9 research outputs found

    Kinematically Optimal Catching a Flying Ball with a Hand-Arm-System

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    A robotic ball-catching system built from a multi- purpose 7-DOF lightweight arm (DLR-LWR-III) and a 12 DOF four-fingered hand (DLR-Hand-II) is presented. Other than in previous work a mechatronically complex dexterous hand is used for grasping the ball and the decision of where, when and how to catch the ball, while obeying joint, speed and work cell limits, is formulated as an unified nonlinear optimization problem with nonlinear constraints. Three different objective functions are implemented, leading to significantly different robot movements. The high computational demands of an online realtime optimization are met by parallel computation on distributed computing resources (a cluster with 32 CPU cores). The system achieves a catch rate of > 80% and is regularly shown as a live demo at our institute

    Reactive Motions In A Fully Autonomous CRS Catalyst 5 Robotic Arm Based On RGBD Data

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    This study proposes a method to perform velocity estimation using motion blur in a single image frame along x and y axes in the camera coordinate system and intercept a moving object with a robotic arm. It will be shown that velocity estimation in a single image frame improves the system\u27s performance. The majority of previous studies in this area require at least two image frames to measure the target\u27s velocity. In addition, they mostly employ specialized equipments which are able to generate high torques and accelerations. The setup consists of a 5 degree of freedom robotic arm and a Kinect camera. The RGBD (Red, Green, Blue and Depth) camera provides the RGB and depth information which are used to detect the position of the target. As the object is moving within a single image frame, the image contains motion blur. To recognize and differentiate the object from blurred area, the image intensity profiles are studied. Accordingly, the method determines the blur parameters based on the changes in the intensity profile. The aforementioned blur parameters are the length of the object and the length of the partial blur. Based on motion blur, the velocities along x and y camera coordinate axes are estimated. However, as the depth frame cannot record motion blur, the velocity along axis in the camera coordinate frame is initially unknown. The vectors of position and velocity are transformed into world coordinate frame and subsequently, the prospective position of the object, after a predefined time interval, is predicted. In order to intercept, the end-effector of the robotic arm must reach this predicted position within the time interval as well. For the end-effector to reach the predicted position within the predefined time interval, the robot\u27s joint angles and accelerations are determined through inverse kinematic methods. Then the robotic arm starts its motion. Once the second depth frame is obtained, the object\u27s velocity along z axis can be calculated as well. Accordingly, the predicted position of the object is recalculated, and the motion of the manipulator is modified. The proposed method is compared with existing methods which need at least two image frames to estimate the velocity of the target. It is shown that under identical kinematic conditions, the functionality of the system is improved by times for our setup. In addition, the experiment is repeated for times and the velocity data is recorded. According to the experimental results, there are two major limitations in our system and setup. The system cannot determine the velocity along z in the camera coordinate system from the initial image frame. Consequently, if the object travels faster along this axis, it becomes more susceptible to failure. In addition, our manipulator is an unspecialized equipment which is not designed for producing high torques and accelerations. Accordingly, the task becomes more challenging. The main cause of error in the experiments was operator\u27s. It is necessary to have the object pass through the working volume of the robot. Besides, the object must be still inside the working volume after the predefined time interval. It is possible that the operator throw the object within the designated working volume, but it leaves it earlier than the specified time interval

    Estimating the non-linear dynamics of free-flying objects

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    This paper develops a model-free method to estimate the dynamics of free-flying objects. We take a realistic perspective to the problem and investigate tracking accurately and very rapidly the trajectory and orientation of an object so as to catch it in flight. We consider the dynamics of complex objects where the grasping point is not located at the center of mass. To achieve this, a density estimate of the translational and rotational velocity is built based on the trajectories of various examples. We contrast the performance of six non-linear regression methods (Support Vector Regression (SVR) with Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel, SVR with polynomial kernel, Gaussian Mixture Regression (GMR), Echo State Network (ESN), Genetic Programming (GP) and Locally Weighted Projection Regression (LWPR)) in terms of precision of recall, computational cost and sensitivity to choice of hyper-parameters. We validate the approach for real-time motion tracking of 5 daily life objects with complex dynamics (a ball, a fully-filled bottle, a half-filled bottle, a hammer and a pingpong racket). To enable real-time tracking, the estimated model of the object's dynamics is coupled with an Extended Kalman Filter for robustness against noisy sensing. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Fast Decision-making under Time and Resource Constraints

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    Practical decision makers are inherently limited by computational and memory resources as well as the time available in which to make decisions. To cope with these limitations, humans actively seek methods which limit their resource demands by exploiting structure within the environment and exploiting a coupling between their sensing and actuation to form heuristics for fast decision-making. To date, such behavior has not been replicated in artificial agents. This research explores how heuristics may be incorporated into the decision-making process to quickly make high-quality decisions through the analysis of a prominent case study: the outfielder problem. In the outfielder problem, a fielder is required to intercept balls traveling in ballistic trajectories, while the motion of the fielder is constrained to the ground plane. In order to maximize the probability of interception, the agent must make good, yet timely, decisions. Researchers have put forth several heuristic approaches to describe how a fielder may decide how to run based only on immediately available information under different control paradigms. This research statistically quantifies upper bounds on the expected catch rate of a couple notable approaches, given that interception of the ball is theoretically possible if the fielder ran directly towards the landing spot with maximal effort throughout the entire duration of the ball’s flight. Additionally, novel modifications are made to a belief-space variant of iterative Linear Quadratic Gaussian (iLQG), which is an online method that may be used to find locally-optimal policies to continuous Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) in which Bayesian estimation may reasonably be approximated by an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). Directional derivatives are used to reduce the computation time of certain matrix derivatives with respect to the variance of the belief state from to , where is the dimension of the belief space. However, the improved algorithm still may not be capable of real-time decision-making by the standards of modern-day computing on mobile platforms, especially in systems with long planning horizons and sparse rewards. The belief-space variant of iLQG is applied to the outfielder problem, which may also indicate its applicability to similar target interception problems with input constraints, such as missile defense

    Bringing a Humanoid Robot Closer to Human Versatility : Hard Realtime Software Architecture and Deep Learning Based Tactile Sensing

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    For centuries, it has been a vision of man to create humanoid robots, i.e., machines that not only resemble the shape of the human body, but have similar capabilities, especially in dextrously manipulating their environment. But only in recent years it has been possible to build actual humanoid robots with many degrees of freedom (DOF) and equipped with torque controlled joints, which are a prerequisite for sensitively acting in the world. In this thesis, we extend DLR's advanced mobile torque controlled humanoid robot Agile Justin into two important directions to get closer to human versatility. First, we enable Agile Justin, which was originally built as a research platform for dextrous mobile manipulation, to also be able to execute complex dynamic manipulation tasks. We demonstrate this with the challenging task of catching up to two simultaneously thrown balls with its hands. Second, we equip Agile Justin with highly developed and deep learning based tactile sensing capabilities that are critical for dextrous fine manipulation. We demonstrate its tactile capabilities with the delicate task of identifying an objects material simply by gently sweeping with a fingertip over its surface. Key for the realization of complex dynamic manipulation tasks is a software framework that allows for a component based system architecture to cope with the complexity and parallel and distributed computational demands of deep sensor-perception-planning-action loops -- but under tight timing constraints. This thesis presents the communication layer of our aRDx (agile robot development -- next generation) software framework that provides hard realtime determinism and optimal transport of data packets with zero-copy for intra- and inter-process and copy-once for distributed communication. In the implementation of the challenging ball catching application on Agile Justin, we take full advantage of aRDx's performance and advanced features like channel synchronization. Besides developing the challenging visual ball tracking using only onboard sensing while everything is moving and the automatic and self-contained calibration procedure to provide the necessary precision, the major contribution is the unified generation of the reaching motion for the arms. The catch point selection, motion planning and the joint interpolation steps are subsumed in one nonlinear constrained optimization problem which is solved in realtime and allows for the realization of different catch behaviors. For the highly sensitive task of tactile material classification with a flexible pressure-sensitive skin on Agile Justin's fingertip, we present our deep convolutional network architecture TactNet-II. The input is the raw 16000 dimensional complex and noisy spatio-temporal tactile signal generated when sweeping over an object's surface. For comparison, we perform a thorough human performance experiment with 15 subjects which shows that Agile Justin reaches superhuman performance in the high-level material classification task (What material id?), as well as in the low-level material differentiation task (Are two materials the same?). To increase the sample efficiency of TactNet-II, we adapt state of the art deep end-to-end transfer learning to tactile material classification leading to an up to 15 fold reduction in the number of training samples needed. The presented methods led to six publication awards and award finalists and international media coverage but also worked robustly at many trade fairs and lab demos

    Compliant control of Uni/ Multi- robotic arms with dynamical systems

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    Accomplishment of many interactive tasks hinges on the compliance of humans. Humans demonstrate an impressive capability of complying their behavior and more particularly their motions with the environment in everyday life. In humans, compliance emerges from different facets. For example, many daily activities involve reaching for grabbing tasks, where compliance appears in a form of coordination. Humans comply their handsâ motions with each other and with that of the object not only to establish a stable contact and to control the impact force but also to overcome sensorimotor imprecisions. Even though compliance has been studied from different aspects in humans, it is primarily related to impedance control in robotics. In this thesis, we leverage the properties of autonomous dynamical systems (DS) for immediate re-planning and introduce active complaint motion generators for controlling robots in three different scenarios, where compliance does not necessarily mean impedance and hence it is not directly related to control in the force/velocity domain. In the first part of the thesis, we propose an active compliant strategy for catching objects in flight, which is less sensitive to the timely control of the interception. The soft catching strategy consists in having the robot following the object for a short period of time. This leaves more time for the fingers to close on the object at the interception and offers more robustness than a âhardâ catching method in which the hand waits for the object at the chosen interception point. We show theoretically that the resulting DS will intercept the object at the intercept point, at the right time with the desired velocity direction. Stability and convergence of the approach are assessed through Lyapunov stability theory. In the second part, we propose a unified compliant control architecture for coordinately reaching for grabbing a moving object by a multi-arm robotic system. Due to the complexity of the task and of the system, each arm complies not only with the objectâs motion but also with the motion of other arms, in both task and joint spaces. At the task-space level, we propose a unified dynamical system that endows the multi-arm system with both synchronous and asynchronous behaviors and with the capability of smoothly transitioning between the two modes. At the joint space level, the compliance between the arms is achieved by introducing a centralized inverse kinematics (IK) solver under self-collision avoidance constraints; formulated as a quadratic programming problem (QP) and solved in real-time. In the last part, we propose a compliant dynamical system for stably transitioning from free motions to contacts. In this part, by modulating the robot's velocity in three regions, we show theoretically and empirically that the robot can (I) stably touch the contact surface (II) at a desired location, and (III) leave the surface or stop on the surface at a desired point