211 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of interference cancellation techniques using adaptive antennas

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    Two array-based algorithms, which jointly exploit or compensate for the spatial and temporal characteristics of the propagation channel, are proposed for intercell interference suppression in UMTS scenarios. The first one is the array extension of the Viterbi algorithm and is referred to as Vector Viterbi algorithm (VVA). The second algorithm, known as filtered training sequence multisensor receiver (FTS-MR), belongs to a class of algorithms in which a narrowband beamformer is placed prior to the MLSE detector. In order to assess performance of the proposed schemes, a set of link-level computer simulations adopting FRAMES' proposal for UMTS air-interface as well as realistic channel models for third generation communication systems is provided, Simulation results reveal gains, in terms of C/I, of 7-10 dB for the VVA with respect to the conventional VA and even higher for the FTS-MR.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    EM-Based iterative channel estimation and sequence detection for space-time coded modulation

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    Reliable detection of signals transmitted over a wireless communication channel requires knowledge of the channel estimate. In this work, the application of expectationmaximization (EM) algorithm to estimation of unknown channel and detection of space-time coded modulation (STCM) signals is investigated. An STCM communication system is presented which includes symbol interleaving at the transmitter and iterative EM-based soft-output decoding at the receiver. The channel and signal model are introduced with a quasi-static and time-varying Rayleigh fading channels considered to evaluate the performance of the communication system. Performance of the system employing Kalman filter with per-survivor processing to do the channel estimation and Viterbi algorithm for sequence detection is used as a reference. The first approach to apply the EM algorithm to channel estimation presents a design of an online receiver with sliding data window. Next, a block-processing EM-based iterative receiver is presented which utilizes soft values of a posteriori probabilities (APP) with maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) as the criterion of optimality in both: detection and channel estimation stages (APP-EM receiver). In addition, a symbol interleaver is introduced at the transmitter which has a great desirable impact on system performance. First, it eliminates error propagation between the detection and channel estimation stages in the receiver EM loop. Second, the interleaver increases the diversity advantage to combat deep fades of a fast fading channel. In the first basic version of the APP-EM iterative receiver, it is assumed that noise variance at the receiver input is known. Then a modified version of the receiver is presented where such assumption is not made. In addition to sequence detection and channel estimation, the EM iteration loop includes the estimation of unknown additive white Gaussian noise variance. Finally, different properties of the APP-EM iterative receiver are investigated including the effects of training sequence length on system performance, interleaver and channel correlation length effects and the performance of the system at different Rayleigh channel fading rates

    Distribution dependent adaptive learning

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    Robust optical transmission systems : modulation and equalization

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    Comparison of proposals for the future aeronautical communication system LDACS

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    Um zukünftigen Kapazitätsbedarf in aeronautischer Navigation abzudecken, werden neue Bord und Boden Kommunikationsdienste gebraucht. Die europäische Organisation für Sicherheit und Luftnavigation, Eurocontrol, unterstützte die Entwicklung zweier Vorschläge für ein solches System. Der erste Vorschlag, genannt LDACS1, ist ein digitales Breitband OFDM basiertes System, welches vom Institut für Kommunikation und Navigation, DLR entwickelt wurde. Der zweite Vorschlag, LDACS2 wird von einem Projektteam bestehend aus EGIS ASVIA, Helios SWEDAVIA und anderen entwickelt. LDACS2 folgt einem single carrier Steuerung mit einer GMSK Modulation. Beide Systeme sind für das Bedienen des aeronautischen Teils des L-Band (960-1164 MHz) gedacht. Diese Frequenz wird jedoch bereits von verschiedenen aeronautischen alte Systemen wie z.B. zivile Luftfahrtnavigation DME oder militärische Kommunikationssystemen (vereinigtes taktisches Informationsverteilungssystem JTIDS) eingesetzt. Darüber hinaus, LDACS ist offen für in der Luft befindlich Empfangsstörungen. Ein entscheidender Punkt im Auswahlprozess für eine der LDACS Systeme ist die Gewährleistung für das Nebeneinander von LDACS und des legacy Systems. Einerseits muss bewiesen werden, dass LDACS nur einen geringen Einfluss auf das legacy System hat. Andererseits muss eine verlässliche Funktion trotz Empfangsstörung (Beeinträchtigung) gewährleistet werden. In dieser Masterarbeit ist die Leistung von LDACS2 analysiert. Die Aufgabe umfasst einige theoretische Überlegungen für Ermittlungen von Kapazität, spektrale Leistungsfähigkeit, Skalierbarkeit und die mögliche Zahl gleichzeitiger Nutzer. Das Ergebnis zeigt die Beschränkung der angebotenen bit rates pro Nutzer gemäß der limitierten Bandbreite. Jedoch für gering bis mittelmäßigen Inanspruchnahme von Anwendern, die angebotenen bit rates sind innerhalb einer akzeptablen Reichweite. Der Hauptteil dieser Arbeit befasst sich mit der Anwendung des LDACS2 Systems gemäß der Simulations-Software. Das umfasst die gesamte physikalische Schichtung und die grundlegenden Teile der höheren Schichtung. Besonderer Schwerpunkt ist auf die Anwendung und Beurteilung von wirksamen Kanal Entzerrung Algorithms, Analyse und Auswertung. Neben AWGN Kanälen wurden auch praxisbezogenen Luftfahrtfrequenzen angewandt. Es stellte sich heraus, dass das Kanalkodierung in dieser Ausführung nicht genügend.Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Masterarbeit, 201

    On receiver design for an unknown, rapidly time-varying, Rayleigh fading channel

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    Visible Light Communication (VLC)

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    Visible light communication (VLC) using light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or laser diodes (LDs) has been envisioned as one of the key enabling technologies for 6G and Internet of Things (IoT) systems, owing to its appealing advantages, including abundant and unregulated spectrum resources, no electromagnetic interference (EMI) radiation and high security. However, despite its many advantages, VLC faces several technical challenges, such as the limited bandwidth and severe nonlinearity of opto-electronic devices, link blockage and user mobility. Therefore, significant efforts are needed from the global VLC community to develop VLC technology further. This Special Issue, “Visible Light Communication (VLC)”, provides an opportunity for global researchers to share their new ideas and cutting-edge techniques to address the above-mentioned challenges. The 16 papers published in this Special Issue represent the fascinating progress of VLC in various contexts, including general indoor and underwater scenarios, and the emerging application of machine learning/artificial intelligence (ML/AI) techniques in VLC

    Application of adaptive equalisation to microwave digital radio

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    Principles of Mobile Communication

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