1,659 research outputs found

    Computing with Membranes and Picture Arrays

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    Splicing systems were introduced by Tom Head [3] on biological considerations to model certain recombinant behaviour of DNA molecules. An effective extension of this operation to images was introduced by Helen Chandra et al. [5] and H array splicing systems were considered. A new method of applying the splicing operation on images of hexagonal arrays was introduced by Thomas et al. [12] and generated a new class of hexagonal array languages HASSL. On the other hand, P systems, introduced by Paun [6] generating rectangular arrays and hexagonal arrays have been studied in the literature, bringing together the two areas of theoretical computer science namely membrane computing and picture languages. P system with array objects and parallel splicing operation on arrays is introduced as a simple and effective extension of P system with operation of splicing on strings and this new class of array languages is compared with the existing families of array languages. Also we propose another P system with hexagonal array objects and parallel splicing operation on hexagonal arrays is introduced and this new class of hexagonal array languages is compared with the existing families of hexagonal array languages

    Distribution of the Number of Encryptions in Revocation Schemes for Stateless Receivers

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    We study the number of encryptions necessary to revoke a set of users in the complete subtree scheme (CST) and the subset-difference scheme (SD). These are well-known tree based broadcast encryption schemes. Park and Blake in: Journal of Discrete Algorithms, vol. 4, 2006, pp. 215--238, give the mean number of encryptions for these schemes. We continue their analysis and show that the limiting distribution of the number of encryptions for these schemes is normal. This implies that the mean numbers of Park and Blake are good estimates for the number of necessary encryptions used by these schemes

    Perspectives: Journal of discrete algorithms special String Masters issue (editorial)

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    After four previous journal issues of StringMasters1 papers [2], [3], [4] and [5], this fifth volume perhaps provides a felicitous moment to look back, to reflect on eight years of StringMasters events, more generally on a half-century of stringology/combinatorics-on-words in the age of the digital computer..

    Forwarding and optical indices of 4-regular circulant networks

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    An all-to-all routing in a graph GG is a set of oriented paths of GG, with exactly one path for each ordered pair of vertices. The load of an edge under an all-to-all routing RR is the number of times it is used (in either direction) by paths of RR, and the maximum load of an edge is denoted by π(G,R)\pi(G,R). The edge-forwarding index π(G)\pi(G) is the minimum of π(G,R)\pi(G,R) over all possible all-to-all routings RR, and the arc-forwarding index π(G)\overrightarrow{\pi}(G) is defined similarly by taking direction into consideration, where an arc is an ordered pair of adjacent vertices. Denote by w(G,R)w(G,R) the minimum number of colours required to colour the paths of RR such that any two paths having an edge in common receive distinct colours. The optical index w(G)w(G) is defined to be the minimum of w(G,R)w(G,R) over all possible RR, and the directed optical index w(G)\overrightarrow{w}(G) is defined similarly by requiring that any two paths having an arc in common receive distinct colours. In this paper we obtain lower and upper bounds on these four invariants for 44-regular circulant graphs with connection set {±1,±s}\{\pm 1,\pm s\}, 1<s<n/21<s<n/2. We give approximation algorithms with performance ratio a small constant for the corresponding forwarding index and routing and wavelength assignment problems for some families of 44-regular circulant graphs.Comment: 19 pages, no figure in Journal of Discrete Algorithms 201

    Fast Searching in Packed Strings

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    Given strings PP and QQ the (exact) string matching problem is to find all positions of substrings in QQ matching PP. The classical Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm [SIAM J. Comput., 1977] solves the string matching problem in linear time which is optimal if we can only read one character at the time. However, most strings are stored in a computer in a packed representation with several characters in a single word, giving us the opportunity to read multiple characters simultaneously. In this paper we study the worst-case complexity of string matching on strings given in packed representation. Let mnm \leq n be the lengths PP and QQ, respectively, and let σ\sigma denote the size of the alphabet. On a standard unit-cost word-RAM with logarithmic word size we present an algorithm using time O\left(\frac{n}{\log_\sigma n} + m + \occ\right). Here \occ is the number of occurrences of PP in QQ. For m=o(n)m = o(n) this improves the O(n)O(n) bound of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm. Furthermore, if m=O(n/logσn)m = O(n/\log_\sigma n) our algorithm is optimal since any algorithm must spend at least \Omega(\frac{(n+m)\log \sigma}{\log n} + \occ) = \Omega(\frac{n}{\log_\sigma n} + \occ) time to read the input and report all occurrences. The result is obtained by a novel automaton construction based on the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm combined with a new compact representation of subautomata allowing an optimal tabulation-based simulation.Comment: To appear in Journal of Discrete Algorithms. Special Issue on CPM 200

    An Integer Programming Approach to the Student-Project Allocation Problem with Preferences over Projects

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    The Student-Project Allocation problem with preferences over Projects (SPA-P) involves sets of students, projects and lecturers, where the students and lecturers each have preferences over the projects. In this context, we typically seek a stable matching of students to projects (and lecturers). However, these stable matchings can have different sizes, and the problem of finding a maximum stable matching (MAX-SPA-P) is NP-hard. There are two known approximation algorithms for MAX-SPA-P, with performance guarantees of 2 and 32 . In this paper, we describe an Integer Programming (IP) model to enable MAX-SPA-P to be solved optimally. Following this, we present results arising from an empirical analysis that investigates how the solution produced by the approximation algorithms compares to the optimal solution obtained from the IP model, with respect to the size of the stable matchings constructed, on instances that are both randomly-generated and derived from real datasets. Our main finding is that the 32 -approximation algorithm finds stable matchings that are very close to having maximum cardinality

    Profile-Based Optimal Matchings in the Student-Project Allocation Problem

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    In the Student/Project Allocation problem (spa) we seek to assign students to individual or group projects offered by lecturers. Students provide a list of projects they find acceptable in order of preference. Each student can be assigned to at most one project and there are constraints on the maximum number of students that can be assigned to each project and lecturer. We seek matchings of students to projects that are optimal with respect to profile, which is a vector whose rth component indicates how many students have their rth-choice project. We present an efficient algorithm for finding agreedy maximum matching in the spa context – this is a maximum matching whose profile is lexicographically maximum. We then show how to adapt this algorithm to find a generous maximum matching – this is a matching whose reverse profile is lexicographically minimum. Our algorithms involve finding optimal flows in networks. We demonstrate how this approach can allow for additional constraints, such as lecturer lower quotas, to be handled flexibly