155 research outputs found

    A construção de uma memória colectiva com recurso a Mashups web 2.0: o caso do Sport Lisboa e Benfica

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    Mestrado em Comunicação MultimédiaEste estudo procura investigar uma forma de auxiliar a construção de uma memória colectiva com recurso a Mashups Web 2.0, tendo como foco a memória existente relacionada com a instituição desportiva Sport Lisboa e Benfica, com uma clara preocupação com a conservação e salvaguarda do património material e imaterial da mesma. As Instituições de Memória têm regulado até agora a selecção, documentação, contextualização, preservação, indexação e valorização dos elementos da cultura da humanidade, narrativas históricas e memórias individuais e colectivas. Grande parte dessas memórias, que se consideram como património cultural, está dispersa pela memória colectiva viva que existe nos membros das comunidades. Como medida de apoio a actividades relacionadas com a preservação desta memória, exprimese uma necessidade de fomentar a criação de mecanismos eficazes que permitam identificar, proteger, conservar, valorizar e transmitir esse património cultural material e imaterial às gerações futuras. Com a Web 2.0 e todas as possibilidades que oferece, as instituições de memória têm à sua disposição ferramentas Web 2.0 que podem permitir o desenvolvimento de soluções propícias a serem utilizadas para a comunicação da memória, que podem ajudar, em certa medida, a motivar as comunidades a participar e a partilhar. As tecnologias de comunicação e informação (TIC) associadas ao fenómeno da Web 2.0 que promovam a participação poderão dar o apoio necessário às instituições de memória para a construção de uma memória colectiva mais completa, em que os Mashups Web 2.0 se poderão revelar como uma possível solução para a combinação de serviços com vista à recolha de memórias com diversa expressão multimédia (texto, imagens, áudio ou vídeo) através da internet. Tendo em conta estes factores, este estudo pretende compreender e gerar conhecimento sobre a forma de desenvolver e disponibilizar instrumentos baseados em serviços Web 2.0 que possam auxiliar as instituições de memória do Sport Lisboa e Benfica na recolha, correlação, discussão e indexação das memórias relativas aos seus objectos, eventos, história, personalidades ou locais ligados a esta Instituição Desportiva.This study investigates a way to help building a collective memory using Web 2.0 Mashups, focusing on existing memory-related sporting institution Sport Lisboa e Benfica, with a clear concern with the preservation and safeguarding of equipment and the same immaterial. Memory institutions have hitherto governed the selection, documentation, contextualization, preservation, indexing and promoting aspects of the culture of humanity, historical narratives and individual and collective memories. Most of these memoirs, which are considered cultural heritage is scattered by the collective memory that exists in living members of the communities. As a measure to support activities related to the preservation of memory, expressed a need to foster the creation of effective mechanisms to identify, protect, conserve, enhance and convey that material and immaterial cultural heritage for future generations. With Web 2.0 and all the possibilities it offers, memorial institutions have available Web 2.0 tools that may allow the development of solutions suited to be used for the communication of memory, which can help to some extent, to motivate communities to participate and share. The information and communication technologies (ICT) related to the phenomenon of Web 2.0 to promote participation may give the necessary support for memory institutions to build a collective memory more fully in the Web 2.0 Mashups could well prove a possible solution to the combination of services for the collection of memories with different multimedia expression (text, images, audio or video) over the Internet. Given these factors, this study aims to understand and generate knowledge on how to develop and provide tools based on Web 2.0 services which can help the memory institutions of Sport Lisboa e Benfica in the collection, correlation, indexing of memories and discussion on its objects, events, history, personalities or sites linked to this institution Sport

    Digital Platforms and Algorithmic Subjectivities

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    Algorithms are a form of productive power – so how may we conceptualise the newly merged terrains of social life, economy and self in a world of digital platforms? How do multiple self-quantifying practices interact with questions of class, race and gender? This edited collection considers algorithms at work – for what purposes encoded data about behaviour, attitudes, dispositions, relationships and preferences are deployed – and black box control, platform society theory and the formation of subjectivities. It details technological structures and lived experience of algorithms and the operation of platforms in areas such as crypto-finance, production, surveillance, welfare, activism in pandemic times. Finally, it asks if platform cooperativism, collaborative design and neomutualism offer new visions. Even as problems with labour and in society mount, subjectivities and counter subjectivities here produced appear as conscious participants of change and not so much the servants of algorithmic control and dominant platforms

    Digital Platforms and Algorithmic Subjectivities

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    Algorithms are a form of productive power – so how may we conceptualise the newly merged terrains of social life, economy and self in a world of digital platforms? How do multiple self-quantifying practices interact with questions of class, race and gender? This edited collection considers algorithms at work – for what purposes encoded data about behaviour, attitudes, dispositions, relationships and preferences are deployed – and black box control, platform society theory and the formation of subjectivities. It details technological structures and lived experience of algorithms and the operation of platforms in areas such as crypto-finance, production, surveillance, welfare, activism in pandemic times. Finally, it asks if platform cooperativism, collaborative design and neomutualism offer new visions. Even as problems with labour and in society mount, subjectivities and counter subjectivities here produced appear as conscious participants of change and not so much the servants of algorithmic control and dominant platforms

    Digital manipulation versus real one: learning and motivation in a case study on Storytelling

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    Abstract In this work, a Storytelling FabLab has been designed for the realization of virtual performances on a Shakesperian play in an elementary school. In this FabLab, many elements have been digitally manipulated: text, audio files, virtual actors on a 3D stage, and 3D Greek masks. Learning of contents and motivation have been assessed and compared to those of a traditional class working on the construction of real masks as artefacts. Regarding learning effectiveness, data show that there is no great difference between the score gained by the experimental group and the control one; however, results emphasize a high intrinsic motivation for both experimental and control groups. Moreover, qualitative results of both groups highlight the positive feeling of doing things reflecting user's own interest: pupils want to invent their own stories and realize them (physically or digitally)

    The Future of Information Sciences : INFuture2011 : Information Sciences and e-Society

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    A satisfação face aos atores de alojamento e restauração do destino turístico de Vila Nova de Foz Côa: análise de online reviews

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    As Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) desempenham atualmente um papel fundamental em qualquer área da sociedade e especificamente em qualquer uma das que compõem o setor turístico. A universalidade das TIC no setor do turismo em termos da oferta, por exemplo na gestão e marketing, e da procura, desde a informação pré-viagem, reserva, compra e partilha da experiência turística pós-viagem, possibilitou a criação de experiências novas e inovadoras para os turistas. Também as novas fontes de informação online, como a social media e o conteúdo gerado pelo utilizador, têm uma influência cada vez maior na perceção e na expectativa dos turistas sobre os destinos, bem como na constituição da sua reputação e imagem. Com a crescente popularidade e utilização de plataformas, websites e aplicações relacionadas com o turismo, os online reviews constituem-se como uma inestimável fonte de dados, essenciais para as empresas privadas do setor do turismo, mas também para as organizações de gestão de marketing de destinos turístico. Dada a importância da satisfação dos consumidores turísticos relativamente aos serviços de alojamento e restauração numa visita a um destino turístico, propõe-se a realização de uma análise dos online reviews, através dos conteúdos gerados pelos utilizadores efetuados na plataforma Tripadvisor, de modo a analisar qual o grau de satisfação dos consumidores turísticos estrangeiros relativamente aos atores de alojamento e restauração no destino turístico Vila Nova de Foz Côa. Esta investigação tem como objetivo principal estudar as dimensões associadas à satisfação, identificando para tal os motivos de satisfação e insatisfação e sugerindo medidas que levem ao aumento da satisfação. Para o efeito foi realizada uma abordagem qualitativa, tendo em consideração 343 online reviews de 15 restaurantes e oito alojamentos turísticos existentes em Vila Nova de Foz Côa, publicados na plataforma e website Tripadvisor, em inglês, que permitiu elaborar uma análise conceptual utilizando o software Leximancer. Através da análise de texto foram identificados os temas principais e conceitos, o que possibilitou dar resposta à questão de investigação formulada, identificando para tal as dimensões associadas à satisfação dos atores de alojamento e restauração deste destino turístico. Os resultados obtidos confirmam a satisfação geral dos consumidores turísticos estrangeiros relativamente a estes atores. Uma vez que até hoje não foi realizado nenhum estudo científico sobre esta realidade em concreto, o presente estudo fornece um conjunto de dados valiosos quer para a entidade pública responsável pela gestão do destino turístico, quer para os gestores e proprietários dos estabelecimentos de alojamentos turísticos e restaurantes, que poderão ser utilizados para a qualificação da sua oferta de forma a aumentar a satisfação nos seus estabelecimentos e no destino turístico. Esta dissertação pretende oferecer assim um contributo significativo para o conhecimento das dimensões associadas à satisfação relativamente aos atores de alojamento e restauração do destino turístico de Vila Nova de Foz Côa.Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) currently play a fundamental role in any area of society and specifically in any of those that make up the tourism sector. The universality of ICT in the tourism sector in terms of supply, for example in management and marketing, and demand, from pre-travel information, reservation, purchase and sharing of the post-travel tourist experience, has enabled the creation of new and innovative options for tourists. New sources of online information, such as social media and user-generated content, are also having an increasing influence on tourists' perception and expectations of destinations, as well as on the formation of their reputation and image. With the growing popularity and use of platforms, websites and applications related to tourism, online reviews are an invaluable source of data, essential for private companies in the tourism sector, but also for marketing management organizations of tourist destinations. Given the importance of tourist consumer satisfaction regarding accommodation and restaurant services when visiting a tourist destination, it is proposed to carry out an analysis of online reviews, using user generated content on the Tripadvisor platform, to analyse the level of satisfaction of foreign tourism consumers regarding accommodation and restaurant players in the tourist destination Vila Nova de Foz Côa. This investigation's main objective is to study the dimensions related to satisfaction, identifying the reasons for satisfaction and dissatisfaction, and suggesting measures that might lead to increased satisfaction. For this purpose, a qualitative approach was carried out, considering 343 online reviews of 15 restaurants and eight tourist accommodations in Vila Nova de Foz Côa, published on the Tripadvisor platform and website, in English, which allowed the elaboration of a conceptual analysis using the Leximancer software. Through text analysis, the main themes and concepts were identified, which made it possible to answer to the research question formulated, identifying the dimensions associated to the satisfaction of the accommodation and restaurant players in this tourist destination. The results obtained confirm the general satisfaction of foreign tourism consumers regarding these players. As no scientific study has been carried out on this specific reality to date, this study provides a set of valuable insights both for the public entity responsible for managing the tourist destination and for the managers and owners of tourist accommodation and restaurant establishments, which can be used to qualify the offer and increase satisfaction in their establishments and in the tourist destination. Therefore, this dissertation aims to offer a significant contribution to the knowledge of the dimensions related to the satisfaction regarding the accommodation and restaurant players in the tourist destination of Vila Nova de Foz Côa

    The Routledge Handbook of Museums, Media and Communication

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    Museums today find themselves within a mediatised society, where everyday life is conducted in a data-full and technology-rich context. In fact, museums are themselves mediatised: they present a uniquely media-centred environment, in which communicative media is a constitutive property of their organisation and of the visitor experience. The Routledge Handbook of Museums, Media and Communication explores what it means to take mediated communication as a key concept for museum studies and as a sensitising lens for media-related museum practice on the ground. Including contributions from experts around the world, this original and innovative Handbook shares a nuanced and precise understanding of media, media concepts and media terminology, rehearsing new locations for writing on museum media and giving voice to new subject alignments. As a whole, the volume breaks new ground by reframing mediated museum communication as a resource for an inclusive understanding of current museum developments. The Routledge Handbook of Museums, Media and Communication will appeal to both students and scholars, as well as to practitioners involved in the visioning, design and delivery of mediated communication in the museum. It teaches us not just how to study museums, but how to go about being a museum in today’s world

    Democratising the Museum

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    Democratising the museum is a collection of articles reflecting upon the problem of how participation, technologically mediated or not, can support the museum in the process of becoming more accessible. The open museum shares power with its visitors while negotiating professionalism and the role of the museum in a modern society. The book looks at the roles and struggles of audiences/visitors and professionals and the role of digital technologies in supporting the participatory museum. While different chapters draw on a variety of empirical examples, the main analytical backbone of the book comes from an extended participatory action research study conducted at the Estonian National Museum. This book aims at both academics and professionals working in the museum field

    Aetherspheres: spatial sensitivity and self awareness in food and social media prosuming practices

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    The focal point of this thesis is on whether and how digital practices can challenge and reintroduce values and concepts related to self-awareness and spatial sensitivity. It uses prosuming practices of food and social media as a research and learning tool. Prosumption is a compound word formed by joining the words production and consumption and, in brief, it means producing for one’s own consumption. This study is conducted in the area of digital media and architecture. The main architectural interest lies in the way that place (and notions related to the private and public spheres) is perceived by its users and how this experience can be affected by prosuming social media platforms every day. In particular, this study explores if and how digital media, especially the prosuming of social media content, alters preestablished issues related to spatial sensitivity. A thorough critical examination of the prevailing views on these topics, as well as their evolution in time, is described. The present status of the matters studied is approached by a literature review and an empirical study using mainly phenomenological methods of approach. Food prosuming is explored first and the conclusions reached, related to self awareness and spatial sensitivity, are then further tested and attempts are then made to apply these to social media content prosuming. The research methods used involved in-depth interviews with 35 participants over a period of two years. Individuals who covered a spectrum of different ages, social groups and professional categories were selected for interview. Data relating to the documentation of prosuming practices of the participants, questionnaires, and personal reflections through blogging and social media practices were recorded. Furthermore, one intervention of public prosuming activity was also investigated. As it was found in food prosumerism, there is a significant difference if practiced occasionally and when practiced in the frame of habitual everydayness. This differentiation can be related to and affect issues such as privacy and the personal and social spheres. It was also found that while casual prosuming in the digital domain of social media involves aspects and values of the public domain, everydayness transforms these digital prosuming practices into familiar practices as they are habituated in the private domain. Schematically, this can be represented as: Public → Casual → Private. Everyday digital prosumerism cultivates and incorporates issues of the private domain, whereas by definition it should incorporate issues of the social domain. This is what in this thesis is referred to as issues of the public-private domain. This remark, though, affects the essence of spatial sensitivity, the understanding of the private and the social sphere and the values and tendencies involved. Our findings suggest that, in most cases of food prosuming, when sharing, the host aims to instil a specific mood for the event, to be responsible for the setting, the ambience, the atmosphere of the sharing experience with the guests and the facilitation of sharing. In the digital domain, the mood and ambience of the sharing setting might follow the same pattern as is facilitated by the host, but at the same time the process of sharing sets the mood in an accelerated process; it is co-created, continued or totally altered by the public private sphere. Prosumerism as explored so far is correlated positively to issues of selfactualization and personal wellbeing (Xie, Troye and Bagozzi, 2008). Do digital prosuming practices share the same qualities? Personal atmospheres today, or what we call in this thesis aetherspheres, incorporate values and issues cultivated and fed by the fused atmosphere of the physical and the digital domain, forming a new ethos of prosumerism and crafting new norms