5 research outputs found

    Integration of Zachman Framework and TOGAF ADM on Academic Information Systems Modeling

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    Zachman Framework (ZF) and The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) are Architecture Frameworks often used in Architecture Enterprise's implementation. Each side of the two architecture Frameworks has advantages and disadvantages. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Muhammadiyah Paguyangan Brebes (STMIK MPB) is a new university established on April 28, 2017; STMIK MPB as a new university has no plans in building an information system. The research will select the parts that exist in the ZF and TOGAF methodologies. The two methods will be combined and compiled to be applied to the Academic Information System modeling or blended methods. These research results are architectural blueprints that can be used as a reference in the development of academic information systems.Zachman Framework (ZF) and The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) are Architecture Frameworks often used in Architecture Enterprise's implementation. Each side of the two architecture Frameworks has advantages and disadvantages. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Muhammadiyah Paguyangan Brebes (STMIK MPB) is a new university established on April 28, 2017; STMIK MPB as a new university has no plans in building an information system. The research will select the parts that exist in the ZF and TOGAF methodologies. The two methods will be combined and compiled to be applied to the Academic Information System modeling or blended methods. These research results are architectural blueprints that can be used as a reference in the development of academic information systems

    Metodología de implementación de proyectos de Sistemas de Gestión de Conocimiento

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    Knowledge management in higher education institutions is a research topic that has increased over the last ten years. Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) are solutions to attend to the knowledge gaps through projects. This research, with a hermeneutic literature review method, analyses prescriptive and hybrid knowledge management models for higher education institutions and general methodologies for implementing KMS. Based on the results of this analysis, a methodology for the implementation of knowledge management system projects is proposed with an agile and incremental approach and considering the recommendations of the ISO 30401 standard on Knowledge Management System Requirements. The proposed methodology includes other methodologies for knowledge management such as knowledge auditing and maturity assessment, and other methodologies for analysis, design, and development solutions.La gestión del conocimiento en las instituciones de educación superior es un área de investigación cuyo desarrollo se ha incrementado en los últimos diez años. Los Sistemas de Gestión de Conocimiento (SGC) permiten implementar las soluciones para atender las brechas de conocimiento mediante proyectos.   Con esta investigación fundamentada en una de revisión de literatura hermenéutica, se analizan modelos de gestión de conocimiento prescriptivos o híbridos para instituciones de educación superior y metodologías generales de implementación de sistemas de gestión de conocimiento.  Con base en los resultados de este análisis se propone una metodología de implementación de proyectos de sistemas de gestión de conocimiento con un enfoque ágil e incremental y considerando las recomendaciones del estándar ISO 30401 sobre requerimientos de SGC.  Se integran en la metodología propuesta otras metodologías propias de la disciplina de gestión de conocimiento como la auditoría de conocimiento y la evaluación de madurez de gestión del conocimiento, así como otras metodologías de análisis, diseño y desarrollo de soluciones

    Suggested Methodologies for Evaluation and Selection of Enterprise Architecture Software for Knowledge Digitization

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    Knowledge Management (KM) is a practice that allows the creation, use, distribution and transfer of knowledge in organizations. Different KM frameworks exist that include business intelligence or enterprise architecture (EA) components for the implementation of KM in organizations. EA tools are used to digitize, relate and visualize the following dimensions of knowledge: organizational structure, business processes, applications and technology. The objective of this paper is to assess the role of EA as a key component in KM and to suggest software evaluation methodologies that can be adapted for the field of EA. For this, an investigation was realized to identify the existing software evaluation methodologies in the market and to filter those that can be adapted for the field of EA. The methodology used for the research was qualitative and exploratory using a case study performed in an international logistic service provider. The case study describes the process done for the selection of the evaluation methodology. Furthermore, it describes the steps for knowledge digitization

    A gestão do conhecimento rumo a uma abordagem holística

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    Há um expressivo número de modelos de Gestão do Conhecimento; no entanto não há um modelo amplamente aceito. Isso pode ser derivado da complexidade inerente a Gestão do Conhecimento e ao ambiente organizacional. Todavia, é salientada a necessidade de um modelo que seja unificador e que aborde a Gestão do Conhecimento de forma holística, mas as caraterísticas que devem ser consideradas para essa abordagem ainda não foram consolidadas. Assim, esse estudo se propõe a investigar quais aspectos deveriam ser contemplados em novos modelos de GC rumo a uma abordagem holística. Por um percurso metodológico qualitativo de natureza exploratória e com técnica de pesquisa bibliográfica, essa pesquisa apresenta por resultados a síntese desses aspectos, alicerçados em três perspectivas: limitações dos modelos existentes, lacunas e teorias de suporte à Gestão do Conhecimento. Por limitação se tem que esses aspectos não foram validados junto a especialistas, sendo essa uma sugestão de pesquisa futura, bem como o desenvolvimento de um modelo de Gestão do Conhecimento que apreenda todos esses aspectos. Esse estudo contribui por delinear aspectos a serem contemplados em modelos de Gestão do Conhecimento holísticos de forma a permitir que essa temática considere toda a complexidade inerente ao ambiente organizacional

    Tacit knowledge for business intelligence framework using cognitive-based approach

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    Tacit knowledge becoming a key issue in business intelligence approach to knowledge systems. Capturing the tacit knowledge is not a straightforward task, since it consists of unstructured data and related to a variety of information that is not always accessible through traditional means. This work presents a systematic approach for capturing tacit knowledge to be used in a business intelligence framework. The approach is based on the theory of systematic functional linguistics, developed into interview protocols to be asked to tacit knowledge owners. The data transformed into cognitive maps to supply the data warehouse. The framework was tested on 23 librarians from several university libraries in West Java and Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The algorithm starts with a content targeted interview to identify the list of problems faced by librarians. The problems were then converted into a questionnaire to identify qualities of the problems such as frequency, urgency, severity, and importance. From the questionnaire results, the best tacit knowledge performers were identified. They are respondents who can solve the problems, while the majority of the respondents are unable to solve them. The best performers were then subjected to grammar targeted interview to collect the solutions they made to the problems. The transcription of the interview results is then converted into cognitive maps that visualize the solutions. These cognitive maps are then stored in a data warehouse and ready to collect anytime for analytics purposes. The framework is validated through Power BI and reviewed by seven experts. Its applicability to other domains is justified as long as the domain, e.g., manufacturing, have experienced problems related to technical, managerial, and empirical problems faced by employees at work. This research contributes to the methods of capturing tacit knowledge using a cognitive-based approach, which important to ensure the continuity of business in various domains