22 research outputs found

    Yang-Lee Zeros of the Q-state Potts Model on Recursive Lattices

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    The Yang-Lee zeros of the Q-state Potts model on recursive lattices are studied for non-integer values of Q. Considering 1D lattice as a Bethe lattice with coordination number equal to two, the location of Yang-Lee zeros of 1D ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic Potts models is completely analyzed in terms of neutral periodical points. Three different regimes for Yang-Lee zeros are found for Q>1 and 0<Q<1. An exact analytical formula for the equation of phase transition points is derived for the 1D case. It is shown that Yang-Lee zeros of the Q-state Potts model on a Bethe lattice are located on arcs of circles with the radius depending on Q and temperature for Q>1. Complex magnetic field metastability regions are studied for the Q>1 and 0<Q<1 cases. The Yang-Lee edge singularity exponents are calculated for both 1D and Bethe lattice Potts models. The dynamics of metastability regions for different values of Q is studied numerically.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, with correction

    Lee–Yang zeros for the DHL and 2D rational dynamics, I. Foliation of the physical cylinder

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    In a classical work of the 1950's, Lee and Yang proved that the zeros of the partition functions of a ferromagnetic Ising model always lie on the unit circle. Distribution of these zeros is physically important as it controls phase transitions in the model. We study this distribution for the Migdal–Kadanoff Diamond Hierarchical Lattice (DHL). In this case, it can be described in terms of the dynamics of an explicit rational function R in two variables (the renormalization transformation). We prove that R is partially hyperbolic on an invariant cylinder C. The Lee–Yang zeros are organized in a transverse measure for the central-stable foliation of R|C. Their distribution is absolutely continuous. Its density is C∞ (and non-vanishing) below the critical temperature. Above the critical temperature, it is C∞ on a open dense subset, but it vanishes on the complementary set of positive measure

    The Potts model and the independence polynomial:Uniqueness of the Gibbs measure and distributions of complex zeros

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    Part 1 of this dissertation studies the antiferromagnetic Potts model, which originates in statistical physics. In particular the transition from multiple Gibbs measures to a unique Gibbs measure for the antiferromagnetic Potts model on the infinite regular tree is studied. This is called a uniqueness phase transition. A folklore conjecture about the parameter at which the uniqueness phase transition occurs is partly confirmed. The proof uses a geometric condition, which comes from analysing an associated dynamical system.Part 2 of this dissertation concerns zeros of the independence polynomial. The independence polynomial originates in statistical physics as the partition function of the hard-core model. The location of the complex zeros of the independence polynomial is related to phase transitions in terms of the analycity of the free energy and plays an important role in the design of efficient algorithms to approximately compute evaluations of the independence polynomial. Chapter 5 directly relates the location of the complex zeros of the independence polynomial to computational hardness of approximating evaluations of the independence polynomial. This is done by moreover relating the set of zeros of the independence polynomial to chaotic behaviour of a naturally associated family of rational functions; the occupation ratios. Chapter 6 studies boundedness of zeros of the independence polynomial of tori for sequences of tori converging to the integer lattice. It is shown that zeros are bounded for sequences of balanced tori, but unbounded for sequences of highly unbalanced tori

    Partition functions:Zeros, unstable dynamics and complexity

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    This thesis considers the complexity of approximating the partition functions of the ferromagnetic Ising model and of the hard-core model (independence polynomial) within the class of bounded degree graphs. It is known that the absence of zeros essentially implies that approximation is easy. In this thesis the inverse is proved: the presence of zeros implies that approximation is #P hard. The most important step of the proof is relating both the "zero parameters" and the "#P hard parameters" to the set of parameters around which a related set of functions, namely the occupation ratios, behaves chaotically. The first two chapters contain the proof of the main theorem for the ferromagnetic Ising model and the independence polynomial respectively. Chapters 3 and 4 concern the set of zeros of the independence polynomial for bounded degree graphs. In Chapter 3 it is shown that zeros of Cayley trees are not extremal within the set of zeros of all bounded degree graphs, something that was previously conjectured. In Chapter 4 a very precise description of the set of zeros is given as the degree bound goes to infinity

    Quasiparticles in Quantum Many-Body Systems

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    Topologically ordered phases flamboyance a cornucopia of intriguing phenomena that cannot be perceived in the conventional phases including the most striking property of hosting anyon quasiparticles having fractional charges and fractional statistics. Such phases were discovered with the remarkable experiment of the fractional quantum Hall effect and are drawing a lot of recognition. Realization of these phases on lattice systems and study of the anyon quasiparticles there are important and interesting avenue to research in unraveling new physics, which can not be found in the continuum, and this thesis is an important contribution in that direction. Also such lattice models hosting anyons are particularly important to control the movement of anyons while experimentally implemented with ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices. We construct lattice models by implementing analytical states and parent Hamiltonians on two-dimensional plane hosting non-Abelian anyons, which are proposed candidates for quantum computations. Such lattice models are suitable to create both quasiholes and quasielectrons in the similar way and thereby avoiding the singularity problem for the quasielectrons in continuum. Anyons in these models are found to be well-screened with proper charges and right statistics. Going beyond two dimensions, we unravel the intriguing physics of topologically ordered phases of matter in fractional dimensions such as in the fractal lattices by employing our model constructions of analytical states and parent Hamiltonians there. We find the anyons to be well-screened with right charges and statistics for all dimensions. Our work takes the first step in bridging the gap between two dimensions and one dimension in addressing topological phases which reveal new physics. Our constructions are particularly important in this context since such lattices lack translational symmetry and hence become unsuitable for the fractional Chern insulator implementations. The special features of topologically ordered phases make these difficult to probe and hence the detection of topological quantum phase transitions becomes challenging. The existing probes suffer from shortcomings uo-to a large extent and therefore construction of new type of probes become important and are on high demand. The robustness of anyon properties draw our attention to propose these as detector of topological quantum phase transitions with significant advantages including the facts that these are numerically cheaper probes and are independent of the boundary conditions. We test our probe in three different examples and find that simple properties like anyon charges detect the transitions.Topologisch geordnete Phasen extravagieren ein Füllhorn faszinierender Phänomene, die in den herkömmlichen Phasen nicht wahrgenommen werden können, einschließlich der auffälligsten Eigenschaft, Quasiteilchen mit fraktionierten Ladungen und fraktion- ierten Statistiken aufzunehmen. Solche Phasen wurden mit dem bemerkenswerten Exper- iment des fraktionierten Quanten-Hall-Effekts entdeckt und finden viel Anerkennung. Die Realisierung dieser Phasen auf Gittersystemen und die Untersuchung der Anyon- Quasiteilchen sind wichtige und interessante Wege zur Erforschung der Entschlüsselung neuer Physik, die im Kontinuum nicht zu finden sind, und diese These ist ein wichtiger Beitrag in diese Richtung. Auch solche Gittermodelle, die Anyons enthalten, sind beson- ders wichtig, um die Bewegung von Anyons zu steuern, während sie experimentell mit ultrakalten Atomen in optischen Gittern implementiert werden. Wir konstruieren Gittermodelle, indem wir analytische Zustände und Eltern-Hamiltonianer auf einer zwei- dimensionalen Ebene implementieren, die nicht-abelsche Anyons enthält, die als Kan- didaten für Quantenberechnungen vorgeschlagen werden. Solche Gittermodelle sind geeignet, sowohl Quasi-Löcher als auch Quasielektronen auf ähnliche Weise zu erzeu- gen und dadurch das Singularitätsproblem für die Quasielektronen im Kontinuum zu vermeiden. Jeder in diesen Modellen wird mit angemessenen Gebühren und richtigen Statistiken gut überprüft. Über zwei Dimensionen hinaus enträtseln wir die faszinierende Physik topologisch geordneter Phasen der Materie in fraktionierten Dimensionen wie in den fraktalen Gittern, indem wir dort unsere Modellkonstruktionen von analytischen Zuständen und Eltern-Hamiltonianern verwenden. Wir finden, dass die Anyons mit den richtigen Gebühren und Statistiken für alle Dimensionen gut überprüft werden. Unsere Arbeit macht den ersten Schritt, um die Lücke zwischen zwei Dimensionen und einer Dimension zu schließen und topologische Phasen anzugehen, die neue Physik enthüllen. Unsere Konstruktionen sind in diesem Zusammenhang besonders wichtig, da solche Gitter keine Translationssymmetrie aufweisen und daher für die fraktionierten Chern- Isolatorimplementierungen ungeeignet werden. Die besonderen Merkmale topologisch geordneter Phasen machen es schwierig, diese zu untersuchen, und daher wird die Detek- tion topologischer Quantenphasenübergänge schwierig. Die vorhandenen Sonden leiden in hohem Maße unter Mängeln, weshalb die Konstruktion neuer Sondenarten wichtig wird und eine hohe Nachfrage besteht. Die Robustheit der Anyon-Eigenschaften lenkt unsere Aufmerksamkeit darauf, diese als Detektor für topologische Quantenphasenübergänge mit signifikanten Vorteilen vorzuschlagen, einschließlich der Tatsache, dass dies numerisch billigere Sonden sind und von den Randbedingungen unabhängig sind. Wir testen unsere Sonde in drei verschiedenen Beispielen und stellen fest, dass einfache Eigenschaften wie Ladungen die Übergänge erfassen

    International Congress of Mathematicians: 2022 July 6–14: Proceedings of the ICM 2022

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    Following the long and illustrious tradition of the International Congress of Mathematicians, these proceedings include contributions based on the invited talks that were presented at the Congress in 2022. Published with the support of the International Mathematical Union and edited by Dmitry Beliaev and Stanislav Smirnov, these seven volumes present the most important developments in all fields of mathematics and its applications in the past four years. In particular, they include laudations and presentations of the 2022 Fields Medal winners and of the other prestigious prizes awarded at the Congress. The proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians provide an authoritative documentation of contemporary research in all branches of mathematics, and are an indispensable part of every mathematical library