12 research outputs found

    Face image super-resolution using 2D CCA

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    In this paper a face super-resolution method using two-dimensional canonical correlation analysis (2D CCA) is presented. A detail compensation step is followed to add high-frequency components to the reconstructed high-resolution face. Unlike most of the previous researches on face super-resolution algorithms that first transform the images into vectors, in our approach the relationship between the high-resolution and the low-resolution face image are maintained in their original 2D representation. In addition, rather than approximating the entire face, different parts of a face image are super-resolved separately to better preserve the local structure. The proposed method is compared with various state-of-the-art super-resolution algorithms using multiple evaluation criteria including face recognition performance. Results on publicly available datasets show that the proposed method super-resolves high quality face images which are very close to the ground-truth and performance gain is not dataset dependent. The method is very efficient in both the training and testing phases compared to the other approaches. © 2013 Elsevier B.V

    Light Field Super-Resolution Via Graph-Based Regularization

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    Light field cameras capture the 3D information in a scene with a single exposure. This special feature makes light field cameras very appealing for a variety of applications: from post-capture refocus, to depth estimation and image-based rendering. However, light field cameras suffer by design from strong limitations in their spatial resolution, which should therefore be augmented by computational methods. On the one hand, off-the-shelf single-frame and multi-frame super-resolution algorithms are not ideal for light field data, as they do not consider its particular structure. On the other hand, the few super-resolution algorithms explicitly tailored for light field data exhibit significant limitations, such as the need to estimate an explicit disparity map at each view. In this work we propose a new light field super-resolution algorithm meant to address these limitations. We adopt a multi-frame alike super-resolution approach, where the complementary information in the different light field views is used to augment the spatial resolution of the whole light field. We show that coupling the multi-frame approach with a graph regularizer, that enforces the light field structure via nonlocal self similarities, permits to avoid the costly and challenging disparity estimation step for all the views. Extensive experiments show that the new algorithm compares favorably to the other state-of-the-art methods for light field super-resolution, both in terms of PSNR and visual quality.Comment: This new version includes more material. In particular, we added: a new section on the computational complexity of the proposed algorithm, experimental comparisons with a CNN-based super-resolution algorithm, and new experiments on a third datase

    Antipodally invariant metrics for fast regression-based super-resolution

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    Dictionary-based super-resolution (SR) algorithms usually select dictionary atoms based on the distance or similarity metrics. Although the optimal selection of the nearest neighbors is of central importance for such methods, the impact of using proper metrics for SR has been overlooked in literature, mainly due to the vast usage of Euclidean distance. In this paper, we present a very fast regression-based algorithm, which builds on the densely populated anchored neighborhoods and sublinear search structures. We perform a study of the nature of the features commonly used for SR, observing that those features usually lie in the unitary hypersphere, where every point has a diametrically opposite one, i.e., its antipode, with same module and angle, but the opposite direction. Even though, we validate the benefits of using antipodally invariant metrics, most of the binary splits use Euclidean distance, which does not handle antipodes optimally. In order to benefit from both the worlds, we propose a simple yet effective antipodally invariant transform that can be easily included in the Euclidean distance calculation. We modify the original spherical hashing algorithm with this metric in our antipodally invariant spherical hashing scheme, obtaining the same performance as a pure antipodally invariant metric. We round up our contributions with a novel feature transform that obtains a better coarse approximation of the input image thanks to iterative backprojection. The performance of our method, which we named antipodally invariant SR, improves quality (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) and it is faster than any other state-of-the-art method.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Reconstruction of 7T-Like Images From 3T MRI

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    In the recent MRI scanning, ultra-high-field (7T) MR imaging provides higher resolution and better tissue contrast compared to routine 3T MRI, which may help in more accurate and early brain diseases diagnosis. However, currently, 7T MRI scanners are more expensive and less available at clinical and research centers. These motivate us to propose a method for the reconstruction of images close to the quality of 7T MRI, called 7T-like images, from 3T MRI, to improve the quality in terms of resolution and contrast. By doing so, the post-processing tasks, such as tissue segmentation, can be done more accurately and brain tissues details can be seen with higher resolution and contrast. To do this, we have acquired a unique dataset which includes paired 3T and 7T images scanned from same subjects, and then propose a hierarchical reconstruction based on group sparsity in a novel multi-level Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) space, to improve the quality of 3T MR image to be 7T-like MRI. First, overlapping patches are extracted from the input 3T MR image. Then, by extracting the most similar patches from all the aligned 3T and 7T images in the training set, the paired 3T and 7T dictionaries are constructed for each patch. It is worth noting that, for the training, we use pairs of 3T and 7T MR images from each training subject. Then, we propose multi-level CCA to map the paired 3T and 7T patch sets to a common space to increase their correlations. In such space, each input 3T MRI patch is sparsely represented by the 3T dictionary and then the obtained sparse coefficients are used together with the corresponding 7T dictionary to reconstruct the 7T-like patch. Also, to have the structural consistency between adjacent patches, the group sparsity is employed. This reconstruction is performed with changing patch sizes in a hierarchical framework. Experiments have been done using 13 subjects with both 3T and 7T MR images. The results show that our method outperforms previous methods and is able to recover better structural details. Also, to place our proposed method in a medical application context, we evaluated the influence of post-processing methods such as brain tissue segmentation on the reconstructed 7T-like MR images. Results show that our 7T-like images lead to higher accuracy in segmentation of white matter (WM), gray matter (GM), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and skull, compared to segmentation of 3T MR images

    Analog Image Modeling for 3D Single Image Super Resolution and Pansharpening

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    Image super-resolution is an image reconstruction technique which attempts to reconstruct a high resolution image from one or more under-sampled low-resolution images of the same scene. High resolution images aid in analysis and inference in a multitude of digital imaging applications. However, due to limited accessibility to high-resolution imaging systems, a need arises for alternative measures to obtain the desired results. We propose a three-dimensional single image model to improve image resolution by estimating the analog image intensity function. In recent literature, it has been shown that image patches can be represented by a linear combination of appropriately chosen basis functions. We assume that the underlying analog image consists of smooth and edge components that can be approximated using a reproducible kernel Hilbert space function and the Heaviside function, respectively. We also extend the proposed method to pansharpening, a technology to fuse a high resolution panchromatic image with a low resolution multi-spectral image for a high resolution multi-spectral image. Various numerical results of the proposed formulation indicate competitive performance when compared to some state-of-the-art algorithms

    Depth-Map-Assisted Texture and Depth Map Super-Resolution

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    With the development of video technology, high definition video and 3D video applications are becoming increasingly accessible to customers. The interactive and vivid 3D video experience of realistic scenes relies greatly on the amount and quality of the texture and depth map data. However, due to the limitations of video capturing hardware and transmission bandwidth, transmitted video has to be compressed which degrades, in general, the received video quality. This means that it is hard to meet the users’ requirements of high definition and visual experience; it also limits development of future applications. Therefore, image/video super-resolution techniques have been proposed to address this issue. Image super-resolution aims to reconstruct a high resolution image from single or multiple low resolution images captured of the same scene under different conditions. Based on the image type that needs to be super-resolved, image super-resolution includes texture and depth image super-resolutions. If classified based on the implementation methods, there are three main categories: interpolation-based, reconstruction-based and learning-based super-resolution algorithms. This thesis focuses on exploiting depth data in interpolation-based super-resolution algorithms for texture video and depth maps. Two novel texture and one depth super-resolution algorithms are proposed as the main contributions of this thesis. The first texture super-resolution algorithm is carried out in the Mixed Resolution (MR) multiview video system where at least one of the views is captured at Low Resolution (LR), while the others are captured at Full Resolution (FR). In order to reduce visual uncomfortableness and adapt MR video format for free-viewpoint television, the low resolution views are super-resolved to the target full resolution by the proposed virtual view assisted super resolution algorithm. The inter-view similarity is used to determine whether to fill the missing pixels in the super-resolved frame by virtual view pixels or by spatial interpolated pixels. The decision mechanism is steered by the texture characteristics of the neighbors of each missing pixel. Thus, the proposed method can recover the details in regions with edges while maintaining good quality at smooth areas by properly exploiting the high quality virtual view pixels and the directional correlation of pixels. The second texture super-resolution algorithm is based on the Multiview Video plus Depth (MVD) system, which consists of textures and the associated per-pixel depth data. In order to further reduce the transmitted data and the quality degradation of received video, a systematical framework to downsample the original MVD data and later on to super-resolved the LR views is proposed. At the encoder side, the rows of the two adjacent views are downsampled following an interlacing and complementary fashion, whereas, at the decoder side, the discarded pixels are recovered by fusing the virtual view pixels with the directional interpolated pixels from the complementary downsampled views. Consequently, with the assistance of virtual views, the proposed approach can effectively achieve these two goals. From previous two works, we can observe that depth data has big potential to be used in 3D video enhancement. However, due to the low spatial resolution of Time-of-Flight (ToF) depth camera generated depth images, their applications have been limited. Hence, in the last contribution of this thesis, a planar-surface-based depth map super-resolution approach is presented, which interpolates depth images by exploiting the equation of each detected planar surface. Both quantitative and qualitative experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed approach over benchmark methods

    Joint learning for single-image super-resolution via a coupled constraint

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    The neighbor-embedding (NE) algorithm for single-image super-resolution (SR) reconstruction assumes that the feature spaces of low-resolution (LR) and high-resolution (HR) patches are locally isometric. However, this is not true for SR because of one-to-many mappings between LR and HR patches. To overcome or at least to reduce the problem for NE-based SR reconstruction, we apply a joint learning technique to train two projection matrices simultaneously and to map the original LR and HR feature spaces onto a unified feature subspace. Subsequently, the k -nearest neighbor selection of the input LR image patches is conducted in the unified feature subspace to estimate the reconstruction weights. To handle a large number of samples, joint learning locally exploits a coupled constraint by linking the LR-HR counterparts together with the K-nearest grouping patch pairs. In order to refine further the initial SR estimate, we impose a global reconstruction constraint on the SR outcome based on the maximum a posteriori framework. Preliminary experiments suggest that the proposed algorithm outperforms NE-related baselines

    Super-resolution:A comprehensive survey

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