272,583 research outputs found

    Fast Computation of Solvation Free Energies with Molecular Density Functional Theory: Thermodynamic-Ensemble Partial Molar Volume Corrections

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    Molecular Density Functional Theory (MDFT) offers an efficient implicit- solvent method to estimate molecule solvation free-energies whereas conserving a fully molecular representation of the solvent. Even within a second order ap- proximation for the free-energy functional, the so-called homogeneous reference uid approximation, we show that the hydration free-energies computed for a dataset of 500 organic compounds are of similar quality as those obtained from molecular dynamics free-energy perturbation simulations, with a computer cost reduced by two to three orders of magnitude. This requires to introduce the proper partial volume correction to transform the results from the grand canoni- cal to the isobaric-isotherm ensemble that is pertinent to experiments. We show that this correction can be extended to 3D-RISM calculations, giving a sound theoretical justifcation to empirical partial molar volume corrections that have been proposed recently.Comment: Version with correct equation numbers is here: http://compchemmpi.wikispaces.com/file/view/sergiievskyi_et_al.pdf/513575848/sergiievskyi_et_al.pdf Supporting information available online at: http://compchemmpi.wikispaces.com/file/view/SuppInf_sergiievskyi_et_al_07-04-2014.pdf/513576008/SuppInf_sergiievskyi_et_al_07-04-2014.pd

    Variational Principle of Bogoliubov and Generalized Mean Fields in Many-Particle Interacting Systems

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    The approach to the theory of many-particle interacting systems from a unified standpoint, based on the variational principle for free energy is reviewed. A systematic discussion is given of the approximate free energies of complex statistical systems. The analysis is centered around the variational principle of N. N. Bogoliubov for free energy in the context of its applications to various problems of statistical mechanics and condensed matter physics. The review presents a terse discussion of selected works carried out over the past few decades on the theory of many-particle interacting systems in terms of the variational inequalities. It is the purpose of this paper to discuss some of the general principles which form the mathematical background to this approach, and to establish a connection of the variational technique with other methods, such as the method of the mean (or self-consistent) field in the many-body problem, in which the effect of all the other particles on any given particle is approximated by a single averaged effect, thus reducing a many-body problem to a single-body problem. The method is illustrated by applying it to various systems of many-particle interacting systems, such as Ising and Heisenberg models, superconducting and superfluid systems, strongly correlated systems, etc. It seems likely that these technical advances in the many-body problem will be useful in suggesting new methods for treating and understanding many-particle interacting systems. This work proposes a new, general and pedagogical presentation, intended both for those who are interested in basic aspects, and for those who are interested in concrete applications.Comment: 60 pages, Refs.25

    Solvation in atomic liquids: connection between Gaussian field theory and density functional theory

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    For the problem of molecular solvation, formulated as a liquid submitted to the external potential field created by a molecular solute of arbitrary shape dissolved in that solvent, we draw a connection between the Gaussian field theory derived by David Chandler [Phys. Rev. E, 1993, 48, 2898] and classical density functional theory. We show that Chandler's results concerning the solvation of a hard core of arbitrary shape can be recovered by either minimising a linearised HNC functional using an auxiliary Lagrange multiplier field to impose a vanishing density inside the core, or by minimising this functional directly outside the core --- indeed a simpler procedure. Those equivalent approaches are compared to two other variants of DFT, either in the HNC, or partially linearised HNC approximation, for the solvation of a Lennard-Jones solute of increasing size in a Lennard-Jones solvent. Compared to Monte-Carlo simulations, all those theories give acceptable results for the inhomogeneous solvent structure, but are completely out-of-range for the solvation free-energies. This can be fixed in DFT by adding a hard-sphere bridge correction to the HNC functional.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Convergent series for lattice models with polynomial interactions

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    The standard perturbative weak-coupling expansions in lattice models are asymptotic. The reason for this is hidden in the incorrect interchange of the summation and integration. However, substituting the Gaussian initial approximation of the perturbative expansions by a certain interacting model or regularizing original lattice integrals, one can construct desired convergent series. In this paper we develop methods, which are based on the joint and separate utilization of the regularization and new initial approximation. We prove, that the convergent series exist and can be expressed as the re-summed standard perturbation theory for any model on the finite lattice with the polynomial interaction of even degree. We discuss properties of such series and make them applicable to practical computations. The workability of the methods is demonstrated on the example of the lattice ϕ4\phi^4-model. We calculate the operator ϕn2\langle\phi_n^2\rangle using the convergent series, the comparison of the results with the Borel re-summation and Monte Carlo simulations shows a good agreement between all these methods.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figure