80,004 research outputs found

    Ictal kissing: occurrence and etiology.

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    Ictal kissing is a rare semiological manifestation in patients with epilepsy. We tried to estimate its occurrence and characterize the underlying etiology. We retrospectively reviewed all video-EEG reports from Jefferson Comprehensive Epilepsy Center over a 12-year period (2004-2015) for the occurrence of the term kiss . We then searched the electronic database PubMed on September 21, 2016 using the following search terms in the English language: ictal OR seizure OR epilepsy AND kiss OR kissing . Relevant original studies were included. During the study period, 5133 patients were investigated in our epilepsy monitoring unit. One patient (0.02%) had one episode of documented ictal kissing. He had drug-resistant right mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. In total, five studies met the criteria for inclusion in the review. These studies described nine patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy and ictal kissing behavior. Six out of ten patients with ictal kissing had hippocampal sclerosis. We add to the literature on ictal kissing by providing additional information on its frequency and etiology. The most common underlying etiology for ictal kissing is hippocampal sclerosis. However, this semiological ictal phenomenon is not pathognomonic for any etiology or localization

    National income inequality predicts cultural variation in mouth to mouth kissing

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    Romantic mouth-to-mouth kissing is culturally widespread, although not a human universal, and may play a functional role in assessing partner health and maintaining long-term pair bonds. Use and appreciation of kissing may therefore vary according to whether the environment places a premium on good health and partner investment. Here, we test for cultural variation (13 countries from six continents) in these behaviours/attitudes according to national health (historical pathogen prevalence) and both absolute (GDP) and relative wealth (GINI). Our data reveal that kissing is valued more in established relationships than it is valued during courtship. Also, consistent with the pair bonding hypothesis of the function of romantic kissing, relative poverty (income inequality) predicts frequency of kissing across romantic relationships. When aggregated, the predicted relationship between income inequality and kissing frequency (r=.67, BCa 95%CI[.32,.89]) was over five times the size of the null correlations between income inequality and frequency of hugging/cuddling and sex. As social complexity requires monitoring resource competition among large groups and predicts kissing prevalence in remote societies, this gesture may be important in the maintenance of long-term pair bonds in specific environments

    Rigidity of spherical codes

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    A packing of spherical caps on the surface of a sphere (that is, a spherical code) is called rigid or jammed if it is isolated within the space of packings. In other words, aside from applying a global isometry, the packing cannot be deformed. In this paper, we systematically study the rigidity of spherical codes, particularly kissing configurations. One surprise is that the kissing configuration of the Coxeter-Todd lattice is not jammed, despite being locally jammed (each individual cap is held in place if its neighbors are fixed); in this respect, the Coxeter-Todd lattice is analogous to the face-centered cubic lattice in three dimensions. By contrast, we find that many other packings have jammed kissing configurations, including the Barnes-Wall lattice and all of the best kissing configurations known in four through twelve dimensions. Jamming seems to become much less common for large kissing configurations in higher dimensions, and in particular it fails for the best kissing configurations known in 25 through 31 dimensions. Motivated by this phenomenon, we find new kissing configurations in these dimensions, which improve on the records set in 1982 by the laminated lattices.Comment: 39 pages, 8 figure

    A kiss is just...

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    This paper proposes that a survey of representations of men not-kissing men in recent television drama series makes clear a particularly hysterical fascination. While the Australian program GP has managed to produce a banal representation of two men kissing, American equivalents have resorted to a series of strategies which make insistently clear that not only can men not kiss-but that the act of not-kissing must be repeatedly displayed. By refusing to have lovers kiss; by having lovers kiss but refusing to show the act; by having gay lovers, but having one played by a woman; by having men kiss but rendering the act ridiculous; in these ways, American television programs make clear the importance of this act by consistently pointing towards it and declaring its impossibility. This paper calls for the justice of equal access to public images of kissing

    Distance Geometry for Kissing Spheres

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    A kissing sphere is a sphere that is tangent to a fixed reference ball. We develop in this paper a distance geometry for kissing spheres, which turns out to be a generalization of the classical Euclidean distance geometry.Comment: 11 pages, 2 picture

    Improved Delsarte bounds for spherical codes in small dimensions

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    We present an extension of the Delsarte linear programming method. For several dimensions it yields improved upper bounds for kissing numbers and for spherical codes. Musin's recent work on kissing numbers in dimensions three and four can be viewed in our framework.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures. Substantial changes after referee's comments, one new lemm

    The effect of topology on the structure and free energy landscape of DNA kissing complexes

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    We use a recently developed coarse-grained model for DNA to study kissing complexes formed by hybridization of complementary hairpin loops. The binding of the loops is topologically constrained because their linking number must remain constant. By studying systems with linking numbers -1, 0 or 1 we show that the average number of interstrand base pairs is larger when the topology is more favourable for the right-handed wrapping of strands around each other. The thermodynamic stability of the kissing complex also decreases when the linking number changes from -1 to 0 to 1. The structures of the kissing complexes typically involve two intermolecular helices that coaxially stack with the hairpin stems at a parallel four-way junction

    Average kissing numbers for non-congruent sphere packings

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    The Koebe circle packing theorem states that every finite planar graph can be realized as the nerve of a packing of (non-congruent) circles in R^3. We investigate the average kissing number of finite packings of non-congruent spheres in R^3 as a first restriction on the possible nerves of such packings. We show that the supremum k of the average kissing number for all packings satisfies 12.566 ~ 666/53 <= k < 8 + 4*sqrt(3) ~ 14.928 We obtain the upper bound by a resource exhaustion argument and the upper bound by a construction involving packings of spherical caps in S^3. Our result contradicts two naive conjectures about the average kissing number: That it is unbounded, or that it is supremized by an infinite packing of congruent spheres.Comment: 6 page