416 research outputs found

    Expressive movement generation with machine learning

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    Movement is an essential aspect of our lives. Not only do we move to interact with our physical environment, but we also express ourselves and communicate with others through our movements. In an increasingly computerized world where various technologies and devices surround us, our movements are essential parts of our interaction with and consumption of computational devices and artifacts. In this context, incorporating an understanding of our movements within the design of the technologies surrounding us can significantly improve our daily experiences. This need has given rise to the field of movement computing – developing computational models of movement that can perceive, manipulate, and generate movements. In this thesis, we contribute to the field of movement computing by building machine-learning-based solutions for automatic movement generation. In particular, we focus on using machine learning techniques and motion capture data to create controllable, generative movement models. We also contribute to the field by creating datasets, tools, and libraries that we have developed during our research. We start our research by reviewing the works on building automatic movement generation systems using machine learning techniques and motion capture data. Our review covers background topics such as high-level movement characterization, training data, features representation, machine learning models, and evaluation methods. Building on our literature review, we present WalkNet, an interactive agent walking movement controller based on neural networks. The expressivity of virtual, animated agents plays an essential role in their believability. Therefore, WalkNet integrates controlling the expressive qualities of movement with the goal-oriented behaviour of an animated virtual agent. It allows us to control the generation based on the valence and arousal levels of affect, the movement’s walking direction, and the mover’s movement signature in real-time. Following WalkNet, we look at controlling movement generation using more complex stimuli such as music represented by audio signals (i.e., non-symbolic music). Music-driven dance generation involves a highly non-linear mapping between temporally dense stimuli (i.e., the audio signal) and movements, which renders a more challenging modelling movement problem. To this end, we present GrooveNet, a real-time machine learning model for music-driven dance generation

    Data-driven Communicative Behaviour Generation: A Survey

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    The development of data-driven behaviour generating systems has recently become the focus of considerable attention in the fields of human–agent interaction and human–robot interaction. Although rule-based approaches were dominant for years, these proved inflexible and expensive to develop. The difficulty of developing production rules, as well as the need for manual configuration to generate artificial behaviours, places a limit on how complex and diverse rule-based behaviours can be. In contrast, actual human–human interaction data collected using tracking and recording devices makes humanlike multimodal co-speech behaviour generation possible using machine learning and specifically, in recent years, deep learning. This survey provides an overview of the state of the art of deep learning-based co-speech behaviour generation models and offers an outlook for future research in this area.</jats:p

    Artificial Intelligence Tools for Facial Expression Analysis.

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    Inner emotions show visibly upon the human face and are understood as a basic guide to an individual’s inner world. It is, therefore, possible to determine a person’s attitudes and the effects of others’ behaviour on their deeper feelings through examining facial expressions. In real world applications, machines that interact with people need strong facial expression recognition. This recognition is seen to hold advantages for varied applications in affective computing, advanced human-computer interaction, security, stress and depression analysis, robotic systems, and machine learning. This thesis starts by proposing a benchmark of dynamic versus static methods for facial Action Unit (AU) detection. AU activation is a set of local individual facial muscle parts that occur in unison constituting a natural facial expression event. Detecting AUs automatically can provide explicit benefits since it considers both static and dynamic facial features. For this research, AU occurrence activation detection was conducted by extracting features (static and dynamic) of both nominal hand-crafted and deep learning representation from each static image of a video. This confirmed the superior ability of a pretrained model that leaps in performance. Next, temporal modelling was investigated to detect the underlying temporal variation phases using supervised and unsupervised methods from dynamic sequences. During these processes, the importance of stacking dynamic on top of static was discovered in encoding deep features for learning temporal information when combining the spatial and temporal schemes simultaneously. Also, this study found that fusing both temporal and temporal features will give more long term temporal pattern information. Moreover, we hypothesised that using an unsupervised method would enable the leaching of invariant information from dynamic textures. Recently, fresh cutting-edge developments have been created by approaches based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). In the second section of this thesis, we propose a model based on the adoption of an unsupervised DCGAN for the facial features’ extraction and classification to achieve the following: the creation of facial expression images under different arbitrary poses (frontal, multi-view, and in the wild), and the recognition of emotion categories and AUs, in an attempt to resolve the problem of recognising the static seven classes of emotion in the wild. Thorough experimentation with the proposed cross-database performance demonstrates that this approach can improve the generalization results. Additionally, we showed that the features learnt by the DCGAN process are poorly suited to encoding facial expressions when observed under multiple views, or when trained from a limited number of positive examples. Finally, this research focuses on disentangling identity from expression for facial expression recognition. A novel technique was implemented for emotion recognition from a single monocular image. A large-scale dataset (Face vid) was created from facial image videos which were rich in variations and distribution of facial dynamics, appearance, identities, expressions, and 3D poses. This dataset was used to train a DCNN (ResNet) to regress the expression parameters from a 3D Morphable Model jointly with a back-end classifier

    Learning-based 3D human motion capture and animation synthesis

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    Realistic virtual human avatar is a crucial element in a wide range of applications, from 3D animated movies to emerging AR/VR technologies. However, producing a believable 3D motion for such avatars is widely known to be a challenging task. A traditional 3D human motion generation pipeline consists of several stages, each requiring expensive equipment and skilled human labor to perform, limiting its usage beyond the entertainment industry despite its massive potential benefits. This thesis attempts to explore some alternative solutions to reduce the complexity of the traditional 3D animation pipeline. To this end, it presents several novel ways to perform 3D human motion capture, synthesis, and control. Specifically, it focuses on using learning-based methods to bypass the critical bottlenecks of the classical animation approach. First, a new 3D pose estimation method from in-the-wild monocular images is proposed, eliminating the need for a multi-camera setup in the traditional motion capture system. Second, it explores several data-driven designs to achieve a believable 3D human motion synthesis and control that can potentially reduce the need for manual animation. In particular, the problem of speech-driven 3D gesture synthesis is chosen as the case study due to its uniquely ambiguous nature. The improved motion generation quality is achieved by introducing a novel adversarial objective that rates the difference between real and synthetic data. A novel motion generation strategy is also introduced by combining a classical database search algorithm with a powerful deep learning method, resulting in a greater motion control variation than the purely predictive counterparts. Furthermore, this thesis also contributes a new way of collecting a large-scale 3D motion dataset through the use of learning-based monocular estimations methods. This result demonstrates the promising capability of learning-based monocular approaches and shows the prospect of combining these learning-based modules into an integrated 3D animation framework. The presented learning-based solutions open the possibility of democratizing the traditional 3D animation system that can be enabled using low-cost equipment, e.g., a single RGB camera. Finally, this thesis also discusses the potential further integration of these learning-based approaches to enhance 3D animation technology.Realistische virtuelle menschliche Avatare sind ein entscheidendes Element in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen, von 3D-Animationsfilmen bis hin zu neuen AR/VR-Technologien. Die Erzeugung glaubwürdiger Bewegungen solcher Avatare in drei Dimensionen ist bekanntermaßen eine herausfordernde Aufgabe. Traditionelle Pipelines zur Erzeugung menschlicher 3D-Bewegungen bestehen aus mehreren Stufen, die jede für sich genommen teure Ausrüstung und den Einsatz von Expertenwissen erfordern und daher trotz ihrer enormen potenziellen Vorteile abseits der Unterhaltungsindustrie nur eingeschränkt verwendbar sind. Diese Arbeit untersucht verschiedene Alternativen um die Komplexität der traditionellen 3D-Animations-Pipeline zu reduzieren. Zu diesem Zweck stellt sie mehrere neuartige Möglichkeiten zur Erfassung, Synthese und Steuerung humanoider 3D-Bewegungen vor. Sie konzentriert sich auf die Verwendung lernbasierter Methoden, um kritische Teile des klassischen Animationsansatzes zu überbrücken: Zunächst wird eine neue 3D-Pose-Estimation-Methode für monokulare Bilder vorgeschlagen, um die Notwendigkeit mehrerer Kameras im traditionellen Motion-Capture-Ansatz zu beseitigen. Des Weiteren untersucht die Arbeit mehrere datengetriebene Ansätze zur Synthese und Steuerung glaubwürdiger humanoider 3D-Bewegungen, die möglicherweise den Bedarf an manueller Animation reduzieren können. Als Fallstudie wird, aufgrund seiner einzigartig mehrdeutigen Natur, das Problem der sprachgetriebenen 3D-Gesten-Synthese untersucht. Die Verbesserungen in der Qualität der erzeugten Bewegungen wird durch eine neuartige Kostenfunktion erreicht, die den Unterschied zwischen realen und synthetischen Daten bewertet. Außerdem wird eine neue Strategie zur Bewegungssynthese beschrieben, die eine klassische Datenbanksuche mit einer leistungsstarken Deep-Learning-Methode kombiniert, was zu einer größeren Variation der Bewegungssteuerung führt, als rein lernbasierte Verfahren sie bieten. Ein weiterer Beitrag dieser Dissertation besteht in einer neuen Methode zum Aufbau eines großen Datensatzes dreidimensionaler Bewegungen, auf Grundlage lernbasierter monokularer Pose-Estimation- Methoden. Dies demonstriert die vielversprechenden Möglichkeiten lernbasierter monokularer Methoden und lässt die Aussicht erkennen, diese lernbasierten Module zu einem integrierten 3D-Animations- Framework zu kombinieren. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten lernbasierten Lösungen eröffnen die Möglichkeit, das traditionelle 3D-Animationssystem auch mit kostengünstiger Ausrüstung, wie z.B. einer einzelnen RGB-Kamera verwendbar zu machen. Abschließend diskutiert diese Arbeit auch die mögliche weitere Integration dieser lernbasierten Ansätze zur Verbesserung der 3D-Animationstechnologie

    Affective Computing

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    This book provides an overview of state of the art research in Affective Computing. It presents new ideas, original results and practical experiences in this increasingly important research field. The book consists of 23 chapters categorized into four sections. Since one of the most important means of human communication is facial expression, the first section of this book (Chapters 1 to 7) presents a research on synthesis and recognition of facial expressions. Given that we not only use the face but also body movements to express ourselves, in the second section (Chapters 8 to 11) we present a research on perception and generation of emotional expressions by using full-body motions. The third section of the book (Chapters 12 to 16) presents computational models on emotion, as well as findings from neuroscience research. In the last section of the book (Chapters 17 to 22) we present applications related to affective computing

    Deep Active Learning Explored Across Diverse Label Spaces

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    abstract: Deep learning architectures have been widely explored in computer vision and have depicted commendable performance in a variety of applications. A fundamental challenge in training deep networks is the requirement of large amounts of labeled training data. While gathering large quantities of unlabeled data is cheap and easy, annotating the data is an expensive process in terms of time, labor and human expertise. Thus, developing algorithms that minimize the human effort in training deep models is of immense practical importance. Active learning algorithms automatically identify salient and exemplar samples from large amounts of unlabeled data and can augment maximal information to supervised learning models, thereby reducing the human annotation effort in training machine learning models. The goal of this dissertation is to fuse ideas from deep learning and active learning and design novel deep active learning algorithms. The proposed learning methodologies explore diverse label spaces to solve different computer vision applications. Three major contributions have emerged from this work; (i) a deep active framework for multi-class image classication, (ii) a deep active model with and without label correlation for multi-label image classi- cation and (iii) a deep active paradigm for regression. Extensive empirical studies on a variety of multi-class, multi-label and regression vision datasets corroborate the potential of the proposed methods for real-world applications. Additional contributions include: (i) a multimodal emotion database consisting of recordings of facial expressions, body gestures, vocal expressions and physiological signals of actors enacting various emotions, (ii) four multimodal deep belief network models and (iii) an in-depth analysis of the effect of transfer of multimodal emotion features between source and target networks on classification accuracy and training time. These related contributions help comprehend the challenges involved in training deep learning models and motivate the main goal of this dissertation.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    A Comprehensive Review of Data-Driven Co-Speech Gesture Generation

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    Gestures that accompany speech are an essential part of natural and efficient embodied human communication. The automatic generation of such co-speech gestures is a long-standing problem in computer animation and is considered an enabling technology in film, games, virtual social spaces, and for interaction with social robots. The problem is made challenging by the idiosyncratic and non-periodic nature of human co-speech gesture motion, and by the great diversity of communicative functions that gestures encompass. Gesture generation has seen surging interest recently, owing to the emergence of more and larger datasets of human gesture motion, combined with strides in deep-learning-based generative models, that benefit from the growing availability of data. This review article summarizes co-speech gesture generation research, with a particular focus on deep generative models. First, we articulate the theory describing human gesticulation and how it complements speech. Next, we briefly discuss rule-based and classical statistical gesture synthesis, before delving into deep learning approaches. We employ the choice of input modalities as an organizing principle, examining systems that generate gestures from audio, text, and non-linguistic input. We also chronicle the evolution of the related training data sets in terms of size, diversity, motion quality, and collection method. Finally, we identify key research challenges in gesture generation, including data availability and quality; producing human-like motion; grounding the gesture in the co-occurring speech in interaction with other speakers, and in the environment; performing gesture evaluation; and integration of gesture synthesis into applications. We highlight recent approaches to tackling the various key challenges, as well as the limitations of these approaches, and point toward areas of future development.Comment: Accepted for EUROGRAPHICS 202

    Foundations and Recent Trends in Multimodal Machine Learning: Principles, Challenges, and Open Questions

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    Multimodal machine learning is a vibrant multi-disciplinary research field that aims to design computer agents with intelligent capabilities such as understanding, reasoning, and learning through integrating multiple communicative modalities, including linguistic, acoustic, visual, tactile, and physiological messages. With the recent interest in video understanding, embodied autonomous agents, text-to-image generation, and multisensor fusion in application domains such as healthcare and robotics, multimodal machine learning has brought unique computational and theoretical challenges to the machine learning community given the heterogeneity of data sources and the interconnections often found between modalities. However, the breadth of progress in multimodal research has made it difficult to identify the common themes and open questions in the field. By synthesizing a broad range of application domains and theoretical frameworks from both historical and recent perspectives, this paper is designed to provide an overview of the computational and theoretical foundations of multimodal machine learning. We start by defining two key principles of modality heterogeneity and interconnections that have driven subsequent innovations, and propose a taxonomy of 6 core technical challenges: representation, alignment, reasoning, generation, transference, and quantification covering historical and recent trends. Recent technical achievements will be presented through the lens of this taxonomy, allowing researchers to understand the similarities and differences across new approaches. We end by motivating several open problems for future research as identified by our taxonomy
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