198 research outputs found

    Rule-based Programming for Building Expert Systems: a Comparison in the Microbiological Data Validation and Surveillance Domain

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    Abstract In this work, we compare three rule-based programming tools used for building an expert system for microbiological laboratory data validation and bacteria infections monitoring. The first prototype of the system was implemented in KAPPA-PC. We report on the implementation and performance by comparing KAPPA-PC with two other more recent tools, namely JESS and ILOG JRULES. In order to test each tool we realized three simple test applications capable to perform some tasks that are peculiar of our expert system

    Determination of geomechanical parameters in granite formations using a knowledge based system

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    Nesta comunicação apresenta-se um sistema computacional para a obtenção de parâmetros geomecânicos para a modelação de túneis em formações graníticas. Este sistema, designado GEOPAT, utiliza técnicas de inteligência artificial baseadas em conhecimento (KBS - Knowledge Based System). Para este efeito, estabeleceram-se redes causais, com vista a congregar o conhecimento de especialistas nos domínios das rochas e dos solos em geral e no domínio da engenharia de túneis em particular para o apoio à decisão. O GEOPAT determina os parâmetros para formações rochosas, terrosas e heterogéneas. As interfaces com o utilizador são interactivas e o sistema recorre a plataformas de Visual Basic, KAPPA-PC e Excel.In this paper a computational system for the calculation of geomechanical parameters for tunnels modelling in granite formations is presented. This system called GEOPAT uses artificial intelligence techniques (KBS systems). To congregate the specialists' knowledge in rocks and soils domains and in particular in the tunnel engineering domain causal nets has been established for decision support. GEOPAT determines the parameters for rock masses, soils and heterogeneous rock formations. The interfaces are interactive and the system uses Visual Basic, KAPPA-PC and Excel platforms.Sociedade Portuguesa de Geotecnia (SPG)Associação Brasileira de Mecânica dos Solos e Engenharia GeotécnicaUniversidade de Aveiro. Secção Autónoma de Engenharia Civi

    Application of Artificial Intelligence in Transportation Demand Management: Development and Implementation of E-sutra

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    Allowing traffic to grow to a level at which there is extensive and regular congestion is economically inefficient. Although the construction of additional roads can alleviate some of the effects of congestion, the benefits may be counterbalanced unless the growth in traffic volumes can be restrained. Therefore, another alternative is by implementing Transportation Demand Management (TDM), which means people still travel but at the same time the private car USAge is reduced. This paper presents the development of an expert system for sustainable transportation (E-SUTRA) through implementation of TDM. The overall result of 69% accuracy indicates the high possibility of the E-SUTRA system to be used as an advisory tool for sustainable transportation through TDM

    An overview of Space Communication Artificial Intelligence for Link Evaluation Terminal (SCAILET) Project

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    A software application to assist end-users of the link evaluation terminal (LET) for satellite communications is being developed. This software application incorporates artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and will be deployed as an interface to LET. The high burst rate (HBR) LET provides 30 GHz transmitting/20 GHz receiving (220/110 Mbps) capability for wideband communications technology experiments with the Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS). The HBR LET can monitor and evaluate the integrity of the HBR communications uplink and downlink to the ACTS satellite. The uplink HBR transmission is performed by bursting the bit-pattern as a modulated signal to the satellite. The HBR LET can determine the bit error rate (BER) under various atmospheric conditions by comparing the transmitted bit pattern with the received bit pattern. An algorithm for power augmentation will be applied to enhance the system's BER performance at reduced signal strength caused by adverse conditions

    The role of functional prototyping within the KADS methodology : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science at Massey University

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    Knowledge-based systems have until recent times lacked a clear and complete methodology for their construction. KADS was the result of the early 1980's project (ESPRIT-I P1098) which had the aim of developing a comprehensive, commercially viable methodology for knowledge-based system construction. KADS has subsequently proved to be one of the more popular approaches, focusing on the modelling approach to knowledge based system development. One area of the KADS methodology that has not been examined to any great depth is that of model validation. Model validation is the process of ensuring that a derived model is an accurate representation of the domain from which it has been derived from. The two approaches which have been suggested for this purpose within the KADS framework are that of protocol analysis and functional prototyping. This project seeks to apply the second of these choices, that of functional prototyping, to the model of expertise created by da Silva (1994) for model validation purposes. The problem domain is that of farm management, under an joint program of research between the Computer Science, Information Systems and Agricultural Management departments of Massey University. The project took the model of expertise and created a knowledge representation model in compliance with the selected object-oriented paradigm. After this the creation of a functional prototype in a Microsoft Windows based PC environment took place, using Kappa-PC as the application development tool. The validation took place through a demonstration session to a number of domain experts. Conclusions drawn from the experience gained through the creation and use of the prototype are presented, outlining the reasons why functional prototyping was deemed to be an appropriate method for model validation

    Space Communication Artificial Intelligence for Link Evaluation Terminal (SCAILET)

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    A software application to assist end-users of the high burst rate (HBR) link evaluation terminal (LET) for satellite communications is being developed. The HBR LET system developed at NASA Lewis Research Center is an element of the Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS) Project. The HBR LET is divided into seven major subsystems, each with its own expert. Programming scripts, test procedures defined by design engineers, set up the HBR LET system. These programming scripts are cryptic, hard to maintain and require a steep learning curve. These scripts were developed by the system engineers who will not be available for the end-users of the system. To increase end-user productivity a friendly interface needs to be added to the system. One possible solution is to provide the user with adequate documentation to perform the needed tasks. With the complexity of this system the vast amount of documentation needed would be overwhelming and the information would be hard to retrieve. With limited resources, maintenance is another reason for not using this form of documentation. An advanced form of interaction is being explored using current computer techniques. This application, which incorporates a combination of multimedia and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to provided end-users with an intelligent interface to the HBR LET system, is comprised of an intelligent assistant, intelligent tutoring, and hypermedia documentation. The intelligent assistant and tutoring systems address the critical programming needs of the end-user

    TSA: an expert system for solid waste transfer station.

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    This paper presents the development of expert system to assist in the operation of solid waste transfer station. The knowledge based consists of a rule-based expert system for the diagnosis of site selection and problems of transfer station and subsequent identification of remedial control actions. Siting criteria are used to identifying and evaluating potential development sites. It is generally recognized that an expert system can cope with many of the common problems relative with the operation and site selection of solid waste transfer station. In this work an expert system is developed which supervises the site selection and problem of waste transfer station. The knowledge acquisition to develop this expert system involved an exhaustive literature review on waste transfer station operation plant and interviews with experienced plant operators. The development tool for this system is Kappa-PC. Keyword

    Development of Hole Recognition System Using Rule-Based Technique

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    The effective integration of CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing) is a cornerstone of automation progress. The 'islands of automation' such as CAD, CAPP (Computer Aided Process Planning) and CAM are facing the ineffective communication problem. The CAM cannot be integrated directly into CAD due to the lower level geometrical data in CAD and the higher level manufacturing data in CAM. It is important that each 'island of automation' be linked together in order to achieve the goal of integrated CAD/CAM systems. For the past decades, feature-based representation has become a basic part of research in the CAD/CAM integration. The work on feature-based modelling has developed two main approaches, namely, design by features and feature recognition. The feature recognition approach is developed to extract the manufacturing information that is recognized from the CAD database into the CAM database. The features can be used to subtract higher level manufacturing data from lower level or geometrical computer aided data. The Hole Recognition System is developed to solve the communication problem between CAD and CAM. Kappa-PC expert system is used in developing the rule of holes. In this work, the Hole Recognition System is retrieves the geometrical data from the UniGraphics (UG) CAD/CAM system indirectly. The Hole Recognition System is designed to generalise and recognise the feature from neutral format file such as Data Exchange File (DXF), Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) and Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data (STEP). The neutral format file can be created hy CAD/CAM system such as UG, CATIA, ProEngineer, etc. For this work, the neutral data transfer standards, namely STEP is used. The STEP file is post processed by UG CAD/CAM system after the solid model has been created. A filtering program is developed to extract the geometrical data feature recognition process. The filtering program has been developed because the Kappa-PC expert system cannot read the STEP file directly. The output from the filtering program is fed to the Hole Recognition System. The rule-based technique is applied to recognise holes. There are two features, namely, blind hole and through hole to be considered. The work presented in this thesis and the Hole Recognition System developed is able to overcome the communication problem in CAD/CAM. The output from the Hole Recognition System is useful for multiple downstream manufacturing activities such as machine tool selection and cutting tool selection

    A Fault Diagnosis Expert System On Building Air Conditioning System For Construction 4.0

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    Building air conditioning systems are in high demand nowadays. They provide maximum comfort for occupants by reducing indoor temperature and providing acceptable indoor air quality. Air conditioning also comprising of fresh air ventilation for better air quality and ensuring relative humidty in the building. Building air conditioning sytems rely heavily on technical expertise for service and maintenance which could be costly. The aim of this research project is to develop a prototype knowledge based system for the fault diagnosis of building air conditioning systems. With the developed system, the diagnosis process for building air conditioning systems can be standardised, making them faster and more precise as compared to conventional systems by 566.5%. The developed system is also useful for inexperienced personnel as it can be used as a training module as well. Hence, the development of a fault diagnosis system is a significant contribution in air conditioning service operations. In this research work, the fault diagnosis system was developed by using the Kappa-PC expert system shell. It is supported by object-orientated technology for the MS Windows environment. It uses backward chaining for inferencing. In order to select the faults of the air conditioning components, a few specifications are laid out as constraints. The constraints for this developed expert system are based on the air conditioning system design data and expert’s experience. Two case studies were also conducted to verify the capability of the developed system