10 research outputs found

    Citizen-Centric and Multi-Curator Document Automation Platform: The Curator Perspective

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    Document automation is an approach that supports the creation of electronic documents in a flexible and efficient way. These systems allow the definition and management of (document) templates, which are extended versions of common documents with particular elements called fields, merge fields, form objects, etc. This paper introduces and discusses qDocs, a citizen-centric and multi-curator document automation platform for managing dynamic electronic documents (e.g. id cards, forms, certificates) accessible to any citizen in a easy and secure way. qDocs provides a single point of access for citizens to create, use and manage their own documents. These documents are produced from templates curated by public or private organizations (named as curators) that also participate in this qDocs ecosystem. This paper discusses particularly how curators may define, design and configure their templates and then make them available to citizens, allowing access to their respective documents in a secure and flexible way

    Reading and writing accompaniment for future preschool teachers

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    This document presents the systematization results of the accompaniment to the reading and writing processes of 21 undergraduate students of the Early Childhood Education program at UNAB University. The work consisted in the implementation of didactic sequences to elaborate reading cards, infographics, summaries and reviews. The pedagogical actions were evaluated based on the analysis of the teacher's field diary records, the products elaborated by the undergraduate students and the results of a survey on their learning. It was concluded that the participants showed signs of reading and writing as epistemic processes

    El secreto profesional en el arbitraje internacional

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    It is more and more frequent that counsels from different jurisdictions are involved in preparing legal advice as companies offer their services and products abroad. This situation creates the risk that documents exchanged between clients and lawyers in one jurisdiction could be exhibited in future proceedings in another jurisdiction. Disclosure of certain information could determine several losses to businesses from prestige to lack of compensation that an unsuccessful case may entail. This type of legal chaos could diminish when business practitioners have autonomy to select the law for solution of future disputes, including the option to agree on the procedure to be followed by the adjudicator. This article analyses choice of law governing privilege by arbitrators as international arbitration is often referred to settle international disputes. Several soft law sources from arbitral institutional rules to the well-known IBA Rules on Evidence are scrutinized. It evaluates possible methods like the least protective privilege rule or the most protective privilege rules considering equal treatment. Finally, it explores the recent Unified Patent Court Rules as a source of inspiration for international arbitration.Cada vez resulta más frecuente que en el asesoramiento jurídico de las empresas se encuentren involucrados abogados de distintos países, dado que las empresas ofrecen sus bienes y servicios en el extranjero. Esta situación está sujeta al riesgo de que los documentos intercambiados entre clientes y abogados en un Estado pueda exhibirse en otro Estado en un procedimiento posterior. La exhibición de determinada información puede implicar diversas pérdidas para los empresarios desde el prestigio o la falta de compensación por los casos sin éxito. Este tipo de caos jurídico podría disminuir, ya que los empresarios tienen la opción de elegir la ley aplicable para la solución de sus controversias futuras, incluyendo la opción de acordar el procedimiento que seguirá el árbitro. Este artículo analiza la selección de la ley aplicable al secreto profesional por los árbitros, puesto que el arbitraje internacionalsuele ser elegido para resolver las controversias internacionales. Se estudian determinadas fuentes de Derecho blando desde las reglas de las instituciones arbitrales hasta las famosas Reglas de la IBA sobre la práctica de la prueba en el arbitraje internacional. También se analizan determinados métodos como el de la regla menos protectora o el de la más protectora, considerando el principio de igualdad de trato. Finalmente, se exploran las recientes Reglas de Procedimiento del Tribunal Unificado de Patentes como fuente de inspiración para el arbitraje internacional

    Language, Deals and Standards: The Future of XML Contracts

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    eXtensible Markup Language (XML) structures information in documentary systems ranging from financial reports to medical records and business contracts. XML standards for specific applications are developed spontaneously by self-appointed technologists or entrepreneurs. XML’s social and economic stakes are considerable, especially when developed for the private law of contracts. XML can reduce transaction costs but also limit the range of contractual expression and redefine the nature of law practice. So reliance on spontaneous development may be sub-optimal and identification of a more formal public standard setting model necessary. To exploit XML’s advantages while minimizing risks, this Article envisions creating a publicly-oriented foundation to set XML-based standards for the private law of corporate contracts. The Article’s specific inquiry concerning corporate contracts illuminates XML’s broader implications, making the standard-setting model it contributes adaptable to other contexts

    Information Technology and Lawyers. Advanced Technology in the Legal Domain, from Challenges to Daily Routine

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    Family Vault: How to Protect and Organize Your Personal Information for Your Family

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    Integrated Marketing Communications courses focus on examining marketing campaigns and learning to create pieces of campaigns. Students are taught that new product campaigns must garner brand awareness, and in order to do so effectively, must be weighted heavily in insightful research. This thesis seeks to culminate the knowledge gathered from the curricula by designing both a new product and an integrated campaign from which to launch the product. The new product is a life document organizer, to be used in preparation for a tragedy, such as death or natural disaster. The product’s purpose is to easily deliver peace of mind to those with friends and family dependent upon them. The name of the brand and its product is Family Vault. This thesis compiles primary research in the form of an anonymous Qualtrics survey and personal interviews to gain key insights into the target audience, the desired product format and design, and the most effective marketing techniques for a new product. Research also included an overview of the current market competition through secondary online sources. Finally, six books commonly read by advertisers and marketers and recommended by professors were studied to learn about the successful creation of an integrated campaign. These included: Brand Aid by Brad Van Auken, Cracking the Code: Leveraging Consumer Psychology to Drive Profitability edited by Steven Posavac, Aaker on Branding by David Aaker, Brainfluence: 100 Ways to Persuade and Convince Consumers with Neuromarketing by Roger Dooley and Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping by Paco Underhill. From the research, it was discovered that there are currently few life document organizers in the marketplace. While there are effective organizers, people often feel too overwhelmed by the project to organize their own documents. It was found that a focus on the ease of organizing your life with Family Vault and the peace that results through increased family communication is the best way to persuade people to purchase and recommend the product. This insight led to the campaign “Peace of Mind,” which is targeted toward men and women who realize the need for planning and organization pertaining to life documents. This market is identifiable through their actions and associations with financial planning advisors