9,036 research outputs found

    Active Consumerism: Measuring the Importance of Crowdfunding Factors on Backers\u27 Decisions to Financially Support Kickstarter Campaigns

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    The purpose of this research is to explore what factors of projects on Kickstarter, a popular crowdfunding website, are most influential in the decision to financially support a project. This study used triangulated research methods to explore these factors. An online survey of people who had financially contributed to one or more Kickstarter projects was conducted to better understand what aspects of projects backers found most important. A series of in-depth interviews with people who have financially supported one or more Kickstarter campaigns was also conducted to add perspective about the reasons people had for backing the campaigns. Findings suggest that Kickstarter has several distinct benefits for those who support its projects and offers them an experience that traditional channels of production cannot. Findings also suggest that Kickstarter backers feel involved in the process of creating the projects they support, and that backers are willing to take risks to see projects that are important to them come to fruition. The information gathered in this research will help to improve understanding of the attitudes that drive Kickstarter, which have implications for other crowdfunding platforms. This information will also help Kickstarter project creators know what aspects of their campaigns prospective supporters find most important

    Fundraising: Keys to the Cashbox

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    This special fundraising report for performing arts organizations discusses a variety of nonprofit trends. Articles cover the use of social media, competitive fundraising using games, data usage, kickstarter, legal issues in fundraising, and individual giving

    The Qualitative Analysis of Factors Influencing the Adoption Rate of Reward-Based Crowdfunding by Polish Filmmakers

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    The aim of this article is to analyze and discuss the factors impacting the process of the implementation of crowdfunding by the Polish film industry. The presented study is based on the qualitative approach: unstructured or semistructured interviews, questionnaires and the analysis of case studies. The respondents enumerated and evaluated a wide spectrum of factors facilitating and hindering the adoption rate: from general barriers (e.g. legal regulation of crowdfunding) to very specific aspects for filmmaking (e.g. the unprofessional promotional video of the crowdfunding project). The findings highlighted the significance of the following factors: the existing strong filmmakers’ attitude that ‘crowdfunding is for film beginners’, the complexity of team management (film crew) during the process of crowdfunding campaigns, and the cultural aspects of seeking financial support from friends.Celem artykułu jest analiza i omówienie czynników wpływających na proces implementacji crowdfundingu przez polski sektor filmowy. Zaprezentowane w artykule badania zostały oparte na metodach jakościowych: nieustrukturalizowanych lub częściowo ustrukturalizowanych wywiadach i kwestionariuszach oraz na analizie studium przypadków. Respondenci wskazali i dokonali ewaluacji szerokiego spektrum czynników wspierających i hamujących proces akceptacji innowacji, jaką jest crowdfunding: od ogólnych barier (np. legislacji prawnych dotyczących crowdfundingu), po czynniki ściśle związane z produkcją filmową (np. nieprofesjonalne wideo promujące projekt crowdfundingowy). Wyniki badań podkreślają szczególne znaczenie następujących czynników: silnej postawy respondentów oceniającej crowdfunding jako narzędzie dla początkujących filmowców, złożoność procesu zarządzania zespołem (ekipą filmową) w trakcie realizacji projektu kampanii crowdfundingowej oraz aspekt kulturowy dotyczący szukania wsparcia dla projektu wśród grona znajomych

    Go crowdfund yourself: some unintended consequences of crowdfunding for documentary film and industry in the U.K.

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    Crowdfunding : psychological conditioning

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    "Crowdfunding" jest stosunkowo nowym pojęciem; to neologizm, który powstał w 2006 roku. Słowo składa się z dwóch terminów: crowd ("tłum") oraz funding ("finansowanie"). Crowdfunding funkcjonuje za pośrednictwem specjalnych platform i Internetu, wykorzystuje płatności online. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zdefiniowanie crowdfundingu, a także opisanie jego modeli i wskazanie na motywacje psychologiczne związane z dziedziną crowdfundingu. Ponadto przedstawione zostały niektóre z ostatnich badań na jego temat, które wskazują na psychologiczne i socjologiczne determinanty zachowań w sieci.Crowdfunding is a relatively new term; it’s a neologism that has been brought to live in 2006. The word itself is a blend of two terms: ‘crowd’ and ‘funding’ and the background for that term is connected with ‘crowdsourcing’. Crowdfunding use special platforms, web and online payments. The aim of the paper is mainly related to defining crowdfunding, describing models of crowdfunding and indicating some of psychological motivations and conditions to operate in crowdfunding realm. The analysis provides a clear picture of crowdfunding models and psy- chological motivations to crowdfunding. What is more, some of the recent researches and case studies will be presented to show some of the particular crowdfunding activities