5 research outputs found

    Instance nationale et multi-communauté de DIRAC pour France Grilles

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    DIRAC [DIRAC] [TSA-08] is a software framework for building distributed computing systems. It was primarily designed forthe needs of the LHCb [LHCb] Collaboration, and is now used by many other communities within EGI [EGI] as a primary wayof accessing grid resources. In France, dedicated instances of the service have been deployed in different locations toanswer specific needs. Building upon this existing expertise, France Grilles [FG] initiated last year a project to deploy anational, multi-community instance in order to share expertise and provide a consistent high-quality service. After describingDIRAC main aims and functionalities, this paper presents the motivations for such a project, as well as the wholeorganizational and technical process that led to the establishment of a production instance that already serves 13communities: astro.vo.eu-egee.org, biomed, esr, euasia, gilda, glast.org, prod.vo.eu-eela.eu, superbvo.org,vo.formation.idgrilles.fr, vo.france-asia.org, vo.france-grilles.fr, vo.msfg.fr and vo.mcia.fr

    Dynamic virtualization of AliEn grid jobs using the Vmbatch system

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    The Vmbatch system is shown to be a robust and reliable system for running batch jobs inside virtual machines. The system has been developed as a lightweight tool to establish and clean up virtual machines for CernVM processing of ALICE grid jobs. It can work with a stock guest image and interfaces with the Torque batch system. With the use of virtualization, the system can create a homogeneous execution environment for grid jobs that can be expanded dynamically upon availability of generic computing resources

    Effect of Cloud Computing in Accounting and Comparison with the Traditional Model

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    With advances in technology and information needed to perform computing tasks everywhere and all the time there. Because the world of accounting in Recent years has considerably changed and this change is accelerating, major accounting firms and professional services organizations, which are increasingly more IT. In this context, it is important that companies take their heavy computing tasks without expensive hardware and software of Through the services do. Last response to the needs of cloud computing technology. Cloud computing is a hot topic since the accounting world of accounting Currently, the aim of this paper is to examine cloud computing and its impact on accounting, along with the pros and cons of this technology in comparison with models Will be traditional. Keywords:  Cloud, cloud computing, cloud accountin

    Automatic Scaling in Cloud Computing

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    This dissertation thesis deals with automatic scaling in cloud computing, mainly focusing on the performance of interactive workloads, that is web servers and services, running in an elastic cloud environment. In the rst part of the thesis, the possibility of forecasting the daily curve of workload is evaluated using long-range seasonal techniques of statistical time series analysis. The accuracy is high enough to enable either green computing or lling the unused capacity with batch jobs, hence the need for long-range forecasts. The second part focuses on simulations of automatic scaling, which is necessary for the interactive workload to actually free up space when it is not being utilized at peak capacity. Cloud users are mostly scared of letting a machine control their servers, which is why realistic simulations are needed. We have explored two methods, event-driven simulation and queuetheoretic models. During work on the rst, we have extended the widely-used CloudSim simulation package to be able to dynamically scale the simulation setup at run time and have corrected its engine using knowledge from queueing theory. Our own simulator then relies solely on theoretical models, making it much more precise and much faster than the more general CloudSim. The tools from the two parts together constitute the theoretical foundation which, once implemented in practice, can help leverage cloud technology to actually increase the e ciency of data center hardware. In particular, the main contributions of the dissertation thesis are as follows: 1. New methodology for forecasting time series of web server load and its validation 2. Extension of the often-used simulator CloudSim for interactive load and increasing the accuracy of its output 3. Design and implementation of a fast and accurate simulator of automatic scaling using queueing theoryTato dizerta cn pr ace se zab yv a cloud computingem, konkr etn e se zam e ruje na v ykon interaktivn z at e ze, nap r klad webov ych server u a slu zeb, kter e b e z v elastick em cloudov em prost red . V prvn c asti pr ace je zhodnocena mo znost p redpov d an denn k rivky z at e ze pomoc metod statistick e anal yzy casov ych rad se sez onn m prvkem a dlouh ym dosahem. P resnost je dostate cn e vysok a, aby umo znila bu d set ren energi nebo vypl nov an nevyu zit e kapacity d avkov ymi ulohami, jejich z doba b ehu je hlavn m d uvodem pro pot rebu dlouhodob e p redpov edi. Druh a c ast se zam e ruje na simulace automatick eho sk alov an , kter e je nutn e, aby interaktivn z at e z skute cn e uvolnila prostor, pokud nen vyt e zov ana na plnou kapacitu. U zivatel e cloud u se p rev a zn e boj nechat stroj, aby ovl adal jejich servery, a pr av e proto jsou pot reba realistick e simulace. Prozkoumali jsme dv e metody, konkr etn e simulaci s prom enn ym casov ym krokem r zen ym ud alostmi a modely z teorie hromadn e obsluhy. B ehem pr ace na prvn z t echto metod jsme roz s rili siroce pou z van y simula cn bal k CloudSim o mo znost dynamicky sk alovat simulovan y syst em za b ehu a opravili jsme jeho j adro za pomoci znalost z teorie hromadn e obsluhy. N a s vlastn simul ator se pak spol eh a pouze na teoretick e modely, co z ho cin p resn ej s m a mnohem rychlej s m ne zli obecn ej s CloudSim. N astroje z obou c ast pr ace tvo r dohromady teoretick y z aklad, kter y, pokud bude implementov an v praxi, pom u ze vyu z t technologii cloudu tak, aby se skute cn e zv y sila efektivita vyu zit hardwaru datov ych center. Hlavn p r nosy t eto dizerta cn pr ace jsou n asleduj c : 1. Stanoven metodologie pro p redpov d an casov ych rad z at e ze webov ych server u a jej validace 2. Roz s ren casto citovan eho simul atoru CloudSim o mo znost simulace interaktivn z at e ze a zp resn en jeho v ysledk u 3. N avrh a implementace rychl eho a p resn eho simul atoru automatick eho sk alov an vyu z vaj c ho teorii hromadn e obsluhyKatedra kybernetik