-router messages provide route availability information, and inform neighbouring routers of any route changes. The outputs from the network were shown to help provide an early warning mechanism for the presence of a worm. An alternative method for detecting instability is a rule-based system, which generates alarms if the number of certain BGP routing messages exceeds a prespecified threshold. This project compared the autoencoder to a simple rule-based system. The results showed that the autoencoder provided a better prediction and was less complex for a network administrator to configure. Although the correlation between the number of BGP Updates and global Internet instability has been shown previously, this work presents the first known application of a neural network to predict the instability using this correlation. A system based on this strategy has the potential to reduce the damage done by a worm’s propagation and payload, by providing an automated means of detection that is faster than that of a human


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan e-learning berbasis CMS Joomla yang layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran fisika SMA kelas X pada materi kinematika gerak lurus. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan. Model penelitian pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model Dick and Carey dengan sembilan tahap pengembangan. Perancangan e-learning berbasis web ini menggunakan Content Management System (CMS) Open Source Joomla. Perangkat e-learning yang dihasilkan dapat menampilkan materi untuk satu Kompetensi Dasar (KD) dalam satu menu berisi paparan materi yang dapat dibaca langsung atau dapat diunduh dalam bentuk pdf, contoh soal, video pembelajaran. Terdapat pula latihan soal dan perangkat evaluasi pembelajaran, serta forum diskusi untuk memudahkan siswa dan guru berinteraksi. Dalam tampilan E-learning berbasis CMS Joomla ini, siswa dapat belajar secara terstruktur karena materi yang dipelajari berada dalam satu kotak menu yang sama. Siswa dapat belajar secara mandiri, tanpa terbatas ruang dan waktu. Penelitian ini sudah sudah sampai tahap evaluasi formatif dengan menggunakan instrumen skala likert 1-5. Hasil uji kelayakan materi 86,33%, kelayakan media 86,3%, kelayakan pembelajaran 92,14%, uji coba lapangan untuk guru Fisika SMAN 30 Jakarta 91,78%, dan uji coba lapangan dengan kuisioner untuk siswa SMAN 30 Jakarta 85,44%. Dari hasil uji kelayakan dan uji lapangan tersebut maka pengembangan E-learning berbasis CMS Joomla layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran fisika SMA kelas X pada materi kinematika gerak lurus dengan kualitas sangat baik. This research is to produce E-learning which based on CMS Joomla, which is feasible to be used in straight motion kinematics material in physics lesson in Senior High School, Grade X, Semester 1. The Methods which are used in this research are research and development. The research and development model which is used, is Dick and Carey model with nine steps development. This Elearning designing which based on web, uses Content Management System (CMS) Open Source Joomla. The E-learning device which is procuced, can display material for one basic competence in one menu that contains material explanation which can be read directly or downloaded in pdf type, example of question, and learning video. There are also exersices question and learning evaluation device, and discussion forum to make student and teacher easy in interaction. In this E-learning view that based on CMS Joomla, student can study structuredly because the learning materials are in the same menu box. Student can study independently without limited by time and space. This research has arrived on formative evaluation step by using 1-5 likert skala instrument. The result of material feasibility test is 86,33%, media feasibility is 86,3%, learning feasibility is 92,14%, field trials for Senior High School 30 Jakarta physics teacher is 91,78%, and field trials with questionnaire for Senior High School 30 Jakarta student is 85,44%. Based on the feasibility test and field trials, so E-learning development which based on joomla is feasible to be used in straight motion kinematics material in physics lesson in Senior High School, Grade X, Semester 1, with very good quality

    Dampak Keberadaan Industri Kelapa Sawit Terhadap Tata Lingkungan Permukiman di Desa Kumasari Kabupaten Mamuju Utara

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    Keberadaan sektor industri pada kawasan permukiman dapat menjadi penggerak perekonomian masyarakat setempat, namun keberadaan sektor industri tidak selamanya memberikan dampak positif saja, melainkan memiliki dampak negatif terhadap masyarakat sekitar. Desa Kumasari adalah salah satu desa yang berada di kawasan industri kelapa sawit, keberadaan industri di desa tersebut memberikan dampak pada kondisi lingkungan permukiman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak keberadaan industri kelapa sawit terhadap tata lingkungan permukiman di Desa Kumasari dengan cara melakukan observasi lagsung di lapangan dengan mengunakan metode mixed methods (kualitatif-kuantitaif) dan analisis mengunakan metode Analisis pembobotan. Dari hasil penelitian di ketahui bahwa keberadaan industri kelapa sawit di Desa Kumasari sangat berpengaruh terhadap kondisi lingkungan dan infrastruktur desa tersebut di antaranya yaitu dengan berdirinya industri tersebut kondisi jalan berdebu dan berlubang yang di timbulkan dari aktifitas kendaraan berat yang mengakut buah kelapa sawit dari perkebunan ke lokasi industri. Kondisi drainase dan sampah juga membuat keadaan desa semakin buruk dibuktikan dengan sampah yang dibuang kesungai membuat aliran meluap dan menyebabkan banjir yang melanda sebagian titik rumah warga jika musim penghujan datang. Selain berdampak negatif dampak positif juga dirasakan masyarakat sekitar dengan adanya MCK yang layak disetiap rumah warga dan meningkatnya sarana air bersih


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    The purpose of this study is to investigate a wide range of water resources problems and opportunities all having in common some link with the Missouri River. A number of outstanding, interrelated Congressional actions affecting the river reach upstream from Sioux City have been consolidated under this investigation. Authority to combine five outstanding surveys is contained in Office, Chief of Engineers\u27 (DCE\u27s) first indorsement to Missouri River Division letter of 3 July 1972, subject: Consolidation of Survey Investigations of the Metropolitan Region of Kansas City, the Platte River in Nebraska, and the Missouri River from Sioux City to Fort Peck Lake. Authority to include a sixth survey of the Missouri River is contained in OCE\u27s letter of 10 September 1973, subject: Review Report on Water and Related Land Resources Development for the Missouri River, Fort Peck Reservoir to Vicinity of Fort Benton, Montana. Study of the Buford-Trenton Irrigation District and Vicinity was added by OCE first indorsement to MRD letter of 31 March 1976, subject: Consolidation of Survey Investigations. Finally, an OCE letter dated 23 March 1977, subject: Fort Randall Project, South Dakota , directed MRD to combine an outstanding survey investigation on modification of operations at that project with this report