16 research outputs found

    Linear-time algorithms for the subpath kernel

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    The subpath kernel is a useful positive definite kernel, which takes arbitrary rooted trees as input, no matter whether they are ordered or unordered, We first show that the subpath kernel can exhibit excellent classification performance in combination with SVM through an intensive experiment. Secondly, we develop a theory of irreducible trees, and then, using it as a rigid mathematical basis, reconstruct a bottom-up linear-time algorithm for the subtree kernel, which is a correction of an algorithm well-known in the literature. Thirdly, we show a novel top-down algorithm, with which we can realize a linear-time parallel-computing algorithm to compute the subpath kernel

    Efficient Online Learning for Mapping Kernels on Linguistic Structures

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    Kernel methods are popular and effective techniques for learn- ing on structured data, such as trees and graphs. One of their major drawbacks is the computational cost related to making a prediction on an example, which manifests in the classifica- tion phase for batch kernel methods, and especially in online learning algorithms. In this paper, we analyze how to speed up the prediction when the kernel function is an instance of the Mapping Kernels, a general framework for specifying ker- nels for structured data which extends the popular convolution kernel framework. We theoretically study the general model, derive various optimization strategies and show how to apply them to popular kernels for structured data. Additionally, we derive a reliable empirical evidence on semantic role labeling task, which is a natural language classification task, highly dependent on syntactic trees. The results show that our faster approach can clearly improve on standard kernel-based SVMs, which cannot run on very large datasets

    Kernels for graphs

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    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction, Label Sequence Kernel between Labeled Graphs, Experiments, Related Works, Conclusion

    Kernel Functions for Graph Classification

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    Graphs are information-rich structures, but their complexity makes them difficult to analyze. Given their broad and powerful representation capacity, the classification of graphs has become an intense area of research. Many established classifiers represent objects with vectors of explicit features. When the number of features grows, however, these vector representations suffer from typical problems of high dimensionality such as overfitting and high computation time. This work instead focuses on using kernel functions to map graphs into implicity defined spaces that avoid the difficulties of vector representations. The introduction of kernel classifiers has kindled great interest in kernel functions for graph data. By using kernels the problem of graph classification changes from finding a good classifier to finding a good kernel function. This work explores several novel uses of kernel functions for graph classification. The first technique is the use of structure based features to add structural information to the kernel function. A strength of this approach is the ability to identify specific structure features that contribute significantly to the classification process. Discriminative structures can then be passed off to domain-specific researchers for additional analysis. The next approach is the use of wavelet functions to represent graph topology as simple real-valued features. This approach achieves order-of-magnitude decreases in kernel computation time by eliminating costly topological comparisons, while retaining competitive classification accuracy. Finally, this work examines the use of even simpler graph representations and their utility for classification. The models produced from the kernel functions presented here yield excellent performance with respect to both efficiency and accuracy, as demonstrated in a variety of experimental studies

    Evolutionary Granular Kernel Machines

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    Kernel machines such as Support Vector Machines (SVMs) have been widely used in various data mining applications with good generalization properties. Performance of SVMs for solving nonlinear problems is highly affected by kernel functions. The complexity of SVMs training is mainly related to the size of a training dataset. How to design a powerful kernel, how to speed up SVMs training and how to train SVMs with millions of examples are still challenging problems in the SVMs research. For these important problems, powerful and flexible kernel trees called Evolutionary Granular Kernel Trees (EGKTs) are designed to incorporate prior domain knowledge. Granular Kernel Tree Structure Evolving System (GKTSES) is developed to evolve the structures of Granular Kernel Trees (GKTs) without prior knowledge. A voting scheme is also proposed to reduce the prediction deviation of GKTSES. To speed up EGKTs optimization, a master-slave parallel model is implemented. To help SVMs challenge large-scale data mining, a Minimum Enclosing Ball (MEB) based data reduction method is presented, and a new MEB-SVM algorithm is designed. All these kernel methods are designed based on Granular Computing (GrC). In general, Evolutionary Granular Kernel Machines (EGKMs) are investigated to optimize kernels effectively, speed up training greatly and mine huge amounts of data efficiently

    Mining complex structured data: Enhanced methods and applications

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    Conventional approaches to analysing complex business data typically rely on process models, which are difficult to construct and use. This thesis addresses this issue by converting semi-structured event logs to a simpler flat representation without any loss of information, which then enables direct applications of classical data mining methods. The thesis also proposes an effective and scalable classification method which can identify distinct characteristics of a business process for further improvements