24,270 research outputs found

    Recycling Randomness with Structure for Sublinear time Kernel Expansions

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    We propose a scheme for recycling Gaussian random vectors into structured matrices to approximate various kernel functions in sublinear time via random embeddings. Our framework includes the Fastfood construction as a special case, but also extends to Circulant, Toeplitz and Hankel matrices, and the broader family of structured matrices that are characterized by the concept of low-displacement rank. We introduce notions of coherence and graph-theoretic structural constants that control the approximation quality, and prove unbiasedness and low-variance properties of random feature maps that arise within our framework. For the case of low-displacement matrices, we show how the degree of structure and randomness can be controlled to reduce statistical variance at the cost of increased computation and storage requirements. Empirical results strongly support our theory and justify the use of a broader family of structured matrices for scaling up kernel methods using random features

    Querying and Merging Heterogeneous Data by Approximate Joins on Higher-Order Terms

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    Kernel-based Inference of Functions over Graphs

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    The study of networks has witnessed an explosive growth over the past decades with several ground-breaking methods introduced. A particularly interesting -- and prevalent in several fields of study -- problem is that of inferring a function defined over the nodes of a network. This work presents a versatile kernel-based framework for tackling this inference problem that naturally subsumes and generalizes the reconstruction approaches put forth recently by the signal processing on graphs community. Both the static and the dynamic settings are considered along with effective modeling approaches for addressing real-world problems. The herein analytical discussion is complemented by a set of numerical examples, which showcase the effectiveness of the presented techniques, as well as their merits related to state-of-the-art methods.Comment: To be published as a chapter in `Adaptive Learning Methods for Nonlinear System Modeling', Elsevier Publishing, Eds. D. Comminiello and J.C. Principe (2018). This chapter surveys recent work on kernel-based inference of functions over graphs including arXiv:1612.03615 and arXiv:1605.07174 and arXiv:1711.0930

    Graph learning under sparsity priors

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    Graph signals offer a very generic and natural representation for data that lives on networks or irregular structures. The actual data structure is however often unknown a priori but can sometimes be estimated from the knowledge of the application domain. If this is not possible, the data structure has to be inferred from the mere signal observations. This is exactly the problem that we address in this paper, under the assumption that the graph signals can be represented as a sparse linear combination of a few atoms of a structured graph dictionary. The dictionary is constructed on polynomials of the graph Laplacian, which can sparsely represent a general class of graph signals composed of localized patterns on the graph. We formulate a graph learning problem, whose solution provides an ideal fit between the signal observations and the sparse graph signal model. As the problem is non-convex, we propose to solve it by alternating between a signal sparse coding and a graph update step. We provide experimental results that outline the good graph recovery performance of our method, which generally compares favourably to other recent network inference algorithms