4,781 research outputs found

    Organisational vulnerability to intentional insider threat

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    In recent times there has been a spate of reporting on the counterproductive behaviour of individuals in both private and public organisations. As such, research into insider threat as a form of such behaviour is considered a timely contribution. The Australian Government now mandates that public sector organisations protect against insider threat through best practice recommendations and adopting a risk management approach. Whilst non-government organisations and private businesses are less accountable, these organisations can also benefit from the efficiencies, performance, resilience, and corporate value associated with an insider threat risk management approach. Mitigating against Intentional Insider Threat (IIT) is an organisational priority which requires new ways of thinking about the problem, especially in terms of a multidisciplinary approach that holistically addresses the technical, individual, and organisational aspects of the problem. To date, there has been limited academic and practical contribution and a dearth of literature providing recommendations or practical tools as a means to mitigate IIT. The purpose of this study is to develop a set of diagnostic inventories to assess for Organisational Vulnerability to Intentional Insider Threat (the OVIT). In order to achieve this overall purpose, the study sought to answer three research questions: Research Question 1: What are the main organisational influences on Intentional Insider Threat (IIT) based on available literature? Research Question 2: What are the main organisational influences on IIT based on expert opinion? Research Question 3: How is organisational vulnerability to IIT operationalised by the study? The methodology adopted by the study assumes a pragmatist paradigm and mixed methods design. There were three phases to this research: - Phase One - a thorough review of the extant literature to determine the status of research and applied knowledge and identify factors and variables of IIT. - Phase Two - conduct of a Delphi study to gather expert opinion on IIT and combine this professional knowledge with the literature review outcomes to enhance the factors and variables associated with IIT. - Phase Three - operationalise IIT diagnostic instruments utilising multivariate statistical techniques to determine the validity of the inventories and develop a framework of organisational vulnerability to IIT. Qualitative and quantitative analysis procedures were used throughout the research. The final survey data of phase three was analysed using multivariate statistics. The results from Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) demonstrate the underlying factors of each of the three dimensions (individual, technical, and organisational) which operationalise the construct of organisational vulnerability to IIT. The exploratory results indicate that diagnostic inventories of organisational vulnerability to IIT can validly and reliably measure each of the three dimensions. These were triangulated with the Delphi panel results and indicated alignment while further developing the IIT construct. A reflection on additional contributions is an important aspect of pragmatic research. The literature available on insider threat highlights the emerging focus on the topic. Gaps in the literature indicate a number of limitations which were addressed in the current research beginning with the development of a conceptual framework illustrating the relationships of the construct, dimensions, and factors of organisational vulnerability to IIT. Whilst this work-based study had three very specific research questions to operationalise IIT, additional contributions from the research emerged as follows: The research enhanced knowledge through: (1) study of IIT from an Australian perspective, utilising Australian expert opinion and Australian samples; (2) demonstration of the utility of the Delphi method in the study and further development of the insider threat construct; (3) an Australian definition of IIT; (4) integration of risk management standards with the available literature on insider threat; and, (5) contribution to the foresight and futures study of IIT. While this research study has proved beneficial in addressing gaps in current literature, it is not without limitations. The generalisability of findings is hampered by the size and nature of an Australian sample and the study’s exploratory approach. The ability to generalise findings and assert causality is restricted in this research, and this can be overcome by undertaking future longitudinal research or other future studies based on the findings of this study

    Development and Validation of a Proof-of-Concept Prototype for Analytics-based Malicious Cybersecurity Insider Threat in a Real-Time Identification System

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    Insider threat has continued to be one of the most difficult cybersecurity threat vectors detectable by contemporary technologies. Most organizations apply standard technology-based practices to detect unusual network activity. While there have been significant advances in intrusion detection systems (IDS) as well as security incident and event management solutions (SIEM), these technologies fail to take into consideration the human aspects of personality and emotion in computer use and network activity, since insider threats are human-initiated. External influencers impact how an end-user interacts with both colleagues and organizational resources. Taking into consideration external influencers, such as personality, changes in organizational polices and structure, along with unusual technical activity analysis, would be an improvement over contemporary detection tools used for identifying at-risk employees. This would allow upper management or other organizational units to intervene before a malicious cybersecurity insider threat event occurs, or mitigate it quickly, once initiated. The main goal of this research study was to design, develop, and validate a proof-of-concept prototype for a malicious cybersecurity insider threat alerting system that will assist in the rapid detection and prediction of human-centric precursors to malicious cybersecurity insider threat activity. Disgruntled employees or end-users wishing to cause harm to the organization may do so by abusing the trust given to them in their access to available network and organizational resources. Reports on malicious insider threat actions indicated that insider threat attacks make up roughly 23% of all cybercrime incidents, resulting in $2.9 trillion in employee fraud losses globally. The damage and negative impact that insider threats cause was reported to be higher than that of outsider or other types of cybercrime incidents. Consequently, this study utilized weighted indicators to measure and correlate simulated user activity to possible precursors to malicious cybersecurity insider threat attacks. This study consisted of a mixed method approach utilizing an expert panel, developmental research, and quantitative data analysis using the developed tool on simulated data set. To assure validity and reliability of the indicators, a panel of subject matter experts (SMEs) reviewed the indicators and indicator categorizations that were collected from prior literature following the Delphi technique. The SMEs’ responses were incorporated into the development of a proof-of-concept prototype. Once the proof-of-concept prototype was completed and fully tested, an empirical simulation research study was conducted utilizing simulated user activity within a 16-month time frame. The results of the empirical simulation study were analyzed and presented. Recommendations resulting from the study also be provided

    Insider Threats in Emerging Mobility-as-a-Service Scenarios

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    Mobility as a Service (MaaS) applies the everything-as- \ a-service paradigm of Cloud Computing to transportation: a MaaS \ provider offers to its users the dynamic composition of solutions of \ different travel agencies into a single, consistent interface. \ Traditionally, transits and data on mobility belong to a scattered \ plethora of operators. Thus, we argue that the economic model of \ MaaS is that of federations of providers, each trading its resources to \ coordinate multi-modal solutions for mobility. Such flexibility comes \ with many security and privacy concerns, of which insider threat is \ one of the most prominent. In this paper, we follow a tiered structure \ — from individual operators to markets of federated MaaS providers \ — to classify the potential threats of each tier and propose the \ appropriate countermeasures, in an effort to mitigate the problems

    Insider Threat Detection on the Windows Operating System using Virtual Machine Introspection

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    Existing insider threat defensive technologies focus on monitoring network traffic or events generated by activities on a user\u27s workstation. This research develops a methodology for signaling potentially malicious insider behavior using virtual machine introspection (VMI). VMI provides a novel means to detect potential malicious insiders because the introspection tools remain transparent and inaccessible to the guest and are extremely difficult to subvert. This research develops a four step methodology for development and validation of malicious insider threat alerting using VMI. Six core use cases are developed along with eighteen supporting scenarios. A malicious attacker taxonomy is used to decompose each scenario to aid identification of observables for monitoring for potentially malicious actions. The effectiveness of the identified observables is validated through the use of two data sets, one containing simulated normal and malicious insider user behavior and the second from a computer network operations exercise. Compiled Memory Analysis Tool - Virtual (CMAT-V) and Xen hypervisor capabilities are leveraged to perform VMI and insider threat detection. Results of the research show the developed methodology is effective in detecting all defined malicious insider scenarios used in this research on Windows guests

    Identifying Common Characteristics of Malicious Insiders

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    Malicious insiders account for large proportion of security breaches or other kinds of loss for organizations and have drawn attention of both academics and practitioners. Although methods and mechanism have been developed to monitor potential insider via electronic data monitoring, few studies focus on predicting potential malicious insiders. Based on the theory of planned behavior, certain cues should be observed or expressed when an individual performs as a malicious insider. Using text mining to analyze various media content of existing insider cases, we strive to develop a method to identify crucial and common indicators that an individual might be a malicious insider. Keywords: malicious insider, insider threat, the theory of planned behavior, text minin
