542,694 research outputs found

    Spatial Data Mining Using Branch Grafted R-tree.

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    Spatial data mining is a process of extraction of implicit information, such as weather patterns around latitudes, spatial features in a region, et., with a goal of knowledge discovery. The existing spatial data mining methods typically identify a specific datamining task for knowledge discovery. An example of a mining task may involve finding weather patterns in the northwestern region of U.S.A. To find such weather patterns one could employ an existing data structure, such as a B+ tree followed by the analysis of the mined weather data for knowledge discovery. This is a typical top-down approach of identifying a task, selecting a data structure, followed queries and analysis. This thesis provides a method and a simulation for mining spatial rules for the purpose of knowledge discovery. The thesis takes a bottom up approach: it employs Branch Grafted R-tree for the storage and retrieval of spatial data, followed by identifying tasks, followed by spatial queries and analysis. The Branch Grafted R-tree is an efficient data structure more suitable for efficient retrieval of data. This type of bottom up approach is unique and takes the advantage of the previous work carried out using Branch Grafted R-tree

    Sex- and season-dependent behaviour in a flightless insect, the Auckland tree weta (Hemideina thoracica)

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    In a polygynous mating system, males frequently compete by locating and defending sites with resources essential to female survival and reproduction. We investigated seasonal changes in site occupancy in a sexually dimorphic, harem-forming insect, the Auckland tree weta (Hemideina thoracica). First we established artificial cavities as diurnal refuge cavities and potential harem guarding sites. We then examined cavity occupancy changes, and, based on our knowledge of prior occupants, determined sex-specific patterns of arrival, departure, and aggregation at a population level throughout the year. Both season and the sex of prior occupants influenced weta occupancy patterns. Most observations were of single females. However, both males and females moved into cavities previously occupied by a weta of the opposite sex more often than expected by chance alone. Females avoided cavities where other females were present, except during summer when most harems formed. In early summer, male and female tree weta previously living apart began co-habiting. Generally there was little relationship between the number and sex of the weta inside cavities and female departure rates from cavities. Males who were sharing with other males departed cavities more frequently than single males, as might be expected in a polygynous species with male-male combat. Males were less likely to depart if they were sharing a cavity with a harem of more than two females during the summer-autumn period. Analysis of departure rates from artificial cavities indicates males are more mobile than females only in winter and spring. Based on our arrival and departure data, and high occupancy of artificial cavities, we suggest that female weta at this site are mobile and may search for mates during the summer. The data are consistent with a polygynandrous mating system as inferred for other tree weta species (Hemideina spp.)

    Prunus serotina unleashed: invader dominance after 70 years of forest development

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    Propagule pressure and disturbance have both been found to facilitate invasion. Therefore, knowledge on the history of introduction and disturbance is vital for understanding an invasion process, and research should focus on areas in which the invasive species has not been deliberately introduced or managed to study unconfounded colonization patterns. Comparing the outcome of such spontaneous colonization processes for different ecosystems might provide a useful framework for setting management priorities for invasive species that enter new, uninvaded areas. We focused on the 70-year spontaneous spread of the invasive tree species Prunus serotina in a pine forest in the Netherlands. To reconstruct the invasion pattern, we combined historical maps, tree ring analysis, spatially explicit tree inventory data, seed density data, and regeneration data for both native and non-native species. Prunus serotina was the only species that showed successful regeneration: the species was present throughout the forest in the tree, shrub, and herb layer. Native species were not able to outgrow the seedling stage. Our data demonstrate that P. serotina is a gap-dependent species with high seed production that builds up a seedling bank. We also compared the results of this study with a similar study on P. serotina colonization in a deciduous forest in Belgium, where P. serotina invasion was not successful. The sharp contrast between the outcomes of the two invasion processes shows the importance of studying an invasive species and the recipient ecosystem jointly and made us raise the hypothesis that herbivore pressure may facilitate P. serotina invasio

    The process and utility of classification and regression tree methodology in nursing research

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    Aim: This paper presents a discussion of classification and regression tree analysis and its utility in nursing research. Background: Classification and regression tree analysis is an exploratory research method used to illustrate associations between variables not suited to traditional regression analysis. Complex interactions are demonstrated between covariates and variables of interest in inverted tree diagrams. Design: Discussion paper. Data sources: English language literature was sourced from eBooks, Medline Complete and CINAHL Plus databases, Google and Google Scholar, hard copy research texts and retrieved reference lists for terms including classification and regression tree* and derivatives and recursive partitioning from 1984-2013. Discussion: Classification and regression tree analysis is an important method used to identify previously unknown patterns amongst data. Whilst there are several reasons to embrace this method as a means of exploratory quantitative research, issues regarding quality of data as well as the usefulness and validity of the findings should be considered. Implications for Nursing Research: Classification and regression tree analysis is a valuable tool to guide nurses to reduce gaps in the application of evidence to practice. With the ever-expanding availability of data, it is important that nurses understand the utility and limitations of the research method. Conclusion: Classification and regression tree analysis is an easily interpreted method for modelling interactions between health-related variables that would otherwise remain obscured. Knowledge is presented graphically, providing insightful understanding of complex and hierarchical relationships in an accessible and useful way to nursing and other health professions


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    Transaction data are stored only as many records can provide useful knowledge in making policies and marketing strategies for the mini market KOCIKA UNESA in State University of Surabaya Ketintang. For that purpose one can apply the techniques of DATA MINING association rules. Association rules is a procedure to search for knowledge in the form of consumer purchasing patterns. This pattern can be input in making policy and marketing strategy. A pattern is determined by two parameters, namely support (support value) and confidence (certainty value). This association rules using frequent growth algorithm (FP-growth) by applying the FP-tree data structure to find the purchase patterns. One pattern resulting from the analysis of transaction data last 1 month with 23 categories of items that if buy detergent, buy soap too with support = 19% and = 75% confidence value.Keyword: Transactions data, Association rules, FP-growt

    Regeneration ecology of anemochorous tree species Qualea grandiflora (Mart.) and Aspidosperma tomentosum (Mart.) of the cerrado Aguara Ñu located in the Mbaracayú Nature Forest Reserve (MNFR), Paraguay

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    Understanding of the diverse aspects affecting the regeneration ecology of species is crucial to make decisions regarding management and conservation strategies, especially in highly fragile and threatened ecosystem as the Neotropical savanna (cerrado) formations. Available knowledge of regeneration ecology of cerrado species is too limited to attain optimal or suitable management actions. The objectives of the present study were: i) analysis of the characteristic parameters of the anemochorous seed dispersal of study species Q. grandiflora, (ii) determine the spatial distribution of tree species Q. grandiflora for growth stages (seedlings to juveniles) and interrelations between the stages, and (iii) determining variables of the spatial distribution of recruitment of tree species A. tomentosum. The present study was conducted in the cerrado Aguara Ñu of the Mbaracayú Nature Forest Reserve located in the northeast of Paraguay. The cerrado Aguara Ñu is part of the Mbaracayú Biosphere Reserve and represents one of the most important ecoregions in the world, the cerrado ecosystem. The cerrado biome encompasses areas from northeastern to southwestern Brazil, eastern Bolivia, and northern Paraguay. It is characterized by the presence of high plant and animal biodiversity and also high endemism (Myers et al., 2000). Tree species Q. grandiflora and A. tomentosum are typical species of the cerrado formation. Based on the selected investigated regeneration cycle stages of study tree species Q. grandiflora and A. tomentosum, the present thesis describes the spatial analysis of recruitment of both study species and the anemochorous diaspore dispersal of tree species Q. grandiflora. The purpose of the present investigation is to address regeneration aspects not attained so far as certain seed dispersal aspects, such as seed densities and distances from conspecific adult trees and spatial arrangements of seedlings of species A. tomentosum. Results of the present study aim to contribute to existing information and at the same time provide new knowledge on ecological aspects so far not investigated. Research results on seed dispersal of tree species Q. grandiflora revealed that dispersal can be modeled by inverse modelling considering isotropy and lognormal density function presenting mean dispersal distances of 10.69 to 62.48 m. Estimations of the fruit production of a seed tree yielded a total 50671 to 70632 (DBH = 70 cm). Results of spatial arrangement of seedlings and juveniles revealed a significant distance effect to conspecific adult trees. Moreover, results also showed: (i) highest densities or intensities (m2) of seedlings (heights <50 cm) close to the conspecific adult trees and (ii) a shift of intensity of seedlings with increase of growth stage or size for tree species Q. grandiflora. Additionally, seedlings (up to 200 cm height) of study species Q. grandiflora indicated gradual decreasing clumping patterns and juveniles (200 – 500 cm height) presented clumping patterns. Modelling results of spatial patterns of seedlings (heights ≤ 200 cm) of study tree species A. tomentosum revealed aggregation patterns. Moreover, shade effect resulted to be a statistical significant factor for the establishment of seedlings of tree species A. tomentosum (p-value = 0.0266), whereas distance effect to seed tree resulted not significant (p-value= 0.4936). Considering the findings of seed dispersal and spatial patterns analysis of tree species Q. grandiflora and A. tomentosum some management aspects to be attained for conservation purposes are avoiding fragmentation of the ecosystem, management of the spatial and time fire frequency and maintain minimum amount of seed trees per unit area in order to guarantee successful recruitment.:1. Introduction 1 References 8 2. Materials and Methods 13 2.1 Characterization of the cerrado biome 13 2.2 Description of the study area and study sites 15 2.3 Characterization of the study tree species 23 2.3.1 Qualea grandiflora (Mart.) 23 2.3.2 Aspidosperma tomentosum (Mart.) 24 2.4 Principles and selection criteria 25 2.5 Data collection 26 2.5.1 Seed dispersal 26 2.5.2 Spatial patterns of plants 27 2.6 Data analysis 28 2.6.1 Statistical analysis of data 28 2.6.2 General statistical procedures of data analysis 30 2.6.3 Spatial point process analysis – Inverse modelling and spatial point patterns 31 2.6.4 Spatial point patterns analysis procedure 33 Descriptive statistics in spatial point patterns 36 Distance effect of seedlings from seed trees (rhohat function) 36 Pair correlation function (pcf) 36 Point process modelling 38 References 43 3. Seed dispersal of Qualea grandiflora (Mart.) 49 3.1 Introduction 49 3.2 Methodology 51 3.2.1 Data collection and seed trap design 51 3.2.1 Data analysis – inverse modelling 53 3.3 Results 58 3.3.1 Seed density 58 3.3.2 Inverse modelling results – seed production, dispersal and distances 60 Isotropic modelling 61 Anisotropic modelling 63 Statistical comparison isotropy vs. anisotropy 66 3.4 Discussion 67 3.4.1 Applied methodology for seed dispersal – trap design and inverse modelling 67 3.4.2 Seed dispersal modelling 69 3.5 Conclusion 74 References 75 4. Spatial analysis of Qualea grandiflora (Mart.) 80 4.1 Introduction 80 4.2 Methodology 82 4.2.1 Data collection – Field sampling 82 4.2.2 Data analysis 85 Spatial point pattern – Explorative analysis 85 Point process modelling (Poisson and Gibbs models) 87 4.2.3 Results 89 Spatial distribution of individuals of study species 89 Modelling distance effect of recruitment to adult trees 95 4.2.4 Discussion 102 Applied methodology for spatial analysis of study species 102 Spatial arrangement of study species 103 4.2.5 Conclusion 109 References 109 5. Spatial analysis of Aspidosperma tomentosum (Mart.)115 5.1 Introduction 115 5.2 Methodology 117 5.2.1 Data collection – Field sampling 117 5.2.2 Data analysis 120 Spatial point pattern – Explorative analysis 120 Point process modelling – Replicated point patterns 120 5.3 Results 123 5.3.1 Spatial distribution of natural regeneration of study species 123 5.3.2 Modelling shade and distance to seed tree effect on natural regeneration of study species 130 5.4 Discussion 133 5.4.1 Applied methodology for data collection and analysis 133 5.4.2 Spatial distribution of natural regeneration of study species 134 5.5 Conclusion 139 References 140 5. Concluding discussion and summary 146 6.1 Regeneration ecology of Qualea grandiflora and Aspidosperma tomentosum 146 6.1.1 Inferences on relation of seed dispersal and spatial distribution of recruitment of Qualea grandiflora 146 6.1.2 Inferences on spatial patterns of recruitment of Aspidoserma tomentosum 149 6.2 Management implications for Qualea grandiflora Aspidosperma tomentosum 150 6.3 Future research 153 6.4 Concluding summary 154 References 15

    Health benefits derived from forest: A review

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    In this paper the scientific literature on the association between forests, stress relief and relaxation is reviewed with the purpose to understand common patterns of research, the main techniques used for analysis, findings relevant to forest-therapy-oriented management, and knowledge gaps. The database of studies was collected with a keyword search on the Web, which returned a set of 32 studies that were included in the analysis. The main findings and patterns were identified with a text mining analysis of the abstract to search for keyword patterns across studies. The analysis indicates that most studies compared rest and relaxation performances across urban and forest environments and used a combination of self-reported measure of stress or rest collected with validate scales, e.g., the Profile of Mood of States (POMS) and the Restoration Outcome Scale (ROS), and a minority-only set of these two groups of indicators. Results of this review indicate that primary studies identified a positive association between forest exposure and mental well-being, in particular when compared to urban environments, thus suggesting that forest are effective in lowering stress levels. This study found that, to date, the characteristics of forests and characteristics of the visit are little investigated in the literature. For this reason, more research with a focus on forest variables such as tree species composition, tree density and other variables affecting forest landscape should be further investigated to inform forest management. Similarly, the characteristics of the visits (e.g., length of visit and frequency) should be further explored to provide robust forest therapy guidelines

    Xylem Functional Traits as Indicators of Health in Mediterranean Forests

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    Purpose of Review: We conducted a literature survey and meta-analysis to assess, in Mediterranean forests impacted by drought, the role of xylem functional traits as indicators of tree health, and their potential to adjust over a range of climatic conditions to support tree performance and survival. We aimed also to depict the geographic variability of xylem functional traits among Mediterranean forest trees as a tool for regional scale-oriented vulnerability assessment. Recent Findings: Associations were investigated among xylem functional traits, hydraulic safety, and whole plant drought resistance for tree species in Mediterranean-type climates. Variable data were available from a number of study cases of Mediterranean forest communities impacted by intense drought, wherein tree growth and xylem functional traits were investigated along with tree decline and dieback episodes. Variable data were available from a number of studies that analyzed xylem trait adjustments to climatic conditions at different temporal scales. Summary: We observed differing growth patterns and xylem conduit area responses in healthy and unhealthy trees and we sketched hydraulic strategies that may fit observed patterns. Overall, a clear role of xylem conduit size as stand-alone tree health indicator did not emerge. We showed that xylem traits may adjust along different temporal scales and may support the performance and health of Mediterranean tree species over a range of climatic conditions. We outlined substantial geographic variability in xylem traits across the Mediterranean region, suggesting patchy responses to increasing drought. Knowledge gaps and needed lines of research are highlighted

    Negative density dependence and environmental heterogeneity effects on tree ferns across succession in a tropical montane forest.

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    Although tree ferns are an important component of temperate and tropical forests, very little is known about their ecology. Their peculiar biology (e.g., dispersal by spores and two-phase life cycle) makes it difficult to extrapolate current knowledge on the ecology of other tree species to tree ferns. In this paper, we studied the effects of negative density dependence (NDD) and environmental heterogeneity on populations of two abundant tree fern species, Cyathea caracasana and Alsophila engelii, and how these effects change across a successional gradient. Species patterns harbor information on processes such as competition that can be easily revealed using point pattern analysis techniques. However, its detection may be difficult due to the confounded effects of habitat heterogeneity. Here, we mapped three forest plots along a successional gradient in the montane forests of Southern Ecuador. We employed homogeneous and inhomogeneous K and pair correlation functions to quantify the change in the spatial pattern of different size classes and a case-control design to study associations between juvenile and adult tree ferns. Using spatial estimates of the biomass of four functional tree types (short- and long-lived pioneer, shade- and partial shade-tolerant) as covariates, we fitted heterogeneous Poisson models to the point pattern of juvenile and adult tree ferns and explored the existence of habitat dependencies on these patterns. Our study revealed NDD effects for C. caracasana and strong environmental filtering underlying the pattern of A. engelii. We found that adult and juvenile populations of both species responded differently to habitat heterogeneity and in most cases this heterogeneity was associated with the spatial distribution of biomass of the four functional tree types. These findings show the effectiveness of factoring out environmental heterogeneity to avoid confounding factors when studying NDD and demonstrate the usefulness of covariate maps derived from mapped communities