5,766 research outputs found

    \u27Those Who Cling in Queer Corners To The Forgotten Tongues and Memories of an Elder Day\u27: J.R.R. Tolkien, Finns and Elves

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    Abstract Those Who Cling in Queer Corners To The Forgotten Tongues and Memories of an Elder Day\u27 J.R.R. Tolkien, Finns and Elves Dr. Andrew Higgins In this paper I will explore how several historic, literary and mythic associations of the Finnish people with elements of magic, the supernatural and the \u27other\u27 influenced J.R.R. Tolkien in imbuing the character and language of his own Elves with a similar quality of magic and \u27arresting strangeness\u27.I will explore several characterisations of the Finns, the People of Kalevala, Tolkien would have encountered in his early study of the Kalevala, several Old Norse and Anglo-Saxon texts as well as other characterisations drawn from more contemporary treatments of the supernatural elements of the Finns in Victorian and Edwardian sources.I will argue that the greatest influence of this connection can be see in two key elements of Tolkien\u27s mythology: first in Tolkien\u27s use of the Finnish language to create a phonetic sound-sense for his own invented language for the Elves of Qenya/Q(u)enya which would evoke a sense of \u27a forgotten tongue\u27. Secondly, in Tolkien\u27s early attempt to incorporate into his own mythology the character of the artisan Volundr, in his Anglo-Saxon characterization Weland, known to be both a son of a Finnish King and a \u27prince of Elves\u27 and who has survived to be one of the few known characters of the lost English mythology Tolkien was seeking to reimagine and repurpose. My paper will show how the literary constructions and mythic representations of the otherness and supernatural qualities of the Finns played its part in inspiring Tolkien to imbue his own Elves with a similar \u27queer\u27 and \u27strange\u27 quality in both their character, history and language who by the third age of Middle-earth did \u27cling in queer corners\u27 while remembering \u27the memories of an elder day\u27 until they were called back to Valinor

    The Story of Kullervo (2015) by J.R.R. Tolkien, edited by Verlyn Flieger

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    Book Review, by Dimitra Fimi, of The Story of Kullervo (2015) by J.R.R. Tolkien, edited by Verlyn Fliege

    Boston University Symphony Orchestra, February 16, 1995

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    This is the concert program of the Boston University Symphony Orchestra performance on Thursday, February 16, 1995 at 8:00 p.m., at the Tsai Performance Center, 685 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts. Works performed were Le Baiser de la fée (The Fairy's Kiss) by Igor Stravinsky, Pohjola's Daughter by Jean Sibelius, and La Mer by Claude Debussy. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    Register features in Kalevala-metric incantations

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    Genres and registers of Kalevala-metric poetry have customarily been treated as correlating concepts. The paper examines a category of Kalevala-metric Origin of Fire incantations as a text-type which includes multiple linguistic registers functioning inside the genre. These registers are reflexive formations, potentially established as social situations when addressing supernatural agents. The analysis of directive utterances in the data reveals that addressing of agents varies according to the addressee. An examination of moderative particles and justification of performer's actions results in a view of register-emblematic means of addressing different agents. Register-based approach provides a way to critically re-asses the relationship of genre and register in Kalevala-metric poetry.Genres and registers of Kalevala-metric poetry have customarily been treated as corre-lating concepts. The paper examines a category of Kalevala-metric Origin of Fire in-cantations as a text-type which includes multiple linguistic registers functioning inside thegenre. These registers are reflexive formations, potentially established as social situationswhen addressing supernatural agents. The analysis of directive utterances in the datareveals that addressing of agents varies according to the addressee. An examination ofmoderative particles and justification of performer's actions results in a view of register-emblematic means of addressing different agents. Register-based approach provides away to critically re-asses the relationship of genre and register in Kalevala-metric poetry.Peer reviewe

    The College Cord (December 17, 1932)

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    Review Of Soviet Heroic Poetry In Context: Folklore Or Fakelore By M. Ziolkowski

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    Finntastisch: Kehittämistyö suomalaisten joulukylien markkinointiin

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö on markkinoinnin kehittämistyö kansainvälisesti toimivalle yritykselle Kalevala Spiritille. Kalevala Spirit järjestää suomalaisia joulukyliä joulutoreilla Keski-Euroopassa. Suomalaisissa joulukylissä myydään suomalaisia design-tuotteita, ruokaa ja juomaa. Kalevala Spiritin aiempi markkinointisuunnitelma on tuonut haasteita yhteisten linjauksien, toimintatapojen ja vision määrittelyyn eri kaupungeissa, sillä se ei ole kaikkien saatavilla. Toimeksiantaja haluaa yhtenäistää suomalaiset joulukylät keskenään niin, että asiakkaalle tarjottu palvelukokonaisuus olisi jokaisessa joulukylässä mahdollisimman sama. Tällä hetkellä Kalevala Spiritin markkinointi painottuu joulutoriajankohdalle marras–joulukuuhun ja jo olemassa oleville asiakkaille. Kalevala Spiritistä tiedon löytäminen uuden asiakkaan näkökulmasta on haastavaa ja mieleenpainuvat markkinointitempaukset puuttuvat. Tutkimuksen päätavoitteeksi asetettiin suomalaisten joulukylien näkyvämpi markkinointi ja yhtenäistäminen. Koska päätavoitteet ovat laajat, tarvitaan useita toimenpiteitä, joilla tavoitteet voidaan saavuttaa. Tärkeimpiä toimenpiteitä ovat markkinoinnin kohdentaminen uusille asiakkaille, mieleenpainuvat markkinointitempaukset niin mediassa kuin ulkomainonnassa ja henkilöstön hyödyntäminen kilpailukeinona perehdytyksen avulla. Toteutettu kehittämistyö tehostaa yhteisten linjausten ja vision muodostamisessa jokaisessa kohdekaupungissa koko henkilöstön kesken. Markkinoinnin kehittämistyön tarkoitus on kehittää ja tehostaa yrityksen markkinointia. Kehittämistyön kaksi lähestymiskulmaa ovat markkinoinnin kilpailukeinojaottelut sekä SWOT-analyysi. Nämä tukivat opinnäytetyön etenemistä ja tavoitteiden saavuttamista. Tehty markkinoin-tisuunnitelma on digitaalinen tuotos, jota yritys voi päivittää reaaliajassa ja jakaa kaikkien suomalaisten joulukylien välillä. Kehittämistyö on jaettu kolmeen osaan: 1) katsaus nykytilanteeseen; 2) tavoitteet ja 3) toimenpiteet tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi. Opinnäytetyön lopputulos on markkinointisuunnitelman kehittämistyö, jota Kalevala Spirit voi hyödyntää suunnitellessaan ja toteuttaessaan markkinointiaan kansainvälisesti.The purpose of this thesis was to make a marketing plan’s development work for a Finnish company called Kalevala Spirit. The company organizes Finnish Christmas villages in Christmas markets in Central Europe. The Finnish Christmas villages’ product range includes Finnish design products, food and beverages. Kalevala Spirit’s earlier marketing plan has caused difficulties in defining common policies, procedures and the company image, since it is not available for eve-ryone. The commissioner of this thesis aims to standardize the Finnish Christmas village model. Currently their marketing is targeted to the Christmas season and to customers, who already know about Kalevala Spirit, which challenges to build new customer relationships. The main goal of this study was to plan more visible marketing and to standardize the Finnish Christmas village model. The main procedures to reach the goals were: focusing on marketing for new, potential customers; memorable marketing policies and to utilize human resources in a competitive way. The development work will assist to form the common policies and vision in every Finnish Christmas village and among the entire personnel. The two utilized main viewpoints for the development work were Marketing Mix and SWOT-analysis, which support are supported by more detailed research. The created development work is a digital version that can be updated and shared in real time. The development work is divided into three parts: 1) overview of the present state, 2) the goals for the marketing plan and 3) the procedures to accomplish the goals. The result of this thesis is a marketing development work that Kalevala Spirit can use as a base to plan and structure their marketing internationally

    Tolkien in the New Century: Essays in Honor of Tom Shippey (2014), edited by John Wm. Houghton, Janet Brennan Croft, Nancy Martsch, John D. Rateliff, and Robin Anne Reid

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    Book review by Gergely Nagy of Tolkien in the New Century: Essays in Honor of Tom Shippey (2014), edited by John Wm. Houghton, Janet Brennan Croft, Nancy Martsch, John D. Rateliff, Robin Anne Rei

    The Desired Darkness of the Ancient : Kalevalaicity, Medievalism, and Cultural Memory in the Books Niemi and Viiden meren kansa

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    The article examines two recently published Finnish books, Juha Hurme’s Niemi (2017) and Risto Isomäki’s Viiden meren kansa (2017), in light of discussions on medievalism and cultural memory. It scrutinizes what kinds of connections are made between the medieval period, Finnic Kalevala-metric oral poetry (or ‘kalevalaic’ features such as oral poetry-related themes and images), and the present. The article discusses the use of Kalevala-metric poetry in the medievalist literature as an element through which the image of the Middle Ages as a ‘dark’ period is emphasized. ‘Darkness’ in this case is primarily desired, and only slightly shunned. The idea of desired darkness could be described as a positively charged and affective utilization and admiration of the mythic, ‘pagan,’ ‘grotesque,’ ‘barbaric,’ violent, or supernatural elements often associated with Kalevala-metric poetry, as well as with the medieval period. By scrutinizing the themes of Christianity and ‘pagan’ Finnishness, ‘pagan-ness’ and the crusades, and the desired/othered medieval body, the article asserts that Niemi and Viiden meren kansa utilize Kalevala-metric poetry and ‘kalevalaic’ features in order to replicate the imagined ‘darkness,’ ‘barbarity,’ ‘authenticity,’ and ‘nature-closeness’ of the medieval period. Furthermore, Kalevala-metric poetry and fragmentary knowledge of old folk beliefs function as tools through which the medieval Finnish ‘ordinary people’s’ or ‘folk’s’ thoughts and behaviors are imagined and brought forth.Peer reviewe

    “Калeвала”: деякі аспекти історичного та етнокультурного вивчення

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    This article gives a brief history of “Kalevala” texts, its recording, publishing, structure and the meaning for the further development of epic traditions. The focus of this article is “mythic-sacral” character” of “Kalevala” texts. The author analyzing the rhythm, images, symbols and performing style of these texts brings the analogies from Slavic folk ritual and epic traditions. The author of the this paper looks at the “Kalevala” as “South-European bible”, which contains folk knowledge, experience, philosophy, etc. Those texts were very influential for the formation of some cultural traditions of the other European countries. The elements of the texts which show some connections with epos of some Germanic and Slavic cultures give an interesting material for contemporary comparative studies