461 research outputs found

    Operator mixing in N=4 SYM: The Konishi anomaly revisited

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    In the context of the superconformal N=4 SYM theory the Konishi anomaly can be viewed as the descendant K10K_{10} of the Konishi multiplet in the 10 of SU(4), carrying the anomalous dimension of the multiplet. Another descendant O10O_{10} with the same quantum numbers, but this time without anomalous dimension, is obtained from the protected half-BPS operator O20′O_{20'} (the stress-tensor multiplet). Both K10K_{10} and O10O_{10} are renormalized mixtures of the same two bare operators, one trilinear (coming from the superpotential), the other bilinear (the so-called "quantum Konishi anomaly"). Only the operator K10K_{10} is allowed to appear in the right-hand side of the Konishi anomaly equation, the protected one O10O_{10} does not match the conformal properties of the left-hand side. Thus, in a superconformal renormalization scheme the separation into "classical" and "quantum" anomaly terms is not possible, and the question whether the Konishi anomaly is one-loop exact is out of context. The same treatment applies to the operators of the BMN family, for which no analogy with the traditional axial anomaly exists. We illustrate our abstract analysis of this mixing problem by an explicit calculation of the mixing matrix at level g^4 ("two loops") in the supersymmetric dimensional reduction scheme.Comment: 28 pp LaTeX, 3 figure

    Chiral rings, anomalies and loop equations in N=1* gauge theories

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    We examine the equivalence between the Konishi anomaly equations and the matrix model loop equations in N=1* gauge theories, the mass deformation of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills. We perform the superfunctional integral of two adjoint chiral superfields to obtain an effective N=1 theory of the third adjoint chiral superfield. By choosing an appropriate holomorphic variation, the Konishi anomaly equations correctly reproduce the loop equations in the corresponding three-matrix model. We write down the field theory loop equations explicitly by using a noncommutative product of resolvents peculiar to N=1* theories. The field theory resolvents are identified with those in the matrix model in the same manner as for the generic N=1 gauge theories. We cover all the classical gauge groups. In SO/Sp cases, both the one-loop holomorphic potential and the Konishi anomaly term involve twisting of index loops to change a one-loop oriented diagram to an unoriented diagram. The field theory loop equations for these cases show certain inhomogeneous terms suggesting the matrix model loop equations for the RP2 resolvent.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, latex2e, v4: minor changes in introduction and conclusions, 4 references are added, version to appear in JHE

    Effective Superpotentials via Konishi Anomaly

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    We use Ward identities derived from the generalized Konishi anomaly in order to compute effective superpotentials for SU(N), SO(N) and Sp(N)Sp(N) supersymmetric gauge theories coupled to matter in various representations. In particular we focus on cubic and quartic tree level superpotentials. With this technique higher order corrections to the perturbative part of the effective superpotential can be easily evaluated.Comment: 17 pages, harvma

    World-sheet Stability of (0,2) Linear Sigma Models

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    We argue that two-dimensional (0,2) gauged linear sigma models are not destabilized by instanton generated world-sheet superpotentials. We construct several examples where we show this to be true. The general proof is based on the Konishi anomaly for (0,2) theories.Comment: 18 pages, LaTe

    On Nonperturbative Exactness of Konishi Anomaly and the Dijkgraaf-Vafa Conjecture

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    In this paper we study the nonperturbative corrections to the generalized Konishi anomaly that come from the strong coupling dynamics of the gauge theory. We consider U(N) gauge theory with adjoint and Sp(N) or SO(N) gauge theory with symmetric or antisymmetric tensor. We study the algebra of chiral rotations of the matter field and show that it does not receive nonperturbative corrections. The algebra implies Wess-Zumino consistency conditions for the generalized Konishi anomaly which are used to show that the anomaly does not receive nonperturbative corrections for superpotentials of degree less than 2l+1 where 2l=3c(Adj)-c(R) is the one-loop beta function coefficient. The superpotentials of higher degree can be nonperturbatively renormalized because of the ambiguities in the UV completion of the gauge theory. We discuss the implications for the Dijkgraaf-Vafa conjecture.Comment: 23 page

    Konishi anomaly approach to gravitational F-terms

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    We study gravitational corrections to the effective superpotential in theories with a single adjoint chiral multiplet, using the generalized Konishi anomaly and the gravitationally deformed chiral ring. We show that the genus one correction to the loop equation in the corresponding matrix model agrees with the gravitational corrected anomaly equations in the gauge theory. An important ingrediant in the proof is the lack of factorization of chiral gauge invariant operators in presence of a supergravity background. We also find a genus zero gravitational correction to the superpotential, which can be removed by a field redefinition.Comment: 28 pages, uses JHEP3.cl

    Gravitational F-terms of N=1 Supersymmetric SU(N) Gauge Theories

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    We use the generalized Konishi anomaly equations and R-symmetry anomaly to compute the exact perturbative and non-perturbative gravitational F-terms of four-dimensional N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories. We formulate the general procedure for computation and consider chiral and non-chiral SU(N) gauge theories.Comment: 25 pages, v2: minor changes in section 4, references adde

    Konishi anomaly and N=1 effective superpotentials from matrix models

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    We discuss the restrictions imposed by the Konishi anomaly on the matrix model approach to the calculation of the effective superpotentials in N=1 SUSY gauge theories with different matter content. It is shown that they correspond to the anomaly deformed Virasoro L0L_0 constraints .Comment: Latex, 8 pages, misprint and the normalization of the condensate in the elliptic model are correcte
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