5 research outputs found

    Multi-Scale Spatially Weighted Local Histograms in O(1)

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    Weighting pixel contribution considering its location is a key feature in many fundamental image processing tasks including filtering, object modeling and distance matching. Several techniques have been proposed that incorporate Spatial information to increase the accuracy and boost the performance of detection, tracking and recognition systems at the cost of speed. But, it is still not clear how to efficiently ex- tract weighted local histograms in constant time using integral histogram. This paper presents a novel algorithm to compute accurately multi-scale Spatially weighted local histograms in constant time using Weighted Integral Histogram (SWIH) for fast search. We applied our spatially weighted integral histogram approach for fast tracking and obtained more accurate and robust target localization result in comparison with using plain histogram.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Spatial Pyramid Context-Aware Moving Object Detection and Tracking for Full Motion Video and Wide Aerial Motion Imagery

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    A robust and fast automatic moving object detection and tracking system is essential to characterize target object and extract spatial and temporal information for different functionalities including video surveillance systems, urban traffic monitoring and navigation, robotic. In this dissertation, I present a collaborative Spatial Pyramid Context-aware moving object detection and Tracking system. The proposed visual tracker is composed of one master tracker that usually relies on visual object features and two auxiliary trackers based on object temporal motion information that will be called dynamically to assist master tracker. SPCT utilizes image spatial context at different level to make the video tracking system resistant to occlusion, background noise and improve target localization accuracy and robustness. We chose a pre-selected seven-channel complementary features including RGB color, intensity and spatial pyramid of HoG to encode object color, shape and spatial layout information. We exploit integral histogram as building block to meet the demands of real-time performance. A novel fast algorithm is presented to accurately evaluate spatially weighted local histograms in constant time complexity using an extension of the integral histogram method. Different techniques are explored to efficiently compute integral histogram on GPU architecture and applied for fast spatio-temporal median computations and 3D face reconstruction texturing. We proposed a multi-component framework based on semantic fusion of motion information with projected building footprint map to significantly reduce the false alarm rate in urban scenes with many tall structures. The experiments on extensive VOTC2016 benchmark dataset and aerial video confirm that combining complementary tracking cues in an intelligent fusion framework enables persistent tracking for Full Motion Video and Wide Aerial Motion Imagery.Comment: PhD Dissertation (162 pages


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    Stereo vision from short-baseline image pairs is one of the most active research fields in computer vision. The estimation of dense disparity maps from stereo image pairs is still a challenging task and there is further space for improving accuracy, minimizing the computational cost and handling more efficiently outliers, low-textured areas, repeated textures, disparity discontinuities and light variations. This PhD thesis presents two novel methodologies relating to stereo vision from short-baseline image pairs: I. The first methodology combines three different cost metrics, defined using colour, the CENSUS transform and SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) coefficients. The selected cost metrics are aggregated based on an adaptive weights approach, in order to calculate their corresponding cost volumes. The resulting cost volumes are merged into a combined one, following a novel two-phase strategy, which is further refined by exploiting semi-global optimization. A mean-shift segmentation-driven approach is exploited to deal with outliers in the disparity maps. Additionally, low-textured areas are handled using disparity histogram analysis, which allows for reliable disparity plane fitting on these areas. II. The second methodology relies on content-based guided image filtering and weighted semi-global optimization. Initially, the approach uses a pixel-based cost term that combines gradient, Gabor-Feature and colour information. The pixel-based matching costs are filtered by applying guided image filtering, which relies on support windows of two different sizes. In this way, two filtered costs are estimated for each pixel. Among the two filtered costs, the one that will be finally assigned to each pixel, depends on the local image content around this pixel. The filtered cost volume is further refined by exploiting weighted semi-global optimization, which improves the disparity accuracy. The handling of the occluded areas is enhanced by incorporating a straightforward and time efficient scheme. The evaluation results show that both methodologies are very accurate, since they handle efficiently low-textured/occluded areas and disparity discontinuities. Additionally, the second approach has very low computational complexity. Except for the aforementioned two methodologies that use as input short-baseline image pairs, this PhD thesis presents a novel methodology for generating 3D point clouds of good accuracy from wide-baseline stereo pairs

    Percepci贸n basada en visi贸n estereosc贸pica, planificaci贸n de trayectorias y estrategias de navegaci贸n para exploraci贸n rob贸tica aut贸noma

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    Tesis in茅dita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Inform谩tica, Departamento de Ingenier铆a del Software e Inteligencia artificial, le铆da el 13-05-2015En esta tesis se trata el desarrollo de una estrategia de navegaci贸n aut贸noma basada en visi贸n artificial para exploraci贸n rob贸tica aut贸noma de superficies planetarias. Se han desarrollado una serie de subsistemas, m贸dulos y software espec铆ficos para la investigaci贸n desarrollada en este trabajo, ya que la mayor铆a de las herramientas existentes para este dominio son propiedad de agencias espaciales nacionales, no accesibles a la comunidad cient铆fica. Se ha dise帽ado una arquitectura software modular multi-capa con varios niveles jer谩rquicos para albergar el conjunto de algoritmos que implementan la estrategia de navegaci贸n aut贸noma y garantizar la portabilidad del software, su reutilizaci贸n e independencia del hardware. Se incluye tambi茅n el dise帽o de un entorno de trabajo destinado a dar soporte al desarrollo de las estrategias de navegaci贸n. 脡ste se basa parcialmente en herramientas de c贸digo abierto al alcance de cualquier investigador o instituci贸n, con las necesarias adaptaciones y extensiones, e incluye capacidades de simulaci贸n 3D, modelos de veh铆culos rob贸ticos, sensores, y entornos operacionales, emulando superficies planetarias como Marte, para el an谩lisis y validaci贸n a nivel funcional de las estrategias de navegaci贸n desarrolladas. Este entorno tambi茅n ofrece capacidades de depuraci贸n y monitorizaci贸n.La presente tesis se compone de dos partes principales. En la primera se aborda el dise帽o y desarrollo de las capacidades de autonom铆a de alto nivel de un rover, centr谩ndose en la navegaci贸n aut贸noma, con el soporte de las capacidades de simulaci贸n y monitorizaci贸n del entorno de trabajo previo. Se han llevado a cabo un conjunto de experimentos de campo, con un robot y hardware real, detall谩ndose resultados, tiempo de procesamiento de algoritmos, as铆 como el comportamiento y rendimiento del sistema en general. Como resultado, se ha identificado al sistema de percepci贸n como un componente crucial dentro de la estrategia de navegaci贸n y, por tanto, el foco principal de potenciales optimizaciones y mejoras del sistema. Como consecuencia, en la segunda parte de este trabajo, se afronta el problema de la correspondencia en im谩genes est茅reo y reconstrucci贸n 3D de entornos naturales no estructurados. Se han analizado una serie de algoritmos de correspondencia, procesos de imagen y filtros. Generalmente se asume que las intensidades de puntos correspondientes en im谩genes del mismo par est茅reo es la misma. Sin embargo, se ha comprobado que esta suposici贸n es a menudo falsa, a pesar de que ambas se adquieren con un sistema de visi贸n compuesto de dos c谩maras id茅nticas. En consecuencia, se propone un sistema experto para la correcci贸n autom谩tica de intensidades en pares de im谩genes est茅reo y reconstrucci贸n 3D del entorno basado en procesos de imagen no aplicados hasta ahora en el campo de la visi贸n est茅reo. 脡stos son el filtrado homom贸rfico y la correspondencia de histogramas, que han sido dise帽ados para corregir intensidades coordinadamente, ajustando una imagen en funci贸n de la otra. Los resultados se han podido optimizar adicionalmente gracias al dise帽o de un proceso de agrupaci贸n basado en el principio de continuidad espacial para eliminar falsos positivos y correspondencias err贸neas. Se han estudiado los efectos de la aplicaci贸n de dichos filtros, en etapas previas y posteriores al proceso de correspondencia, con eficiencia verificada favorablemente. Su aplicaci贸n ha permitido la obtenci贸n de un mayor n煤mero de correspondencias v谩lidas en comparaci贸n con los resultados obtenidos sin la aplicaci贸n de los mismos, consiguiendo mejoras significativas en los mapas de disparidad y, por lo tanto, en los procesos globales de percepci贸n y reconstrucci贸n 3D.Depto. de Ingenier铆a de Software e Inteligencia Artificial (ISIA)Fac. de Inform谩ticaTRUEunpu

    Joint integral histograms and its application in stereo matching

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    In this paper, we first propose a technique, referred as joint integral histograms, for weighted filtering with O(1) computational complexity. The technique is built on the classic integral images and the recent integral histograms. In a joint integral histogram, instead of remembering bin occurrences, the value at each bin indicates an integral defined by two signals. Beyond the integral histograms, our method supports weighted filtering with a more general form, where the weight could be a function of a signal different from the signal to be filtered. Then, we present a local stereo matching approach as an instantiation of the technique. Using the joint integral histograms, we achieve a speedup factor of about two orders of magnitude. Thanks to the huge speedup, the stereo method is among the best local approaches in terms of the trade-off between matching accuracy and execution speed. Experimental results demonstrate the advantages of both the joint integral histograms technique and the stereo matching approach. 漏 2010 IEEE.Zhang K., Lafruit G., Lauwereins R., Van Gool L., ''Joint integral histograms and its application in stereo matching'', International conference on image processing - ICIP 2010, pp. 817-820, September 26-29, 2010, Hong Kong.status: publishe