85,836 research outputs found

    Appeals in Workmen\u27s Compensation

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    There is a solution to the problem of appeals in the Ohio Workmen\u27s Compensation Act. Permit the administrative officers who are well trained and have many years of experience to determine the facts and law with court appeals on questions of law only. Since Ohio is a State Fund operation, hearing officers probably should not be responsibleto the Bureau of Workmen\u27s Compensation. This alliance could affect their judgment since they must defend the insurance fund against any claim which is, in their opinion, unlawful

    Group Formation in the Long Tenth Century: a View from Trier and its Region

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    Unpaginated version of book chapter published in Christine Kleinjung and Stefan Albrecht (eds.), Das lange 10. Jahrhundert – Struktureller Wandel zwischen Zentralisierung und Fragmentierung, äußerem Druck und innerer Krise (Mainz, 2015), pp. 49–5

    Cationic amphiphilic drugs cause a marked expansion of apparent lysosomal volume: Implications for an intracellular distribution-based drug interaction

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    How a drug distributes within highly compartmentalized mammalian cells can affect both the activity and pharmacokinetic behavior. Many commercially available drugs are considered to be lysosomotropic, meaning they are extensively sequestered in lysosomes by an ion trapping-type mechanism. Lysosomotropic drugs typically have a very large apparent volume of distribution and a prolonged half-life in vivo, despite minimal association with adipose tissue. In this report we tested the prediction that the accumulation of one drug (perpetrator) in lysosomes could influence the accumulation of a secondarily administered one (victim), resulting in an intracellular distribution-based drug interaction. To test this hypothesis cells were exposed to nine different hydrophobic amine-containing drugs, which included imipramine, chlorpromazine and amiodarone, at a 10 µM concentration for 24 to 48 hours. After exposure to the perpetrators the cellular accumulation of LysoTracker Red (LTR), a model lysosomotropic probe, was evaluated both quantitatively and microscopically. We found that all of the tested perpetrators caused a significant increase in the cellular accumulation of LTR. Exposure of cells to imipramine caused an increase in the cellular accumulation of other lysosomotropic probes and drugs including LyosTracker Green, daunorubicin, propranolol and methylamine; however, imipramine did not alter the cellular accumulation of non-lysosomotropic amine-containing molecules including MitoTracker Red and sulforhodamine 101. In studies using ionophores to abolish intracellular pH gradients we were able to resolve ion trapping-based cellular accumulation from residual pH-gradient independent accumulation. Results from these evaluations in conjunction with lysosomal pH measurements enabled us to estimate the relative aqueous volume of lysosomes of cells before and after imipramine treatment. Our results suggest that imipramine exposure caused a 4-fold expansion in the lysosomal volume, which provides the basis for the observed drug interaction. The imipramine-induced lysosomal volume expansion was shown to be both time- and temperature-dependent and reversed by exposing cells to hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin, which reduced lysosomal cholesterol burden. This suggests that the expansion of lysosomal volume occurs secondary to perpetrator-induced elevations in lysosomal cholesterol content. In support of this claim, the cellular accumulation of LTR was shown to be higher in cells isolated from patients with Niemann-Pick Type C disease, which are known to hyper-accumulate cholesterol in lysosomes

    Führte Modellgläubigkeit zur Finanzkrise?

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    In der Krise wurden viele Marktteilnehmer von Entwicklungen überrascht, die sie eigentlich für unmöglich hielten. Ihre Fehleinschätzung basierte auf «wissenschaftlich fundierten» Modellen. Jedoch ist es nicht angebracht, die Modelle als Ursache der Krise zu bezeichnen

    Austria in the COVID-19 Pandemic - Citizens' Satisfaction with Crisis Measures and Communication

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    Background: We assess satisfaction about various aspects of the 2020 COVID-19 crisis for a representative sample of 1798 respondents living in Austria. Survey questions were added to a previously planned data collection, based on concrete questions discussed at a BKA Clearing Board meeting (Tuesday, 14.04.2020: Subarbeitsgruppe Psycho-Soziale-Effekte im Rahmen von "COVID-19 / Future Operations"). Findings: Overall, people living in Austria are satisfied with the various crisis management elements of the COVID-19 pandemic, as answers are mainly at the positive side of the response scale that ranges from -3 (Very unsatisfied) to +3 (Very satisfied). Citizens are most satisfied with how well they implement the measures of the federal government themselves (and/or their employer) to overcome the Corona crisis, and about how they are able to comply with these measures. In contrast, they are least satisfied with how national media report on the measures (Newspapers, TV, etc.). Splitting-up satisfaction evaluations for gender, age, region, level of education, occupation, or sector of employment does show no or some small (but no substantial) differences for particular subgroups. We can observe an age effect for satisfaction on how others deal with the government's COVID-19 measures. This means: the older people are, the more satisfied they are about how others comply with the COVID-19 measures. Self-employed respondents are least satisfied with how the government is dealing with the crisis and communicating the measures. Students are most satisfied about that. However, it has to be noted that this data is from 17 April to 29 April (2020), which is just before loosening, in a second round, many of the restrictions on small businesses

    Preparing and organizing results from an ENU mutagenesis screen for congenital heart disease for public view

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    Congenital heart disease (CHD) is one of the most common birth defects in humans. In addition, CHD is the leading cause of infant death. Ethylnitrosourea (ENU) is used to induce random single nucleotide polymorphisms in mice. Once the mice are have a mutation they are sent to the University of Pittsburgh for analysis to determine if the SNP is associated with cardiovascular defects. Each mutated mouse is used to breed its own mouse line. The ENU screen uses echocardiography, EFIC imaging, necropsy and exome sequencing to determine the phenotypes and genotypes of the mouse lines. The screen has identified novel genes in mice that may be potential causes of CHD in infants. The Bench to Bassinet program is a nationwide program that translates basic science to clinical trials. As part of this program, data gathered by the ENU screen in mice is organized and available to the public through Jackson Labs Mouse Genome Informatics Database. As of March 2013, 123 mouse lines covering many different types of cardiovascular and craniofacial defects have been made available to the public. Public health significance: Approximately 40,000 infants die from CHD each year. This research and this database enables collaboration among many researchers to identify the causal genes of CHD in infants, and hopefully an eventual means of prophylaxis

    The signature of the whole. Radical interconnectedness and its implications for global and environmental education

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    The author presents a holistic concept of Global Learning, concerning different scientific disciplines, spiritual suggestions and practical consequences. He interprets the global environmental crisis especially as a crisis of worldview, stamped by mechanistic belief. (DIPF/Orig.)Der Autor präsentiert ein holistisches Konzept Globalen Lernens in Auseinandersetzung mit verschiedenen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen, spirituellen Anregungen und praktischen Konsequenzen. Die globale Umweltkrise interpretiert er dabei v. a. als eine Krise der Betrachtung von Welt, die von mechanistischem Denken geprägt sei. (DIPF/Orig.

    Unintended consequences of crisis management

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    This contribution attempts to decipher the largely unintended, still predictable consequences of crisis management in the global economy. In a series of improvised, case-bycase and unilaterally demand-focused measures, governments tried to extend the Keynesian arsenal to a system whose basic features are unlike those of the national economy. While the collapse of output and employment, on par with the Great Depression, could indeed be averted, conditions for the resumption of sustainable finance and growth have been undermined

    Aplastic Crisis as Primary Manifestation of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    Aplastic crisis is an unusual feature of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We report the case of a 54-year-old woman presenting with both (extravascular) Coombs-positive hemolytic anemia and laboratory findings of bone marrow hyporegeneration with concomitant severe neutropenia. A bone marrow biopsy confirmed aplastic crisis. Diagnostic work-up revealed soaring titers of autoantibodies (anti-nuclear, anti-double-stranded DNA, anti-cardiolipin-IgM, and anti-beta 2-glykoprotein-IgM antibodies), indicating a connective tissue disease as the most plausible reason for bone marrow insufficiency. As the criteria for SLE were fulfilled, we initiated an immunosuppressive therapy by steroids, which led to a rapid complete hematologic and clinical remission in our patient. In this case, we could report on one of the rare cases of SLE-induced aplastic crisis showing that this condition can be entirely reversed by immunosuppressive treatment and that SLE-induced aplastic crisis yields a good prognosis. In conclusion, in a case of aplastic crisis, physicians should be aware that SLE can be a rare cause that is accessible to specific treatment

    Ein Modell für Finanzkrisen bei Moral Hazard und Überinvestition

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    Die von der Asienkrise (1997-99) betroffenen Staaten wiesen im Vorfeld der Krise positive Fundamentaldaten auf. Traditionelle Krisentheorien konnten deshalb nicht zur Erklärung der Krise herangezogen werden. In diesem Paper wird ein alternativer Erklärungsansatz für Finanzkrisen in offenen Volkswirtschaften dargelegt. Kern dieses Ansatzes ist eine staatliche Garantie auf Kredite, die Moral Hazard Verhalten bei privaten Akteuren bewirkt. Daraus entsteht eine übermäßige Kreditnahme und Überinvestition in der betrachteten Volkswirtschaft. Es wird gezeigt, wie dadurch eine Krise entstehen kann, die durch Unternehmensinsolvenzen, Outputrückgang und einen starken Verlust von staatlichen Währungsreserven gekennzeichnet ist. --