231 research outputs found

    Analisis Perbandingan Metode Multimedia Development Live Cycle Pada Augmented Reality

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    Indonesia is one of the countries that has high biodiversity. This biodiversity is spread throughout the territory of Indonesia. However, endemic and rare animals in Indonesia are increasingly decreasing due to human greed. If this continues, the endangered species are likely to become extinct. therefore the need for an information media that is different from the usual, namely with Augmented Reality. Augmented Reality is a technology that can combine the real world with the virtual world and can combine the real world with virtual objects in it. In this research, augmented reality is used as a media of information and to learn about the biodiversity of the people, especially the animals that exist in Indonesia. This study aims to test the best method for making Augmented Reality. In this application, it displays 3D objects from deer animals. There are 4 menus in the application, one of which is detailed information about deer animals. objects can appear if the marker can be detected properly in the program.   Key Words : Augmented Reality, Multimedia Development Live Cycle, Androi

    The Impact of Augmented Reality Tools and Techniques on the Imaginative Thinking Routines of the Arts and Design Students, and its Relation to the Accuracy in Learning and Achievement Level

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    The paper in hand aims to examine and explore the effect of augmented reality tools and techniques on developing imaginative thinking behavior, across arts and design students, as well as its relation to the accuracy in learning and achievement levels. The study was conducted in the faculty of arts and design in Jordan University. This paper manifested the possibilities that augmented reality can offer to education. Not only that but also the suggestions which affect teaching and learning strategies; it also can cater to students’ educational needs and provide solutions, while the learners develop their designs. Such programs define innovation from a different perspective, and considers development as a mean to cope with the changes in the world. In order to achieve the aims and objectives of the study, the researcher developed imaginative thinking and achievement tests. (40) Students took the tests. As the researcher implemented descriptive quasi-experimental design for its appropriateness to the nature of the study. The results of the study demonstrate a statistical analytical significance in imaginative thinking sections, as well as the students’ success in the posttest achievement tests; this process was in favor for the experimental group. The experimental group members enjoyed learning as they received augmented reality techniques and developed designs digitally. Due to the high achievements and high scores of the experimental group, the researcher highly recommends the professors to include such programs in their teaching and learning processes. Key words: augmented reality techniques, imaginative thinking, and achievement level, learning accuracy, arts and interior design students. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-31-12 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Kajian Tentang Aplikasi Augmented Reality Berbasis Marker

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    In this paper, marker detection and pose estimation algorithms are presented for Augmented Reality applications. This marker detection algorithm was designed specially for square-shaped marker. It consists of line detection, corner detection, and square-shaped detection. The pose estimation algorithm is used involving intrinsic and ecstrinsic paramater of camera. The position of a marker can be known from the ectrinsic parameter of camera which is translation and rotation. Translation and rotation ocurr in three coordinate axes, which is x,y,and z.The translation value can be obtained from the midpoint of the marker, and the rotation value can be calculated with rotation matrix. Several experiments have been conducted on various images and video sequences. The results of the experiments show that the algorithms can detect marker in various angles and estimate the pose well that the user of the application can interact with the object from digital world

    Investigation of Transliteration Algorithm Operation in Real Time for Augmented Reality

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    The ability to understand and translate languages is a sought after commodity. Modern computers are capable of translation, but require the user to disengage from their environment to operate. This research will show that the capability exists to create a device that would not separate the user with their environment while still allowing them to comprehend foreign languages. The goal of the research is the ability to produce an apparatus which can translate text seamlessly while moving its displayed field of vision in step with the users movements. To achieve this effect three distinct operations must be done quickly. First, input will be taken from the users’ perspective in the form of digital video using an Ovrvision 1 stereoscopic camera, which features a wider field of vision than that of the user allowing for predictive translation. Following this an Android translation algorithm will be applied to this input to filter out words of a language other than that of the user, in order to replace those words with the ones translated. The algorithm should do so in a way that simulates the words appearance in the raw input in order to offer the user an accurate reproduction of the environment. This augmented video will then be returned to the user by means of the Oculus Rift virtual reality system, thereby achieving the desired result of translating all that is in the users’ field of vision without disruption

    Realidade aumentada aplicada à museologia

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    This thesis focuses on the relationship between the visitor/participant and the museological installations. It is assumed that the main objective of a museological installation is to promote the creation of knowledge. In this sense, we explore a number of different exhibition resources, in particular Augmented Reality that enables different readings of the same element/object, and, in this way, it extends the set of possible interactions. For the production and development of museological installations, we have in consideration an iterative design process, combined with an evaluation in the wild, in order to develop the installations in accordance with the visitor’s feedback and verifying if the proposed objectives are being achieved. At the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology we have developed an installation based on gesture tracking, and focused research in an iterative process; on the other hand at the exhibition Baixa in Real Time, although we have implemented a few changes based on the visitor’s feedback we have focused on identifying different patterns of interaction while interacting with specific installations. In this sense, it is understood that the museological installations can be developed collaboratively, where it is taken into account the different actors in this process, as the visitors/participants, the stakeholders, the technicians, the designers or the museologists. Through the development of museological installations in a dynamic way, participative and in constant update, means to be closest to produce installations that respond to their main objective.   Key-words: Augmented Reality, Museology, Expography, Museological InstallationA presente tese centra-se na relação entre o visitante/participante e as instalações museológicas. Parte-se do princípio que o objetivo principal das instalações museológicas é o de potenciar a criação de conhecimento. Neste sentido, explora-se uma série de recursos expositivos, em particular a Realidade Aumentada – RA, que possibilita diferentes leituras de um mesmo elemento/objeto e, desta forma, amplia o conjunto de interações possíveis. Para a produção e desenvolvimento das instalações museológicas, teve-se em consideração um processo de design iterativo e participativo combinado com a avaliação in the wild, no sentido de desenvolver as instalações de acordo com o feedback dos visitantes/participantes em diferentes fases do seu desenvolvimento e verificar se os objetivos propostos estavam a ser atingidos. No Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology desenvolveu-se uma instalação que tinha por base o reconhecimento gestual e centrou-se a investigação no processo de design iterativo; por outro lado, na exposição Baixa em Tempo Real, apesar de ter-se executado também alterações com base no feedback dos visitantes/participantes, centrou-se na avaliação in the wild, para identificar diferentes padrões de interação, tanto com as instalações em particular, como com a exposição num todo. Neste sentido, entende-se que as instalações museológicas podem ser desenvolvidas de forma colaborativa, onde é tido em consideração os diferentes intervenientes neste processo, tal como os visitantes/participantes, os stakeholders, os técnicos, os designers ou os museológos durante as diferentes fases de desenvolvimento das instalações museológicas. Através do desenvolvimento de instalações museológicas de forma dinâmica, participativa e em constante atualização entende-se estar mais próximo de produzir instalações que respondam ao seu objetivo principal.   Palavras-chave: Realidade Aumentada, Museologia, Expografia, Instalação Museologica

    Implementing the Augmented Reality as an Industry 4.0 Application to Simplify the Busbar Bending Process during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Skilled operators have a vital role in Industry 4.0 manufacturing, especially in a small manufacturing environment. To implement Industry 4.0 concepts, it is necessary to find an innovative solution that will improve the skills of operators in manufacturing. Augmented reality (AR) has become a part of this innovative solution by providing interactive live guidance, i.e. easy transfer of information to operator, especially the production, assembly and maintenance information. This paper demonstrates a simple method for implementing AR, particularly in small enterprises. It also shows benefits of implementing AR: the production quality is improved by offering an interactive and reliable training for technicians to improve their skills, which leads to the minimisation of errors occurring during the production. Moreover, this paper sheds light on the industry trends during the COVID-19 pandemic and presents the effectiveness of augmented reality during the pandemic. A real example has been implemented on a busbar bending process in order to simplify the task of the operator especially when the complex bent shape is produced