162 research outputs found

    Kryteria z Maastricht a sytuacja makroekonomiczna w Polsce

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    Jest bardzo prawdopodobne, że dzień 1 stycznia 1999 r. stanowi jedną z ważniejszych dat w XX w. Utworzenie systemu gospodarczego i monetarnego, do którego przystąpiło 11 państw europejskich, jest wydarzeniem bez precedensu. To, co nie udało się w latach siedemdziesiątych, gdy na przeszkodzie realizacji planu Wernera, pierwszej rozległej koncepcji wspólnej waluty, stanęły zróżnicowane interesy poszczególnych państw, borykających się z ówczesnym Szokiem podażowym, stało się faktem u schyłku XX w. Powstanie strefy euro oznacza również wyzwanie dla Polski, niosące zarówno szanse, jak i zagrożenia

    Poland in the eurozone? Three scenarios and their probable general economic consequences

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    Dyskusje i badania polskiego członkostwa w strefie euro są w obecnych, dynamicznie zmieniających się warunkach obarczone dużą dozą niepewności, stąd ograniczać się mogą jedynie do kreślenia scenariuszy. Niniejsze opracowanie skupia się na aspektach gospodarczych decyzji o: 1) definitywnej rezygnacji z wprowadzenia wspólnej waluty w Polsce, 2) szybkiej akcesji do strefy euro oraz 3) odsunięciu w czasie udziału Polski w tej strefie. Każdy z wariantów rodzi inne skutki polityczno-ekonomiczne i tym samym wyznacza inne ścieżki długookresowego rozwoju polskiej gospodarki.The ongoing discussion of Polish membership of the euro area seems subject to a high degree of uncertainty, caused by dynamically changing conditions. A precise and predictive analysis is therefore hampered and limited to the exploration of pos­sible scenarios. Our study focuses on the economic aspects of decisions on: 1) defini­tive rejection of the single currency in Poland, 2) rapid accession to the euro area, and 3) postponement of Poland’s participation in eurozone. Each of the variants gives rise to different political and economic outcomes and thus sets different paths for the long­term development of the Polish economy

    Ekonomika handlu zagranicznego

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    Ze wstępu: "Ekonomika handlu zagranicznego jest dyscypliną naukową, która zajmuje się zjawiskami ekonomicznymi występującymi w procesie wymiany handlowej i współpracy gospodarczej danego kraju z zagranicą. Nauka ta stara się odpowiedzieć na pytanie, jakie są uwarunkowania rozwoju i znaczenie handlu zagranicznego w gospodarce kraju: określić udział eksportu i importu w tworzeniu i podziale produktu krajowego brutto; ustalić czynniki kształtujące pozycję kraju w wymianie międzynarodowej i międzynarodowym podziale pracy."(...

    Integracja finansowa w Europie po wprowadzeniu euro. Przegląd literatury

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    The introduction of the euro was one of the most important events in the process of European integration, especially in the financial sector. However, next to its many advantages, the joint currency and single monetary policy increased the probability of property bubbles in the EU low income countries. The excessive speculations, which resulted in the burst of the US property bubble, the financial crisis, as well as the fiscal problems and the recession in Europe in 2010, uncovered the weaknesses of the financial integration and the inability of the European financial system to absorb large shocks. The financial losses, and the risk that some banks and moreover, even some euro zone member countries might become insolvent, underlined the existence of large systemic risks. As a result, cross border lending declined, the European credit market was affected negatively and the uncertainty concerning the stability of the euro increased. The second phase of the crisis in Europe was a starting point to develop some new international solutions to those problems aimed at increasing the stability of the European financial system. Our paper presents an overview of the literature on the advancement of financial integration in the euro zone, as well as in other regions including Poland. The concluding part of this review summarizes also the results of own research of its authors

    Integracja finansowa w Europie po wprowadzeniu euro. Przegląd literatury

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    The introduction of the euro was one of the most important events in the process of European integration, especially in the financial sector. However, next to its many advantages, the joint currency and single monetary policy increased the probability of property bubbles in the EU low income countries. The excessive speculations, which resulted in the burst of the US property bubble, the financial crisis, as well as the fiscal problems and the recession in Europe in 2010, uncovered the weaknesses of the financial integration and the inability of the European financial system to absorb large shocks. The financial losses, and the risk that some banks and moreover, even some euro zone member countries might become insolvent, underlined the existence of large systemic risks. As a result, cross border lending declined, the European credit market was affected negatively and the uncertainty concerning the stability of the euro increased. The second phase of the crisis in Europe was a starting point to develop some new international solutions to those problems aimed at increasing the stability of the European financial system. Our paper presents an overview of the literature on the advancement of financial integration in the euro zone, as well as in other regions including Poland. The concluding part of this review summarizes also the results of own research of its authors

    Integracja finansowa w Europie po wprowadzeniu euro. Przegląd literatury

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    The introduction of the euro was one of the most important events in the process of European integration, especially in the financial sector. However, next to its many advantages, the joint currency and single monetary policy increased the probability of property bubbles in the EU low income countries. The excessive speculations, which resulted in the burst of the US property bubble, the financial crisis, as well as the fiscal problems and the recession in Europe in 2010, uncovered the weaknesses of the financial integration and the inability of the European financial system to absorb large shocks. The financial losses, and the risk that some banks and moreover, even some euro zone member countries might become insolvent, underlined the existence of large systemic risks. As a result, cross border lending declined, the European credit market was affected negatively and the uncertainty concerning the stability of the euro increased. The second phase of the crisis in Europe was a starting point to develop some new international solutions to those problems aimed at increasing the stability of the European financial system. Our paper presents an overview of the literature on the advancement of financial integration in the euro zone, as well as in other regions including Poland. The concluding part of this review summarizes also the results of own research of its authors

    Administracja, zarządzanie i handel zagraniczny w warunkach integracji. Materiały konferencyjne - Handel Zagraniczny

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    Ze wstępu: "Obrady w sekcji H - „Handel zagraniczny” - prowadzone w ramach Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej „Administracja, zarządzanie i handel zagraniczny w warunkach integracj i” dotyczyły szeroko rozumianej wymiany handlowej i współpracy gospodarczej Polski z innymi krajami, zarówno z punktu widzenia gospodarki, jak i poszczególnych przedsiębiorstw. Prezentowane w naszej sekcji referaty dotyczyły w głównej mierze problematyki ujednolicania polskich przepisów w zakresie prowadzenia działalności w szeroko pojętym handlu zagranicznym w celu dostosowania ich do regulacji obowiązujących w Unii Europejskiej."(...

    Implikacje kryzysu Unii Europejskiej dla dalszego procesu integracji

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    The Eurozone crisis, that made its presence felt especially between 2010 and 2011, illustrated that predicating the further European integration has become more difficult than it was a few years ago. Some of its consequences are already visible in a large scale; some will assuredly be noticed in a longer term. The aim of this case study is to indicate, according to the author’s opinion, which are the most important and direct implications of the EU crisis for the further development of the European Union integration. In the first part of the article, the author outlined the most probable results of the presumptive dissolution of Eurozone. In the second part, he demonstrated that the Eurozone crisis would lead to wider integration of the Euroland. Nonetheless, this closer integration will not mean building the United States of Europe, since among the EU societies there is no agreement to transform the EU into this kind of federal structure. In the present case study the author shows that the EU crisis has strengthen the differentiated level of integration, stressed the role of Germany in the EU, weaken significantly the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), strengthen the lack of democracy in the EU, contributed to slimming the welfare state and, finally, lowered attractiveness of EU model of integration