359,560 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Review of Impacts of Social Media and Information Technology on Decision Making of General People

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    Social media platforms and information technology have revolutionized the way individuals obtain, use, and share information in the digital age. This has affected people's decision-making processes in a variety of fields. This thorough analysis investigates the complex effects of information technology and social media on the way the public makes decisions. The impact of social media and information technology on decision-making in domains like politics, healthcare, education, consumer behavior, and interpersonal relationships is examined in this review, which draws on an extensive array of scholarly literature, empirical investigations, and theoretical frameworks. According to the research, information technology and social media can influence decisions in both favorable and unfavorable ways. On the one hand, these platforms give users access to a multitude of information, empowering them to take part in social movements, activism, and civic engagement with greater knowledge and understanding. Social media platforms also enable peer-to-peer communication, cooperation, and knowledge sharing, giving people the confidence to ask their social networks for guidance, affirmation, and support. In the digital age, the review emphasizes how psychological variables, cognitive biases, and sociocultural influences shape decision-making processes. In online environments, people's information processing, judgment-making, and decision-making processes are greatly influenced by social comparison, confirmation bias, FOMO, and social validation, among other factors. This thorough analysis advances our knowledge of the intricate interactions among decision-making, information technology, and social media. Informed decision making, digital literacy, and the moral application of social media and information technology in society are all goals of this review, which synthesizes the literature and highlights new trends to guide future research, legislative efforts, and hands-on interventions.&nbsp

    Collaboration through Communities of Practice in the Digital Age

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    This paper aims to describe and explain the role of Communities of Practice (CoPs) as an informal communication mechanism in initiating, improving, and fostering collaboration in the digital age. CoPs play a critical role in the management of shared knowledge and create value for both their members and organizations. The advent of the Internet and specifically the World Wide Web (WWW) has forever changed the means of accessing and sharing data and information. With the inception of Web 2.0 technologies and social-networking sites in recent years, connections and relationships are now not only nurtured and sustained in an online environment, but also established through creating virtual communities. The authors also assert that the inception of Web 2.0 technologies and social-networking sites is a great advancement in providing a rich learning, communication, and collaborative environment, especially through the transfer of tacit knowledge that we take for granted in our face-to-face interactions. These reflections are based on personal communications with members of virtual CoPs and literature on the impact of CoPs on decision-making and knowledge management

    Utjecaj digitalizacije na vjeơtine budućih vođa

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    Introduction: Digitization has revolutionized various aspects of business and society, presenting new challenges and opportunities for leaders in the digital era. This paper examines the impact of digitization on leadership traits and skills and identifies the most significant changes that have occurred in the face of new societal challenges. Methodology: A literature review and a survey were conducted to determine the qualities and skills of future leaders in the digital age. The study focused on the most evident changes caused by digitization, such as knowledge sharing, innovation, cooperation, networking, and communication. Results: The study finds that future leaders must possess adaptability, vision, empowerment, collaboration, digital literacy, data-driven decision-making, agile thinking, design thinking, ethical awareness, and emotional intelligence. The findings suggest that future leaders must adapt to the changes brought by digitization and incorporate new skills and traits to be effective in the digital world. Discussion: Leadership theories of the past no longer fully reflect the skills and abilities that leaders require in the modern age. The digital age has brought a new approach to leadership, and digitization has significantly shaped this new image. To be an effective leader today, one must embrace digitization and continuously develop new skills to stay ahead of the curve. The following has increased the need for continuous skills improvement through formal and informal education. Conclusion: The research showed that digitization has a significant impact on knowledge sharing, innovation, collaboration, networking, and communication. It has a minor effect on trust and efficiency. Leaders of the 21st century should adapt to continuous changes and involve all employees in decision-making and task execution to optimize their performance.Uvod: Digitalizacija je revolucionalizirala različite aspekte poslovanja i druĆĄtva, postavljajući nove izazove i prilike za vođe digitalnog doba. Ovaj rad istraĆŸuje utjecaj digitalizacije na osobine i vjeĆĄtine vođa te identificira najznačajnije promjene koje su se dogodile uslijed novih druĆĄtvenih izazova. Metodologija: U radu je analizirana relevantna literatura te je provedeno istraĆŸivanje kako bi se utvrdile kvalitete i vjeĆĄtine budućih vođa digitalnog doba. Studija se usredotočila na najočitije promjene uzrokovane digitalizacijom, poput dijeljenja znanja, inovacija, suradnje, umreĆŸavanja i komunikacije. Rezultati: IstraĆŸivanje je pokazalo kako buduće vođe moraju posjedovati prilagodljivosti, viziju, osnaĆŸivanje, suradnju, digitalnu pismenost, donoĆĄenje odluka na temelju podataka, agilno razmiĆĄljanje, stvaralačko miĆĄljenje, etičku osvijeĆĄtenost te emocionalnu inteligenciju. Rezultati sugeriraju da se buduće vođe moraju prilagoditi promjenama koje donosi digitalizacija i uključiti nove vjeĆĄtine i osobine kako bi bili učinkoviti u digitalnom svijetu. Rasprava: Ranije teorije vodstva nisu odraĆŸavale u potpunosti vjeĆĄtine i sposobnosti koje trebaju imati vođe modernog doba. Digitalno doba donosi novi pristup vodstvu, a digitalizacija je značajno oblikovala tu novu sliku. Da bi danas bio učinkovit, vođa treba prihvatiti digitalizaciju i neprestano razvijati nove vjeĆĄtine kako bi ostao ispred konkurencije. To je povećalo potrebu za kontinuiranim poboljĆĄanjem vjeĆĄtina putem formalnog i neformalnog obrazovanja. Zaključak: IstraĆŸivanje je pokazalo kako digitalizacija ima značajan utjecaj na dijeljenje znanja, inovacije, suradnju, umreĆŸavanje i komunikaciju, te manji utjecaj na povjerenje i učinkovitost. Vođe 21. stoljeća trebaju se prilagoditi neprestanim promjenama i uključiti sve zaposlenike u donoĆĄenje odluka i izvrĆĄavanje zadataka, kako bi optimizirali svoje performanse

    Knowledge management : Emerging roles and challenges of library and information professionals

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    With globalization the credibility of the workforce is determined by how best they can accommodate themselves in the growing challenges of k-economy. Knowledge Management (KM) has been in operation for quite some time. Its close affinity to library and information management is undeniable. Library has not relinquished its role and interest as information and knowledge providers. It is fitting then to recognize that a well planned strategy, involving the library and the management of the institution could provide significant influence to achieve the KM objectives. Librarians and information professionals (IPs) should be dedicated to fulfilling the varied information needs of the users, amidst the k-economy by providing accurate and relevant bibliographic and physical access and offer referral to the multidimensional range of information within the library premise and outside. KM is a challenge to the information professionals and for the fields of librarianship and information science and needs to be taken seriously to leverage the intellectual assets and to facilitate knowledge utilization and creation

    Addressing the cyber safety challenge: from risk to resilience

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    Addressing the cyber safety challenge: from risk to resilience describes the cyber safety issues emerging from a range of technology trends, how different populations are using technologies and the risks they face, and how we can effectively respond to each group’s unique cyber safety needs. Written by the University of Western Sydney for Telstra Corporation Ltd, the report advocates for continuing to move cyber safety from a ‘risk and protection’ framework to one that focuses on building digital resilience, as well as fostering trust and confidence in the online environment. To do this we need to: Address the needs of populations often neglected by current policies and programs – including adults, seniors, parents, and small to medium enterprises Continue to build the digital literacy skills of all populations, because digital literacy strongly influences users’ ability to engage safely online – this is best achieved by a hands-on learning approach Keep risk in perspective – the risks and benefits of digital participation go hand in hand Broaden the focus from awareness-raising to long-term behaviour change. As digital technologies become further integrated into the everyday lives of Australians, users are potentially exposed to greater risks. However, the risks and benefits of digital participation go hand in hand. The challenge, therefore, is to support users to minimise the risks without limiting their digital participation and their capacity to derive the full benefits of connectivity. If Australians are to benefit as either consumers or providers of online services and products in the e-commerce environment, consumer safety and trust need to be improved. Cyber safety needs to be considered against a transforming backdrop of technology trends, products and practices. While the rise of social media has tended to dominate recent debate and developments in cyber safety, particularly in relation to young people, a range of other trends is also shaping how users engage online, the risks they potentially face in the new media landscape, and the strategies used to address them. These trends include the rise of user generated content and content sharing platforms; the uptake of mobile technologies and, in particular, the adoption of smartphones; cloud computing; platform integration and single sign-on mechanisms; and the rise of GPS and location based services
