68 research outputs found

    Gerbil: A Fast and Memory-Efficient kk-mer Counter with GPU-Support

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    A basic task in bioinformatics is the counting of kk-mers in genome strings. The kk-mer counting problem is to build a histogram of all substrings of length kk in a given genome sequence. We present the open source kk-mer counting software Gerbil that has been designed for the efficient counting of kk-mers for k≥32k\geq32. Given the technology trend towards long reads of next-generation sequencers, support for large kk becomes increasingly important. While existing kk-mer counting tools suffer from excessive memory resource consumption or degrading performance for large kk, Gerbil is able to efficiently support large kk without much loss of performance. Our software implements a two-disk approach. In the first step, DNA reads are loaded from disk and distributed to temporary files that are stored at a working disk. In a second step, the temporary files are read again, split into kk-mers and counted via a hash table approach. In addition, Gerbil can optionally use GPUs to accelerate the counting step. For large kk, we outperform state-of-the-art open source kk-mer counting tools for large genome data sets.Comment: A short version of this paper will appear in the proceedings of WABI 201

    Parallel approach to sliding window sums

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    Sliding window sums are widely used in bioinformatics applications, including sequence assembly, k-mer generation, hashing and compression. New vector algorithms which utilize the advanced vector extension (AVX) instructions available on modern processors, or the parallel compute units on GPUs and FPGAs, would provide a significant performance boost for the bioinformatics applications. We develop a generic vectorized sliding sum algorithm with speedup for window size w and number of processors P is O(P/w) for a generic sliding sum. For a sum with commutative operator the speedup is improved to O(P/log(w)). When applied to the genomic application of minimizer based k-mer table generation using AVX instructions, we obtain a speedup of over 5X.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    PlasmidTron: assembling the cause of phenotypes and genotypes from NGS data.

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    Increasingly rich metadata are now being linked to samples that have been whole-genome sequenced. However, much of this information is ignored. This is because linking this metadata to genes, or regions of the genome, usually relies on knowing the gene sequence(s) responsible for the particular trait being measured and looking for its presence or absence in that genome. Examples of this would be the spread of antimicrobial resistance genes carried on mobile genetic elements (MGEs). However, although it is possible to routinely identify the resistance gene, identifying the unknown MGE upon which it is carried can be much more difficult if the starting point is short-read whole-genome sequence data. The reason for this is that MGEs are often full of repeats and so assemble poorly, leading to fragmented consensus sequences. Since mobile DNA, which can carry many clinically and ecologically important genes, has a different evolutionary history from the host, its distribution across the host population will, by definition, be independent of the host phylogeny. It is possible to use this phenomenon in a genome-wide association study to identify both the genes associated with the specific trait and also the DNA linked to that gene, for example the flanking sequence of the plasmid vector on which it is encoded, which follows the same patterns of distribution as the marker gene/sequence itself. We present PlasmidTron, which utilizes the phenotypic data normally available in bacterial population studies, such as antibiograms, virulence factors, or geographical information, to identify traits that are likely to be present on DNA that can randomly reassort across defined bacterial populations. It is also possible to use this methodology to associate unknown genes/sequences (e.g. plasmid backbones) with a specific molecular signature or marker (e.g. resistance gene presence or absence) using PlasmidTron. PlasmidTron uses a k-mer-based approach to identify reads associated with a phylogenetically unlinked phenotype. These reads are then assembled de novo to produce contigs in a fast and scalable-to-large manner. PlasmidTron is written in Python 3 and is available under the open source licence GNU GPL3 from https://github.com/sanger-pathogens/plasmidtron

    MetaTrinity: Enabling Fast Metagenomic Classification via Seed Counting and Edit Distance Approximation

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    Metagenomics, the study of genome sequences of diverse organisms cohabiting in a shared environment, has experienced significant advancements across various medical and biological fields. Metagenomic analysis is crucial, for instance, in clinical applications such as infectious disease screening and the diagnosis and early detection of diseases such as cancer. A key task in metagenomics is to determine the species present in a sample and their relative abundances. Currently, the field is dominated by either alignment-based tools, which offer high accuracy but are computationally expensive, or alignment-free tools, which are fast but lack the needed accuracy for many applications. In response to this dichotomy, we introduce MetaTrinity, a tool based on heuristics, to achieve a fundamental improvement in accuracy-runtime tradeoff over existing methods. We benchmark MetaTrinity against two leading metagenomic classifiers, each representing different ends of the performance-accuracy spectrum. On one end, Kraken2, a tool optimized for performance, shows modest accuracy yet a rapid runtime. The other end of the spectrum is governed by Metalign, a tool optimized for accuracy. Our evaluations show that MetaTrinity achieves an accuracy comparable to Metalign while gaining a 4x speedup without any loss in accuracy. This directly equates to a fourfold improvement in runtime-accuracy tradeoff. Compared to Kraken2, MetaTrinity requires a 5x longer runtime yet delivers a 17x improvement in accuracy. This demonstrates a 3.4x enhancement in the accuracy-runtime tradeoff for MetaTrinity. This dual comparison positions MetaTrinity as a broadly applicable solution for metagenomic classification, combining advantages of both ends of the spectrum: speed and accuracy. MetaTrinity is publicly available at https://github.com/CMU-SAFARI/MetaTrinity

    Fast Gapped k-mer Counting with Subdivided Multi-Way Bucketed Cuckoo Hash Tables

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    Motivation. In biological sequence analysis, alignment-free (also known as k-mer-based) methods are increasingly replacing mapping- and alignment-based methods for various applications. A basic step of such methods consists of building a table of all k-mers of a given set of sequences (a reference genome or a dataset of sequenced reads) and their counts. Over the past years, efficient methods and tools for k-mer counting have been developed. In a different line of work, the use of gapped k-mers has been shown to offer advantages over the use of the standard contiguous k-mers. However, no tool seems to be available that is able to count gapped k-mers with the same efficiency as contiguous k-mers. One reason is that the most efficient k-mer counters use minimizers (of a length m < k) to group k-mers into buckets, such that many consecutive k-mers are classified into the same bucket. This approach leads to cache-friendly (and hence extremely fast) algorithms, but the approach does not transfer easily to gapped k-mers. Consequently, the existing efficient k-mer counters cannot be trivially modified to count gapped k-mers with the same efficiency. Results. We present a different approach that is equally applicable to contiguous k-mers and gapped k-mers. We use multi-way bucketed Cuckoo hash tables to efficiently store (gapped) k-mers and their counts. We also describe a method to parallelize counting over multiple threads without using locks: We subdivide the hash table into independent subtables, and use a producer-consumer model, such that each thread serves one subtable. This requires designing Cuckoo hash functions with the property that all alternative locations for each k-mer are located in the same subtable. Compared to some of the fastest contiguous k-mer counters, our approach is of comparable speed, or even faster, on large datasets, and it is the only one that supports gapped k-mers

    GPU-accelerated k-mer counting

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    K-mer counting is the process of building a histogram of all substrings of length k for an input string S. The problem itself is quite simple, but counting k-mers efficiently for a very large input string is a difficult task that has been researched extensively. In recent years the performance of k-mer counting algorithms have improved significantly, and there have been efforts to use graphics processing units (GPUs) in k-mer counting. The goal for this thesis was to design, implement and benchmark a GPU accelerated k-mer counting algorithm SNCGPU. The results showed that SNCGPU compares reasonably well to the Gerbil k-mer counting algorithm on a mid-range desktop computer, but does not utilize the resources of a high-end computing platform as efficiently. The implementation of SNCGPU is available as open-source software
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