8 research outputs found

    Volume 42, Number 10 (October 1924)

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    Recollections of Master Musicians and Master Pianists Whom I Have Known What a Music Lesson Should Contain Some Effects of Music Pranks on Parnassus: How Great Composers Have Seen the Humorous and Joyous Side of Life Finding the Right Fingers in the Right Time Crossing Hands Study Stimulants From Wonderchild To Diva (interview with Marcella Sembrich) Mirrors for Hand Position Syncopated Pedal Lesson on Stems How to Go About Studying Bach\u27s Well-Tempered Clavier: Progressive Order in Which to Take Up Each Number Something About Accents Immortals Protest Against Jazz: Brahms, Grieg, Mendelssohn, Rubinstein and Schubert Strike for their Right Things for Which a Music Student Can Work Getting the Most from Your Lessons: A Chat with Serious Piano Students Competitive Recitals Music\u27s Higher Pleasure How Song May Save the Purity of the English Language: A Little Symposium on English Vocal Diction, in Which Many Famous Singers Give Their Opinions Value of Persevering Habits Coloring the Piano Tone Making a Game of Practice Musical Accelerator Bringing the Music of the Community and the Music of the Schools Together Key-word Schubert\u27s My Dream: A Poetical Autobiography of Franz Schubert Expression and the Inner Melodieshttps://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/1716/thumbnail.jp

    Learning plan networks in conversational video games

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 121-123).We look forward to a future where robots collaborate with humans in the home and workplace, and virtual agents collaborate with humans in games and training simulations. A representation of common ground for everyday scenarios is essential for these agents if they are to be effective collaborators and communicators. Effective collaborators can infer a partner's goals and predict future actions. Effective communicators can infer the meaning of utterances based on semantic context. This thesis introduces a computational cognitive model of common ground called a Plan Network. A Plan Network is a statistical model that provides representations of social roles, object affordances, and expected patterns of behavior and language. I describe a methodology for unsupervised learning of a Plan Network using a multiplayer video game, visualization of this network, and evaluation of the learned model with respect to human judgment of typical behavior. Specifically, I describe learning the Restaurant Plan Network from data collected from over 5,000 players of an online game called The Restaurant Game.by Jeffrey David Orkin.S.M


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    The aim of this research work is to outline the history of proto-cybernetic systems throughout antiquity, Middle Ages and Renaissance. After identifying what are considered the main characteristics of an automaton, we examine all technical, literary, historical available sources, in order to get the descriptions not only of the actually built or designed automata, but also of the ones that were imagined in literary texts. From the work of historical reconstruction it has also been possible to make a classification of ancient automata, thanks to a UML representation of their operation. This classification of the types of automata and of the actions they could perform (or attributed to them) made it possible to build a matrix of distances of more than 200 automata (and of their features) with the Minkowski algorithm and consequently to get a philomemetic tree (with the software MEGA 4.0), which describes automata evolution over the period

    Creative freedom in the digital age

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    This thesis is particularly concerned with everyday creativity as a social practice that is taking place within the digital environment. Web 2.0 made it much easier for laypersons to produce and publish digital content and to participate in online communities. Through participation community members can acquire domain-relevant knowledge as well as develop their digital competency. In some areas, online communities of highly motivated amateurs (Pro-Ams) work to professional standards and even achieve better results than their professional colleagues. Open Source software projects or Wikis are among areas that rely on committed amateurs and the strength of a community. The empirical stage of the research comprises two studies that aim to investigate the role of ICT and the Internet in everyday creative activities and how the use of digital tools for creativity can be facilitated and improved. An exploratory online survey revealed that the majority of participants are involved in everyday creative activities many of which are performed with the use of digital tools. However, the lack of digital competency and skills has been proved to be among the main barriers to using software tools for everyday creativity and participation in the digital environment. Taking into account the survey data that revealed digital photo-editing and manipulation to be the most popular creative activity among participants, a powerful, free, image-editing program - the GIMP - was chosen for the experiment. A group of people with no professional knowledge of using image editing programs participated in a single-day workshop where they learned how to do basic image processing with a free software editor, the GIMP. Data collection methods involved questionnaires, observation and follow-up telephone interviews. The GIMP tutorial and practice session proved to be successful in engaging non-professionals in image manipulation with the GIMP and facilitating further use and learning through individual effort

    Investigating the role of individual differences in learning English as a foreign language in a blended learning environment

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    Wydział AnglistykiGłównym celem niniejszej pracy było zbadanie związku pomiędzy wybranymi czynnikami kognitywnymi i afektywnymi oraz porównanie efektywności zastosowania dwóch podejść do nauczania języka obcego specjalistycznego, tj. podejścia tradycyjnego oraz blended learning w polskim kontekście edukacyjnym. Wstępne rozważania teoretyczne, zawarte w Rozdziale 1., poświęcone są przeglądowi odpowiedniej literatury dotyczącej natury różnic indywidualnych odpowiadających za odnoszenie sukcesu w nauce języka obcego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem takich czynników jak strategie uczenia się, style uczenia się, uzdolnienia i motywacja. Z kolei Rozdział 2. przedstawia najważniejsze osiągnięcia w dziedzinie komputerowego wspomagania nauki języków obcych ze szczególnym naciskiem na metodę blended learning, która stanowi główny przedmiot badania opisanego w niniejszej pracy. W Rozdziale 3. uwaga została skupiona na omówieniu wyników badań empirycznych dotyczących roli rozmaitych czynników indywidualnych w nauce języka obcego wspomaganej komputerowo, co stanowiło wstęp do rozdziałów badawczych. Tak więc głównym celem Rozdziału 4. było przedstawienie kwestii metodologicznych związanych z omawianym badaniem, podczas gdy głównym założeniem Rozdziału 5. było zaprezentowanie szczegółowego opisu wyników badania przeprowadzonego dla celów niniejszej pracy doktorskiej. Wyżej wymienione rozdziały zostały uzupełnione o podsumowanie, implikacje pedagogiczne oraz sugestie co do kierunku dalszych prac w tej dziedzinie. Chociaż w toku badania nie udało się wykazać ponad wszelką wątpliwość przewagi któregokolwiek z dwóch zastosowanych podejść dydaktycznych, poczyniono wiele spostrzeżeń dotyczących wpływu obu rodzajów instrukcji na poziom opanowania języka obcego. Ponadto przedstawiono liczne wnioski dotyczące skomplikowanej zależności między różnymi czynnikami indywidualnymi a sukcesem w nauce języka obcego wspomaganej komputerowo.The main aim of the present work is to investigate the relationship between selected cognitive and affective individual learner variables and to explore the effectiveness of two pedagogical options, i.e. face-to-face and blended learning, in the process of learning English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in the Polish educational context. The preliminary theoretical considerations included in Chapter 1 provide a discussion of relevant literature on the nature of individual learner factors accounting for differential success in FL learning, with particular emphasis being placed on such variables as language learning strategies, learning styles, foreign language aptitude and motivation. Chapter 2, in turn, presents an overview of the most crucial developments in the area of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) with particular attention being given to blended learning, which is the main theme of the study described in this work. In Chapter 3, the focus of attention is shifted to the presentation and discussion of empirical investigations into the role of specific IDs in foreign language learning aided by CALL, which serves as an introduction to the empirical part of the thesis. More specifically, the main aim of Chapter 4 is to outline methodological considerations of the current study; whereas the primary objective of Chapter 5 is to present in detail and discuss the results of the research project described in this dissertation. The two empirical chapters are followed by conclusions, pedagogical implications, and suggestions for further research in the investigated area. Although absolute predominance of either of the two approaches was not established in the course of the experimental intervention, a number of observations were made as to the differential effects of the treatments on the students’ FL attainment. In addition, valuable insights were obtained into the intricate interplay between different IDs and FL achievement in a CALL environment

    Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad: actas de las VIII Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en ciberseguridad: Vigo, 21 a 23 de junio de 2023

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    Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad (8ª. 2023. Vigo)atlanTTicAMTEGA: Axencia para a modernización tecnolóxica de GaliciaINCIBE: Instituto Nacional de Cibersegurida