27 research outputs found

    Enhanced ultrasound image reconstruction using a compressive blind deconvolution approach

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    Compressive deconvolution, combining compressive sampling and image deconvolution, represents an interesting possibility to reconstruct enhanced ultrasound images from compressed measurements. The model of compressive deconvolution includes, in addition to the measurement matrix, a 2D convolution operator carrying the information on the system point spread function which is usually unkown in practice. In this paper, we propose a novel alternating minimization-based optimization scheme to invert the resulting linear model, to jointly reconstruct enhanced ultrasound images and estimate the point spread function. The performance of the method is evaluated on both Shepp-Logan phantom and simulated ultrasound data

    Semi-blind ultrasound image deconvolution from compressed measurements

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    The recently proposed framework of ultrasound compressive deconvolution offers the possibility of decreasing the acquired data while improving the image spatial resolution. By combining compressive sampling and image deconvolution, the direct model of compressive deconvolution combines random projections and 2D convolution with a spatially invariant point spread function. Considering the point spread function known, existing algorithms have shown the ability of this framework to reconstruct enhanced ultrasound images from compressed measurements by inverting the forward linear model. In this paper, we propose an extension of the previous approach for compressive blind deconvolution, whose aim is to jointly estimate the ultrasound image and the system point spread function. The performance of the method is evaluated on both simulated and in vivo ultrasound data

    Beamforming through regularized inverse problems in ultrasound medical imaging

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    Beamforming (BF) in ultrasound (US) imaging has significant impact on the quality of the final image, controlling its resolution and contrast. Despite its low spatial resolution and contrast, delay-and-sum (DAS) is still extensively used nowadays in clinical applications, due to its real-time capabilities. The most common alternatives are minimum variance (MV) method and its variants, which overcome the drawbacks of DAS, at the cost of higher computational complexity that limits its utilization in real-time applications. In this paper, we propose to perform BF in US imaging through a regularized inverse problem based on a linear model relating the reflected echoes to the signal to be recovered. Our approach presents two major advantages: 1) its flexibility in the choice of statistical assumptions on the signal to be beamformed (Laplacian and Gaussian statistics are tested herein) and 2) its robustness to a reduced number of pulse emissions. The proposed framework is flexible and allows for choosing the right tradeoff between noise suppression and sharpness of the resulted image. We illustrate the performance of our approach on both simulated and experimental data, with in vivo examples of carotid and thyroid. Compared with DAS, MV, and two other recently published BF techniques, our method offers better spatial resolution, respectively contrast, when using Laplacian and Gaussian priors

    Reconstruction of enhanced ultrasound images from compressed measurements

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    L'intérêt de l'échantillonnage compressé dans l'imagerie ultrasonore a été récemment évalué largement par plusieurs équipes de recherche. Suite aux différentes configurations d'application, il a été démontré que les données RF peuvent être reconstituées à partir d'un faible nombre de mesures et / ou en utilisant un nombre réduit d'émission d'impulsions ultrasonores. Selon le modèle de l'échantillonnage compressé, la résolution des images ultrasonores reconstruites à partir des mesures compressées dépend principalement de trois aspects: la configuration d'acquisition, c.à.d. l'incohérence de la matrice d'échantillonnage, la régularisation de l'image, c.à.d. l'a priori de parcimonie et la technique d'optimisation. Nous nous sommes concentrés principalement sur les deux derniers aspects dans cette thèse. Néanmoins, la résolution spatiale d'image RF, le contraste et le rapport signal sur bruit dépendent de la bande passante limitée du transducteur d'imagerie et du phénomène physique lié à la propagation des ondes ultrasonores. Pour surmonter ces limitations, plusieurs techniques de traitement d'image en fonction de déconvolution ont été proposées pour améliorer les images ultrasonores. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons d'abord un nouveau cadre de travail pour l'imagerie ultrasonore, nommé déconvolution compressée, pour combiner l'échantillonnage compressé et la déconvolution. Exploitant une formulation unifiée du modèle d'acquisition directe, combinant des projections aléatoires et une convolution 2D avec une réponse impulsionnelle spatialement invariante, l'avantage de ce cadre de travail est la réduction du volume de données et l'amélioration de la qualité de l'image. Une méthode d'optimisation basée sur l'algorithme des directions alternées est ensuite proposée pour inverser le modèle linéaire, en incluant deux termes de régularisation exprimant la parcimonie des images RF dans une base donnée et l'hypothèse statistique gaussienne généralisée sur les fonctions de réflectivité des tissus. Nous améliorons les résultats ensuite par la méthode basée sur l'algorithme des directions simultanées. Les deux algorithmes sont évalués sur des données simulées et des données in vivo. Avec les techniques de régularisation, une nouvelle approche basée sur la minimisation alternée est finalement développée pour estimer conjointement les fonctions de réflectivité des tissus et la réponse impulsionnelle. Une investigation préliminaire est effectuée sur des données simulées.The interest of compressive sampling in ultrasound imaging has been recently extensively evaluated by several research teams. Following the different application setups, it has been shown that the RF data may be reconstructed from a small number of measurements and/or using a reduced number of ultrasound pulse emissions. According to the model of compressive sampling, the resolution of reconstructed ultrasound images from compressed measurements mainly depends on three aspects: the acquisition setup, i.e. the incoherence of the sampling matrix, the image regularization, i.e. the sparsity prior, and the optimization technique. We mainly focused on the last two aspects in this thesis. Nevertheless, RF image spatial resolution, contrast and signal to noise ratio are affected by the limited bandwidth of the imaging transducer and the physical phenomenon related to Ultrasound wave propagation. To overcome these limitations, several deconvolution-based image processing techniques have been proposed to enhance the ultrasound images. In this thesis, we first propose a novel framework for Ultrasound imaging, named compressive deconvolution, to combine the compressive sampling and deconvolution. Exploiting an unified formulation of the direct acquisition model, combining random projections and 2D convolution with a spatially invariant point spread function, the benefit of this framework is the joint data volume reduction and image quality improvement. An optimization method based on the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers is then proposed to invert the linear model, including two regularization terms expressing the sparsity of the RF images in a given basis and the generalized Gaussian statistical assumption on tissue reflectivity functions. It is improved afterwards by the method based on the Simultaneous Direction Method of Multipliers. Both algorithms are evaluated on simulated and in vivo data. With regularization techniques, a novel approach based on Alternating Minimization is finally developed to jointly estimate the tissue reflectivity function and the point spread function. A preliminary investigation is made on simulated data

    Fundamental and Harmonic Ultrasound Image Joint Restoration

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    L'imagerie ultrasonore conserve sa place parmi les principales modalités d'imagerie en raison de ses capacités à révéler l'anatomie et à inspecter le mouvement des organes et le flux sanguin en temps réel, d'un manière non invasive et non ionisante, avec un faible coût, une facilité d'utilisation et une grande vitesse de reconstruction des images. Néanmoins, l'imagerie ultrasonore présente des limites intrinsèques en termes de résolution spatiale. L'amélioration de la résolution spatiale des images ultrasonores est un défi actuel et de nombreux travaux ont longtemps porté sur l'optimisation du dispositif d'acquisition. L'imagerie ultrasonore à haute résolution atteint cet objectif grâce à l'utilisation de sondes spécialisées, mais se confronte aujourd'hui à des limites physiques et technologiques. L'imagerie harmonique est la solution intuitive des spécialistes pour augmenter la résolution lors de l'acquisition. Cependant, elle souffre d'une atténuation en profondeur. Une solution alternative pour améliorer la résolution est de développer des techniques de post-traitement comme la restauration d'images ultrasonores. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier la non-linéarité des échos ultrasonores dans le processus de restauration et de présenter l'intérêt d'incorporer des images US harmoniques dans ce processus. Par conséquent, nous présentons une nouvelle méthode de restauration d'images US qui utilise les composantes fondamentales et harmoniques de l'image observée. La plupart des méthodes existantes sont basées sur un modèle linéaire de formation d'image. Sous l'approximation de Born du premier ordre, l'image RF est supposée être une convolution 2D entre la fonction de réflectivité et la réponse impulsionelle du système. Par conséquent, un problème inverse résultant est formé et résolu en utilisant un algorithme de type ADMM. Plus précisément, nous proposons de récupérer la fonction de reflectivité inconnue en minimisant une fonction composée de deux termes de fidélité des données correspondant aux composantes linéaires (fondamentale) et non linéaires (première harmonique) de l'image observée, et d'un terme de régularisation basé sur la parcimonie afin de stabiliser la solution. Pour tenir compte de l'atténuation en profondeur des images harmoniques, un terme d'atténuation dans le modèle direct de l'image harmonique est proposé sur la base d'une analyse spectrale effectuée sur les signaux RF observés. La méthode proposée a d'abord été appliquée en deux étapes, en estimant d'abord la réponse impulsionelle, suivi par la fonction de réflectivité. Dans un deuxième temps, une solution pour estimer simultanément le réponse impulsionelle et la fonction de réflectivité est proposée, et une autre solution pour prendre en compte la variabilité spatiale du la réponse impulsionelle est présentée. L'intérêt de la méthode proposée est démontré par des résultats synthétiques et in vivo et comparé aux méthodes de restauration conventionnelles

    Restauration d'images en IRM anatomique pour l'étude préclinique des marqueurs du vieillissement cérébral

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    Les maladies neurovasculaires et neurodégénératives liées à l'âge sont en forte augmentation. Alors que ces changements pathologiques montrent des effets sur le cerveau avant l'apparition de symptômes cliniques, une meilleure compréhension du processus de vieillissement normal du cerveau aidera à distinguer l'impact des pathologies connues sur la structure régionale du cerveau. En outre, la connaissance des schémas de rétrécissement du cerveau dans le vieillissement normal pourrait conduire à une meilleure compréhension de ses causes et peut-être à des interventions réduisant la perte de fonctions cérébrales associée à l'atrophie cérébrale. Par conséquent, ce projet de thèse vise à détecter les biomarqueurs du vieillissement normal et pathologique du cerveau dans un modèle de primate non humain, le singe marmouset (Callithrix Jacchus), qui possède des caractéristiques anatomiques plus proches de celles des humains que de celles des rongeurs. Cependant, les changements structurels (par exemple, de volumes, d'épaisseur corticale) qui peuvent se produire au cours de leur vie adulte peuvent être minimes à l'échelle de l'observation. Dans ce contexte, il est essentiel de disposer de techniques d'observation offrant un contraste et une résolution spatiale suffisamment élevés et permettant des évaluations détaillées des changements morphométriques du cerveau associé au vieillissement. Cependant, l'imagerie de petits cerveaux dans une plateforme IRM 3T dédiée à l'homme est une tâche difficile car la résolution spatiale et le contraste obtenus sont insuffisants par rapport à la taille des structures anatomiques observées et à l'échelle des modifications attendues. Cette thèse vise à développer des méthodes de restauration d'image pour les images IRM précliniques qui amélioreront la robustesse des algorithmes de segmentation. L'amélioration de la résolution spatiale des images à un rapport signal/bruit constant limitera les effets de volume partiel dans les voxels situés à la frontière entre deux structures et permettra une meilleure segmentation tout en augmentant la reproductibilité des résultats. Cette étape d'imagerie computationnelle est cruciale pour une analyse morphométrique longitudinale fiable basée sur les voxels et l'identification de marqueurs anatomiques du vieillissement cérébral en suivant les changements de volume dans la matière grise, la matière blanche et le liquide cérébral.Age-related neurovascular and neurodegenerative diseases are increasing significantly. While such pathological changes show effects on the brain before clinical symptoms appear, a better understanding of the normal aging brain process will help distinguish known pathologies' impact on regional brain structure. Furthermore, knowledge of the patterns of brain shrinkage in normal aging could lead to a better understanding of its causes and perhaps to interventions reducing the loss of brain functions. Therefore, this thesis project aims to detect normal and pathological brain aging biomarkers in a non-human primate model, the marmoset monkey (Callithrix Jacchus) which possesses anatomical characteristics more similar to humans than rodents. However, structural changes (e.g., volumes, cortical thickness) that may occur during their adult life may be minimal with respect to the scale of observation. In this context, it is essential to have observation techniques that offer sufficiently high contrast and spatial resolution and allow detailed assessments of the morphometric brain changes associated with aging. However, imaging small brains in a 3T MRI platform dedicated to humans is a challenging task because the spatial resolution and the contrast obtained are insufficient compared to the size of the anatomical structures observed and the scale of the xpected changes with age. This thesis aims to develop image restoration methods for preclinical MR images that will improve the robustness of the segmentation algorithms. Improving the resolution of the images at a constant signal-to-noise ratio will limit the effects of partial volume in voxels located at the border between two structures and allow a better segmentation while increasing the results' reproducibility. This computational imaging step is crucial for a reliable longitudinal voxel-based morphometric analysis and for the identification of anatomical markers of brain aging by following the volume changes in gray matter, white matter and cerebrospinal fluid

    Statistical methods for analysis and processing of medical ultrasound: applications to segmentation and restoration

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    In this thesis two major topics inherent with medical ultrasound images are addressed: deconvolution and segmentation. In the first case a deconvolution algorithm is described allowing statistically consistent maximum a posteriori estimates of the tissue reflectivity to be restored. These estimates are proven to provide a reliable source of information for achieving an accurate characterization of biological tissues through the ultrasound echo. The second topic involves the definition of a semi automatic algorithm for myocardium segmentation in 2D echocardiographic images. The results show that the proposed method can reduce inter- and intra observer variability in myocardial contours delineation and is feasible and accurate even on clinical data

    Algorithmic Analysis Techniques for Molecular Imaging

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    This study addresses image processing techniques for two medical imaging modalities: Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), which can be used in studies of human body functions and anatomy in a non-invasive manner. In PET, the so-called Partial Volume Effect (PVE) is caused by low spatial resolution of the modality. The efficiency of a set of PVE-correction methods is evaluated in the present study. These methods use information about tissue borders which have been acquired with the MRI technique. As another technique, a novel method is proposed for MRI brain image segmen- tation. A standard way of brain MRI is to use spatial prior information in image segmentation. While this works for adults and healthy neonates, the large variations in premature infants preclude its direct application. The proposed technique can be applied to both healthy and non-healthy premature infant brain MR images. Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) is a MRI-based technique that can be used to create images for measuring physiological properties of cells on the structural level. We optimise the scanning parameters of DWI so that the required acquisition time can be reduced while still maintaining good image quality. In the present work, PVE correction methods, and physiological DWI models are evaluated in terms of repeatabilityof the results. This gives in- formation on the reliability of the measures given by the methods. The evaluations are done using physical phantom objects, correlation measure- ments against expert segmentations, computer simulations with realistic noise modelling, and with repeated measurements conducted on real pa- tients. In PET, the applicability and selection of a suitable partial volume correction method was found to depend on the target application. For MRI, the data-driven segmentation offers an alternative when using spatial prior is not feasible. For DWI, the distribution of b-values turns out to be a central factor affecting the time-quality ratio of the DWI acquisition. An optimal b-value distribution was determined. This helps to shorten the imaging time without hampering the diagnostic accuracy.Siirretty Doriast

    Digital Image Processing

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    Newspapers and the popular scientific press today publish many examples of highly impressive images. These images range, for example, from those showing regions of star birth in the distant Universe to the extent of the stratospheric ozone depletion over Antarctica in springtime, and to those regions of the human brain affected by Alzheimer’s disease. Processed digitally to generate spectacular images, often in false colour, they all make an immediate and deep impact on the viewer’s imagination and understanding. Professor Jonathan Blackledge’s erudite but very useful new treatise Digital Image Processing: Mathematical and Computational Methods explains both the underlying theory and the techniques used to produce such images in considerable detail. It also provides many valuable example problems - and their solutions - so that the reader can test his/her grasp of the physical, mathematical and numerical aspects of the particular topics and methods discussed. As such, this magnum opus complements the author’s earlier work Digital Signal Processing. Both books are a wonderful resource for students who wish to make their careers in this fascinating and rapidly developing field which has an ever increasing number of areas of application. The strengths of this large book lie in: • excellent explanatory introduction to the subject; • thorough treatment of the theoretical foundations, dealing with both electromagnetic and acoustic wave scattering and allied techniques; • comprehensive discussion of all the basic principles, the mathematical transforms (e.g. the Fourier and Radon transforms), their interrelationships and, in particular, Born scattering theory and its application to imaging systems modelling; discussion in detail - including the assumptions and limitations - of optical imaging, seismic imaging, medical imaging (using ultrasound), X-ray computer aided tomography, tomography when the wavelength of the probing radiation is of the same order as the dimensions of the scatterer, Synthetic Aperture Radar (airborne or spaceborne), digital watermarking and holography; detail devoted to the methods of implementation of the analytical schemes in various case studies and also as numerical packages (especially in C/C++); • coverage of deconvolution, de-blurring (or sharpening) an image, maximum entropy techniques, Bayesian estimators, techniques for enhancing the dynamic range of an image, methods of filtering images and techniques for noise reduction; • discussion of thresholding, techniques for detecting edges in an image and for contrast stretching, stochastic scattering (random walk models) and models for characterizing an image statistically; • investigation of fractal images, fractal dimension segmentation, image texture, the coding and storing of large quantities of data, and image compression such as JPEG; • valuable summary of the important results obtained in each Chapter given at its end; • suggestions for further reading at the end of each Chapter. I warmly commend this text to all readers, and trust that they will find it to be invaluable. Professor Michael J Rycroft Visiting Professor at the International Space University, Strasbourg, France, and at Cranfield University, England

    Real-time Ultrasound Signals Processing: Denoising and Super-resolution

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    Ultrasound acquisition is widespread in the biomedical field, due to its properties of low cost, portability, and non-invasiveness for the patient. The processing and analysis of US signals, such as images, 2D videos, and volumetric images, allows the physician to monitor the evolution of the patient's disease, and support diagnosis, and treatments (e.g., surgery). US images are affected by speckle noise, generated by the overlap of US waves. Furthermore, low-resolution images are acquired when a high acquisition frequency is applied to accurately characterise the behaviour of anatomical features that quickly change over time. Denoising and super-resolution of US signals are relevant to improve the visual evaluation of the physician and the performance and accuracy of processing methods, such as segmentation and classification. The main requirements for the processing and analysis of US signals are real-time execution, preservation of anatomical features, and reduction of artefacts. In this context, we present a novel framework for the real-time denoising of US 2D images based on deep learning and high-performance computing, which reduces noise while preserving anatomical features in real-time execution. We extend our framework to the denoise of arbitrary US signals, such as 2D videos and 3D images, and we apply denoising algorithms that account for spatio-temporal signal properties into an image-to-image deep learning model. As a building block of this framework, we propose a novel denoising method belonging to the class of low-rank approximations, which learns and predicts the optimal thresholds of the Singular Value Decomposition. While previous denoise work compromises the computational cost and effectiveness of the method, the proposed framework achieves the results of the best denoising algorithms in terms of noise removal, anatomical feature preservation, and geometric and texture properties conservation, in a real-time execution that respects industrial constraints. The framework reduces the artefacts (e.g., blurring) and preserves the spatio-temporal consistency among frames/slices; also, it is general to the denoising algorithm, anatomical district, and noise intensity. Then, we introduce a novel framework for the real-time reconstruction of the non-acquired scan lines through an interpolating method; a deep learning model improves the results of the interpolation to match the target image (i.e., the high-resolution image). We improve the accuracy of the prediction of the reconstructed lines through the design of the network architecture and the loss function. %The design of the deep learning architecture and the loss function allow the network to improve the accuracy of the prediction of the reconstructed lines. In the context of signal approximation, we introduce our kernel-based sampling method for the reconstruction of 2D and 3D signals defined on regular and irregular grids, with an application to US 2D and 3D images. Our method improves previous work in terms of sampling quality, approximation accuracy, and geometry reconstruction with a slightly higher computational cost. For both denoising and super-resolution, we evaluate the compliance with the real-time requirement of US applications in the medical domain and provide a quantitative evaluation of denoising and super-resolution methods on US and synthetic images. Finally, we discuss the role of denoising and super-resolution as pre-processing steps for segmentation and predictive analysis of breast pathologies