414,977 research outputs found

    Knowing yourself and the family

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    Knowing Yourself-Journey to a Great Discovery

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    At one time or another we have all asked ourselves, “Why is this happening to me?” “Why do I keep having the same problems?” “Why am I so frustrated?” These difficult but important questions nudge us closer to a better understanding of ourselves and others. If they go unanswered, we become stuck in a cycle, continually repeating the past and forever on the defensive. Taking control of our lives requires that we find the answers. Thus it is essential to know oneself for being successful in both personal and professional life

    Knowing Yourself and Being Worth Knowing

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    Why should you know yourself? While philosophers have paid ample attention to the epistemological issues surrounding the Delphic Command to ‘Know Thyself’, they have been comparatively quiet on the question of why we ought to care about heeding it. When attention has been paid to the question of why we ought to know ourselves, the answers that it has generated have typically been broadly instrumentalist. Self-knowledge is instrumentally valuable in many ways: we are better moral agents for not being self-deceived, and we are better rational deliberators for knowing what we desire. These sorts of instrumentalist explanations, while compelling, do not fully explain the value that many of us place in self-knowledge. We demand the truth, even when the truth hurts, and we try to understand our motivations for long-ago actions that have few, if any, practical implications for our present-day selves. This non-instrumental commitment to self-knowledge is not just common, but also admirable. There is, after all, something impressive about people who want to see themselves ‘warts and all’. In my dissertation, I explain why we have reasons to value self-knowledge that are independent of the valuable consequences that self-knowledge often helps bring about. I argue that, just as interpersonal love gives us non-instrumental reasons to know its objects, so too does self-love give us non-instrumental reasons to know ourselves. Further, while interpersonal love is not something that we can owe to other people, self-love is something that we can owe to ourselves. This is because self-respect requires us to act in ways that adequately embody our values and honor our commitments. In doing so, we extend to ourselves the sort of partiality that is required by self-love, while at the same time making ourselves into people whom we can love. Thus, to see oneself as worth knowing for the sake of knowing is part of what it is to love oneself, which is something that self-respect demands that we strive to do. To pursue self-knowledge for its own sake, in turn, is to respectfully honor one of the commitments that self-love motivates us to make.Doctor of Philosoph

    Knowing your body and being compassionate with yourself

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    This portfolio thesis consists of four parts, a systematic literature review; a mixed methods empirical paper; a qualitative empirical paper; and supporting appendices.Part One is a systematic review of the literature regarding how body awareness can affect well‐being. This review stems from ideas of embodiment and reciprocal influences and connections between mind and body.The concept of embodiment also informed the development of an empirical investigation into the impact of compassionate imagery on affect and self‐compassion in a non‐clinical sample. This empirical study is divided into two papers, presented in Parts Two and Three. Part Two uses mixed methods to quantify the extent to which psychoeducation and meditative exercises can alter affect and self‐compassion. Additionally, participants’ interview responses to this experience are presented to add depth to the understanding of the clinical relevance of this practice.Part Three offers a qualitative study to explore reactions to the concept of self-compassion in a non‐clinical sample. Participants emphasised the role of culture and systemic influences on their perceptions of their capacity to be self‐compassionate and the paper presents a brief exploration into possible reasons for this and methods by which these barriers could be overcome in order to promote well‐being.Part Four comprises of appendices, including reflective and epistemological statements

    Knowing how to present yourself by knowing how to recognize false true facts

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    The presentation of self is a specific kind of knowledge of how to appear and speak publicly in the face of inferences of what can be drawn about how you have appeared and what you have said. As a specific case of the latter, there are things you cannot say publicly even if-or, in particular, when-they are true. This can be called recognition of false true facts. Of course, it could be claimed that knowing false true facts is just knowledge of a type of fact which does not require know-how but plain knowledge. In this article, we try to show that knowing false true facts is part of the presentation of self, which is based on know-how of telling false true facts from other facts (i.e., what you should never say publicly, however true it might be). Regarding our data, we analyze a videotaped interaction among a group of young females discussing what would be different in life if they were men. In their group discussion, they make a distinction regarding how a woman could answer that question and what could not be answered. Through defining what women could publicly say, the group performatively defines how women can present themselves. In that way, the presentation of self is based on know-how of the distinction between false true facts and other facts. At least on occasion, there does exist gender-specific expertise that delimits public performance of gender.Peer reviewe

    Teaching Variation Development through tutoring in optimizing student achievement

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    Teaching studies regarding the study of developing teaching variations in facing industry 4.0 challenges. The approach commonly used in guidance activities is a group approach and an individual approach. A group approach is usually called group guidance and an individual approach is called individual counseling. Group guidance aims to help solve problems that are felt by groups of students through group activities, or problems that are individual in nature, namely those felt by an individual as an individual. members of the group. the purpose of this guidance effort includes five main functions that should be carried out by an independent person, namely; knowing yourself and the environment as it is, accepting yourself and the environment in a positive and dynamic manner, making decisions, directing yourself and making yourself happen

    Video: May It Please the Court: Techniques for Persuasive Witness Testimony

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    Success at trial depends on preparation and practice. Knowing the law and the facts of the case is important. Knowing how to present persuasive witness testimony at trial and how to speak to the Court and jury in an ethical and professional manner is even more important. Learn techniques to prepare witnesses and yourself for successful handling of direct, cross-exam, and objections to achieve your goals at trial. Our panel will direct an interactive role-play session

    Protecting Your Identity: Tips for avoiding identity theft, July 22, 2015

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    Identity theft occurs when someone uses your name and personal information, such as a Social Security Number or credit cards numbers, for fraudulent purposes. It is a serious crime that can take months, even years, to resolve. You can protect yourself from identity theft by following these tips, watching for warning signs and knowing what to do if your personal identity has been compromised

    SP418-O-Healthy Children: 13-14 Months

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    Guiding and caring for your child this next year will be a challenging and exciting experience. She’ll need a lot of attention and encouragement from you. You’ll need a sense of humor, some time for yourself, and lots of common sense. Knowing that your child’s dramatic and changeable behavior is both normal and temporary can help you during this time