399 research outputs found

    Reservoir computing approaches for representation and classification of multivariate time series

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    Classification of multivariate time series (MTS) has been tackled with a large variety of methodologies and applied to a wide range of scenarios. Reservoir Computing (RC) provides efficient tools to generate a vectorial, fixed-size representation of the MTS that can be further processed by standard classifiers. Despite their unrivaled training speed, MTS classifiers based on a standard RC architecture fail to achieve the same accuracy of fully trainable neural networks. In this paper we introduce the reservoir model space, an unsupervised approach based on RC to learn vectorial representations of MTS. Each MTS is encoded within the parameters of a linear model trained to predict a low-dimensional embedding of the reservoir dynamics. Compared to other RC methods, our model space yields better representations and attains comparable computational performance, thanks to an intermediate dimensionality reduction procedure. As a second contribution we propose a modular RC framework for MTS classification, with an associated open-source Python library. The framework provides different modules to seamlessly implement advanced RC architectures. The architectures are compared to other MTS classifiers, including deep learning models and time series kernels. Results obtained on benchmark and real-world MTS datasets show that RC classifiers are dramatically faster and, when implemented using our proposed representation, also achieve superior classification accuracy

    Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis

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    The computer-assisted analysis for better interpreting images have been longstanding issues in the medical imaging field. On the image-understanding front, recent advances in machine learning, especially, in the way of deep learning, have made a big leap to help identify, classify, and quantify patterns in medical images. Specifically, exploiting hierarchical feature representations learned solely from data, instead of handcrafted features mostly designed based on domain-specific knowledge, lies at the core of the advances. In that way, deep learning is rapidly proving to be the state-of-the-art foundation, achieving enhanced performances in various medical applications. In this article, we introduce the fundamentals of deep learning methods; review their successes to image registration, anatomical/cell structures detection, tissue segmentation, computer-aided disease diagnosis or prognosis, and so on. We conclude by raising research issues and suggesting future directions for further improvements

    Multi-view Multi-label Fine-grained Emotion Decoding from Human Brain Activity

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    Decoding emotional states from human brain activity plays an important role in brain-computer interfaces. Existing emotion decoding methods still have two main limitations: one is only decoding a single emotion category from a brain activity pattern and the decoded emotion categories are coarse-grained, which is inconsistent with the complex emotional expression of human; the other is ignoring the discrepancy of emotion expression between the left and right hemispheres of human brain. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-view multi-label hybrid model for fine-grained emotion decoding (up to 80 emotion categories) which can learn the expressive neural representations and predicting multiple emotional states simultaneously. Specifically, the generative component of our hybrid model is parametrized by a multi-view variational auto-encoder, in which we regard the brain activity of left and right hemispheres and their difference as three distinct views, and use the product of expert mechanism in its inference network. The discriminative component of our hybrid model is implemented by a multi-label classification network with an asymmetric focal loss. For more accurate emotion decoding, we first adopt a label-aware module for emotion-specific neural representations learning and then model the dependency of emotional states by a masked self-attention mechanism. Extensive experiments on two visually evoked emotional datasets show the superiority of our method.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning System

    Hybrid Predictive Coding: Inferring, Fast and Slow

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    Predictive coding is an influential model of cortical neural activity. It proposes that perceptual beliefs are furnished by sequentially minimising "prediction errors" - the differences between predicted and observed data. Implicit in this proposal is the idea that perception requires multiple cycles of neural activity. This is at odds with evidence that several aspects of visual perception - including complex forms of object recognition - arise from an initial "feedforward sweep" that occurs on fast timescales which preclude substantial recurrent activity. Here, we propose that the feedforward sweep can be understood as performing amortized inference and recurrent processing can be understood as performing iterative inference. We propose a hybrid predictive coding network that combines both iterative and amortized inference in a principled manner by describing both in terms of a dual optimization of a single objective function. We show that the resulting scheme can be implemented in a biologically plausible neural architecture that approximates Bayesian inference utilising local Hebbian update rules. We demonstrate that our hybrid predictive coding model combines the benefits of both amortized and iterative inference -- obtaining rapid and computationally cheap perceptual inference for familiar data while maintaining the context-sensitivity, precision, and sample efficiency of iterative inference schemes. Moreover, we show how our model is inherently sensitive to its uncertainty and adaptively balances iterative and amortized inference to obtain accurate beliefs using minimum computational expense. Hybrid predictive coding offers a new perspective on the functional relevance of the feedforward and recurrent activity observed during visual perception and offers novel insights into distinct aspects of visual phenomenology.Comment: 05/04/22 initial upload. 06/04/22 added acknowledgements sectio

    Recurrent Session Approach to Generative Association Rule based Recommendation

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    This article introduces a generative association rule (AR)-based recommendation system (RS) using a recurrent neural network approach implemented when a user searches for an item in a browsing session. It is proposed to overcome the limitations of the traditional AR-based RS which implements query-based sessions that are not adaptive to input series, thus failing to generate recommendations.  The dataset used is accurate retail transaction data from online stores in Europe. The contribution of the proposed method is a next-item prediction model using LSTM, but what is trained to develop the model is an associative rule string, not a string of items in a purchase transaction. The proposed model predicts the next item generatively, while the traditional method discriminatively. As a result, for an array of items that the user has viewed in a browsing session, the model can always recommend the following items when traditional methods cannot.  In addition, the results of user-centered validation of several metrics show that although the level of accuracy (similarity) of recommended products and products seen by users is only 20%, other metrics reach above 70%, such as novelty, diversity, attractiveness and enjoyability

    Generative-Discriminative Low Rank Decomposition for Medical Imaging Applications

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    In this thesis, we propose a method that can be used to extract biomarkers from medical images toward early diagnosis of abnormalities. Surge of demand for biomarkers and availability of medical images in the recent years call for accurate, repeatable, and interpretable approaches for extracting meaningful imaging features. However, extracting such information from medical images is a challenging task because the number of pixels (voxels) in a typical image is in order of millions while even a large sample-size in medical image dataset does not usually exceed a few hundred. Nevertheless, depending on the nature of an abnormality, only a parsimonious subset of voxels is typically relevant to the disease; therefore various notions of sparsity are exploited in this thesis to improve the generalization performance of the prediction task. We propose a novel discriminative dimensionality reduction method that yields good classification performance on various datasets without compromising the clinical interpretability of the results. This is achieved by combining the modelling strength of generative learning framework and the classification performance of discriminative learning paradigm. Clinical interpretability can be viewed as an additional measure of evaluation and is also helpful in designing methods that account for the clinical prior such as association of certain areas in a brain to a particular cognitive task or connectivity of some brain regions via neural fibres. We formulate our method as a large-scale optimization problem to solve a constrained matrix factorization. Finding an optimal solution of the large-scale matrix factorization renders off-the-shelf solver computationally prohibitive; therefore, we designed an efficient algorithm based on the proximal method to address the computational bottle-neck of the optimization problem. Our formulation is readily extended for different scenarios such as cases where a large cohort of subjects has uncertain or no class labels (semi-supervised learning) or a case where each subject has a battery of imaging channels (multi-channel), \etc. We show that by using various notions of sparsity as feasible sets of the optimization problem, we can encode different forms of prior knowledge ranging from brain parcellation to brain connectivity
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