94 research outputs found


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    Spejle i middelalderens og renæssancens Europa: Produktion, symbolik og arkæologiske levn

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    Mirrors in medieval and renaissance Europe Production, symbolism and archaeological remains By Vibe Esdahl-Schou Until only a few decades ago medieval glass mirrors were an almost unexplored subject in archaeology mostly because of a lack in finds. Lately a lot of attention has been drawn to the subject and the quantity of finds is growing rapidly. Through the Middle Ages convex glass mirrors fitted in a simple wooden frame were fairly common and can be seen in many paintings from the 15th and 16th century. Only a handful of wooden frames and cases are known from Denmark. Around 1500 A.D. the Venetian manufacture of plate glass mirrors was perfected and Venetian mirrors became extremely valuable luxury items reserved for princes or kings. The convex glass mirror was still preferred by the common people and remained popular until the 1800s when Industrialisation made it possible to produce plate glass en masse at a reasonable price

    Skattereformer: Dynamiske effekter og fordelingskonsekvenser

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    We introduce the Hausman method for estimation of labour supply and present some recent quantitative studies of Danish labour supply based on this approach. The preferred model is used for simulating labour supply and distributional impact of alternative tax reforms which reduce the tax burden on wage income in different income ranges. Despite the relatively small labour supply elasticities, some of the experiments are almost self-financed, but the general picture is that rates of self-financing are modest. It turns out that the choice of tax reform is important when considering inequality issues.Labour; supply

    Nyt teleskop på Ole Rømer-Observatoriet

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    I forbindelse med renoveringen af Ole Rømer-Observatoriet vil der blive installeret et nyt, stort teleskop. Men hvordan vælger man det rigtige

    Klatrehøgder av skred på krumma leievoll

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    I krumma skredkanalar vil sentrifugalkrefter lyfta skredmassen opp langs kanalveggen i yttersving. Dette hender avdi sentrifugalkreftene roterer den frie overflata med ein vinkel θ (definert i Formel 1, s. 6). Klatrehøgda aukar dramatisk når sentrifugalvinkelen nærmar seg hellingsvinkelen til den ytre vollveggen. Avgjerande storleikar er snøggleiken til skredmassen, kanalkrumminga i to plan, og helningsvinkelen i den ytre vollveggen. Det er utleidd formlar for vertikal klatrehøgd på vollsida. Desse formlane er implementerte i eit rekneark, der brukaren bestemmer kanalgeometrien, snøggleiken og mengda av strøymande masse. Innverknaden av kvar designparameter er presenterte grafisk i avsnitt 3.3

    Kapasitet i fergesektoren

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    Reinens gevir - vekst og betydning. En oversikt

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    Reindeer antlers - growth and importance.Review article in Norwegian

    Forslag til randdekorering 1775

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