49 research outputs found

    Social Media and User Performance in Knowledge Sharing

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    The aimed of this study is to investigate the impact of social media utilization on the student's performances for knowledge sharing in teaching and learning progress. A research model on the basis of the Task-Technology Fit Theory and three hypotheses theory was developed for this study. Model and hypotheses then tested and validated using data obtained from a survey of respondents. The survey was conducted on students at a university in Indonesia. Of the 103 questionnaires filled out by members of the university, 75 questionnaires declared valid and used for further analysis. Data were analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS) PLS Smart software utilizes V2. This study reveals that student performance in sharing knowledge with social media impact by technology characteristic and social media utilization

    The Potential Role of Innovative Indian SMEs in Sustainable Growth

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    India has experienced a robust economic growth in the recent years, but with a trajectory which offers both positive and negative lessons on the business innovation faced by many countries in Asia and elsewhere in the developing world. This study sought to test the relationship between innovation, financial performance and economic growth. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics on the factors that contribute to assuring the innovation of the processes involved in the financial performance and economic development in the rubber and plastic product sector in India. The results revealed that there is a positive relationship between innovation and economic growth, as well as between innovation and the financial performance of the company. Finally, the conclusion presents implications, limitations and directions for future research regarding the importance of innovation to the firm’s performance. A clear lesson from this study is that the future must include promoting Innovative Indian SMEs; in other words, business competitiveness depends on the creativity and innovativeness of its entrepreneurship

    What’s in it for me? Enlightening motivation within a social network decision-making

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    This paper addresses the motivations by which people engage in social networking, according to the existing literature. Understanding these motivations allows firms to set processes to explore them, in order to establish and develop a decision support social network, supported by social network sites. Participating in social networks draws upon the interaction of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. On one hand, intrinsic factors refer to motivation embedded in the action itself (comes within the individual), rather than from external rewards such as money or recognition. On the other hand, extrinsic factors refer to the motivation coming outside the individual. Considering that solutions to problems are expected within a decision support social network, some potential problems are identified and addressed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Poster yang mampu menarik perhatian orang yang lewat dengan maksud menyampaikan pesan tertentu ternyata dapat diikutsertakan dalam suatu perlombaan internasional. Pemanfaatan teknologi yang dioptimalkan dalam proses pembuatan dan tema poster yang dihubungkan dengan Covid-19 dapat menjaring minat seluruh orang untuk berpartisipasi di dalamnya. Penelitan ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media poster yang dapat diajukan untuk merayakan Pi Day 2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE yang meliputi tahap analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi. Pengembangan poster menggunakan Microsoft Powerpoint 2010 dan Photoshop menghasilkan dua produk dengan topik Geometri dan  Relasi Fungsi sehingga kedua poster ini selanjutnya dipilih melalui votting di Instagram stories. Hasil votting dengan perbandingan 48%:52% menunjukkan bahwa poster dengan topik Relasi Fungsi lah yang dikumpulkan ke web International Day of Mathemathics (IDM). Poster juga dipresentasikan melalui video di YouTube dan dilombakan di tingkat sarjana Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Sriwijaya melalui link google form yang disebarkan ke media sosial. Berdasarkan hasil votting tersebut, poster Relasi Fungsi mendapatkan juara ke-2

    Social Media Strategies in the Retail Sector: Analysis and Recommendations for Three Multi-National Retailers

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    During the last twenty years (1995-2015), the world of commerce has expanded beyond the traditional brick-and-mortar high street to a global shop front accessible to billions of users via the Worldwide Web (WWW). Consumers are now using the web to immerse themselves in virtual shop fronts, using Social Media (SM) to communicate and share product ideas with friends and family. Retail organisations recognise the need to develop and adapt their strategies to respond to the increasing use of SM. New goals must be set in order to identify how companies will integrate social media into current practices. This research aims to suggest an advisable and comprehensive SM strategy for companies operating in the global retail sector, based on an exploratory analysis of three multi-national retail organisations' existing SM strategies. This will be assessed in conjunction with a broader investigation into social media in the retail industry. From this, a strategy will be devised to improve internal and external communication as well as knowledge management through the use of social media. Findings suggest that the use of SM within the retail industry has dramatically improved collaboration and communication processes for organisations as they are now able to converse better with stakeholders and the tools are relatively simple to integrate and implement as they benefit one another

    Technological Determinism, New Literacies And Learning Process And The Impact Towards Future Learning

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    The interest of this research is to investigate technological change, new literacies and learning processes which impact future learning. With technological determinism, the members of the university need to have technological knowledge, belief of change and adopt the technology. The problem in this research is the habits in the individual who works within our campus that would not change, because with the new literacies used and introduced in communication, besides learning in using online systems will continue to be implemented.  The research sampling is conducted of 76 respondents, consisting of students, lecturers, employees, staff and technicians. And this research method uses is quantitative methods and semi-structured qualitative methods. The result obtained that there are members of campus who are willing to change in communication and the ways of thinking and acting to follow the change in future learning 4.0 industrial revolution

    Pemanfaatan aplikasi dan tingkat pengetahuan smart government terpadu untuk perubahan perilaku masyarakat

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    Digitalisasi memudahkan individu mengumpulkan, memproses dan saling tukar menukar informasi dengan individu lain. Kemajuan digitalisasi membantu masyarakat untuk memanfaatkan pelayanan publik secara digital, seperti yang dilakukan pemerintah desa Rawa Urip dengan menggunakan aplikasi smart Government, masyarakat desa diberikan kesempatan untuk mengikuti pelatihan dan sosialisasi untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan mereka tentang penggunaan aplikasi ini agar dapat menggunakan untuk kegiatan sehari-hari. Diharapkan dengan aplikasi ini masyarakat desa mengalami perubahan perilaku yang terbiasa datang kebalai desa untuk mendapatkan pelayanan berubah dengan pelayanan digital dimana saja dan kapan saja. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma penelitian positivism, pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif, sifat penelitian eksplanatif dengan metode penelitian survey. Hasil yang diperoleh terdapat hubungan yang kuat antara pemanfaatan aplikasi terintegrasi Smart Government dan Tingkat Pengetahuan terhadap Perubahan Perilaku Masyarakat

    Evaluasi Pemanfaatan Media Sosial sebagai Sarana Knowledge Sharing

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    Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk megevaluasi pemanfaatan aplikasi media sosial yang digunakan sebagai sarana berbagi pengetahuan oleh dosen di Indonesia dalam sebuah grup virtual di facebook. Model Kesuksesaan Sistem Informasi oleh Delone dan McLean digunakan sebagai teori dasar dengan mempertimbangkan faktor karaterisktik individu. Sebuah model penelitian dan dua belas buah hipoteses dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini. Model dan hipoteses kemudian diuji dan divalidasi menggunakan data yang diperoleh dari sebuah survey yang dilaksanakan secara online. Survey secara online dilakukan pada sebuah grup dosen di Indonesia. Sebanyak 160 kuesioner diisi oleh anggota komunitas online tersebut dan dinyatakan valid dan digunakan untuk analisis lebih lanjut. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan Partial Least Square (PLS) memanfaatkan perangkat lunak Smart PLS V2. Pengujian meliputi “measurement model†dan “structural modelâ€. Hasil dari pengolahan data mengindikasikan bahwa pemanfaatan media sosial (facebook) telah berhasil menjadi sarana bagi para akademisi di Indonesia dalam berbagi informasi dan pengetahuan. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa faktor “system use†dan “user satisfaction†adalah faktor utama yang mempengaruhi “individual impactâ€, sementara itu faktor lain seperti karateristik individu mempengaruhi system quality dan information quality. Sedangkan Information quality mempengaruhi system use, dan system use mempengaruhi user satisfaction.Kata kunci: Media Sosial, akademisi, model sukses sistem informasi, karaterisktik individu, berbagi pengetahuanAbstract. The aim of this research is to evaluate the succsess of social media for knowledge sharing among academician in Indonesia in virtual group at Facebook. IS Success Model by Delone and McLean was apply as a basis theory along with individual characteristic factor. This study develops a research model with twelve hypotheses. Model and hypotheses then validated using data from online survey. Online Survey was conducted in a group of Indonesian academician. 160 questionnaires were collected from the survey and use for next analysis. Data was analysis by Partial Least Square (PLS) using Smart PLS V2. There are two type of examination conducted in this research evaluation of measurement model and structural model. This research indicates that social media have been success uses by Indonesian academia for knowledge sharing. This study found that “system use†and “user satisfaction†as main variable influences “individual Impactâ€. While, “Individual characteristic†influences “system and information quality†furthermore “information quality†influences “system use†and “system use†influences “user satisfactionâ€.Keyword: Social Media, academician, information system success model, individual characteristic, knowledge sharin