7,571 research outputs found

    El malestar en la paz. Freud y Scheler sobre la paz y la guerra

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    Knapp 100 Jahre nach Ausbruch des ersten Weltkriegs untersucht dieser Artikel zentrale Positionen in der Bewertung der großen Themen Krieg und Frieden durch Sigmund Freud und andere Vertreter der Psychoanalyse. Während Freud in der Rezeption häufig als Vertreter des Pazifismus wahrgenommen wird, zeigt der direkte Vergleich mit dem konservativen Philosophen Max Scheler und seiner Lobschrift auf den Genius des Krieges, wie sehr Freud in seinen Bewertungen im Geist seiner Zeit verankert ist. Wenngleich unter grundsätzlich anderen politischen Vorzeichen setzt auch er Tod und die Gewalt des Kriegs als Prüfstein der zivilisiatorischen Dinge.Roughly 100 years after the outbreak of World War I this article reviews central positions taken by Freud and other early psychoanalysts with respect to the big subjects of war and peace. While Freud has often been perceived as a pacifist, an immediate comparison with the conservative philosopher Max Scheler and his eulogy to the Genius of War shows to what extend Freud is rooted in the spirit of his time. If even under different political premises, also Freud takes death and the violence of war to be the touchstone of civilization.Casi cien años después de la Primera Guerra Mundial, este artículo investiga las posiciones centrales tomadas por Freud y otros psicoanalistas respecto a grandes temas como la paz y la guerra. Mientras la recepción de Freud lo percibe a menudo como un pacifista, la comparación directa con el filósofo conservador Max Scheler y su elogio al Genio de la guerra muestra hasta qué punto Freud estaba anclado en el espíritu de su época. Si bien bajo premisas políticas diferentes, también Freud considera la muerte y la violencia de la guerra como piedra de toque de la civilización

    Francis Bacon über Frieden und den Vertrag von London (1604)

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    The present article offers a German-language account of Francis Bacon on peace and the 1604 Treaty of London, with the article considering each theme in a separate portion of the article

    Der amerikanische Neokonservatismus und seine Ursprünge, Ideen und Ziele : eine liberale und eine realistische Kritik

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    The paper aims at presenting research about Neo-Conservatism, in particular about the origin(s), history of development, ideas, and foreign policy goals. The core argument of the paper is that the discipline of International Relations (IR), in particular the North American Research and the Peace and Conflict Research, should take the Neoconservatives seriously. Three arguments can be made for this: First of all, Neoconservatives such as Robert Kagan, Charles Krauthammer, and Normen Podhoretz are participating in the debates about US foreign policy, and they introduce their ideas (e.g. "democracy promotion", "unipolar moment", and "benevolent empire") into the discourse. The foreign policy of the Reagan administration as well as the foreign policy of George W. Bush was highly influenced by neoconservative ideas. To sum up, Neo-Conservatism is the fourth influential school of US foreign policy beside Isolationism, Liberal Internationalism, and Realism. Secondly, Neoconservatives are proponents of a war-prone-US foreign policy, and advocates of the "war on terror" and the Iraq War. And finally, Neoconservatives are characterized by ideas, in particular the idea of democracy promotion, as the purpose of American politics and historic mission. Along with this, a neoconservative misunderstanding of IR theories becomes apparent. The "Democrat Realist" Krauthammer and the "Wilsonianist" Podhoretz both refer to "Realism", "Liberalism" and Wilson’s doctrine "to make the world safe for democracy" in a way which is not only misleading, but deceptive. Neoconservatives suggest that Realism is a sole power politics-theory without normative bias, and that the scholars of the liberal peace theory as well as Wilson and his successors claim for a policy of democracy promotion by using force and waging war. Against this background, a critical examination with Neoconservatism is presented in the paper. To reveal the neoconservative misunderstanding of IR discipline and its two important school of thoughts, the few similarities but numerous differences between Neo-Conservatism on the one hand and realist and liberal approaches in IR on the other hand are worked out

    Mut zur Kritik! : Für eine konsistente deutsche Menschenrechtspolitik in Tschetschenien vor und nach Sotschi

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    Ungewissheit und die Ethik humanitär begründeter militärischer Interventionen

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    Ungewissheit kennzeichnet die Entscheidungslage auch bei schwerwiegenden politischen Entscheidungen wie etwa dem Einsatz militärischer Gewalt, um Menschenrechte zu schützen. Charakteristisch sind dabei zum Beispiel eine unsichere Faktenlage, die sich durch Kriegspropaganda und Fake News noch verschärft, sowie die schwer abzuschätzenden Folgen eines militärischen Eingreifens. Welche Probleme birgt das aus (theologisch-)ethischer Sicht und welche Konsequenzen ergeben sich daraus? Mit besonderer Bezugnahme auf den Kosovo-Krieg werden hier exemplarische friedensethische Überlegungen angestellt

    Mit Biolandbau aus der Armut

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    Über Chancen und Grenzen der biologischen Landwirtschaft in der Dritten Wel

    Friedenssicherung durch Minderheitenschutz : Instrumente und Mechanismen der Vereinten Nationen

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    Ziel des vorliegenden Papers ist die Bewertung der Instrumente und Mechanismen der Vereinten Nationen zum Minderheitenschutz. Das friedliche Zusammenleben von Mehrheiten und Minderheiten innerhalb der Bevölkerung kann, so wird gezeigt, nur durch eine substanzielle Zusammenarbeit der internationalen Staatengemeinschaft erreicht werden. Auf Basis einer Analyse historischer Entwicklungen und mittels exemplarischer Untersuchungen dreier zentraler Minderheitenschutzinstrumente aus dem System der VN wird die Wirksamkeit der Menschenrechtsinstrumente bzw. Mechanismen auf theoretischer sowie legaler Ebene bewertet. Durch eine kritische Bewertung ihrer praktischen Umsetzung werden außerdem Alternativen zum existierenden internationalen Minderheitenschutzsystem aufgezeigt

    Art brut oder die Überwindung der Biomacht

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    In this comprehensive paper, I present the thesis that the clinical biopower—which means biopouvoir according to Michel Foucault—can be countered with the help of artistic ability. In this sense, the psychiatric clinic may turn into a space of inclusion, respect, and true self-unfolding. Following Jean Dubuffet, I give a definition of art brut and analyze some works of German and Austrian outsiders of the 20th century, who succeeded in overcoming life-crises, such as childhood poverty, experiences of war, psychical illness, or social ostracism. I match the biopolitical character of psychiatry clinics against the most recent ideas of art therapy. The remainder of the article is organized in four parts: (1) Introduction: Raw Art, (2) Alterity: Beyond of Normality and Pathology, (3) Talent for Sovereignty, (4) Conclusion: The Between

    Militärinterventionen : verheerend und völkerrechtswidrig. Möglichkeiten friedlicher Konfliktlösung

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    The overall aim with this thesis is to create a broader understanding of how the EMS tool works in local authorities. This means to study whether EMS is a useful tool for managing the environmental impact from the local authorities' activities and by highlighting its strengths and weaknesses as a tool. EMS is a tool that is used on a voluntary basis that aims at improving organisations' environmental performance. There are several standards for designing EMSs; however, this thesis focuses on EMSs designed according to the principles of the international standard ISO 14001 and the EU regulation Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). The standards are based on a wide range of requirements. If these requirements are fulfilled, the organisation can choose to get its EMS certified by a third party. The EMS tool is frequently used in the private sector, and it is sometimes argued that it is designed for private (industrial) organisations. However, local authorities worldwide have shown an increased interest in EMSs since the mid 1990s. The EMS use in the private sector has been subject to some critique. For example, there is a risk that the tool is used only to get another certificate in order to increase their legitimacy, which means that there is a risk that the environmental issues are neglected. Until now, little academic research has been conducted concerning EMS use in local authorities. Therefore, it is interesting to study what approaches local authorities have to EMSs. Mainly Swedish local authorities have been studied for this thesis. Many Swedish local authorities have been using EMSs for a fairly long time, which means that they have a certain amount of experience from this using tool. The local authorities' approaches to EMS use have been studied from several perspectives using postal surveys, interviews, and case study methodology. This means that the research has a strong empirical foundation. The EMS use in Swedish local authorities is fairly common, since almost half of them are in the process of implementing EMSs in all or some of their departments. The main reason for implementing EMSs is to improve the structure of their environmental management. The local authorities often use ISO 14001 and/or EMAS as inspiration and design the EMSs according to their local conditions and ambitions, thus certification of the EMSs is seldom an aim. Although many local authorities seem to use EMSs in a reflective and sensible way, several barriers or difficulties - for example, maintaining continuity and ensuring follow-up of the environmental improvements - have been discovered. Furthermore, the EMSs that are being implemented often exclude environmental impact related to their exercise of authority since it is difficult and abstract. Including environmental impact related to these activities is often seen as a matter of maturity. To develop the organisations' EMSs, internal and external communication and interaction is experienced as very important. Such issues contribute to the EMS maturity processes, since the local authorities find new inspiration, knowledge, and motivation to further develop the EMS processes and, as a consequence, improve their environmental performance