9 research outputs found

    Positioning of High-speed Trains using 5G New Radio Synchronization Signals

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    We study positioning of high-speed trains in 5G new radio (NR) networks by utilizing specific NR synchronization signals. The studies are based on simulations with 3GPP-specified radio channel models including path loss, shadowing and fast fading effects. The considered positioning approach exploits measurement of Time-Of-Arrival (TOA) and Angle-Of-Departure (AOD), which are estimated from beamformed NR synchronization signals. Based on the given measurements and the assumed train movement model, the train position is tracked by using an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), which is able to handle the non-linear relationship between the TOA and AOD measurements, and the estimated train position parameters. It is shown that in the considered scenario the TOA measurements are able to achieve better accuracy compared to the AOD measurements. However, as shown by the results, the best tracking performance is achieved, when both of the measurements are considered. In this case, a very high, sub-meter, tracking accuracy can be achieved for most (>75%) of the tracking time, thus achieving the positioning accuracy requirements envisioned for the 5G NR. The pursued high-accuracy and high-availability positioning technology is considered to be in a key role in several envisioned HST use cases, such as mission-critical autonomous train systems.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, IEEE WCNC 2018 (Wireless Communications and Networking Conference

    Integrity-Based Path Planning Strategy for Urban Autonomous Vehicular Navigation Using GPS and Cellular Signals

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    An integrity-based path planning strategy for autonomous ground vehicle (AGV) navigation in urban environments is developed. The vehicle is assumed to navigate by utilizing cellular long-term evolution (LTE) signals in addition to Global Positioning System (GPS) signals. Given a desired destination, an optimal path is calculated, which minimizes a cost function that considers both the horizontal protection level (HPL) and travel distance. The constraints are that (i) the ratio of nodes with faulty signals to the total nodes be lower than a maximum allowable ratio and (ii) the HPLs along each candidate path be lower than the horizontal alert limit (HAL). To predict the faults and HPL before the vehicle is driven, GPS and LTE pseudoranges along the candidate paths are generated utilizing a commercial ray-tracing software and three-dimensional (3D) terrain and building maps. Simulated pseudoranges inform the path planning algorithm about potential biases due to reflections from buildings in urban environments. Simulation results are presented showing that the optimal path produced by the proposed path planning strategy has the minimum average HPL among the candidate paths.Comment: Submitted to ION GNSS+ 202

    Модель системи придушення спуфінгу глобальними навігаційними системами

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    Робота публікується згідно наказу Ректора НАУ від 27.05.2021 р.№311/од "Про розміщення кваліфікаційних робіт здобувачів вищої освіти в репозиторії університету" Керівник проекту: д.т.н., професор кафедри аеронавігаційних систем, Конін Валерій ВікторовичВ першому розділі дипломної роботи був проведений аналітичний огляд проблеми втручання до навігаційної апаратури за допомогою радіоперешкод, наведені характеристики сигналів GNSS і методи впливу на них. У другому розділі розглянуто принцип роботи адаптивної антеної решітки, описана модель придушення спуфінгу на базу адаптивної антеної системи. У третьому розділі відображено блок-схему програмної частини роботи у середовищі Matlab, описано функціонування кожного блоку моделі. У четвертому розділі коротко описаний приймач OEM719, розглянуто інтерфейс програми Novatel Connect 2.3.2, описаний принцип формування вхідних даних. У цьому ж розділі показані та проаналізовані отримані результати дослідженн

    PNT cyber resilience : a Lab2Live observer based approach, Report 1 : GNSS resilience and identified vulnerabilities. Technical Report 1

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    The use of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) such as GPS and Galileo are vital sources of positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) information for vehicles. This information is of critical importance for connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs) due to their dependence on this information for localisation, route planning and situational awareness. A downside to solely relying on GNSS for PNT is that the signal strength arriving from navigation satellites in space is weak and currently there is no authentication included in the civilian GNSS adopted in the automotive industry. This means that cyber-attacks against the GNSS signal via jamming or spoofing are attractive to adversaries due to the potentially high impact they can achieve. This report reviews the vulnerabilities of GNSS services for CAVs (a summary is shown in Figure 1), as well as detection and mitigating techniques, summarises the opinions on PNT cyber testing sourced from a select group of experts, and finishes with a description of the associated lab-based and real-world feasibility study and proposed research methodology

    Adaptive Interference Mitigation in GPS Receivers

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    Satellite navigation systems (GNSS) are among the most complex radio-navigation systems, providing positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) information. A growing number of public sector and commercial applications rely on the GNSS PNT service to support business growth, technical development, and the day-to-day operation of technology and socioeconomic systems. As GNSS signals have inherent limitations, they are highly vulnerable to intentional and unintentional interference. GNSS signals have spectral power densities far below ambient thermal noise. Consequently, GNSS receivers must meet high standards of reliability and integrity to be used within a broad spectrum of applications. GNSS receivers must employ effective interference mitigation techniques to ensure robust, accurate, and reliable PNT service. This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the Adaptive Notch Filter (ANF), a precorrelation mitigation technique that can be used to excise Continuous Wave Interference (CWI), hop-frequency and chirp-type interferences from GPS L1 signals. To mitigate unwanted interference, state-of-the-art ANFs typically adjust a single parameter, the notch centre frequency, and zeros are constrained extremely close to unity. Because of this, the notch centre frequency converges slowly to the target frequency. During this slow converge period, interference leaks into the acquisition block, thus sabotaging the operation of the acquisition block. Furthermore, if the CWI continuously hops within the GPS L1 in-band region, the subsequent interference frequency is locked onto after a delay, which means constant interference occurs in the receiver throughout the delay period. This research contributes to the field of interference mitigation at GNSS's receiver end using adaptive signal processing, predominately for GPS. This research can be divided into three stages. I first designed, modelled and developed a Simulink-based GPS L1 signal simulator, providing a homogenous test signal for existing and proposed interference mitigation algorithms. Simulink-based GPS L1 signal simulator provided great flexibility to change various parameters to generate GPS L1 signal under different conditions, e.g. Doppler Shift, code phase delay and amount of propagation degradation. Furthermore, I modelled three acquisition schemes for GPS signals and tested GPS L1 signals acquisition via coherent and non-coherent integration methods. As a next step, I modelled different types of interference signals precisely and implemented and evaluated existing adaptive notch filters in MATLAB in terms of Carrier to Noise Density (\u1d436/\u1d4410), Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), Peak Degradation Metric, and Mean Square Error (MSE) at the output of the acquisition module in order to create benchmarks. Finally, I designed, developed and implemented a novel algorithm that simultaneously adapts both coefficients in lattice-based ANF. Mathematically, I derived the full-gradient term for the notch's bandwidth parameter adaptation and developed a framework for simultaneously adapting both coefficients of a lattice-based adaptive notch filter. I evaluated the performance of existing and proposed interference mitigation techniques under different types of interference signals. Moreover, I critically analysed different internal signals within the ANF structure in order to develop a new threshold parameter that resets the notch bandwidth at the start of each subsequent interference frequency. As a result, I further reduce the complexity of the structural implementation of lattice-based ANF, allowing for efficient hardware realisation and lower computational costs. It is concluded from extensive simulation results that the proposed fully adaptive lattice-based provides better interference mitigation performance and superior convergence properties to target frequency compared to traditional ANF algorithms. It is demonstrated that by employing the proposed algorithm, a receiver is able to operate with a higher dynamic range of JNR than is possible with existing methods. This research also presents the design and MATLAB implementation of a parameterisable Complex Adaptive Notch Filer (CANF). Present analysis on higher order CANF for detecting and mitigating various types of interference for complex baseband GPS L1 signals. In the end, further research was conducted to suppress interference in the GPS L1 signal by exploiting autocorrelation properties and discarding some portion of the main lobe of the GPS L1 signal. It is shown that by removing 30% spectrum of the main lobe, either from left, right, or centre, the GPS L1 signal is still acquirable

    Circularly Polarized Antennas for GNSS Applications

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    Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) is developing rapidly. Modern GNSS technology is facing challenges for researchers to explore. One hot topic is the multi-system GNSS device. The motivation for the antenna designers is to miniaturize the size of the antenna and meanwhile keep its standard performance. It is a challenging task for an antenna array design to achieve a wide bandwidth, high gain, small size, good coverage, and simple fabrication technique all at the same time. This thesis develops several different novel compacts, high gain, and wide bandwidth circularly polarized (CP) antenna capable of providing wide coverage for GNSS frequency bands from 1.16 GHz to 1.6 GHz to cover the GPS L1-L5 bands, GLONASS G1, G2 and G3 as well as the Galileo E5a, E5b, E6, and E1bands

    On the Support of Massive Machine-to-Machine Traffic in Heterogeneous Networks and Fifth-Generation Cellular Networks

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    The widespread availability of many emerging services enabled by the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm passes through the capability to provide long-range connectivity to a massive number of things, overcoming the well-known issues of ad-hoc, short-range networks. This scenario entails a lot of challenges, ranging from the concerns about the radio access network efficiency to the threats about the security of IoT networks. In this thesis, we will focus on wireless communication standards for long-range IoT as well as on fundamental research outcomes about IoT networks. After investigating how Machine-Type Communication (MTC) is supported nowadays, we will provide innovative solutions that i) satisfy the requirements in terms of scalability and latency, ii) employ a combination of licensed and license-free frequency bands, and iii) assure energy-efficiency and security

    Signal classification at discrete frequencies using machine learning

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    Incidents such as the 2018 shut down of Gatwick Airport due to a small Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) airfield incursion, have shown that we don’t have routine and consistent detection and classification methods in place to recognise unwanted signals in an airspace. Today, incidents of this nature are taking place around the world regularly. The first stage in mitigating a threat is to know whether a threat is present. This thesis focuses on the detection and classification of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) jamming radio frequency (RF) signal types and small commercially available UAS RF signals using machine learning for early warning systems. RF signals can be computationally heavy and sometimes sensitive to collect. With neural networks requiring a lot of information to train from scratch, the thesis explores the use of transfer learning from the object detection field to lessen this burden by using graphical representations of the signal in the frequency and time domain. The thesis shows that utilising the benefits of transfer learning with both supervised and unsupervised learning and graphical signal representations, can provide high accuracy detection and classification, down to the fidelity of whether a small UAS is flying or stationary. By treating the classification of RF signals as an image classification problem, this thesis has shown that transfer learning through CNN feature extraction reduces the need for large datasets while still providing high accuracy results. CNN feature extraction and transfer learning was also shown to improve accuracy as a precursor to unsupervised learning but at a cost of time, while raw images provided a good overall solution for timely clustering. Lastly the thesis has shown that the implementation of machine learning models using a raspberry pi and software defined radio (SDR) provides a viable option for low cost early warning systems